[open-ils-commits] r825 - in conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/src/perlmods/OpenILS: . WWW (dbs)

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Tue Mar 9 17:32:37 EST 2010

Author: dbs
Date: 2010-03-09 17:32:31 -0500 (Tue, 09 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 825

Add version of SuperCat.pm with custom keyword|identifier mappings for ISSN/ISBN/LCCN goodness

Added: conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/src/perlmods/OpenILS/WWW/SuperCat.pm
--- conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/src/perlmods/OpenILS/WWW/SuperCat.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/src/perlmods/OpenILS/WWW/SuperCat.pm	2010-03-09 22:32:31 UTC (rev 825)
@@ -0,0 +1,1857 @@
+package OpenILS::WWW::SuperCat;
+use strict; use warnings;
+use Apache2::Log;
+use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK REDIRECT DECLINED NOT_FOUND :log);
+use APR::Const    -compile => qw(:error SUCCESS);
+use Apache2::RequestRec ();
+use Apache2::RequestIO ();
+use Apache2::RequestUtil;
+use CGI;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use SRU::Request;
+use SRU::Response;
+use OpenSRF::EX qw(:try);
+use OpenSRF::Utils qw/:datetime/;
+use OpenSRF::Utils::Cache;
+use OpenSRF::System;
+use OpenSRF::AppSession;
+use XML::LibXML;
+use XML::LibXSLT;
+use Encode;
+use Unicode::Normalize;
+use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
+use OpenILS::WWW::SuperCat::Feed;
+use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger qw/$logger/;
+use OpenILS::Application::AppUtils;
+use MARC::Record;
+use MARC::File::XML;
+my $log = 'OpenSRF::Utils::Logger';
+my $U = 'OpenILS::Application::AppUtils';
+# set the bootstrap config when this module is loaded
+my ($bootstrap, $supercat, $actor, $parser, $search, $xslt, $cn_browse_xslt, %browse_types);
+$browse_types{call_number}{xml} = sub {
+	my $tree = shift;
+	my $year = (gmtime())[5] + 1900;
+	my $content = '';
+	$content .= "<volumes  xmlns='http://open-ils.org/spec/holdings/v1'>";
+	for my $cn (@$tree) {
+		(my $cn_class = $cn->class_name) =~ s/::/-/gso;
+		$cn_class =~ s/Fieldmapper-//gso;
+		my $cn_tag = "tag:open-ils.org,$year:$cn_class/".$cn->id;
+		my $cn_lib = $cn->owning_lib->shortname;
+		my $cn_label = $cn->label;
+		$cn_label =~ s/\n//gos;
+		$cn_label =~ s/'/&apos;/go;
+		(my $ou_class = $cn->owning_lib->class_name) =~ s/::/-/gso;
+		$ou_class =~ s/Fieldmapper-//gso;
+		my $ou_tag = "tag:open-ils.org,$year:$ou_class/".$cn->owning_lib->id;
+		my $ou_name = $cn->owning_lib->name;
+		$ou_name =~ s/\n//gos;
+		$ou_name =~ s/'/&apos;/go;
+		(my $rec_class = $cn->record->class_name) =~ s/::/-/gso;
+		$rec_class =~ s/Fieldmapper-//gso;
+		my $rec_tag = "tag:open-ils.org,$year:$rec_class/".$cn->record->id.'/'.$cn->owning_lib->shortname;
+		$content .= "<volume id='$cn_tag' lib='$cn_lib' label='$cn_label'>";
+		$content .= "<owning_lib xmlns='http://open-ils.org/spec/actors/v1' id='$ou_tag' name='$ou_name'/>";
+		my $r_doc = $parser->parse_string($cn->record->marc);
+		$r_doc->documentElement->setAttribute( id => $rec_tag );
+		$content .= $U->entityize($r_doc->documentElement->toString);
+		$content .= "</volume>";
+	}
+	$content .= '</volumes>';
+	return ("Content-type: application/xml\n\n",$content);
+$browse_types{call_number}{html} = sub {
+	my $tree = shift;
+	my $p = shift;
+	my $n = shift;
+	if (!$cn_browse_xslt) {
+	        $cn_browse_xslt = $parser->parse_file(
+        	        OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient
+                	        ->new
+                        	->config_value( dirs => 'xsl' ).
+	                "/CNBrowse2HTML.xsl"
+        	);
+		$cn_browse_xslt = $xslt->parse_stylesheet( $cn_browse_xslt );
+	}
+	my (undef,$xml) = $browse_types{call_number}{xml}->($tree);
+	return (
+		"Content-type: text/html\n\n",
+		$U->entityize(
+			$cn_browse_xslt->transform(
+				$parser->parse_string( $xml ),
+				'prev' => "'$p'",
+				'next' => "'$n'"
+			)->toString(1)
+		)
+	);
+sub import {
+	my $self = shift;
+	$bootstrap = shift;
+sub child_init {
+	OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client( config_file => $bootstrap );
+	my $idl = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value("IDL");
+	Fieldmapper->import(IDL => $idl);
+	$supercat = OpenSRF::AppSession->create('open-ils.supercat');
+	$actor = OpenSRF::AppSession->create('open-ils.actor');
+	$search = OpenSRF::AppSession->create('open-ils.search');
+	$parser = new XML::LibXML;
+	$xslt = new XML::LibXSLT;
+        $cn_browse_xslt = $parser->parse_file(
+                OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient
+                        ->new
+                        ->config_value( dirs => 'xsl' ).
+                "/CNBrowse2HTML.xsl"
+        );
+	$cn_browse_xslt = $xslt->parse_stylesheet( $cn_browse_xslt );
+	my $list = $supercat
+		->request("open-ils.supercat.record.formats")
+		->gather(1);
+    $list = [ map { (keys %$_)[0] } @$list ];
+    push @$list, 'htmlholdings','html', 'marctxt';
+    for my $browse_axis ( qw/title author subject topic series item-age/ ) {
+        for my $record_browse_format ( @$list ) {
+            {
+                my $__f = $record_browse_format;
+                my $__a = $browse_axis;
+                $browse_types{$__a}{$__f} = sub {
+                	my $record_list = shift;
+                	my $prev = shift;
+                	my $next = shift;
+                	my $real_format = shift || $__f;
+                	my $unapi = shift;
+                	my $base = shift;
+                	my $site = shift;
+                	my $feed = create_record_feed( 'record', $real_format, $record_list, $unapi, $site, $real_format =~ /-full$/o ? 1 : 0 );
+                	$feed->root( "$base/../" );
+                	$feed->lib( $site );
+                	$feed->link( next => $next => $feed->type );
+                	$feed->link( previous => $prev => $feed->type );
+                	return (
+                        "Content-type: ". $feed->type ."; charset=utf-8\n\n",
+                        $feed->toString
+                    );
+                };
+            }
+        }
+    }
+sub oisbn {
+	my $apache = shift;
+	return Apache2::Const::DECLINED if (-e $apache->filename);
+	(my $isbn = $apache->path_info) =~ s{^.*?([^/]+)$}{$1}o;
+	my $list = $supercat
+		->request("open-ils.supercat.oisbn", $isbn)
+		->gather(1);
+	print "Content-type: application/xml; charset=utf-8\n\n";
+	print "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>\n";
+	unless (exists $$list{metarecord}) {
+		print '<idlist/>';
+		return Apache2::Const::OK;
+	}
+	print "<idlist metarecord='$$list{metarecord}'>\n";
+	for ( keys %{ $$list{record_list} } ) {
+		(my $o = $$list{record_list}{$_}) =~s/^(\S+).*?$/$1/o;
+		print "  <isbn record='$_'>$o</isbn>\n"
+	}
+	print "</idlist>\n";
+	return Apache2::Const::OK;
+sub unapi {
+	my $apache = shift;
+	return Apache2::Const::DECLINED if (-e $apache->filename);
+	my $cgi = new CGI;
+	my $add_path = 0;
+	if ( $cgi->server_software !~ m|^Apache/2.2| ) {
+		my $rel_name = $cgi->url(-relative=>1);
+		$add_path = 1 if ($cgi->url(-path_info=>1) !~ /$rel_name$/);
+	}
+	my $url = $cgi->url(-path_info=>$add_path);
+	my $root = (split 'unapi', $url)[0];
+	my $base = (split 'unapi', $url)[0] . 'unapi';
+	my $uri = $cgi->param('id') || '';
