[open-ils-commits] r820 - conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/tools/config (dbs)
svn at svn.open-ils.org
svn at svn.open-ils.org
Thu Mar 4 21:19:04 EST 2010
Author: dbs
Date: 2010-03-04 21:19:03 -0500 (Thu, 04 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 820
Z39.50 server configuration is all-database, all the time in 1.6. Oh yeah!
Added: conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/tools/config/config_z3950.sql
--- conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/tools/config/config_z3950.sql (rev 0)
+++ conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/tools/config/config_z3950.sql 2010-03-05 02:19:03 UTC (rev 820)
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+-- PostgreSQL database dump
+SET client_encoding = 'SQL_ASCII';
+SET standard_conforming_strings = off;
+SET check_function_bodies = false;
+SET client_min_messages = warning;
+SET escape_string_warning = off;
+SET search_path = config, pg_catalog;
+-- Name: z3950_attr_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: config; Owner: evergreen
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('z3950_attr_id_seq', 287, true);
+-- Data for Name: z3950_attr; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: config; Owner: evergreen
+COPY z3950_attr (id, source, name, label, code, format, truncation) FROM stdin;
+10 oclc tcn Title Control Number 12 1 0
+11 oclc isbn ISBN 7 6 0
+12 oclc lccn LCCN 9 1 0
+13 oclc author Author 1003 6 0
+14 oclc title Title 4 6 0
+15 oclc issn ISSN 8 1 0
+16 oclc publisher Publisher 1018 6 0
+17 oclc pubdate Publication Date 31 1 0
+18 oclc item_type Item Type 1001 1 0
+19 biblios tcn Title Control Number 12 1 0
+20 biblios isbn ISBN 7 6 0
+21 biblios lccn LCCN 9 1 0
+22 biblios author Author 1003 6 0
+24 biblios issn ISSN 8 1 0
+25 biblios publisher Publisher 1018 6 0
+26 biblios pubdate Publication Date 31 1 0
+27 biblios item_type Item Type 1001 1 0
+110 McGill tcn Title Control Number 12 1 0
+111 McGill isbn ISBN 7 6 0
+112 McGill lccn LCCN 9 1 0
+113 McGill author Author 1003 6 0
+114 McGill title Title 4 6 0
+115 McGill issn ISSN 8 1 0
+116 McGill publisher Publisher 1018 6 0
+117 McGill pubdate Publication Date 31 1 0
+118 McGill item_type Item Type 1001 1 0
+119 UChicago tcn Title Control Number 12 1 0
+120 UChicago isbn ISBN 7 6 0
+121 UChicago lccn LCCN 9 1 0
+122 UChicago author Author 1003 6 0
+123 UChicago title Title 4 6 0
+124 UChicago issn ISSN 8 1 0
+125 UChicago publisher Publisher 1018 6 0
+126 UChicago pubdate Publication Date 31 1 0
+127 UChicago item_type Item Type 1001 1 0
+128 UMontréal tcn Title Control Number 12 1 0
+129 UMontréal isbn ISBN 7 6 0
+130 UMontréal lccn LCCN 9 1 0
+131 UMontréal author Author 1003 6 0
+132 UMontréal title Title 4 6 0
+133 UMontréal issn ISSN 8 1 0
+134 UMontréal publisher Publisher 1018 6 0
+135 UMontréal pubdate Publication Date 31 1 0
+136 UMontréal item_type Item Type 1001 1 0
+137 ULaval tcn Title Control Number 12 1 0
+138 ULaval isbn ISBN 7 6 0
+139 ULaval lccn LCCN 9 1 0
+140 ULaval author Author 1003 6 0
+141 ULaval title Title 4 6 0
+142 ULaval issn ISSN 8 1 0
+143 ULaval publisher Publisher 1018 6 0
+144 ULaval pubdate Publication Date 31 1 0
+145 ULaval item_type Item Type 1001 1 0
+146 UofT tcn Title Control Number 12 1 0
+147 UofT isbn ISBN 7 6 0
+148 UofT lccn LCCN 9 1 0
+149 UofT author Author 1003 6 0
+150 UofT title Title 4 6 0
+151 UofT issn ISSN 8 1 0
+152 UofT publisher Publisher 1018 6 0
+153 UofT pubdate Publication Date 31 1 0
+154 UofT item_type Item Type 1001 1 0
+174 Coutts isbn ISBN 7 6 0
+191 BAnQ tcn Title Control Number 12 1 0
+192 BAnQ isbn ISBN 7 6 0
+193 BAnQ lccn LCCN 9 1 0
+194 BAnQ author Author 1003 6 0
+195 BAnQ title Title 4 6 0
+196 BAnQ issn ISSN 8 1 0
+197 BAnQ publisher Publisher 1018 6 0
+198 BAnQ pubdate Publication Date 31 1 0
+199 BAnQ item_type Item Type 1001 1 0
+101 UWO tcn Title Control Number 12 1 0
+102 UWO author Author 1003 1 0
+103 UWO isbn ISBN 7 1 0
+104 UWO title Title 4 1 0
+105 UWO lccn LCCN 9 1 0
+106 UWO issn ISSN 8 1 0
+23 biblios title Title 4 6 1
+1 loc tcn Title Control Number 12 1 1
+2 loc isbn ISBN 7 6 1
+164 AMICUS tcn Title Control Number 12 1 1
+165 AMICUS isbn ISBN 7 6 1
+166 AMICUS lccn LCCN 9 1 1
+167 AMICUS author Author 1003 6 1
+168 AMICUS title Title 4 6 1
+169 AMICUS issn ISSN 8 1 1
+170 AMICUS publisher Publisher 1018 6 1
+171 AMICUS pubdate Publication Date 31 1 1
+172 AMICUS item_type Item Type 1001 1 1
+182 NLM tcn Title Control Number 12 1 1
+183 NLM isbn ISBN 7 6 1
+184 NLM lccn LCCN 9 1 1
+185 NLM author Author 1003 6 1
+186 NLM title Title 4 6 1
+187 NLM issn ISSN 8 1 1
+188 NLM publisher Publisher 1018 6 1
+189 NLM pubdate Publication Date 31 1 1
+190 NLM item_type Item Type 1001 1 1
+3 loc lccn LCCN 9 1 1
+4 loc author Author 1003 6 1
+5 loc title Title 4 6 1
+6 loc issn ISSN 8 1 1
+7 loc publisher Publisher 1018 6 1
+8 loc pubdate Publication Date 31 1 1
+9 loc item_type Item Type 1001 1 1
+200 uottawa tcn Title Control Number 12 1 1
+201 uottawa isbn ISBN 7 1 1
+202 uottawa lccn LCCN 9 1 1
+203 uottawa author Author 1003 1 1
+204 uottawa title Title 4 1 1
+205 uottawa issn ISSN 8 1 1
+208 uottawa item_type Item Type 1001 1 1
+218 ualberta tcn Title Control Number 12 1 1
+219 ualberta isbn ISBN 7 6 1
+220 ualberta lccn LCCN 9 1 1
+221 ualberta author Author 1003 6 1
+222 ualberta title Title 4 6 1
+223 ualberta issn ISSN 8 1 1
+224 ualberta publisher Publisher 1018 6 1
+225 ualberta pubdate Publication Date 31 1 1
+226 ualberta item_type Item Type 1001 1 1
