[open-ils-commits] r841 - in conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/web/opac/skin: . btresult btresult/js btresult/xml btresult/xml/result (kbeswick)
svn at svn.open-ils.org
svn at svn.open-ils.org
Tue Mar 23 11:05:53 EDT 2010
Author: kbeswick
Date: 2010-03-23 11:05:51 -0400 (Tue, 23 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 841
Beginnings of BibTemplate powered search results, and copy availability display on results
Added: conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/web/opac/skin/btresult/js/result_common.js
--- conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/web/opac/skin/btresult/js/result_common.js (rev 0)
+++ conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/web/opac/skin/btresult/js/result_common.js 2010-03-23 15:05:51 UTC (rev 841)
@@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
+//require bibtemplate
+var recordsHandled = 0;
+var recordsCache = [];
+var lowHitCount = 4;
+var isbnList = '';
+var googleBooksLink = true;
+var resultFetchAllRecords = false;
+var resultCompiledSearch = null;
+/* set up the event handlers */
+if( findCurrentPage() == MRESULT || findCurrentPage() == RRESULT ) {
+ G.evt.result.hitCountReceived.push(resultSetHitInfo);
+// G.evt.result.recordReceived.push(resultDisplayRecord, resultAddCopyCounts);
+ G.evt.result.recordReceived.push(resultDisplayRecord);
+// G.evt.result.copyCountsReceived.push(resultDisplayCopyCounts);
+ G.evt.result.allRecordsReceived.push(resultBuildCaches, resultDrawSubjects,
+ resultDrawAuthors, resultDrawSeries, function(){unHideMe($('result_info_2'))},
+ fetchGoogleBooksLink);
+ attachEvt('result','lowHits',resultLowHits);
+ attachEvt('result','zeroHits',resultZeroHits);
+ attachEvt( "common", "locationUpdated", resultSBSubmit );
+ /* do this after we have ID's so the rank for mr pages will be correct */
+ attachEvt("result", "preCollectRecords", resultPaginate);
+function resultSBSubmit(){searchBarSubmit();}
+/* returns the last 'index' postion ocurring in this page */
+function resultFinalPageIndex() {
+ if(getHitCount() < (getOffset() + getDisplayCount()))
+ return getHitCount() - 1;
+ return getOffset() + getDisplayCount() - 1;
+/* generic search method */
+function resultCollectSearchIds( type, method, handler ) {
+ var sort = (getSort() == SORT_TYPE_REL) ? null : getSort();
+ var sortdir = (sort) ? ((getSortDir()) ? getSortDir() : SORT_DIR_ASC) : null;
+ var item_type;
+ var item_form;
+ var args = {};
+ if( type ) {
+ var form = parseForm(getForm());
+ item_type = form.item_type;
+ item_form = form.item_form;
+ } else {
+ item_type = (getItemType()) ? getItemType().split(/,/) : null;
+ item_form = (getItemForm()) ? getItemForm().split(/,/) : null;
+ }
+ var limit = (resultFetchAllRecords) ? 1000 : getDisplayCount();
+ if( getOffset() > 0 ) {
+ if( getHitCount() > 0 && (getOffset() + getDisplayCount()) > getHitCount() )
+ limit = getHitCount() - getOffset();
+ }
+ var lasso = getLasso();
+ if (lasso) args.org_unit = -lasso;
+ else args.org_unit = getLocation();
+ args.depth = getDepth();
+ args.limit = limit;
+ args.offset = getOffset();
+ args.visibility_limit = 3000;
+ args.default_class = getStype();
+ if(sort) args.sort = sort;
+ if(sortdir) args.sort_dir = sortdir;
+ if(item_type) args.item_type = item_type;
+ if(item_form) args.item_form = item_form;
+ if(getAvail()) args.available = 1;
+ if(getAudience()) args.audience = getAudience().split(/,/);
+ if(getLitForm()) args.lit_form = getLitForm().split(/,/);
+ if(getLanguage()) args.language = getLanguage().split(/,/);
+ if(getBibLevel()) args.bib_level = getBibLevel().split(/,/);
+ if(getCopyLocs()) args.locations = getCopyLocs().split(/,/);
+ if(getPubdBefore()) args.before = getPubdBefore();