+	my $host = $cgi->virtual_host || $cgi->server_name;
+	my $skin = $cgi->param('skin') || 'default';
+	my $locale = $cgi->param('locale') || 'en-US';
+	my $format = $cgi->param('format');
+	my $flesh_feed = ($format =~ /-full$/o) ? 1 : 0;
+	(my $base_format = $format) =~ s/-full$//o;
+	my ($id,$type,$command,$lib) = ('','','');
+	if (!$format) {
+		my $body = "Content-type: application/xml; charset=utf-8\n\n";
+		if ($uri =~ m{^tag:[^:]+:([^\/]+)/([^/]+)(?:/(.+))$}o) {
+			$id = $2;
+			$lib = uc($3);
+			$type = 'record';
+			$type = 'metarecord' if ($1 =~ /^m/o);
+			my $list = $supercat
+				->request("open-ils.supercat.$type.formats")
+				->gather(1);
+			if ($type eq 'record' or $type eq 'isbn') {
+				$body .= <<"				FORMATS";
+<formats id='$uri'>
+	<format name='opac' type='text/html'/>
+	<format name='html' type='text/html'/>
+	<format name='htmlholdings' type='text/html'/>
+	<format name='html-full' type='text/html'/>
+	<format name='htmlholdings-full' type='text/html'/>
+	<format name='marctxt' type='text/plain'/>
+			} elsif ($type eq 'metarecord') {
+				$body .= <<"				FORMATS";
+				<formats id='$uri'>
+					<format name='opac' type='text/html'/>
+			}
+			for my $h (@$list) {
+				my ($type) = keys %$h;
+				$body .= "\t<format name='$type' type='application/xml'";
+				for my $part ( qw/namespace_uri docs schema_location/ ) {
+					$body .= " $part='$$h{$type}{$part}'"
+						if ($$h{$type}{$part});
+				}
+				$body .= "/>\n";
+				if (OpenILS::WWW::SuperCat::Feed->exists($type)) {
+					$body .= "\t<format name='$type-full' type='application/xml'";
+					for my $part ( qw/namespace_uri docs schema_location/ ) {
+						$body .= " $part='$$h{$type}{$part}'"
+							if ($$h{$type}{$part});
+					}
+					$body .= "/>\n";
+				}
+			}
+			$body .= "</formats>\n";
+		} else {
+			my $list = $supercat
+				->request("open-ils.supercat.record.formats")
+				->gather(1);
+			push @$list,
+				@{ $supercat
+					->request("open-ils.supercat.metarecord.formats")
+					->gather(1);
+				};
+			my %hash = map { ( (keys %$_)[0] => (values %$_)[0] ) } @$list;
+			$list = [ map { { $_ => $hash{$_} } } sort keys %hash ];
+			$body .= <<"			FORMATS";
+	<format name='opac' type='text/html'/>
+	<format name='html' type='text/html'/>
+	<format name='htmlholdings' type='text/html'/>
+	<format name='html-full' type='text/html'/>
+	<format name='htmlholdings-full' type='text/html'/>
+	<format name='marctxt' type='text/plain'/>
+			for my $h (@$list) {
+				my ($type) = keys %$h;
+				$body .= "\t<format name='$type' type='application/xml'";
+				for my $part ( qw/namespace_uri docs schema_location/ ) {
+					$body .= " $part='$$h{$type}{$part}'"
+						if ($$h{$type}{$part});
+				}
+				$body .= "/>\n";
+				if (OpenILS::WWW::SuperCat::Feed->exists($type)) {
+					$body .= "\t<format name='$type-full' type='application/xml'";
+					for my $part ( qw/namespace_uri docs schema_location/ ) {
+						$body .= " $part='$$h{$type}{$part}'"
+							if ($$h{$type}{$part});
+					}
+					$body .= "/>\n";
+				}
+			}
+			$body .= "</formats>\n";
+		}
+		print $body;
+		return Apache2::Const::OK;
+	}
+	if ($uri =~ m{^tag:[^:]+:([^\/]+)/([^/]+)(?:/(.+))?}o) {
+		$id = $2;
+		$lib = uc($3);
+		$type = 'record';
+		$type = 'metarecord' if ($1 =~ /^metabib/o);
+		$type = 'isbn' if ($1 =~ /^isbn/o);
+		$type = 'call_number' if ($1 =~ /^call_number/o);
+		$type = 'acp' if ($1 =~ /^asset-copy/o);
+		$type = 'acn' if ($1 =~ /^asset-call_number/o);
+		$type = 'auri' if ($1 =~ /^asset-uri/o);
+		$command = 'retrieve';
+		$command = 'browse' if ($type eq 'call_number');
+	}
+	if (!$lib || $lib eq '-') {
+	 	$lib = $actor->request(
+			'open-ils.actor.org_unit_list.search' => parent_ou => undef
+		)->gather(1)->[0]->shortname;
+	}
+	my $lib_object = $actor->request(
+		'open-ils.actor.org_unit_list.search' => shortname => $lib
+	)->gather(1)->[0];
+	my $lib_id = $lib_object->id;
+	my $ou_types = $actor->request( 'open-ils.actor.org_types.retrieve' )->gather(1);
+	my $lib_depth = (grep { $_->id == $lib_object->ou_type } @$ou_types)[0]->depth;
+	if ($type eq 'call_number' and $command eq 'browse') {
+		print "Location: $root/browse/$base_format/call_number/$lib/$id\n\n";
+		return 302;
+	}
+	if ($type eq 'isbn') {
+		my $rec = $supercat->request('open-ils.supercat.isbn.object.retrieve',$id)->gather(1);
+		if (!@$rec) {
+			print "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n";
+			$apache->custom_response( 404, <<"			HTML");
+			<html>
+				<head>
+					<title>Type [$type] with id [$id] not found!</title>
+				</head>
+				<body>
+					<br/>
+					<center>Sorry, we couldn't $command a $type with the id of $id in format $format.</center>
+				</body>
+			</html>
+			HTML
+			return 404;
+		}
+		$id = $rec->[0]->id;
+		$type = 'record';
+	}
+	if ( !grep
+	       { (keys(%$_))[0] eq $base_format }
+	       @{ $supercat->request("open-ils.supercat.$type.formats")->gather(1) }
+	     and !grep
+	       { $_ eq $base_format }
+	       qw/opac html htmlholdings marctxt/
+	) {
+		print "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n";
+		$apache->custom_response( 406, <<"		HTML");
+		<html>
+			<head>
+				<title>Invalid format [$format] for type [$type]!</title>
+			</head>
+			<body>
+				<br/>
+				<center>Sorry, format $format is not valid for type $type.</center>
+			</body>
+		</html>
+		return 406;
+	}
+	if ($format eq 'opac') {
+		print "Location: $root/../../$locale/skin/$skin/xml/rresult.xml?m=$id&l=$lib_id&d=$lib_depth\n\n"
+			if ($type eq 'metarecord');
+		print "Location: $root/../../$locale/skin/$skin/xml/rdetail.xml?r=$id&l=$lib_id&d=$lib_depth\n\n"
+			if ($type eq 'record');
+		return 302;
+	} elsif (OpenILS::WWW::SuperCat::Feed->exists($base_format) && ($type ne 'acn' && $type ne 'acp' && $type ne 'auri')) {
+		my $feed = create_record_feed(
+			$type,
+			$format => [ $id ],
+			$base,
+			$lib,
+			$flesh_feed
+		);
+		if (!$feed->count) {
+			print "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n";
+			$apache->custom_response( 404, <<"			HTML");
+			<html>
+				<head>
+					<title>Type [$type] with id [$id] not found!</title>
+				</head>
+				<body>
+					<br/>
+					<center>Sorry, we couldn't $command a $type with the id of $id in format $format.</center>
+				</body>
+			</html>
+			HTML
+			return 404;
+		}
+		$feed->root($root);
+		$feed->creator($host);
+		$feed->update_ts();
+		$feed->link( unapi => $base) if ($flesh_feed);
+		print "Content-type: ". $feed->type ."; charset=utf-8\n\n";
+		print $U->entityize($feed->toString) . "\n";
+		return Apache2::Const::OK;
+	}
+	my $req = $supercat->request("open-ils.supercat.$type.$format.$command",$id);
+	my $data = $req->gather(1);
+	if ($req->failed || !$data) {
+		print "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n";
+		$apache->custom_response( 404, <<"		HTML");
+		<html>
+			<head>
+				<title>$type $id not found!</title>
+			</head>
+			<body>
+				<br/>
+				<center>Sorry, we couldn't $command a $type with the id of $id in format $format.</center>
+			</body>
+		</html>
+		return 404;
+	}
+	print "Content-type: application/xml; charset=utf-8\n\n$data";
+	return Apache2::Const::OK;
+sub supercat {
+	my $apache = shift;
+	return Apache2::Const::DECLINED if (-e $apache->filename);
+	my $cgi = new CGI;
+	my $add_path = 0;
+	if ( $cgi->server_software !~ m|^Apache/2.2| ) {
