[open-ils-commits] r761 - conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/web/opac/skin/default/js (dbs)

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Mon Jan 18 22:33:22 EST 2010

Author: dbs
Date: 2010-01-18 22:33:20 -0500 (Mon, 18 Jan 2010)
New Revision: 761

Add the due-date-showing version of copy_details.js from rel_1_6

Note - you need to set showDueDate and showDueTime to non-false values to
make any difference, and even then the use still needs to click "Copy Details"
to see it.

Added: conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/web/opac/skin/default/js/copy_details.js
--- conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/web/opac/skin/default/js/copy_details.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/web/opac/skin/default/js/copy_details.js	2010-01-19 03:33:20 UTC (rev 761)
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+var cpdTemplate;
+var cpdCounter = 0;
+var cpdNodes = {};
+/* showDueDate will show the due date in the OPAC */
+var showDueDate = false;
+/* showDueTime will show the due time (hours and minutes) in the OPAC;
+   if showDueDate is false, then showDueTime has no effect
+var showDueTime = false;
+function cpdBuild( contextTbody, contextRow, record, callnumber, orgid, depth, copy_location ) {
+	var i = cpdCheckExisting(contextRow);
+	if(i) return i;
+	var counter = cpdCounter++;
+	/* yank out all of the template rows */
+	if(!cpdTemplate) cpdTemplate = $('rdetail_volume_details_row');
+	var templateRow = cpdTemplate.cloneNode(true);
+	templateRow.id = 'cpd_row_' + counter;
+	/* shove a dummy a tag in before the context previous sibling */
+	/*
+	contextTbody.insertBefore( 
+		elem('a',{name:'slot_'+templateRow.id}), contextRow.previousSibling);
+	goTo('#slot_'+templateRow.id);
+	*/
+	if(isXUL()) {
+		/* unhide before we unhide/clone the parent */
+		unHideMe($n(templateRow, 'age_protect_label'));
+		unHideMe($n(templateRow, 'create_date_label'));
+		unHideMe($n(templateRow, 'holdable_label'));
+	}
+	if (isXUL() || showDueDate) {
+		unHideMe($n(templateRow, 'due_date_label'));
+	}
+	unHideMe(templateRow);
+	var print = $n(templateRow,'print');
+	print.onclick = function() { cpdBuildPrintPane(
+		contextRow, record, callnumber, orgid, depth) };
+	var mainTbody = $n(templateRow, 'copies_tbody');
+	var extrasRow = mainTbody.removeChild($n(mainTbody, 'copy_extras_row'));
+	var req = new Request(FETCH_COPIES_FROM_VOLUME, record.doc_id(), callnumber, orgid);
+	req.callback(cpdDrawCopies);
+	req.request.args = { 
+		contextTbody	: contextTbody, /* tbody that holds the contextrow */
+		contextRow		: contextRow, /* the row our new row will be inserted after */
+		record			: record,
+		callnumber		: callnumber, 
+		orgid				: orgid,
+		depth				: depth,
+		templateRow		: templateRow, /* contains everything */
+		copy_location		: copy_location,
+		mainTbody		: mainTbody, /* holds the copy rows */
+		extrasRow		: extrasRow, /* wrapper row for all extras */
+		counter			: counter
+	};
+	if( contextRow.nextSibling ) 
+		contextTbody.insertBefore( templateRow, contextRow.nextSibling );
+	else
+		contextTbody.appendChild( templateRow );
+	req.send();
+	_debug('creating new details row with id ' + templateRow.id);
+	cpdNodes[templateRow.id] = { templateRow : templateRow };
+	return templateRow.id;
+function cpdBuildPrintWindow(record, orgid) {
+	var div = $('rdetail_print_details').cloneNode(true);
+	div.id = "";
+	$n(div, 'lib').appendChild(text(findOrgUnit(orgid).name()));
+	$n(div, 'title').appendChild(text(record.title()));
+	$n(div, 'author').appendChild(text(record.author()));
+	$n(div, 'edition').appendChild(text(record.edition()));
+	$n(div, 'pubdate').appendChild(text(record.pubdate()));
+	$n(div, 'publisher').appendChild(text(record.publisher()));
+	$n(div, 'phys').appendChild(text(record.physical_description()));
