[open-ils-commits] r18191 - in trunk/Open-ILS: examples src/sql/Pg src/sql/Pg/upgrade web/templates/default/conify/global/config (miker)

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Tue Oct 5 23:07:33 EDT 2010

Author: miker
Date: 2010-10-05 23:07:30 -0400 (Tue, 05 Oct 2010)
New Revision: 18191

Add a switch to turn on strict OU matching for all OUs required by a hold matchpoint

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/examples/fm_IDL.xml
--- trunk/Open-ILS/examples/fm_IDL.xml	2010-10-06 02:44:23 UTC (rev 18190)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/examples/fm_IDL.xml	2010-10-06 03:07:30 UTC (rev 18191)
@@ -999,6 +999,7 @@
 		<fields oils_persist:primary="id" oils_persist:sequence="config.hold_matrix_matchpoint_id_seq">
 			<field reporter:label="Matchpoint ID" name="id" reporter:datatype="id"/>
 			<field reporter:label="Active?" name="active" reporter:datatype="bool"/>
+			<field reporter:label="Strict OU matches?" name="strict_ou_match" reporter:datatype="bool"/>
 			<field reporter:label="User Home Library" name="user_home_ou" reporter:datatype="org_unit"/>
 			<field reporter:label="Request Library" name="request_ou" reporter:datatype="org_unit"/>
 			<field reporter:label="Pickup Library" name="pickup_ou" reporter:datatype="org_unit"/>

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql	2010-10-06 02:44:23 UTC (rev 18190)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql	2010-10-06 03:07:30 UTC (rev 18191)
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0428'); -- miker
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0430'); -- miker
 CREATE TABLE config.bib_source (

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/110.hold_matrix.sql
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/110.hold_matrix.sql	2010-10-06 02:44:23 UTC (rev 18190)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/110.hold_matrix.sql	2010-10-06 03:07:30 UTC (rev 18191)
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 CREATE TABLE config.hold_matrix_matchpoint (
     id                      SERIAL    PRIMARY KEY,
     active                  BOOL    NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,
+    strict_ou_match         BOOL    NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,
     user_home_ou            INT        REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,    -- Set to the top OU for the matchpoint applicability range; we can use org_unit_prox to choose the "best"
     request_ou              INT        REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,    -- Set to the top OU for the matchpoint applicability range; we can use org_unit_prox to choose the "best"
     pickup_ou               INT        REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,    -- Set to the top OU for the matchpoint applicability range; we can use org_unit_prox to choose the "best"
@@ -128,27 +129,47 @@
             -- caclulate the rule match weight
             IF current_mp.item_owning_ou IS NOT NULL THEN
-                SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.item_owning_ou, item_cn_object.owning_lib)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
+                IF NOT current_mp.strict_ou_match THEN
+                    SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.item_owning_ou, item_cn_object.owning_lib)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
+                ELSE
+                    tmp_weight := CASE WHEN current_mp.item_owning_ou = item_cn_object.owning_lib THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END;
+                END IF;
                 current_mp_weight := current_mp_weight - tmp_weight;
             END IF; 
             IF current_mp.item_circ_ou IS NOT NULL THEN
-                SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.item_circ_ou, item_object.circ_lib)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
+                IF NOT current_mp.strict_ou_match THEN
+                    SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.item_circ_ou, item_object.circ_lib)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
+                ELSE
+                    tmp_weight := CASE WHEN current_mp.item_circ_ou = item_object.circ_lib THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END;
+                END IF;
                 current_mp_weight := current_mp_weight - tmp_weight;
             END IF; 
             IF current_mp.pickup_ou IS NOT NULL THEN
-                SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.pickup_ou, pickup_ou)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
+                IF NOT current_mp.strict_ou_match THEN
+                    SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.pickup_ou, pickup_ou)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
+                ELSE
+                    tmp_weight := CASE WHEN current_mp.pickup_ou = pickiup_ou THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END;
+                END IF;
                 current_mp_weight := current_mp_weight - tmp_weight;
             END IF; 
             IF current_mp.request_ou IS NOT NULL THEN
-                SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.request_ou, request_ou)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
+                IF NOT current_mp.strict_ou_match THEN
+                    SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.request_ou, request_ou)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
+                ELSE
+                    tmp_weight := CASE WHEN current_mp.request_ou = request_ou THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END;
+                END IF;
                 current_mp_weight := current_mp_weight - tmp_weight;
             END IF; 
             IF current_mp.user_home_ou IS NOT NULL THEN
-                SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.user_home_ou, user_object.home_ou)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
+                IF NOT current_mp.strict_ou_match THEN
+                    SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.user_home_ou, user_object.home_ou)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
+                ELSE
+                    tmp_weight := CASE WHEN current_mp.user_home_ou = user_object.home_lib THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END;
+                END IF;
                 current_mp_weight := current_mp_weight - tmp_weight;
             END IF; 