+ else if(getPubdAfter()) args.after = getPubdAfter();
+ else if(getPubdBetween()) args.between = getPubdBetween().split(/,/);
+ _debug('Search args: ' + js2JSON(args));
+ _debug('Raw query: ' + getTerm());
+ var req = new Request(method, args, getTerm(), 1);
+ req.callback(handler);
+ req.send();
+/* set the search result info, number of hits, which results we're
+ displaying, links to the next/prev pages, etc. */
+function resultSetHitInfo() {
+ var lasso = getLasso();
+ if (!lasso) {
+ /* tell the user where the results are coming from */
+ var baseorg = findOrgUnit(getLocation());
+ var depth = getDepth();
+ var mydepth = findOrgDepth(baseorg);
+ if( findOrgDepth(baseorg) != depth ) {
+ var tmporg = baseorg;
+ while( mydepth > depth ) {
+ mydepth--;
+ tmporg = findOrgUnit(tmporg.parent_ou());
+ }
+ unHideMe($('including_results_for'));
+ $('including_results_location').appendChild(text(tmporg.name()));
+ }
+ }
+ try{searchTimer.stop()}catch(e){}
+ //if( findCurrentPage() == MRESULT ) {
+ if( findCurrentPage() == MRESULT ||
+ (findCurrentPage() == RRESULT &&
+ (
+ getRtype() == RTYPE_TITLE ||
+ getRtype() == RTYPE_AUTHOR ||
+ getRtype() == RTYPE_SUBJECT ||
+ getRtype() == RTYPE_SERIES ||
+ getRtype() == RTYPE_KEYWORD
+ )
+ ) ) {
+ if(getHitCount() <= lowHitCount && getTerm())
+ runEvt('result', 'lowHits');
+ }
+ if(getHitCount() == 0) {
+ runEvt('result', 'zeroHits');
+ return;
+ }
+ var pages = getHitCount() / getDisplayCount();
+ if(pages % 1) pages = parseInt(pages) + 1;
+ var cpage = (getOffset()/getDisplayCount()) + 1;
+ G.ui.result.current_page.appendChild(text(cpage));
+ G.ui.result.num_pages.appendChild(text(pages + ")")); /* the ) is dumb */
+ $('current_page2').appendChild(text(cpage));
+ $('num_pages2').appendChild(text(pages + ")")); /* the ) is dumb */
+ /* set the offsets */
+ var offsetEnd = getDisplayCount() + getOffset();
+ if( getDisplayCount() > (getHitCount() - getOffset()))
+ offsetEnd = getHitCount();
+ G.ui.result.offset_end.appendChild(text(offsetEnd));
+ G.ui.result.offset_start.appendChild(text(getOffset() + 1));
+ $('offset_end2').appendChild(text(offsetEnd));
+ $('offset_start2').appendChild(text(getOffset() + 1));
+ G.ui.result.result_count.appendChild(text(getHitCount()));
+ unHideMe(G.ui.result.info);
+ $('result_count2').appendChild(text(getHitCount()));
+ unHideMe($('result_info_div2'));
+function resultLowHits() {
+ showCanvas();
+ unHideMe($('result_low_hits'));
+ if(getHitCount() > 0)
+ unHideMe($('result_low_hits_msg'));
+ var words = [];
+ for(var key in resultCompiledSearch.searches)
+ words.push(resultCompiledSearch.searches[key].term);
+ var sreq = new Request(CHECK_SPELL, words.join(' '));
+ sreq.callback(resultSuggestSpelling);
+ sreq.send();
+ for(var key in resultCompiledSearch.searches) {
+ var areq = new Request(FETCH_CROSSREF, key, resultCompiledSearch.searches[key].term);
+ areq.callback(resultLowHitXRef);
+ areq.send();
+ }
+ if( !(getForm() == null || getForm() == 'all' || getForm() == "") ) {
+ var a = {};
+ a[PARAM_FORM] = "all";
+ $('low_hits_remove_format_link').setAttribute('href',buildOPACLink(a));
+ unHideMe($('low_hits_remove_format'));
+ }
+ resultSuggestSearchClass();
+ if(getTerm()) resultExpandSearch(); /* advanced search */
+var lowHitsXRefSet = {};
+var lowHitsXRefLink;
+var lowHitsXRefLinkParent;
+function resultLowHitXRef(r) {
+ if(!lowHitsXRefLink){
+ lowHitsXRefLinkParent = $('low_hits_xref_link').parentNode;
+ lowHitsXRefLink = lowHitsXRefLinkParent.removeChild($('low_hits_xref_link'));
+ }
+ var res = r.getResultObject();
+ var arr = res.from;
+ arr.concat(res.also);
+ if(arr && arr.length > 0) {
+ unHideMe($('low_hits_cross_ref'));
+ var word;
+ var c = 0;
+ while( word = arr.shift() ) {
+ if (lowHitsXRefSet[word] == 1) continue;