+	return div;
+function cpdStylePopupWindow(div) {
+	var tds = div.getElementsByTagName('td');
+	for( var i = 0; i < tds.length ; i++ ) {
+		var td = tds[i];
+		var sty = td.getAttribute('style');
+		if(!sty) sty = "";
+		td.setAttribute('style', sty + 'padding: 2px; border: 1px solid #F0F0E0;');
+		if( td.className && td.className.match(/hide_me/) ) 
+			td.parentNode.removeChild(td);
+	}
+/* builds a friendly print window for this CNs data */
+function cpdBuildPrintPane(contextRow, record, callnumber, orgid, depth) {
+	var div = cpdBuildPrintWindow( record, orgid);
+	$n(div, 'cn').appendChild(text(callnumber));
+	unHideMe($n(div, 'copy_header'));
+	var subtbody = $n(contextRow.nextSibling, 'copies_tbody');
+	var rows = subtbody.getElementsByTagName('tr');
+	for( var r = 0; r < rows.length; r++ ) {
+		var row = rows[r];
+		if(!row) continue;
+		var name = row.getAttribute('name');
+		if( name.match(/extras_row/) ) continue; /* hide the copy notes, stat-cats */
+		var clone = row.cloneNode(true);
+		var links = clone.getElementsByTagName('a');
+		for( var i = 0; i < links.length; i++ ) 
+			links[i].style.display = 'none';
+		$n(div, 'tbody').appendChild(clone);
+	}
+	cpdStylePopupWindow(div);
+	openWindow( div.innerHTML);
+/* hide any open tables and if we've already 
+	fleshed this cn, just unhide it */
+function cpdCheckExisting( contextRow ) {
+	var existingid;
+	var next = contextRow.nextSibling;
+	if( next && next.getAttribute('templateRow') ) {
+		var obj = cpdNodes[next.id];
+		if(obj.templateRow.className.match(/hide_me/)) 
+			unHideMe(obj.templateRow);
+		else hideMe(obj.templateRow);
+		existingid = next.id;
+	}
+	if(existingid) _debug('row exists with id ' + existingid);
+	for( var o in cpdNodes ) {
+		var node = cpdNodes[o];
+		if( existingid && o == existingid ) continue;
+		hideMe(node.templateRow);
+		removeCSSClass(node.templateRow.previousSibling, 'rdetail_context_row');
+	}
+	addCSSClass(contextRow, 'rdetail_context_row');
+	if(existingid) return existingid;
+	return null;
+function cpdFetchCopies(r) {
+	var args = r.args;
+	args.cn	= r.getResultObject();
+	var req = new Request(FETCH_COPIES_FROM_VOLUME, args.cn.id());
+	req.request.args = args;
+	req.callback(cpdDrawCopies);
+	req.send();
+function cpdDrawCopies(r) {
+	var copies		= r.getResultObject();
+	var args			= r.args;
+	var copytbody	= $n(args.templateRow, 'copies_tbody');
+	var copyrow		= copytbody.removeChild($n(copytbody, 'copies_row'));
+	if(isXUL()) {
+		/* unhide before we unhide/clone the parent */
+		unHideMe($n(copyrow, 'age_protect_value'));
+		unHideMe($n(copyrow, 'create_date_value'));
+		unHideMe($n(copyrow, 'copy_holdable_td'));
+	}
+	if(isXUL() || showDueDate) {
+		unHideMe($n(copyrow, 'copy_due_date_td'));
+	}
+	for( var i = 0; i < copies.length; i++ ) {
+		var row = copyrow.cloneNode(true);
+		var copyid = copies[i];
+		var req = new Request(FETCH_FLESHED_COPY, copies[i]);
+		req.callback(cpdDrawCopy);
+		req.request.args = r.args;
+		req.request.row = row;
+		req.send();
+		copytbody.appendChild(row);
+	}
+function cpdDrawCopy(r) {
+	var copy = r.getResultObject();
+	var row  = r.row;
+    if (r.args.copy_location && copy.location().name() != r.args.copy_location) {
+        hideMe(row);
+        return;
+    }
+	$n(row, 'barcode').appendChild(text(copy.barcode()));
+	$n(row, 'location').appendChild(text(copy.location().name()));
+	$n(row, 'status').appendChild(text(copy.status().name()));
+	if(isXUL()) {
+		/* show the hold link */
+		var l = $n(row, 'copy_hold_link');
+		unHideMe(l);
+		l.onclick = function() {
+			holdsDrawEditor( 
+				{ 
+					type			: 'C',
+					copyObject	: copy,
+					onComplete	: function(){}
+				}
+			);
+		}
+		if( copy.age_protect() ) 
+			appendClear($n(row, 'age_protect_value'), text(copy.age_protect().name()));
+		var cd = copy.create_date();