Added: trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0430.schema.strict_ou_test.sql
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0430.schema.strict_ou_test.sql	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0430.schema.strict_ou_test.sql	2010-10-06 03:07:30 UTC (rev 18191)
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0430'); -- miker
+ALTER TABLE config.hold_matrix_matchpoint ADD COLUMN strict_ou_match BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.find_hold_matrix_matchpoint( pickup_ou INT, request_ou INT, match_item BIGINT, match_user INT, match_requestor INT ) RETURNS INT AS $func$
+    current_requestor_group    permission.grp_tree%ROWTYPE;
+    requestor_object    actor.usr%ROWTYPE;
+    user_object        actor.usr%ROWTYPE;
+    item_object        asset.copy%ROWTYPE;
+    item_cn_object        asset.call_number%ROWTYPE;
+    rec_descriptor        metabib.rec_descriptor%ROWTYPE;
+    current_mp_weight    FLOAT;
+    matchpoint_weight    FLOAT;
+    tmp_weight        FLOAT;
+    current_mp        config.hold_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE;
+    matchpoint        config.hold_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE;
+    SELECT INTO user_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_user;
+    SELECT INTO requestor_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_requestor;
+    SELECT INTO item_object * FROM asset.copy WHERE id = match_item;
+    SELECT INTO item_cn_object * FROM asset.call_number WHERE id = item_object.call_number;
+    SELECT INTO rec_descriptor r.* FROM metabib.rec_descriptor r WHERE r.record = item_cn_object.record;
+    PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'circ.holds.usr_not_requestor' AND enabled;
+        SELECT INTO current_requestor_group * FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE id = requestor_object.profile;
+    ELSE
+        SELECT INTO current_requestor_group * FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE id = user_object.profile;
+    END IF;
+    LOOP 
+        -- for each potential matchpoint for this ou and group ...
+        FOR current_mp IN
+            SELECT    m.*
+              FROM    config.hold_matrix_matchpoint m
+              WHERE    m.requestor_grp = current_requestor_group.id AND m.active
+              ORDER BY    CASE WHEN m.circ_modifier    IS NOT NULL THEN 16 ELSE 0 END +
+                    CASE WHEN m.juvenile_flag    IS NOT NULL THEN 16 ELSE 0 END +
+                    CASE WHEN m.marc_type        IS NOT NULL THEN 8 ELSE 0 END +
+                    CASE WHEN m.marc_form        IS NOT NULL THEN 4 ELSE 0 END +
+                    CASE WHEN m.marc_vr_format    IS NOT NULL THEN 2 ELSE 0 END +
+                    CASE WHEN m.ref_flag        IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC LOOP
+            current_mp_weight := 5.0;
+            IF current_mp.circ_modifier IS NOT NULL THEN
+                CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.circ_modifier <> item_object.circ_modifier OR item_object.circ_modifier IS NULL;
+            END IF;
+            IF current_mp.marc_type IS NOT NULL THEN
+                IF item_object.circ_as_type IS NOT NULL THEN
+                    CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.marc_type <> item_object.circ_as_type;
+                ELSE
+                    CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.marc_type <> rec_descriptor.item_type;
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            IF current_mp.marc_form IS NOT NULL THEN
+                CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.marc_form <> rec_descriptor.item_form;
+            END IF;
+            IF current_mp.marc_vr_format IS NOT NULL THEN
+                CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.marc_vr_format <> rec_descriptor.vr_format;
+            END IF;
+            IF current_mp.juvenile_flag IS NOT NULL THEN
+                CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.juvenile_flag <> user_object.juvenile;
+            END IF;
+            IF current_mp.ref_flag IS NOT NULL THEN
+                CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.ref_flag <> item_object.ref;
+            END IF;