+ lowHitsXRefSet[word] = 1;
+ if(c++ > 20) break;
+ var a = {};
+ a[PARAM_TERM] = word;
+ var template = lowHitsXRefLink.cloneNode(true);
+ template.setAttribute('href',buildOPACLink(a));
+ template.appendChild(text(word));
+ lowHitsXRefLinkParent.appendChild(template);
+ lowHitsXRefLinkParent.appendChild(text(' '));
+ }
+ }
+function resultZeroHits() {
+ showCanvas();
+ unHideMe($('result_low_hits'));
+ unHideMe($('result_zero_hits_msg'));
+ //if(getTerm()) resultExpandSearch(); /* advanced search */
+function resultExpandSearch() {
+ var top = findOrgDepth(globalOrgTree);
+ if(getDepth() == top) return;
+ unHideMe($('low_hits_expand_range'));
+ var par = $('low_hits_expand_link').parentNode;
+ var template = par.removeChild($('low_hits_expand_link'));
+ var bottom = getDepth();
+ while( top < bottom ) {
+ var a = {};
+ a[PARAM_DEPTH] = top;
+ var temp = template.cloneNode(true);
+ temp.appendChild(text(findOrgTypeFromDepth(top).opac_label()))
+ temp.setAttribute('href',buildOPACLink(a));
+ par.appendChild(temp);
+ top++;
+ }
+function resultSuggestSearchClass() {
+ var stype = getStype();
+ if(stype == STYPE_KEYWORD) return;
+ var a = {}; var ref;
+ unHideMe($('low_hits_search_type'));
+ if(stype != STYPE_TITLE) {
+ ref = $('low_hits_title_search');
+ unHideMe(ref);
+ ref.setAttribute('href',buildOPACLink(a));
+ }
+ if(stype != STYPE_AUTHOR) {
+ ref = $('low_hits_author_search');
+ unHideMe(ref);
+ ref.setAttribute('href',buildOPACLink(a));
+ }
+ if(stype != STYPE_SUBJECT) {
+ ref = $('low_hits_subject_search');
+ unHideMe(ref);
+ ref.setAttribute('href',buildOPACLink(a));
+ }
+ if(stype != STYPE_KEYWORD) {
+ ref = $('low_hits_keyword_search');
+ unHideMe(ref);
+ ref.setAttribute('href',buildOPACLink(a));
+ }
+ if(stype != STYPE_SERIES) {
+ ref = $('low_hits_series_search');
+ unHideMe(ref);
+ ref.setAttribute('href',buildOPACLink(a));
+ }
+function resultSuggestSpelling(r) {
+ var res = r.getResultObject();
+ var phrase = getTerm();
+ var words = phrase.split(/ /);
+ var newterm = "";
+ for( var w = 0; w < words.length; w++ ) {
+ var word = words[w];
+ var blob = grep(res, function(i){return (i.word == word);});
+ if( blob ) blob = blob[0];
+ else continue;
+ if( blob.word == word ) {
+ if( blob.suggestions && blob.suggestions[0] ) {
+ newterm += " " + blob.suggestions[0];
+ unHideMe($('did_you_mean'));
+ } else {
+ newterm += " " + word;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var arg = {};
+ arg[PARAM_TERM] = newterm;
+ $('spell_check_link').setAttribute('href', buildOPACLink(arg));
+ $('spell_check_link').appendChild(text(newterm));
+function resultPaginate() {
+ var o = getOffset();
+ if( !( ((o) + getDisplayCount()) >= getHitCount()) ) {
+ var args = {};
+ args[PARAM_OFFSET] = o + getDisplayCount();
+ args[PARAM_SORT] = SORT;
+ args[PARAM_RLIST] = new CGI().param(PARAM_RLIST);
+ G.ui.result.next_link.setAttribute("href", buildOPACLink(args));
+ addCSSClass(G.ui.result.next_link, config.css.result.nav_active);
+ $('next_link2').setAttribute("href", buildOPACLink(args));
+ addCSSClass($('next_link2'), config.css.result.nav_active);
+ args[PARAM_OFFSET] = getHitCount() - (getHitCount() % getDisplayCount());
+ /* when hit count is divisible by display count, we have to adjust */
+ if( getHitCount() % getDisplayCount() == 0 )
+ args[PARAM_OFFSET] -= getDisplayCount();
+ /*
+ G.ui.result.end_link.setAttribute("href", buildOPACLink(args));
+ addCSSClass(G.ui.result.end_link, config.css.result.nav_active);
+ $('end_link2').setAttribute("href", buildOPACLink(args));
+ addCSSClass($('end_link2'), config.css.result.nav_active);
+ */
+ }
+ if( o > 0 ) {
+ var args = {};
+ args[PARAM_SORT] = SORT;
+ args[PARAM_RLIST] = new CGI().param(PARAM_RLIST);
+ args[PARAM_OFFSET] = o - getDisplayCount();