+227 yorku tcn Title Control Number 12 1 1
+228 yorku isbn ISBN 7 6 1
+229 yorku lccn LCCN 9 1 1
+230 yorku author Author 1003 6 1
+231 yorku title Title 4 6 1
+232 yorku issn ISSN 8 1 1
+234 yorku pubdate Publication Date 31 1 1
+236 umanitoba tcn Title Control Number 12 1 1
+237 umanitoba isbn ISBN 7 6 1
+238 umanitoba lccn LCCN 9 1 1
+239 umanitoba author Author 1003 6 1
+240 umanitoba title Title 4 6 1
+241 umanitoba issn ISSN 8 1 1
+242 umanitoba publisher Publisher 1018 6 1
+243 umanitoba pubdate Publication Date 31 1 1
+244 umanitoba item_type Item Type 1001 1 1
+245 umich tcn Title Control Number 12 1 1
+246 umich isbn ISBN 7 6 1
+247 umich lccn LCCN 9 1 1
+248 umich author Author 1003 6 1
+249 umich title Title 4 6 1
+250 umich issn ISSN 8 1 1
+252 umich pubdate Publication Date 31 1 1
+254 TUG tcn Title Control Number 12 1 1
+255 TUG isbn ISBN 7 6 1
+256 TUG lccn LCCN 9 1 1
+257 TUG author Author 1003 6 1
+258 TUG title Title 4 6 1
+259 TUG issn ISSN 8 1 1
+260 TUG publisher Publisher 1018 6 1
+261 TUG pubdate Publication Date 31 1 1
+262 TUG item_type Item Type 1001 1 1
+263 CarletonU tcn Title Control Number 12 1 1
+264 CarletonU isbn ISBN 7 1 1
+265 CarletonU lccn LCCN 9 1 1
+266 CarletonU author Author 1003 1 1
+267 CarletonU title Title 4 1 1
+268 CarletonU issn ISSN 8 1 1
+269 CarletonU item_type Item Type 1001 1 1
+270 UBC tcn Title Control Number 12 1 1
+271 UBC isbn ISBN 7 6 1
+272 UBC lccn LCCN 9 1 1
+273 UBC author Author 1003 6 1
+274 UBC title Title 4 6 1
+275 UBC issn ISSN 8 1 1
+276 UBC publisher Publisher 1018 6 1
+277 UBC pubdate Publication Date 31 1 1
+278 UBC item_type Item Type 1001 1 1
+279 IndianaU tcn Title Control Number 12 1 1
+280 IndianaU isbn ISBN 7 6 1
+281 IndianaU lccn LCCN 9 1 1
+282 IndianaU author Author 1003 6 1
+283 IndianaU title Title 4 6 1
+284 IndianaU issn ISSN 8 1 1
+285 IndianaU publisher Publisher 1018 6 1
+286 IndianaU pubdate Publication Date 31 1 1
+287 IndianaU item_type Item Type 1001 1 1
+-- Data for Name: z3950_source; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: config; Owner: evergreen
+COPY z3950_source (name, label, host, port, db, record_format, transmission_format, auth) FROM stdin;
+loc Library of Congress z3950.loc.gov 7090 Voyager FI usmarc f
+oclc OCLC zcat.oclc.org 210 OLUCWorldCat FI usmarc t
+biblios ‡biblios.net z3950.biblios.net 210 bibliographic FI usmarc f
+UofT University of Toronto sirsi.library.utoronto.ca 2200 UNICORN F usmarc f
+UMontréal Université de Montréal atrium.bib.umontreal.ca 210 ADVANCE FI usmarc f
+McGill McGill University aleph.mcgill.ca 210 MUSE FI usmarc f
+UChicago University of Chicago ipac.lib.uchicago.edu 210 uofc FI usmarc f
+NLM NLM tegument.nlm.nih.gov 7090 VOYAGER FI usmarc f
+BAnQ Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec www.biblinat.gouv.qc.ca 210 IRIS FI usmarc f
+Coutts Coutts z3950.couttsinfo.com 210 USMARC F usmarc t
+ULaval Université Laval ariane2.ulaval.ca 2200 unicorn FI usmarc f
+UWO University of Western Ontario alpha.lib.uwo.ca 210 INNOPAC FI usmarc f
+AMICUS AMICUS amicus.nlc-bnc.ca 210 NL F usmarc t
+uottawa University of Ottawa orbis.uottawa.ca 210 INNOPAC F usmarc f
+ualberta University of Alberta ualapp.library.ualberta.ca 2200 unicorn F usmarc f
+yorku York University theta.library.yorku.ca 2200 unicorn F usmarc f
+umanitoba University of Manitoba lrpapp.cc.umanitoba.ca 2200 unicorn B usmarc f
+umich University of Michigan z3950.lib.umich.edu 210 miu01_pub F usmarc f
+TUG Tri-University Group 7090 voyager FI usmarc f
+CarletonU Carleton University catalogue.library.carleton.ca 210 INNOPAC FI usmarc f
+UBC University of British Columbia portage.library.ubc.ca 7090 voyager FI usmarc f
+IndianaU Indiana State University luis.indstate.edu 7090 voyager FI usmarc f
+-- PostgreSQL database dump complete
Deleted: conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/tools/config/z3950.xml
--- conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/tools/config/z3950.xml 2010-03-04 18:09:00 UTC (rev 819)
+++ conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/tools/config/z3950.xml 2010-03-05 02:19:03 UTC (rev 820)
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
- <!-- No username/password required -->
- <name>AMICUS</name>
- <host>amicus.nlc-bnc.ca</host>
- <port>210</port>
- <db>NL</db>
- <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
- <record_format>F</record_format>
- <!-- Record transmission format from the server. Supported -->
- <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml). -->
- <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format>
- <attrs>
- <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
- <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
- <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
- <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
- <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
- <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
- <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
- <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
- <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
- </attrs>
- <BAnQ>
- <!-- No username/password required -->
- <name>BAnQ</name>
- <host>www.biblinat.gouv.qc.ca</host>
- <port>210</port>
- <db>IRIS</db>
- <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
- <record_format>F</record_format>
- <!-- Record transmission format from the server. Supported -->
- <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml). -->
- <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format>