+		my $rel_name = $cgi->url(-relative=>1);
+		$add_path = 1 if ($cgi->url(-path_info=>1) !~ /$rel_name$/);
+	}
+	my $url = $cgi->url(-path_info=>$add_path);
+	my $root = (split 'supercat', $url)[0];
+	my $base = (split 'supercat', $url)[0] . 'supercat';
+	my $unapi = (split 'supercat', $url)[0] . 'unapi';
+	my $host = $cgi->virtual_host || $cgi->server_name;
+	my $path = $cgi->path_info;
+	my ($id,$type,$format,$command) = reverse split '/', $path;
+	my $flesh_feed = ($type =~ /-full$/o) ? 1 : 0;
+	(my $base_format = $format) =~ s/-full$//o;
+	my $skin = $cgi->param('skin') || 'default';
+	my $locale = $cgi->param('locale') || 'en-US';
+	if ( $path =~ m{^/formats(?:/([^\/]+))?$}o ) {
+		print "Content-type: application/xml; charset=utf-8\n";
+		if ($1) {
+			my $list = $supercat
+				->request("open-ils.supercat.$1.formats")
+				->gather(1);
+			print "\n";
+			print "<formats>
+				   <format>
+				     <name>opac</name>
+				     <type>text/html</type>
+				   </format>";
+			if ($1 eq 'record' or $1 eq 'isbn') {
+				print "<format>
+				     <name>htmlholdings</name>
+				     <type>text/html</type>
+				   </format>
+				   <format>
+				     <name>html</name>
+				     <type>text/html</type>
+				   </format>
+				   <format>
+				     <name>htmlholdings-full</name>
+				     <type>text/html</type>
+				   </format>
+				   <format>
+				     <name>html-full</name>
+				     <type>text/html</type>
+				   </format>
+				   <format>
+				     <name>marctxt</name>
+				     <type>text/plain</type>
+				   </format>";
+			}
+			for my $h (@$list) {
+				my ($type) = keys %$h;
+				print "<format><name>$type</name><type>application/xml</type>";
+				for my $part ( qw/namespace_uri docs schema_location/ ) {
+					print "<$part>$$h{$type}{$part}</$part>"
+						if ($$h{$type}{$part});
+				}
+				print '</format>';
+				if (OpenILS::WWW::SuperCat::Feed->exists($type)) {
+					print "<format><name>$type-full</name><type>application/xml</type>";
+					for my $part ( qw/namespace_uri docs schema_location/ ) {
+						print "<$part>$$h{$type}{$part}</$part>"
+							if ($$h{$type}{$part});
+					}
+					print '</format>';
+				}
+			}
+			print "</formats>\n";
+			return Apache2::Const::OK;
+		}
+		my $list = $supercat
+			->request("open-ils.supercat.record.formats")
+			->gather(1);
+		push @$list,
+			@{ $supercat
+				->request("open-ils.supercat.metarecord.formats")
+				->gather(1);
+			};
+		my %hash = map { ( (keys %$_)[0] => (values %$_)[0] ) } @$list;
+		$list = [ map { { $_ => $hash{$_} } } sort keys %hash ];
+		print "\n<formats>
+			   <format>
+			     <name>opac</name>
+			     <type>text/html</type>
+			   </format>
+			   <format>
+			     <name>htmlholdings</name>
+			     <type>text/html</type>
+			   </format>
+			   <format>
+			     <name>html</name>
+			     <type>text/html</type>
+			   </format>
+			   <format>
+			     <name>htmlholdings-full</name>
+			     <type>text/html</type>
+			   </format>
+			   <format>
+			     <name>html-full</name>
+			     <type>text/html</type>
+			   </format>
+			   <format>
+			     <name>marctxt</name>
+			     <type>text/plain</type>
+			   </format>";
+		for my $h (@$list) {
+			my ($type) = keys %$h;
+			print "<format><name>$type</name><type>application/xml</type>";
+			for my $part ( qw/namespace_uri docs schema_location/ ) {
+				print "<$part>$$h{$type}{$part}</$part>"
+					if ($$h{$type}{$part});
+			}
+			print '</format>';
+			if (OpenILS::WWW::SuperCat::Feed->exists($type)) {
+				print "<format><name>$type-full</name><type>application/xml</type>";
+				for my $part ( qw/namespace_uri docs schema_location/ ) {
+					print "<$part>$$h{$type}{$part}</$part>"
+						if ($$h{$type}{$part});
+				}
+				print '</format>';
+			}
+		}
+		print "</formats>\n";
+		return Apache2::Const::OK;
+	}
+	if ($format eq 'opac') {
+		print "Location: $root/../../$locale/skin/$skin/xml/rresult.xml?m=$id\n\n"
+			if ($type eq 'metarecord');
+		print "Location: $root/../../$locale/skin/$skin/xml/rdetail.xml?r=$id\n\n"
+			if ($type eq 'record');
+		return 302;
+	} elsif ($base_format eq 'marc21') {
+		my $ret = 200;    
+		try {
+			my $bib = $supercat->request( "open-ils.supercat.record.object.retrieve", $id )->gather(1)->[0];
+			my $r = MARC::Record->new_from_xml( $bib->marc, 'UTF-8', 'USMARC' );
+			$r->delete_field( $_ ) for ($r->field(901));
+			$r->append_fields(
+				MARC::Field->new(
+					901, '', '',
+					a => $bib->tcn_value,
+					b => $bib->tcn_source,
+					c => $bib->id
+				)
+			);
+			print "Content-type: application/octet-stream\n\n";
+			print $r->as_usmarc;
+		} otherwise {
+			warn shift();
+			print "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n";
+			$apache->custom_response( 404, <<"			HTML");
+			<html>
+				<head>
+					<title>ERROR</title>
+				</head>
+				<body>
+					<br/>
+					<center>Couldn't fetch $id as MARC21.</center>
+				</body>
+			</html>
+			HTML
+			$ret = 404;
+		};
+		return Apache2::Const::OK;
+	} elsif (OpenILS::WWW::SuperCat::Feed->exists($base_format)) {
+		my $feed = create_record_feed(
+			$type,
+			$format => [ $id ],
+			undef, undef,
+			$flesh_feed
+		);
+		$feed->root($root);
+		$feed->creator($host);
+		$feed->update_ts();
+		$feed->link( unapi => $base) if ($flesh_feed);
+		print "Content-type: ". $feed->type ."; charset=utf-8\n\n";
+		print $U->entityize($feed->toString) . "\n";
+		return Apache2::Const::OK;
+	}
+	my $req = $supercat->request("open-ils.supercat.$type.$format.$command",$id);
+	$req->wait_complete;
+	if ($req->failed) {
+		print "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n";
+		$apache->custom_response( 404, <<"		HTML");
+		<html>
+			<head>
+				<title>$type $id not found!</title>
+			</head>
+			<body>
+				<br/>
+				<center>Sorry, we couldn't $command a $type with the id of $id in format $format.</center>
+			</body>
+		</html>
+		return 404;
+	}
+	print "Content-type: application/xml; charset=utf-8\n\n";
+	print $U->entityize( $parser->parse_string( $req->gather(1) )->documentElement->toString );
+	return Apache2::Const::OK;
+sub bookbag_feed {
+	my $apache = shift;
+	return Apache2::Const::DECLINED if (-e $apache->filename);
+	my $cgi = new CGI;
+	my $year = (gmtime())[5] + 1900;
+	my $host = $cgi->virtual_host || $cgi->server_name;
+	my $add_path = 0;
+	if ( $cgi->server_software !~ m|^Apache/2.2| ) {
+		my $rel_name = $cgi->url(-relative=>1);
+		$add_path = 1 if ($cgi->url(-path_info=>1) !~ /$rel_name$/);
+	}
+	my $url = $cgi->url(-path_info=>$add_path);
+	my $root = (split 'feed', $url)[0] . '/';
+	my $base = (split 'bookbag', $url)[0] . '/bookbag';
+	my $unapi = (split 'feed', $url)[0] . '/unapi';
+	my $skin = $cgi->param('skin') || 'default';
+	my $locale = $cgi->param('locale') || 'en-US';
+	$root =~ s{(?<!http:)//}{/}go;
+	$base =~ s{(?<!http:)//}{/}go;
+	$unapi =~ s{(?<!http:)//}{/}go;
+	my $path = $cgi->path_info;
+	#warn "URL breakdown: $url -> $root -> $base -> $path -> $unapi";
+	my ($id,$type) = reverse split '/', $path;
+	my $flesh_feed = ($type =~ /-full$/o) ? 1 : 0;
+	my $bucket = $actor->request("open-ils.actor.container.public.flesh", 'biblio', $id)->gather(1);
+	return Apache2::Const::NOT_FOUND unless($bucket);
+	my $bucket_tag = "tag:$host,$year:record_bucket/$id";
+	if ($type eq 'opac') {
+		print "Location: $root/../../$locale/skin/$skin/xml/rresult.xml?rt=list&" .