+ G.ui.result.prev_link.setAttribute( "href", buildOPACLink(args));
+ addCSSClass(G.ui.result.prev_link, config.css.result.nav_active);
+ $('prev_link2').setAttribute( "href", buildOPACLink(args));
+ addCSSClass($('prev_link2'), config.css.result.nav_active);
+ args[PARAM_OFFSET] = 0;
+ G.ui.result.home_link.setAttribute( "href", buildOPACLink(args));
+ addCSSClass(G.ui.result.home_link, config.css.result.nav_active);
+ $('search_home_link2').setAttribute( "href", buildOPACLink(args));
+ addCSSClass($('search_home_link2'), config.css.result.nav_active);
+ }
+ if(getDisplayCount() < getHitCount()) {
+ unHideMe($('start_end_links_span'));
+ unHideMe($('start_end_links_span2'));
+ }
+ showCanvas();
+ try{searchTimer.stop()}catch(e){}
+function buildunAPISpan (span, type, id) {
+ var cgi = new CGI();
+ var d = new Date();
+ addCSSClass(span,'unapi-id');
+ span.setAttribute(
+ 'title',
+ 'tag:' + cgi.server_name + ',' +
+ d.getFullYear() +
+ ':' + type + '/' + id
+ );
+function unhideGoogleBooksLink (data) {
+ for ( var i in data ) {
+ //if (data[i].preview == 'noview') continue;
+ var gbspan = $n(document.documentElement, 'googleBooksLink-' + i);
+ var gba = $n(gbspan, "googleBooks-link");
+ gba.setAttribute(
+ 'href',
+ data[i].info_url
+ );
+ removeCSSClass( gbspan, 'hide_me' );
+ }
+/* display the record info in the record display table 'pos' is the
+ zero based position the record should have in the display table */
+function resultDisplayRecord(rec, pos, is_mr) {
+ if(rec == null) rec = new mvr(); /* so the page won't die if there was an error */
+ recordsHandled++;
+ recordsCache.push(rec);
+ var r = table.rows[pos + 1];
+ var currentISBN = cleanISBN(rec.isbn());
+ //instantiate bibtemplate
+ var here = findOrgUnit(getLocation());
+ new openils.BibTemplate({ root: r, record : rec.doc_id(), org_unit : here.shortname() }).render();
+ if (googleBooksLink) {
+ var gbspan = $n(r, "googleBooksLink");
+ if (currentISBN) {
+ gbspan.setAttribute(
+ 'name',
+ gbspan.getAttribute('name') + '-' + currentISBN
+ );
+ if (isbnList) isbnList += ', ';
+ isbnList += currentISBN;
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ var rank = parseFloat(ranks[pos + getOffset()]);
+ rank = parseInt( rank * 100 );
+ var relspan = $n(r, "relevancy_span");
+ relspan.appendChild(text(rank));
+ unHideMe(relspan.parentNode);
+ } catch(e){ }
+ var pic = $n(r, config.names.result.item_jacket);
+ pic.setAttribute("src", buildISBNSrc(currentISBN));
+ var title_link = $n(r, config.names.result.item_title);
+ var author_link = $n(r, config.names.result.item_author);
+ if( is_mr ) {
+ var onlyrec = onlyrecord[ getOffset() + pos ];
+ if(onlyrec) {
+ buildunAPISpan($n(r,'unapi'), 'biblio-record_entry', onlyrec);
+ var args = {};
+ args.page = RDETAIL;
+ args[PARAM_OFFSET] = 0;
+ args[PARAM_RID] = onlyrec;
+ args[PARAM_MRID] = rec.doc_id();
+ pic.parentNode.setAttribute("href", buildOPACLink(args));
+ title_link.setAttribute("href", buildOPACLink(args));
+ //title_link.appendChild(text(normalize(truncate(rec.title(), 65))));
+ } else {
+ buildunAPISpan($n(r,'unapi'), 'metabib-metarecord', rec.doc_id());
+ buildTitleLink(rec, title_link);
+ var args = {};
+ args.page = RRESULT;
+ args[PARAM_OFFSET] = 0;
+ args[PARAM_MRID] = rec.doc_id();
+ pic.parentNode.setAttribute("href", buildOPACLink(args));
+ }
+ } else {
+ buildunAPISpan($n(r,'unapi'), 'biblio-record_entry', rec.doc_id());
+ buildTitleDetailLink(rec, title_link);
+ var args = {};
+ args.page = RDETAIL;
+ args[PARAM_OFFSET] = 0;
+ args[PARAM_RID] = rec.doc_id();
+ pic.parentNode.setAttribute("href", buildOPACLink(args));
+ unHideMe($n(r,'place_hold_span'));
+ $n(r,'place_hold_link').setAttribute(
+ 'href','javascript:holdsDrawEditor({record:"'+rec.doc_id()+'",type:"T"});');