- <attrs>
- <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
- <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
- <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
- <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
- <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
- <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
- <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
- <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
- <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
- </attrs>
- </BAnQ>
- <Coutts>
- <!-- Username/password is required -->
- <name>Coutts</name>
- <host>z3950.couttsinfo.com</host>
- <port>210</port>
- <db>USMARC</db>
- <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
- <record_format>F</record_format>
- <!-- Record transmission format from the server. Supported -->
- <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml). -->
- <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format>
- <attrs>
- <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
- <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
- <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
- <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
- <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
- <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
- <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
- <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
- <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
- </attrs>
- </Coutts>
- <McGill>
- <!-- No username/password required -->
- <name>McGill</name>
- <host>aleph.mcgill.ca</host>
- <port>210</port>
- <db>MUSE</db>
- <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
- <record_format>F</record_format>
- <!-- Record transmission format from the server. Supported -->
- <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml). -->
- <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format>
- <attrs>
- <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
- <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
- <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
- <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
- <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
- <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
- <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
- <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
- <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
- </attrs>
- </McGill>
- <NLM>
- <!-- No username/password required -->
- <name>NLM</name>
- <host>tegument.nlm.nih.gov</host>
- <port>7090</port>
- <db>VOYAGER</db>
- <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
- <record_format>FI</record_format>
- <!-- Record transmission format from the server. Supported -->
- <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml). -->
- <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format>
- <attrs>
- <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
- <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
- <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
- <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
- <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
- <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
- <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
- <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
- <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
- </attrs>
- </NLM>
- <UChicago>
- <!-- No username/password required -->
- <name>UChicago</name>
- <host>ipac.lib.uchicago.edu</host>
- <port>210</port>
- <db>uofc</db>
- <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
- <record_format>F</record_format>
- <!-- Record transmission format from the server. Supported -->
- <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml). -->
- <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format>
- <attrs>
- <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
- <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
- <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
- <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
- <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
- <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
- <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
- <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
- <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
- </attrs>
- </UChicago>
- <ULaval>
- <!-- UofT does not require username/password -->
- <name>ULaval</name>
- <host>ariane2.ulaval.ca</host>
- <port>2200</port>
- <db>unicorn</db>
- <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
- <record_format>F</record_format>
- <!-- Record transmission format from the server. Supported -->
- <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml). -->
- <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format>
- <attrs>
- <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
- <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
- <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
- <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
- <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
- <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
- <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
- <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
- <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
- </attrs>
- </ULaval>
- <UMontréal>
- <!-- No username/password required -->
- <name>UMontréal</name>
- <host>atrium.bib.umontreal.ca</host>