+			join('&', map { "rl=" . $_->target_biblio_record_entry } @{ $bucket->items }) .
+			"\n\n";
+		return 302;
+	}
+	my $feed = create_record_feed(
+		'record',
+		$type,
+		[ map { $_->target_biblio_record_entry } @{ $bucket->items } ],
+		$unapi,
+		undef,
+		$flesh_feed
+	);
+	$feed->root($root);
+	$feed->id($bucket_tag);
+	$feed->title("Items in Book Bag [".$bucket->name."]");
+	$feed->creator($host);
+	$feed->update_ts();
+	$feed->link(alternate => $base . "/rss2-full/$id" => 'application/rss+xml');
+	$feed->link(atom => $base . "/atom-full/$id" => 'application/atom+xml');
+	$feed->link(html => $base . "/html-full/$id" => 'text/html');
+	$feed->link(unapi => $unapi);
+	$feed->link(
+		OPAC =>
+		$host . "/opac/$locale/skin/$skin/xml/rresult.xml?rt=list&" .
+			join('&', map { 'rl=' . $_->target_biblio_record_entry } @{$bucket->items} ),
+		'text/html'
+	);
+	print "Content-type: ". $feed->type ."; charset=utf-8\n\n";
+	print $U->entityize($feed->toString) . "\n";
+	return Apache2::Const::OK;
+sub changes_feed {
+	my $apache = shift;
+	return Apache2::Const::DECLINED if (-e $apache->filename);
+	my $cgi = new CGI;
+	my $year = (gmtime())[5] + 1900;
+	my $host = $cgi->virtual_host || $cgi->server_name;
+	my $add_path = 0;
+	if ( $cgi->server_software !~ m|^Apache/2.2| ) {
+		my $rel_name = $cgi->url(-relative=>1);
+		$add_path = 1 if ($cgi->url(-path_info=>1) !~ /$rel_name$/);
+	}
+	my $url = $cgi->url(-path_info=>$add_path);
+	my $root = (split 'feed', $url)[0];
+	my $base = (split 'freshmeat', $url)[0] . '/freshmeat';
+	my $unapi = (split 'feed', $url)[0] . 'unapi';
+	my $skin = $cgi->param('skin') || 'default';
+	my $locale = $cgi->param('locale') || 'en-US';
+	my $path = $cgi->path_info;
+	#warn "URL breakdown: $url ($rel_name) -> $root -> $base -> $path -> $unapi";
+	$path =~ s/^\/(?:feed\/)?freshmeat\///og;
+	my ($type,$rtype,$axis,$limit,$date) = split '/', $path;
+	my $flesh_feed = ($type =~ /-full$/o) ? 1 : 0;
+	$limit ||= 10;
+	my $list = $supercat->request("open-ils.supercat.$rtype.record.$axis.recent", $date, $limit)->gather(1);
+	#if ($type eq 'opac') {
+	#	print "Location: $root/../../en-US/skin/default/xml/rresult.xml?rt=list&" .
+	#		join('&', map { "rl=" . $_ } @$list) .
+	#		"\n\n";
+	#	return 302;
+	#}
+	my $feed = create_record_feed( 'record', $type, $list, $unapi, undef, $flesh_feed);
+	$feed->root($root);
+	if ($date) {
+		$feed->title("Up to $limit recent $rtype ${axis}s from $date forward");
+	} else {
+		$feed->title("$limit most recent $rtype ${axis}s");
+	}
+	$feed->creator($host);
+	$feed->update_ts();
+	$feed->link(alternate => $base . "/rss2-full/$rtype/$axis/$limit/$date" => 'application/rss+xml');
+	$feed->link(atom => $base . "/atom-full/$rtype/$axis/$limit/$date" => 'application/atom+xml');
+	$feed->link(html => $base . "/html-full/$rtype/$axis/$limit/$date" => 'text/html');
+	$feed->link(unapi => $unapi);
+	$feed->link(
+		OPAC =>
+		$host . "/opac/$locale/skin/$skin/xml/rresult.xml?rt=list&" .
+			join('&', map { 'rl=' . $_} @$list ),
+		'text/html'
+	);
+	print "Content-type: ". $feed->type ."; charset=utf-8\n\n";
+	print $U->entityize($feed->toString) . "\n";
+	return Apache2::Const::OK;
+sub opensearch_osd {
+	my $version = shift;
+	my $lib = shift;
+	my $class = shift;
+	my $base = shift;
+	if ($version eq '1.0') {
+		print <<OSD;
+Content-type: application/opensearchdescription+xml; charset=utf-8
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<OpenSearchDescription xmlns="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearchdescription/1.0/">
+  <Url>$base/1.0/$lib/-/$class/?searchTerms={searchTerms}&amp;startPage={startPage}&amp;startIndex={startIndex}&amp;count={count}</Url>
+  <Format>http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearchrss/1.0/</Format>
+  <ShortName>$lib</ShortName>
+  <LongName>Search $lib</LongName>
+  <Description>Search the $lib OPAC by $class.</Description>
+  <Tags>$lib book library</Tags>
+  <SampleSearch>harry+potter</SampleSearch>
+  <Developer>Mike Rylander for GPLS/PINES</Developer>
+  <Contact>feedback\@open-ils.org</Contact>
+  <SyndicationRight>open</SyndicationRight>
+  <AdultContent>false</AdultContent>
+	} else {
+		print <<OSD;
+Content-type: application/opensearchdescription+xml; charset=utf-8
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<OpenSearchDescription xmlns="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/">
+  <ShortName>$lib</ShortName>
+  <Description>Search the $lib OPAC by $class.</Description>
+  <Tags>$lib book library</Tags>
+  <Url type="application/rss+xml"
+       template="$base/1.1/$lib/rss2-full/$class/?searchTerms={searchTerms}&amp;startPage={startPage?}&amp;startIndex={startIndex?}&amp;count={count?}&amp;searchLang={language?}"/>
+  <Url type="application/atom+xml"
+       template="$base/1.1/$lib/atom-full/$class/?searchTerms={searchTerms}&amp;startPage={startPage?}&amp;startIndex={startIndex?}&amp;count={count?}&amp;searchLang={language?}"/>
+  <Url type="application/x-mods3+xml"
+       template="$base/1.1/$lib/mods3/$class/?searchTerms={searchTerms}&amp;startPage={startPage?}&amp;startIndex={startIndex?}&amp;count={count?}&amp;searchLang={language?}"/>
+  <Url type="application/x-mods+xml"
+       template="$base/1.1/$lib/mods/$class/?searchTerms={searchTerms}&amp;startPage={startPage?}&amp;startIndex={startIndex?}&amp;count={count?}&amp;searchLang={language?}"/>
+  <Url type="application/x-marcxml+xml"
+       template="$base/1.1/$lib/marcxml/$class/?searchTerms={searchTerms}&amp;startPage={startPage?}&amp;startIndex={startIndex?}&amp;count={count?}&amp;searchLang={language?}"/>
+  <Url type="text/html"
+       template="$base/1.1/$lib/html-full/$class/?searchTerms={searchTerms}&amp;startPage={startPage?}&amp;startIndex={startIndex?}&amp;count={count?}&amp;searchLang={language?}"/>
+  <LongName>Search $lib</LongName>
+  <Query role="example" searchTerms="harry+potter" />
+  <Developer>Mike Rylander for GPLS/PINES</Developer>
+  <Contact>feedback\@open-ils.org</Contact>
+  <SyndicationRight>open</SyndicationRight>
+  <AdultContent>false</AdultContent>
+  <Language>en-US</Language>
+  <OutputEncoding>UTF-8</OutputEncoding>
+  <InputEncoding>UTF-8</InputEncoding>
+	}
+	return Apache2::Const::OK;
+sub opensearch_feed {
+	my $apache = shift;
+	return Apache2::Const::DECLINED if (-e $apache->filename);
+	my $cgi = new CGI;
+	my $year = (gmtime())[5] + 1900;