+ }
+ buildSearchLink(STYPE_AUTHOR, rec.author(), author_link);
+ if(! is_mr ) {
+ if(!isNull(rec.edition())) {
+ unHideMe( $n(r, "result_table_extra_span"));
+ $n(r, "result_table_edition_span").appendChild( text( rec.edition()) );
+ }
+ }
+ resultBuildFormatIcons( r, rec, is_mr );
+ unHideMe(r);
+ runEvt("result", "recordDrawn", rec.doc_id(), title_link);
+ /*
+ if(resultPageIsDone()) {
+ runEvt('result', 'allRecordsReceived', recordsCache);
+ }
+ */
+function _resultFindRec(id) {
+ for( var i = 0; i != recordsCache.length; i++ ) {
+ var rec = recordsCache[i];
+ if( rec && rec.doc_id() == id )
+ return rec;
+ }
+ return null;
+function resultBuildFormatIcons( row, rec, is_mr ) {
+ var ress = rec.types_of_resource();
+ for( var i in ress ) {
+ var res = ress[i];
+ if(!res) continue;
+ var link = $n(row, res + "_link");
+ link.title = res;
+ var img = link.getElementsByTagName("img")[0];
+ removeCSSClass( img, config.css.dim );
+ var f = getForm();
+ if( f != "all" ) {
+ if( f == modsFormatToMARC(res) )
+ addCSSClass( img, "dim2_border");
+ }
+ var args = {};
+ args[PARAM_OFFSET] = 0;
+ if(is_mr) {
+ args.page = RRESULT;
+ args[PARAM_TFORM] = modsFormatToMARC(res);
+ args[PARAM_MRID] = rec.doc_id();
+ } else {
+ args.page = RDETAIL
+ args[PARAM_RID] = rec.doc_id();
+ }
+ link.setAttribute("href", buildOPACLink(args));
+ }
+function fetchGoogleBooksLink () {
+ if (isbnList && googleBooksLink) {
+ var scriptElement = document.createElement("script");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("id", "jsonScript");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("src",
+ "http://books.google.com/books?bibkeys=" +
+ escape(isbnList) + "&jscmd=viewapi&callback=unhideGoogleBooksLink");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
+ // make the request to Google Book Search
+ document.documentElement.firstChild.appendChild(scriptElement);
+ }
+function resultPageIsDone(pos) {
+ return (recordsHandled == getDisplayCount()
+ || recordsHandled + getOffset() == getHitCount());
+var resultCCHeaderApplied = false;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* dynamically add the copy count rows based on the org type 'countsrow'
+ is the row into which we will add TD's to hold the copy counts
+ This code generates copy count cells with an id of
+ 'copy_count_cell_<depth>_<pagePosition>' */
+function resultAddCopyCounts(rec, pagePosition) {
+ var r = table.rows[pagePosition + 1];
+ var countsrow = $n(r, config.names.result.counts_row );
+ var ccell = $n(countsrow, config.names.result.count_cell);
+ var nodes = orgNodeTrail(findOrgUnit(getLocation()));
+ var node = nodes[0];
+ var type = findOrgType(node.ou_type());
+ ccell.id = "copy_count_cell_" + type.depth() + "_" + pagePosition;
+ ccell.title = type.opac_label();
+ //addCSSClass(ccell, config.css.result.cc_cell_even);
+ var lastcell = ccell;
+ var lastheadcell = null;
+ var cchead = null;
+ var ccheadcell = null;
+ if(!resultCCHeaderApplied && !getLasso()) {
+ ccrow = $('result_thead_row');
+ ccheadcell = ccrow.removeChild($n(ccrow, "result_thead_ccell"));
+ var t = ccheadcell.cloneNode(true);
+ lastheadcell = t;
+ t.appendChild(text(type.opac_label()));
+ ccrow.appendChild(t);
+ resultCCHeaderApplied = true;
+ }
+ if(nodes[1]) {
+ var x = 1;
+ var d = findOrgDepth(nodes[1]);
+ var d2 = findOrgDepth(nodes[nodes.length -1]);
+ for( var i = d; i <= d2 ; i++ ) {
+ ccell = ccell.cloneNode(true);
+ //if((i % 2)) removeCSSClass(ccell, "copy_count_cell_even");
+ //else addCSSClass(ccell, "copy_count_cell_even");
+ var node = nodes[x++];
+ var type = findOrgType(node.ou_type());
+ ccell.id = "copy_count_cell_" + type.depth() + "_" + pagePosition;
+ ccell.title = type.opac_label();
+ countsrow.insertBefore(ccell, lastcell);
