[open-ils-commits] r18865 - trunk/Open-ILS/tests (gmc)
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Mon Nov 29 17:54:36 EST 2010
Author: gmc
Date: 2010-11-29 17:54:30 -0500 (Mon, 29 Nov 2010)
New Revision: 18865
test cases for the naco_normalize stored function
Note that running the tests would require sticking in
the connection parameters for an Evergreen database; check
comments for some musings on how to do this better.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc at esilibrary.com>
Added: trunk/Open-ILS/tests/naco_normalize.t
--- trunk/Open-ILS/tests/naco_normalize.t (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/tests/naco_normalize.t 2010-11-29 22:54:30 UTC (rev 18865)
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+use Test::More;
+use Unicode::Normalize;
+use DBI;
+# This could be made better in at least one of two ways (or both);
+# 1. put PL/Perl code that doesn't require a database into external
+# modules so that test frameworks can get at it more easily
+# 2. Build a test harness that knows how to find an Evergreen
+# database to use for non-destructive testing. Of course, there
+# can be a chicken-and-egg problem here; also, a complete test
+# suite would need to be able to do *destructive* testing, from
+# which we'd presumably want to protect production databases.
+# Database connection parameters
+my $db_driver = 'Pg';
+my $db_host = 'evergreen';
+my $db_port = '5432';
+my $db_name = 'evergreen';
+my $db_user = 'evergreen';
+my $db_pw = 'evergreen';
+my $dsn = "dbi:" . $db_driver . ":dbname=" . $db_name .';host=' . $db_host . ';port=' . $db_port;
+my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $db_user, $db_pw, {AutoCommit => 1, pg_enable_utf8 => 1, PrintError => 0});
+if (!defined($dbh)) {
+ plan skip_all => "Failed to connect to database: $DBI::errstr";
+binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
+binmode STDERR, ':utf8';
+my @test_cases = (
+ [ 'abc', 'abc', 'regular text' ],
+ [ 'ABC', 'abc', 'regular text' ],
+ [ 'åbçdéñœöîøæÇıÂÅÍÎÏÔÔÒÚÆŒè', 'abcdenoeoioaeciaaiiiooouaeoee', 'European diacritics' ],
+ [ '“‘„«quotes»’”', 'quotes', 'special quotes' ],
+ [ 'abc def', 'def', 'special non-filing characters designation' ],
+ [ 'abcdef', 'abcdef', 'unpaired start of string' ],
+ [ 'ß', 'ss', 'sharp S (eszett)' ],
+ [ 'flfiff', 'flfiff', 'ligatures' ],
+ [ 'ƠơƯư²IJij', 'oouu2ijij', 'NFKD applied correctly' ],
+ [ 'ÆØÞæðøþĐđıŁłŒœʻʼℓ', 'aeothaedothddilloeoel', 'part 3.6' ],
+ [ 'Ð', 'd', 'uppercase eth (missing from 3.6?)' ],
+ [ 'ıİ', 'ii', 'Turkish I' ],
+ [ '[book\'s cover]', 'books cover', 'square brackets and apostrophe' ],
+ [ ' grue food ', 'grue food', 'trim spaces' ],
+ # note addition of NFKD() to transform expected output
+ [ '한국어 조선말', NFKD('한국어 조선말'), 'Korean text' ],
+ [ '普通話 / 普通话', '普通話 普通话', 'Chinese text' ],
+ [ 'العربية', 'العربية', 'Arabic text' ],
+ [ 'ქართული ენა', 'ქართული ენა', 'Georgian text' ],
+ [ 'русский язык', 'русскии язык', 'Russian text' ],
+ [ "\r\npa\tper\f", 'paper', 'other whitespace' ],
+ [ '#1: ∃ C++, @ home & abroad', '#1 c++ @ home & abroad', 'other punctuation' ],
+ [ '٠١٢٣٤٥', '012345', 'other decimal digits' ],
+ [ '²³¹', '231', 'superscript numbers' ],
+ [ '♭©®♯', '♭ ♯', 'other symbols' ],
+my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare_cached('SELECT public.naco_normalize(?)');
+my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare_cached('SELECT public.naco_normalize(?, ?)');
+sub naco_normalize_wrapper {
+ my ($str, $sf) = @_;
+ if (defined $sf) {
+ $sth2->execute($str, $sf);
+ return $sth2->fetchrow_array;
+ } else {
+ $sth1->execute($str);
+ return $sth1->fetchrow_array;
+ }
+foreach my $case (@test_cases) {
+ is(naco_normalize_wrapper($case->[0]), $case->[1], $case->[2]);
+is(naco_normalize_wrapper('Smith, Jane. Poet, painter, and author', 'a'), 'smith, jane poet painter and author',
+ 'retain first comma');
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