+	my $host = $cgi->virtual_host || $cgi->server_name;
+	my $add_path = 0;
+	if ( $cgi->server_software !~ m|^Apache/2.2| ) {
+		my $rel_name = $cgi->url(-relative=>1);
+		$add_path = 1 if ($cgi->url(-path_info=>1) !~ /$rel_name$/);
+	}
+	my $url = $cgi->url(-path_info=>$add_path);
+	my $root = (split 'opensearch', $url)[0];
+	my $base = (split 'opensearch', $url)[0] . 'opensearch';
+	my $unapi = (split 'opensearch', $url)[0] . 'unapi';
+	my $path = $cgi->path_info;
+	#warn "URL breakdown: $url ($rel_name) -> $root -> $base -> $path -> $unapi";
+	if ($path =~ m{^/?(1\.\d{1})/(?:([^/]+)/)?([^/]+)/osd.xml}o) {
+		my $version = $1;
+		my $lib = uc($2);
+		my $class = $3;
+		if (!$lib || $lib eq '-') {
+		 	$lib = $actor->request(
+				'open-ils.actor.org_unit_list.search' => parent_ou => undef
+			)->gather(1)->[0]->shortname;
+		}
+		if ($class eq '-') {
+			$class = 'keyword';
+		}
+		return opensearch_osd($version, $lib, $class, $base);
+	}
+	my $page = $cgi->param('startPage') || 1;
+	my $offset = $cgi->param('startIndex') || 1;
+	my $limit = $cgi->param('count') || 10;
+	$page = 1 if ($page !~ /^\d+$/);
+	$offset = 1 if ($offset !~ /^\d+$/);
+	$limit = 10 if ($limit !~ /^\d+$/); $limit = 25 if ($limit > 25);
+	if ($page > 1) {
+		$offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
+	} else {
+		$offset -= 1;
+	}
+	my ($version,$org,$type,$class,$terms,$sort,$sortdir,$lang) = ('','','','','','','','');
+	(undef,$version,$org,$type,$class,$terms,$sort,$sortdir,$lang) = split '/', $path;
+	$lang = $cgi->param('searchLang') if $cgi->param('searchLang');
+	$lang = '' if ($lang eq '*');
+	$sort = $cgi->param('searchSort') if $cgi->param('searchSort');
+	$sort ||= '';
+	$sortdir = $cgi->param('searchSortDir') if $cgi->param('searchSortDir');
+	$sortdir ||= '';
+	$terms .= " " if ($terms && $cgi->param('searchTerms'));
+	$terms .= $cgi->param('searchTerms') if $cgi->param('searchTerms');
+	$class = $cgi->param('searchClass') if $cgi->param('searchClass');
+	$class ||= '-';
+	$type = $cgi->param('responseType') if $cgi->param('responseType');
+	$type ||= '-';
+	$org = $cgi->param('searchOrg') if $cgi->param('searchOrg');
+	$org ||= '-';
+	my $kwt = $cgi->param('kw');
+	my $tit = $cgi->param('ti');
+	my $aut = $cgi->param('au');
+	my $sut = $cgi->param('su');
+	my $set = $cgi->param('se');
+	$terms .= " " if ($terms && $kwt);
+	$terms .= "keyword: $kwt" if ($kwt);
+	$terms .= " " if ($terms && $tit);
+	$terms .= "title: $tit" if ($tit);
+	$terms .= " " if ($terms && $aut);
+	$terms .= "author: $aut" if ($aut);
+	$terms .= " " if ($terms && $sut);
+	$terms .= "subject: $sut" if ($sut);
+	$terms .= " " if ($terms && $set);
+	$terms .= "series: $set" if ($set);
+	if ($version eq '1.0') {
+		$type = 'rss2';
+	} elsif ($type eq '-') {
+		$type = 'atom';
+	}
+	my $flesh_feed = ($type =~ /-full$/o) ? 1 : 0;
+	$terms = decode_utf8($terms);
+	$lang = 'eng' if ($lang eq 'en-US');
+	$log->debug("OpenSearch terms: $terms");
+	my $org_unit;
+	if ($org eq '-') {
+	 	$org_unit = $actor->request(
+			'open-ils.actor.org_unit_list.search' => parent_ou => undef
+		)->gather(1);
+	} elsif ($org !~ /^\d+$/o) {
+	 	$org_unit = $actor->request(
+			'open-ils.actor.org_unit_list.search' => shortname => uc($org)
+		)->gather(1);
+	} else {
+	 	$org_unit = $actor->request(
+			'open-ils.actor.org_unit_list.search' => id => $org
+		)->gather(1);
+	}
+	# Apostrophes break search and get indexed as spaces anyway
+	my $safe_terms = $terms;
+	$safe_terms =~ s{'}{ }go;
+	my $recs = $search->request(
+		'open-ils.search.biblio.multiclass.query' => {
+			org_unit	=> $org_unit->[0]->id,
+			offset		=> $offset,
+			limit		=> $limit,
+			sort		=> $sort,
+			sort_dir	=> $sortdir,
+            default_class => $class,
+			($lang ?    ( 'language' => $lang    ) : ()),
+		} => $safe_terms => 1
+	)->gather(1);
+	$log->debug("Hits for [$terms]: $recs->{count}");
+	my $feed = create_record_feed(
+		'record',
+		$type,
+		[ map { $_->[0] } @{$recs->{ids}} ],
+		$unapi,
+		$org,
+		$flesh_feed
+	);
+	$log->debug("Feed created...");
+	$feed->root($root);
+	$feed->lib($org);
+	$feed->search($safe_terms);
+	$feed->class($class);
+	$feed->title("Search results for [$terms] at ".$org_unit->[0]->name);
+	$feed->creator($host);
+	$feed->update_ts();
+	$feed->_create_node(
+		$feed->{item_xpath},
+		'http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/',
+		'totalResults',
+		$recs->{count},
+	);
+	$feed->_create_node(
+		$feed->{item_xpath},
+		'http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/',
+		'startIndex',
+		$offset + 1,
+	);
+	$feed->_create_node(
+		$feed->{item_xpath},
+		'http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/',
+		'itemsPerPage',
+		$limit,
+	);
+	$log->debug("...basic feed data added...");
+	$feed->link(
+		next =>
+		$base . "/$version/$org/$type/$class?searchTerms=$terms&searchSort=$sort&searchSortDir=$sortdir&searchLang=$lang&startIndex=" . int($offset + $limit + 1) . "&count=" . $limit =>
+		'application/opensearch+xml'
+	) if ($offset + $limit < $recs->{count});
+	$feed->link(
+		previous =>
+		$base . "/$version/$org/$type/$class?searchTerms=$terms&searchSort=$sort&searchSortDir=$sortdir&searchLang=$lang&startIndex=" . int(($offset - $limit) + 1) . "&count=" . $limit =>
+		'application/opensearch+xml'
+	) if ($offset);
+	$feed->link(
+		self =>
+		$base .  "/$version/$org/$type/$class?searchTerms=$terms&searchSort=$sort&searchSortDir=$sortdir&searchLang=$lang" =>
+		'application/opensearch+xml'
+	);
+	$feed->link(
+		alternate =>
+		$base .  "/$version/$org/rss2-full/$class?searchTerms=$terms&searchSort=$sort&searchSortDir=$sortdir&searchLang=$lang" =>
+		'application/rss+xml'
+	);
+	$feed->link(
+		atom =>
+		$base .  "/$version/$org/atom-full/$class?searchTerms=$terms&searchSort=$sort&searchSortDir=$sortdir&searchLang=$lang" =>
+		'application/atom+xml'
+	);
+	$feed->link(
+		'html' =>
+		$base .  "/$version/$org/html/$class?searchTerms=$terms&searchSort=$sort&searchSortDir=$sortdir&searchLang=$lang" =>
+		'text/html'
+	);
+	$feed->link(
+		'html-full' =>
+		$base .  "/$version/$org/html-full/$class?searchTerms=$terms&searchSort=$sort&searchSortDir=$sortdir&searchLang=$lang" =>
+		'text/html'
+	);
+	$feed->link( 'unapi-server' => $unapi);
+	$log->debug("...feed links added...");
+#	$feed->link(
+#		opac =>
+#		$root . "../$lang/skin/default/xml/rresult.xml?rt=list&" .