+ lastcell = ccell;
+ if(ccheadcell) {
+ var t = ccheadcell.cloneNode(true);
+ t.appendChild(text(type.opac_label()));
+ ccrow.insertBefore(t, lastheadcell);
+ lastheadcell = t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unHideMe($("search_info_table"));
+/* collect copy counts for a record using method 'methodName' */
+function resultCollectCopyCounts(rec, pagePosition, methodName) {
+ if(rec == null || rec.doc_id() == null) return;
+ var loc = getLasso();
+ if (loc) loc = -loc;
+ else loc= getLocation();
+ var req = new Request(methodName, loc, rec.doc_id(), getForm() );
+ req.request.userdata = [ rec, pagePosition ];
+ req.callback(resultHandleCopyCounts);
+ req.send();
+function resultHandleCopyCounts(r) {
+ runEvt('result', 'copyCountsReceived', r.userdata[0], r.userdata[1], r.getResultObject());
+/* XXX Needs to understand Lasso copy counts... */
+/* display the collected copy counts */
+function resultDisplayCopyCounts(rec, pagePosition, copy_counts) {
+ if(copy_counts == null || rec == null) return;
+ if (getLasso()) {
+ var copy_counts_lasso = {
+ transcendant : null,
+ count : 0,
+ unshadow : 0,
+ available : 0,
+ depth : -1,
+ org_unit : getLasso()
+ };
+ for (var i in copy_counts) {
+ copy_counts_lasso.transcendant = copy_counts[i].transcendant;
+ copy_counts_lasso.count += parseInt(copy_counts[i].count);
+ copy_counts_lasso.unshadow += parseInt(copy_counts[i].unshadow);
+ copy_counts_lasso.available += parseInt(copy_counts[i].available);
+ }
+ copy_counts = [ copy_counts_lasso ];
+ }
+ var i = 0;
+ while(copy_counts[i] != null) {
+ var cell = $("copy_count_cell_" + i +"_" + pagePosition);
+ var cts = copy_counts[i];
+ cell.appendChild(text(cts.available + " / " + cts.count));
+ if(isXUL()) {
+ /* here we style opac-invisible records for xul */
+ if( cts.depth == 0 ) {
+ if(cts.transcendant == null && cts.unshadow == 0) {
+ _debug("found an opac-shadowed record: " + rec.doc_id());
+ var row = cell.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
+ if( cts.count == 0 )
+ addCSSClass( row, 'no_copies' );
+ else
+ addCSSClass( row, 'shadowed' );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
Added: conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/web/opac/skin/btresult/xml/result/result_table.xml
--- conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/web/opac/skin/btresult/xml/result/result_table.xml (rev 0)
+++ conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/web/opac/skin/btresult/xml/result/result_table.xml 2010-03-23 15:05:51 UTC (rev 841)
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+<!-- Search results are spit into this table -->
+<div id='result_table_div' xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
+ <table id='res_table'>
+ <!-- for some reason, this is the only way i can force the cell widths -->
+ <thead id='result_thead'>
+ <tr>
+ <td class='result_table_pic_header'></td>
+ <td> </td>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody id='result_table'>
+ <tr>
+ <td class='result_table_row'>
+ <!--#include virtual="result_info.xml"-->
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <!-- Template for displaying a search result. This row template is cloned and inserted
+ for each result returned -->
+ <tr id='result_table_template' class='hide_me'>
+ <!-- Jacket image goes here -->
+ <td class='result_table_row' align='left'>
+ <table class='result_table_subtable'>
+ <tbody class='result_table_subtbody'>
+ <tr style='height: 1em' name='counts_row'>
+ <td rowspan='3' class='result_table_pic_header'>
+ <a><img name='item_jacket' class='result_table_pic'/></a>
+ </td>
+ <td class='result_table_title_cell' name='result_table_title_cell'>
+ <!-- Title goes here -->