+		cd = cd.replace(/T.*/, '');
+		$n(row, 'create_date_value').appendChild(text(cd));
+		var yes = $('rdetail.yes').innerHTML;
+		var no = $('rdetail.no').innerHTML;
+		if( isTrue(copy.holdable()) &&
+				isTrue(copy.location().holdable()) &&
+				isTrue(copy.status().holdable()) ) {
+			$n(row, 'copy_is_holdable').appendChild(text(yes));	
+		} else {
+			$n(row, 'copy_is_holdable').appendChild(text(no));	
+		}
+	}
+	if (isXUL() || showDueDate) {
+		var circ;
+		if( copy.circulations() ) {
+			circ = copy.circulations()[0];
+			if( circ ) {
+                                var due_time = dojo.date.stamp.fromISOString(circ.due_date());
+                                if( showDueTime ) {
+                                        $n(row, 'copy_due_date').appendChild(text(dojo.date.locale.format(due_time, {"formatLength": "medium"})));
+                                } else {
+                                        $n(row, 'copy_due_date').appendChild(text(dojo.date.locale.format(due_time, {"selector": "date", "formatLength": "medium"})));
+                                }
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	r.args.copy = copy;
+	r.args.copyrow = row;
+	cpdShowNotes(copy, r.args)
+	cpdShowStats(copy, r.args);
+function _cpdExtrasInit(args) {
+	var newrid	= 'extras_row_' + args.copy.barcode();
+	var newrow	= $(newrid);
+	if(!newrow) newrow = args.extrasRow.cloneNode(true);
+	var tbody	= $n(newrow, 'extras_tbody');
+	var rowt		= $n(tbody, 'extras_row');
+	newrow.id	= newrid;
+	var cr = args.copyrow;
+	var nr = cr.nextSibling;
+	var np = args.mainTbody;
+	/* insert the extras row into the main table */
+	if(nr) np.insertBefore( newrow, nr );
+	else np.appendChild(newrow);
+	var link = $n(args.copyrow, 'details_link');
+	var link2 = $n(args.copyrow, 'less_details_link');
+	var id = newrow.id;
+	link.id = id + '_morelink';
+	link2.id = id + '_lesslink';
+	unHideMe(link);
+	hideMe(link2);
+	link.setAttribute('href', 
+			'javascript:unHideMe($("'+link2.id+'")); hideMe($("'+link.id+'"));unHideMe($("'+newrow.id+'"));');
+	link2.setAttribute('href', 
+			'javascript:unHideMe($("'+link.id+'")); hideMe($("'+link2.id+'"));hideMe($("'+newrow.id+'"));');
+	return [ tbody, rowt ];
+function cpdShowNotes(copy, args) {
+	var notes = copy.notes();
+	if(!notes || notes.length == 0) return;
+	var a = _cpdExtrasInit(args);
+	var tbody = a[0];
+	var rowt = a[1];
+	for( var n in notes ) {
+		var note = notes[n];
+		if(!isTrue(note.pub())) continue;
+		var row = rowt.cloneNode(true);
+		$n(row, 'key').appendChild(text(note.title()));
+		$n(row, 'value').appendChild(text(note.value()));
+		unHideMe($n(row, 'note'));
+		unHideMe(row);
+		tbody.appendChild(row);
+	}
+function cpdShowStats(copy, args) {
+	var entries = copy.stat_cat_entry_copy_maps();
+	if(!entries || entries.length == 0) return;
+	var visibleStatCat = false;
+	/*
+		check all copy stat cats; if we find one that's OPAC visible,
+		set the flag and break the loop. If we've found one, or we're
+		in the staff client, build the table. if not, we return doing
+		nothing, as though the stat_cat_entry_copy_map was empty or null
+	*/
+	for( var n in entries )
+	{
+			var entry = entries[n];
+			if(isTrue(entry.stat_cat().opac_visible()))
+			{
+				visibleStatCat = true;
+				break;
+			}
+	}
+	if(!(isXUL() || visibleStatCat)) return;
+	var a = _cpdExtrasInit(args);
+	var tbody = a[0];
+	var rowt = a[1];
+	for( var n in entries ) {
+		var entry = entries[n];
+		if(!(isXUL() || isTrue(entry.stat_cat().opac_visible()))) continue;
+		var row = rowt.cloneNode(true);
+		$n(row, 'key').appendChild(text(entry.stat_cat().name()));
+		$n(row, 'value').appendChild(text(entry.stat_cat_entry().value()));
+		unHideMe($n(row, 'cat'));
+		unHideMe(row);
+		tbody.appendChild(row);
+	}

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