+#			join('&', map { 'rl=' . $_->[0] } grep { ref $_ && defined $_->[0] } @{$recs->{ids}} ),
+#		'text/html'
+#	);
+	#print $cgi->header( -type => $feed->type, -charset => 'UTF-8') . entityize($feed->toString) . "\n";
+	print $cgi->header( -type => $feed->type, -charset => 'UTF-8') . $feed->toString . "\n";
+	$log->debug("...and feed returned.");
+	return Apache2::Const::OK;
+sub create_record_feed {
+	my $search = shift;
+	my $type = shift;
+	my $records = shift;
+	my $unapi = shift;
+	my $lib = uc(shift()) || '-';
+	my $flesh = shift;
+	$flesh = 1 if (!defined($flesh));
+	my $cgi = new CGI;
+	my $base = $cgi->url;
+	my $host = $cgi->virtual_host || $cgi->server_name;
+	my $year = (gmtime())[5] + 1900;
+	my $flesh_feed = ($type =~ s/-full$//o) ? 1 : 0;
+	my $feed = new OpenILS::WWW::SuperCat::Feed ($type);
+	$feed->base($base) if ($flesh);
+	$feed->unapi($unapi) if ($flesh);
+	$type = 'atom' if ($type eq 'html');
+	$type = 'marcxml' if (($type eq 'htmlholdings') || ($type eq 'marctxt'));
+	#$records = $supercat->request( "open-ils.supercat.record.object.retrieve", $records )->gather(1);
+	my $count = 0;
+	for my $record (@$records) {
+		next unless($record);
+		#my $rec = $record->id;
+		my $rec = $record;
+		my $item_tag = "tag:$host,$year:biblio-record_entry/$rec/$lib";
+		$item_tag = "tag:$host,$year:isbn/$rec/$lib" if ($search eq 'isbn');
+		my $xml = $supercat->request(
+			"open-ils.supercat.$search.$type.retrieve",
+			$rec
+		)->gather(1);
+		next unless $xml;
+		my $node = $feed->add_item($xml);
+		next unless $node;
+		$xml = '';
+		if ($lib && ($type eq 'marcxml' || $type eq 'atom') &&  $flesh) {
+			my $r = $supercat->request( "open-ils.supercat.$search.holdings_xml.retrieve", $rec, $lib );
+			while ( !$r->complete ) {
+				$xml .= join('', map {$_->content} $r->recv);
+			}
+			$xml .= join('', map {$_->content} $r->recv);
+			$node->add_holdings($xml);
+		}
+		$node->id($item_tag);
+		#$node->update_ts(clense_ISO8601($record->edit_date));
+		$node->link(alternate => $feed->unapi . "?id=$item_tag&format=htmlholdings-full" => 'text/html') if ($flesh);
+		$node->link(opac => $feed->unapi . "?id=$item_tag&format=opac") if ($flesh);
+		$node->link(unapi => $feed->unapi . "?id=$item_tag") if ($flesh);
+		$node->link('unapi-id' => $item_tag) if ($flesh);
+	}
+	return $feed;
+sub string_browse {
+	my $apache = shift;
+	return Apache2::Const::DECLINED if (-e $apache->filename);
+	my $cgi = new CGI;
+	my $year = (gmtime())[5] + 1900;
+	my $host = $cgi->virtual_host || $cgi->server_name;
+	my $add_path = 0;
+	if ( $cgi->server_software !~ m|^Apache/2.2| ) {
+		my $rel_name = $cgi->url(-relative=>1);
+		$add_path = 1 if ($cgi->url(-path_info=>1) !~ /$rel_name$/);
+	}
+	my $url = $cgi->url(-path_info=>$add_path);
+	my $root = (split 'browse', $url)[0];
+	my $base = (split 'browse', $url)[0] . 'browse';
+	my $unapi = (split 'browse', $url)[0] . 'unapi';
+	my $path = $cgi->path_info;
+	$path =~ s/^\///og;
+	my ($format,$axis,$site,$string,$page,$page_size) = split '/', $path;
+	#warn " >>> $format -> $axis -> $site -> $string -> $page -> $page_size ";
+    return item_age_browse($apache) if ($axis eq 'item-age'); # short-circut to the item-age sub
+	$site ||= $cgi->param('searchOrg');
+	$page ||= $cgi->param('startPage') || 0;
+	$page_size ||= $cgi->param('count') || 9;
+	$page = 0 if ($page !~ /^-?\d+$/);
+	my $prev = join('/', $base,$format,$axis,$site,$string,$page - 1,$page_size);
+	my $next = join('/', $base,$format,$axis,$site,$string,$page + 1,$page_size);
+	unless ($string and $axis and grep { $axis eq $_ } keys %browse_types) {
+		warn "something's wrong...";
+		warn " >>> $format -> $axis -> $site -> $string -> $page -> $page_size ";
+		return undef;
+	}
+	$string = decode_utf8($string);
+	$string =~ s/\+/ /go;
+	$string =~ s/'//go;
+	my $tree = $supercat->request(
+		"open-ils.supercat.$axis.browse",
+		$string,
+		$site,
+		$page_size,
+		$page
+	)->gather(1);
+    (my $norm_format = $format) =~ s/-full$//o;
+	my ($header,$content) = $browse_types{$axis}{$norm_format}->($tree,$prev,$next,$format,$unapi,$base,$site);
+	print $header.$content;
+	return Apache2::Const::OK;
+sub item_age_browse {
+	my $apache = shift;
+	return Apache2::Const::DECLINED if (-e $apache->filename);
+	my $cgi = new CGI;
+	my $year = (gmtime())[5] + 1900;
+	my $host = $cgi->virtual_host || $cgi->server_name;
+	my $add_path = 0;
+	if ( $cgi->server_software !~ m|^Apache/2.2| ) {
+		my $rel_name = $cgi->url(-relative=>1);
+		$add_path = 1 if ($cgi->url(-path_info=>1) !~ /$rel_name$/);
+	}
+	my $url = $cgi->url(-path_info=>$add_path);
+	my $root = (split 'browse', $url)[0];
+	my $base = (split 'browse', $url)[0] . 'browse';
+	my $unapi = (split 'browse', $url)[0] . 'unapi';
+	my $path = $cgi->path_info;
+	$path =~ s/^\///og;
+	my ($format,$axis,$site,$page,$page_size) = split '/', $path;
+	#warn " >>> $format -> $axis -> $site -> $page -> $page_size ";
+	unless ($axis eq 'item-age') {
+		warn "something's wrong...";
+		warn " >>> $format -> $axis -> $site -> $page -> $page_size ";
+		return undef;
+	}
+	$site ||= $cgi->param('searchOrg') || '-';
+	$page ||= $cgi->param('startPage') || 1;
+	$page_size ||= $cgi->param('count') || 10;
+	$page = 1 if ($page !~ /^-?\d+$/ || $page < 1);
+	my $prev = join('/', $base,$format,$axis,$site,$page - 1,$page_size);
+	my $next = join('/', $base,$format,$axis,$site,$page + 1,$page_size);
+	my $recs = $supercat->request(
+		"open-ils.supercat.new_book_list",
+		$site,
+		$page_size,
+		$page
+	)->gather(1);
+    (my $norm_format = $format) =~ s/-full$//o;
+	my ($header,$content) = $browse_types{$axis}{$norm_format}->($recs,$prev,$next,$format,$unapi,$base,$site);
+	print $header.$content;
+	return Apache2::Const::OK;
+our %qualifier_map = (
+    # Some EG qualifiers
+    'eg.site'               => 'site',
+    'eg.sort'               => 'sort',
+    'eg.direction'          => 'dir',
+    'eg.available'          => 'available',
+    # Title class:
+    'eg.title'              => 'title',
+    'dc.title'              => 'title',
+    'bib.titleabbreviated'  => 'title|abbreviated',
+    'bib.titleuniform'      => 'title|uniform',
+    'bib.titletranslated'   => 'title|translated',
+    'bib.titlealternative'  => 'title',
+    'bib.titleseries'       => 'series',
+    'eg.series'             => 'title',
+    'eg.identifier'             => 'keyword|identifier',
+    # Author/Name class:
+    'eg.author'             => 'author',
+    'eg.name'               => 'author',
+    'creator'               => 'author',