+ <a title="&result.table.keyword;" name='item_title' class='search_link' type='opac/slot-data' query='datafield[tag=245]' id='rresult_title'>
+ <!-- Title goes here -->
+ <script type='opac/slot-format'><![CDATA[
+ var out = '';
+ var list = dojo.query( 'subfield', item );
+ for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+ out += dojox.data.dom.textContent(list[i]) + ' ';
+ }
+ return normalize(truncate(out, 65));
+ ]]></script>
+ </a>
+ </td>
+ <!-- Copy this td for each copy count appended -->
+ <!-- TODO - move this style to the external style sheet -->
+ <td style="background-color: #E0F0E0; padding: 10px; text-align: left; width: 35%" rowspan='3' nowrap='nowrap' name="copy_count_cell" class='copy_count_cell' type='opac/slot-data' query='volumes volume copies'>
+ <script type='opac/slot-format'><![CDATA[
+ var out = '';
+ var list = dojo.query ( 'copy', item );
+ dojo.forEach (list, function (copy) {
+ out += "<div><b>" + dojox.data.dom.textContent(dojo.query('status', copy)[0]) + "</b> @ " + dojox.data.dom.textContent(dojo.query('circlib', copy)[0]) + "</div>";
+ out += "<div>" + dojox.data.dom.textContent(dojo.query('location', copy)[0]) + " - ";
+ // don't display for dummy copies for electronic stuff?
+ out += dojo.attr(item.parentNode, 'label');
+ out += "</div>";
+ });
+ //check if online resource
+ var uriList = dojo.query('uris', item.parentNode).query('uri');
+ if (uriList.length > 0) {
+ dojo.forEach (uriList, function (uri) {
+ //dojo.place(dojo.create("a", { href: dojo.attr(uri,'href'), class: 'search_link', innerHTML: (dojo.attr(uri, 'use_restriction') || dojo.attr(uri, 'label'))}), dojo.byId('copy_count_cell'));
+ out += "<a class='search_link' href=\"" + dojo.attr(uri, 'href') + "\">" + truncate((dojo.attr(uri, 'use_restriction') || dojo.attr(uri, 'label')), 40) + "</a><br/>";
+ });
+ }
+ return out;
+ ]]></script>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr style='height: 1em' >
+ <td class='result_table_author_cell'>
+ <a title="&result.table.author;" name='item_author' class='search_link' type='opac/slot-data' query='datafield[tag=100], datafield[tag=110]' id='rresult_author'>
+ <!-- Author goes here -->
+ <script type='opac/slot-format'><![CDATA[
+ return dojox.data.dom.textContent(item);
+ ]]></script>
+ </a>
+ <div>
+ <span name='result_table_extra_span'>
+ <span name='result_table_pub_box' style='padding-left: 10px;'>
+ <span name='result_table_edition_span' style='padding-left: 10px;'></span> |
+ <span name='result_table_pub_span' type='opac/slot-data' query='datafield[tag=260]'>
+ <script type='opac/slot-format'><![CDATA[
+ return dojox.data.dom.textContent(item);
+ ]]></script>
+ </span> |
+ <span name='result_table_phys_span' type='opac/slot-data' query='datafield[tag=300]'>
+ <script type='opac/slot-format'><![CDATA[
+ return dojox.data.dom.textContent(item);
+ ]]></script>
+ </span>
+ </span>
+ </span>
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr style='height:1em;' >
+ <td name='result_table_format_cell' class='result_table_format_cell'>
+ <a name='text_link' class='search_link'>
+ <img src='../../../../images/tor/text.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+ </a>
+ <a name='sound recording-nonmusical_link' class='search_link'>
+ <img src='../../../../images/tor/sound recording-nonmusical.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+ </a>
+ <a name='moving image_link' class='search_link'>
+ <img src='../../../../images/tor/moving image.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+ </a>
+ <a name='software, multimedia_link' class='search_link'>
+ <img src='../../../../images/tor/software, multimedia.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+ </a>
+ <a name='sound recording-musical_link' class='search_link'>