+            -- caclulate the rule match weight
+            IF current_mp.item_owning_ou IS NOT NULL THEN
+                IF NOT current_mp.strict_ou_match THEN
+                    SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.item_owning_ou, item_cn_object.owning_lib)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
+                ELSE
+                    tmp_weight := CASE WHEN current_mp.item_owning_ou = item_cn_object.owning_lib THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END;
+                END IF;
+                current_mp_weight := current_mp_weight - tmp_weight;
+            END IF; 
+            IF current_mp.item_circ_ou IS NOT NULL THEN
+                IF NOT current_mp.strict_ou_match THEN
+                    SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.item_circ_ou, item_object.circ_lib)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
+                ELSE
+                    tmp_weight := CASE WHEN current_mp.item_circ_ou = item_object.circ_lib THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END;
+                END IF;
+                current_mp_weight := current_mp_weight - tmp_weight;
+            END IF; 
+            IF current_mp.pickup_ou IS NOT NULL THEN
+                IF NOT current_mp.strict_ou_match THEN
+                    SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.pickup_ou, pickup_ou)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
+                ELSE
+                    tmp_weight := CASE WHEN current_mp.pickup_ou = pickiup_ou THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END;
+                END IF;
+                current_mp_weight := current_mp_weight - tmp_weight;
+            END IF; 
+            IF current_mp.request_ou IS NOT NULL THEN
+                IF NOT current_mp.strict_ou_match THEN
+                    SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.request_ou, request_ou)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
+                ELSE
+                    tmp_weight := CASE WHEN current_mp.request_ou = request_ou THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END;
+                END IF;
+                current_mp_weight := current_mp_weight - tmp_weight;
+            END IF; 
+            IF current_mp.user_home_ou IS NOT NULL THEN
+                IF NOT current_mp.strict_ou_match THEN
+                    SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.user_home_ou, user_object.home_ou)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
+                ELSE
+                    tmp_weight := CASE WHEN current_mp.user_home_ou = user_object.home_lib THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END;
+                END IF;
+                current_mp_weight := current_mp_weight - tmp_weight;
+            END IF; 
+            -- set the matchpoint if we found the best one
+            IF matchpoint_weight IS NULL OR matchpoint_weight > current_mp_weight THEN
+                matchpoint = current_mp;
+                matchpoint_weight = current_mp_weight;
+            END IF;
+        END LOOP;
+        EXIT WHEN current_requestor_group.parent IS NULL OR matchpoint.id IS NOT NULL;
+        SELECT INTO current_requestor_group * FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE id = current_requestor_group.parent;
+    END LOOP;
+    RETURN matchpoint.id;
+$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/web/templates/default/conify/global/config/hold_matrix_matchpoint.tt2
--- trunk/Open-ILS/web/templates/default/conify/global/config/hold_matrix_matchpoint.tt2	2010-10-06 02:44:23 UTC (rev 18190)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/web/templates/default/conify/global/config/hold_matrix_matchpoint.tt2	2010-10-06 03:07:30 UTC (rev 18191)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
     <table  jsId="hmGrid" 
-            fieldOrder="['id', 'user_home_ou', 'request_ou', 'pickup_ou', 'item_owning_ou', 'item_circ_ou', 'requestor_grp', 'circ_modifier']"
+            fieldOrder="['id', 'strict_ou_match', 'user_home_ou', 'request_ou', 'pickup_ou', 'item_owning_ou', 'item_circ_ou', 'requestor_grp', 'circ_modifier']"
             query="{id: '*'}" 

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