+    'dc.creator'            => 'author',
+    'dc.contributer'        => 'author',
+    'dc.publisher'          => 'keyword',
+    'bib.name'              => 'author',
+    'bib.namepersonal'      => 'author|personal',
+    'bib.namepersonalfamily'=> 'author|personal',
+    'bib.namepersonalgiven' => 'author|personal',
+    'bib.namecorporate'     => 'author|corporate',
+    'bib.nameconference'    => 'author|conference',
+    # Subject class:
+    'eg.subject'            => 'subject',
+    'dc.subject'            => 'subject',
+    'bib.subjectplace'      => 'subject|geographic',
+    'bib.subjecttitle'      => 'keyword',
+    'bib.subjectname'       => 'subject|name',
+    'bib.subjectoccupation' => 'keyword',
+    # Keyword class:
+    'eg.keyword'            => 'keyword',
+    'srw.serverchoice'      => 'keyword',
+    # Identifiers:
+    'dc.identifier'         => 'keyword|identifier',
+    # Dates:
+    'bib.dateissued'        => undef,
+    'bib.datecreated'       => undef,
+    'bib.datevalid'         => undef,
+    'bib.datemodified'      => undef,
+    'bib.datecopyright'     => undef,
+    # Resource Type:
+    'dc.type'               => undef,
+    # Format:
+    'dc.format'             => undef,
+    # Genre:
+    'bib.genre'             => 'keyword',
+    # Target Audience:
+    'bib.audience'          => undef,
+    # Place of Origin:
+    'bib.originplace'       => undef,
+    # Language
+    'dc.language'           => 'lang',
+    # Edition
+    'bib.edition'           => 'keyword',
+    # Part:
+    'bib.volume'            => 'keyword',
+    'bib.issue'             => 'keyword',
+    'bib.startpage'         => 'keyword',
+    'bib.endpage'           => 'keyword',
+    # Issuance:
+    'bib.issuance'          => 'keyword',
+our %qualifier_ids = (
+		eg => 'http://open-ils.org/spec/SRU/context-set/evergreen/v1',
+		dc => 'info:srw/cql-context-set/1/dc-v1.1',
+		bib => 'info:srw/cql-context-set/1/bib-v1.0',
+		srw	=> ''
+our %nested_qualifier_map = (
+		eg => {
+			site		=> ['site','Evergreen Site Code (shortname)'],
+			sort		=> ['sort','Sort on relevance, title, author, pubdate, create_date or edit_date'],
+			direction	=> ['dir','Sort direction (asc|desc)'],
+			available	=> ['available','Filter to available (true|false)'],
+			title		=> ['title'],
+			author		=> ['author'],
+			name		=> ['author'],
+			subject		=> ['subject'],
+			keyword		=> ['keyword'],
+			series		=> ['series'],
+			identifier	=> ['keyword|identifier'],
+		},
+		dc => {
+			title		=> ['title'],
+			creator		=> ['author'],
+			contributor	=> ['author'],
+			publisher	=> ['keyword'],
+			subject		=> ['subject'],
+			identifier	=> ['keyword|identifer'],
+			type		=> [undef],
+			format		=> [undef],
+			language	=> ['lang'],
+		},
+		bib => {
+		# Title class:
+	        titleAbbreviated	=> ['title'],
+		    titleUniform		=> ['title'],
+			titleTranslated		=> ['title'],
+	        titleAlternative	=> ['title'],
+		    titleSeries			=> ['series'],
+    # Author/Name class:
+			name				=> ['author'],
+			namePersonal		=> ['author'],
+			namePersonalFamily	=> ['author'],
+			namePersonalGiven	=> ['author'],
+			nameCorporate		=> ['author'],
+			nameConference		=> ['author'],
+		# Subject class:
+			subjectPlace		=> ['subject'],
+			subjectTitle		=> ['keyword'],
+			subjectName			=> ['subject|name'],
+			subjectOccupation	=> ['keyword'],
+    # Keyword class:
+    # Dates:
+			dateIssued			=> [undef],
+			dateCreated			=> [undef],
+			dateValid			=> [undef],
+			dateModified		=> [undef],
+			dateCopyright		=> [undef],
+    # Genre:
+			genre				=> ['keyword'],
+    # Target Audience:
+			audience			=> [undef],
+    # Place of Origin:
+			originPlace			=> [undef],
+    # Edition
+			edition				=> ['keyword'],
+    # Part:
+			volume				=> ['keyword'],
+			issue				=> ['keyword'],
+			startPage			=> ['keyword'],
+			endPage				=> ['keyword'],
+    # Issuance:
+			issuance			=> ['keyword'],
+		},
+		srw	=> {
+			serverChoice		=> ['keyword'],
+		},
+my $base_explain = <<XML;
+		id="evergreen-sru-explain-full"
+		authoritative="true"
+		xmlns:z="http://explain.z3950.org/dtd/2.0/"
+		xmlns="http://explain.z3950.org/dtd/2.0/">
+	<serverInfo transport="http" protocol="SRU" version="1.1">
+		<host/>
+		<port/>
+		<database/>
+	</serverInfo>
+	<databaseInfo>
+		<title primary="true"/>
+		<description primary="true"/>
+	</databaseInfo>
+	<indexInfo>
+		<set identifier="info:srw/cql-context-set/1/cql-v1.2" name="cql"/>
+	</indexInfo>
+	<schemaInfo>
+		<schema
+				identifier="info:srw/schema/1/marcxml-v1.1"
+				location="http://www.loc.gov/standards/marcxml/schema/MARC21slim.xsd"
+				sort="true"
+				retrieve="true"
+				name="marcxml">
+			<title>MARC21Slim (marcxml)</title>
+		</schema>
+	</schemaInfo>
+	<configInfo>
+		<default type="numberOfRecords">50</default>
+		<default type="contextSet">eg</default>
+		<default type="index">keyword</default>
+		<default type="relation">all</default>
+		<default type="sortSchema">marcxml</default>
+		<default type="retrieveSchema">marcxml</default>
+		<setting type="maximumRecords">50</setting>
+		<supports type="relationModifier">relevant</supports>
+		<supports type="relationModifier">stem</supports>
+		<supports type="relationModifier">fuzzy</supports>
+		<supports type="relationModifier">word</supports>
+	</configInfo>
+my $ex_doc;
+sub sru_search {
+	my $cgi = new CGI;
+	my $req = SRU::Request->newFromCGI( $cgi );
+	my $resp = SRU::Response->newFromRequest( $req );
+	# Find the org_unit shortname, if passed as part of the URL
+	# http://example.com/opac/extras/sru/SHORTNAME
+	my $url = $cgi->path_info;
+	my ($shortname, $holdings) = $url =~ m#/?([^/]*)(/holdings)?#;
+	if ( $resp->type eq 'searchRetrieve' ) {
+		# Older versions of Debian packages returned terms to us double-encoded,
+		# so we had to forcefully double-decode them a second time with
+		# an outer decode('utf8', $string) call; this seems to be resolved with
+		# Debian Lenny packages sometime between 2009-07-27 and 2010-02-15
+		my $cql_query = decode_utf8($req->query);
+		my $search_string = decode_utf8($req->cql->toEvergreen);
+		# Ensure the search string overrides the default site
+		if ($shortname and $search_string !~ m#site:#) {
+			$search_string .= " site:$shortname";
+		}
+        my $offset = $req->startRecord;
+        $offset-- if ($offset);
+        $offset ||= 0;
+        my $limit = $req->maximumRecords;
+        $limit ||= 10;
+        $log->info("SRU search string [$cql_query] converted to [$search_string]\n");