+ <img src='../../../../images/tor/sound recording-musical.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+ </a>
+ <a name='cartographic_link' class='search_link'>
+ <img src='../../../../images/tor/cartographic.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+ </a>
+ <a name='mixed material_link' class='search_link'>
+ <img src='../../../../images/tor/mixed material.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+ </a>
+ <a name='notated music_link' class='search_link'>
+ <img src='../../../../images/tor/notated music.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+ </a>
+ <a name='sound recording_link' class='search_link'>
+ <img src='../../../../images/tor/sound recording.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+ </a>
+ <a name='still image_link' class='search_link'>
+ <img src='../../../../images/tor/still images.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+ </a>
+ <a name='three dimensional object_link' class='search_link'>
+ <img src='../../../../images/tor/three dimensional object.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+ </a>
+ <span class='hide_me'
+ style='color: #9999FF; padding-left: 10px; font-size: 7pt; font-weight: 300;'>
+ <span>&common.relevancy; </span><span name='relevancy_span'> </span>
+ </span>
+ <span class='hide_me' name='place_hold_span'>
+ <a style='padding-left: 8px;' href='javascript:void(0);'
+ class='classic_link' name='place_hold_link'>&opac.holds.placeHold;</a>
+ </span>
+ <!-- Empty span used for creating unAPI links -->
+ <abbr style='padding-left: 8px;' name="unapi" class="unapi-id">
+ <!-- unAPI URI goes here -->
+ </abbr>
+ <!-- Empty span used for creating Google Book Search-->
+ <span name="googleBooksLink" class="hide_me">
+ <a style='padding-left: 8px;' class='classic_link' name="googleBooks-link">&result.googleBooks.browse;</a>
+ </span>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ <!-- ====================== -->
+ <table style='width: 100%; margin-top: 12px;' id='result_info_2' class='hide_me'>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr class='color_4' style='height: 1em;'>
+ <td style='vertical-align: top;' id='next_prev_links2'>
+ <span class='hide_me' id='result_info_div2' style='font-size: 9pt;'>
+ <span> &common.results; </span>
+ <b id='offset_start2'> </b>
+ <span> - </span>
+ <b id='offset_end2'> </b>
+ <span> &common.ofAtLeast; </span>
+ <b id='result_count2'> </b>
+ <span style='padding-left: 6px;'> (page </span>
+ <span id='current_page2'> </span>
+ <span> &common.of; </span>
+ <span id='num_pages2'> </span>
+ </span>
+ <span id='start_end_links_span2' class='hide_me'
+ style='padding-left: 40px;' >
+ <a class='search_page_nav_link' id='search_home_link2'
+ title="&rdetail.page.results;">&rdetail.start;</a><a class='search_page_nav_link'
+ id='prev_link2' title='&rdetail.page.previous;'>«</a>
+ <span class='search_page_nav_link' id='page_numbers2'> </span>
+ <a class='search_page_nav_link' id='next_link2'
+ title='&rdetail.page.next;'>»</a>
+ <!--
+ <a class='search_page_nav_link'
+ id='end_link2' title="&rdetail.page.last;">&rdetail.end;</a>
+ -->
+ </span>
+ </td>
+ <td colspan='5'
+ style='padding-bottom: 4px; text-align:center; vertical-align: top; border-bottom: 1px solid #E0E0E0;'>
+ <!--
+ <span id='search_info_table2' style='font-size: 8pt;'>
+ <b>Available copies / Total copies </b>
+ </span>
+ -->
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ <!-- ====================== -->
+ <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>
+ config.names.result.format_cell = 'result_table_format_cell';
+ config.names.result.format_link = 'resource_link'
+ config.names.result.format_pic = 'format_pic'
+ </script>
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