- <port>210</port>
- <db>ADVANCE</db>
- <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
- <record_format>F</record_format>
- <!-- Record transmission format from the server. Supported -->
- <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml). -->
- <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format>
- <attrs>
- <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
- <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
- <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
- <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
- <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
- <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
- <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
- <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
- <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
- </attrs>
- </UMontréal>
- <UofT>
- <!-- No username/password required -->
- <name>UofT</name>
- <host>sirsi.library.utoronto.ca</host>
- <port>2200</port>
- <db>UNICORN</db>
- <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
- <record_format>F</record_format>
- <!-- Record transmission format from the server. Supported -->
- <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml). -->
- <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format>
- <attrs>
- <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
- <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
- <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
- <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
- <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
- <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
- <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
- <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
- <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
- </attrs>
- </UofT>
- <UWO>
- <!-- No username/password required -->
- <name>UWO</name>
- <host>alpha.lib.uwo.ca</host>
- <port>210</port>
- <db>INNOPAC</db>
- <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
- <record_format>F</record_format>
- <!-- Record transmission format from the server. Supported -->
- <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml). -->
- <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format>
- <attrs>
- <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
- <author><code>1003</code><format>1</format></author>
- <isbn><code>7</code><format>1</format></isbn>
- <title><code>4</code><format>1</format></title>
- <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
- <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
- </attrs>
- </UWO>
- <biblios>
- <!-- biblios does not require username/password -->
- <name>‡biblios.net</name>
- <host>z3950.biblios.net</host>
- <port>210</port>
- <db>bibliographic</db>
- <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
- <record_format>FI</record_format>
- <!-- Record transmission format from the server. Supported -->
- <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml). -->
- <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format>
- <attrs>
- <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
- <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
- <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
- <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
- <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
- <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
- <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
- <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
- <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
- </attrs>
- </biblios>
- <loc>
- <!-- LoC does not require username/password -->
- <name>loc</name>
- <host>z3950.loc.gov</host>
- <port>7090</port>
- <db>Voyager</db>
- <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
- <record_format>FI</record_format>
- <!-- Record transmission format from the server. Supported -->
- <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml). -->
- <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format>
- <attrs>
- <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
- <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
- <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
- <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
- <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
- <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
- <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
- <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
- <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
- </attrs>
- </loc>
- <oclc>
- <!-- Z3950 settings for OCLC. Note that OCLC requires username/password -->
- <host>zcat.oclc.org</host>
- <port>210</port>
- <db>OLUCWorldCat</db>
- <attrs>
- <!--
- These are directly from the Bib-1 Attribute Set
- http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/defns/bib1.html
- <code> is the "use attribute", <format> is the "structure attribute"
- This just puts some friendly names on the data.
- -->
- <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
- <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
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- <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
- <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
- <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
- <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
- <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
- </attrs>
- </oclc>
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