+ 		my $recs = $search->request(
+			'open-ils.search.biblio.multiclass.query' => {offset => $offset, limit => $limit} => $search_string => 1
+		)->gather(1);
+        my $bre = $supercat->request( 'open-ils.supercat.record.object.retrieve' => [ map { $_->[0] } @{$recs->{ids}} ] )->gather(1);
+		foreach my $record (@$bre) {
+			my $marcxml = $record->marc;
+			# Make the beast conform to a VDX-supported format
+			# See http://vdxipedia.oclc.org/index.php/Holdings_Parsing
+			# Trying to implement LIBSOL_852_A format; so much for standards
+			if ($holdings) {
+				my $bib_holdings = $supercat->request('open-ils.supercat.record.basic_holdings.retrieve', $record->id, $shortname || '-')->gather(1);
+				my $marc = MARC::Record->new_from_xml($marcxml, 'UTF8', 'XML');
+				# Expects the record ID in the 001
+				$marc->delete_field($_) for ($marc->field('001'));
+				if (!$marc->field('001')) {
+					$marc->insert_fields_ordered(
+						MARC::Field->new( '001', $record->id )
+					);
+				}
+				$marc->delete_field($_) for ($marc->field('852')); # remove any legacy 852s
+				foreach my $cn (keys %$bib_holdings) {
+					foreach my $cp (@{$bib_holdings->{$cn}->{'copies'}}) {
+						$marc->insert_fields_ordered(
+							MARC::Field->new(
+								'852', '4', '',
+								a => $cp->{'location'},
+								b => $bib_holdings->{$cn}->{'owning_lib'},
+								c => $cn,
+								d => $cp->{'circlib'},
+								g => $cp->{'barcode'},
+								n => $cp->{'status'},
+							)
+						);
+					}
+				}
+				$marc->delete_field( $_ ) for ($marc->field(901));
+				$marc->append_fields(
+					MARC::Field->new(
+						901, '', '', 
+						a => $record->tcn_value,
+						b => $record->tcn_source,
+						c => $record->id
+					)
+				);
+				$marcxml = $marc->as_xml_record();
+				$marcxml =~ s/^<\?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"\?>//o;
+			}
+			$resp->addRecord(
+				SRU::Response::Record->new(
+					recordSchema    => 'info:srw/schema/1/marcxml-v1.1',
+					recordData => $marcxml,
+					recordPosition => ++$offset
+				)
+			);
+		}
+        $resp->numberOfRecords($recs->{count});
+    } elsif ( $resp->type eq 'explain' ) {
+		if (!$ex_doc) {
+			my $host = $cgi->virtual_host || $cgi->server_name;
+			my $add_path = 0;
+			if ( $cgi->server_software !~ m|^Apache/2.2| ) {
+				my $rel_name = $cgi->url(-relative=>1);
+				$add_path = 1 if ($cgi->url(-path_info=>1) !~ /$rel_name$/);
+			}
+			my $base = $cgi->url(-base=>1);
+			my $url = $cgi->url(-path_info=>$add_path);
+			$url =~ s/^$base\///o;
+			my $doc = $parser->parse_string($base_explain);
+			my $e = $doc->documentElement;
+			$e->findnodes('/z:explain/z:serverInfo/z:host')->shift->appendText( $host );
+			$e->findnodes('/z:explain/z:serverInfo/z:port')->shift->appendText( $cgi->server_port );
+			$e->findnodes('/z:explain/z:serverInfo/z:database')->shift->appendText( $url );
+			for my $name ( keys %OpenILS::WWW::SuperCat::nested_qualifier_map ) {
+				my $identifier = $OpenILS::WWW::SuperCat::qualifier_ids{ $name };
+				next unless $identifier;
+				my $set_node = $doc->createElementNS( 'http://explain.z3950.org/dtd/2.0/', 'set' );
+				$set_node->setAttribute( identifier => $identifier );
+				$set_node->setAttribute( name => $name );
+				$e->findnodes('/z:explain/z:indexInfo')->shift->appendChild( $set_node );
+				for my $index ( keys %{ $OpenILS::WWW::SuperCat::nested_qualifier_map{$name} } ) {
+					my $desc = $OpenILS::WWW::SuperCat::nested_qualifier_map{$name}{$index}[1] || $index;
+					my $name_node = $doc->createElementNS( 'http://explain.z3950.org/dtd/2.0/', 'name' );
+					my $map_node = $doc->createElementNS( 'http://explain.z3950.org/dtd/2.0/', 'map' );
+					$map_node->appendChild( $name_node );
+					my $title_node = $doc->createElementNS( 'http://explain.z3950.org/dtd/2.0/', 'title' );
+					my $index_node = $doc->createElementNS( 'http://explain.z3950.org/dtd/2.0/', 'index' );
+					$index_node->appendChild( $title_node );
+					$index_node->appendChild( $map_node );
+					$index_node->setAttribute( id => $name . '.' . $index );
+					$title_node->appendText( $desc );
+					$name_node->setAttribute( set => $name );
+					$name_node->appendText($index );
+					$e->findnodes('/z:explain/z:indexInfo')->shift->appendChild( $index_node );
+				}
+			}
+			$ex_doc = $e->toString;
+		}
+		$resp->record(
+			SRU::Response::Record->new(
+				recordSchema	=> 'info:srw/cql-context-set/2/zeerex-1.1',
+				recordData		=> $ex_doc
+			)
+		);
+	}
+   	print $cgi->header( -type => 'application/xml' );
+   	print $U->entityize($resp->asXML) . "\n";
+    return Apache2::Const::OK;
+    package CQL::BooleanNode;
+    sub toEvergreen {
+        my $self     = shift;
+        my $left     = $self->left();
+        my $right    = $self->right();
+        my $leftStr  = $left->toEvergreen;
+        my $rightStr = $right->toEvergreen();
+        my $op =  '||' if uc $self->op() eq 'OR';
+        $op ||=  '&&';
+        return  "$leftStr $rightStr";
+    }
+    package CQL::TermNode;
+    sub toEvergreen {
+        my $self      = shift;
+        my $qualifier = $self->getQualifier();
+        my $term      = $self->getTerm();
+        my $relation  = $self->getRelation();
+        my $query;
+        if ( $qualifier ) {
+			my ($qset, $qname) = split(/\./, $qualifier);
+			$log->debug("SRU toEvergreen: $qset, $qname   $OpenILS::WWW::SuperCat::nested_qualifier_map{$qset}{$qname}[0]\n");
+            if ( exists($OpenILS::WWW::SuperCat::nested_qualifier_map{$qset}{$qname}) ) {
+                $qualifier = $OpenILS::WWW::SuperCat::nested_qualifier_map{$qset}{$qname}[0] || 'kw';
+			}
+            my @modifiers = $relation->getModifiers();
+            my $base = $relation->getBase();
+            if ( grep { $base eq $_ } qw/= scr exact all/ ) {
+                my $quote_it = 1;
+                foreach my $m ( @modifiers ) {
+                    if( grep { $m->[ 1 ] eq $_ } qw/cql.fuzzy cql.stem cql.relevant cql.word/ ) {
+                        $quote_it = 0;
+                        last;
+                    }
+                }
+                $quote_it = 0 if ( $base eq 'all' );
+                $term = maybeQuote($term) if $quote_it;
+            } else {
+                croak( "Evergreen doesn't support the $base relations" );
+            }
+        } else {
+            $qualifier = "kw";
+        }
+        return "$qualifier:$term";
+    }
+# vim: noet:ts=4:sw=4

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