[open-ils-commits] r17671 - in trunk/Open-ILS/src: perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Acq perlmods/OpenILS/Utils support-scripts (atz)
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Wed Sep 15 01:24:53 EDT 2010
Author: atz
Date: 2010-09-15 01:24:49 -0400 (Wed, 15 Sep 2010)
New Revision: 17671
Overhaul ORDRSP processing based on new Business::EDI capabilities
Lots of error checking
Fetch updates for xpath_value and a B&T data hack
ORDRSP is forced only b/c the DB requires it. We can't accurately
know the message type until the translator deals with it (or we
build our own fault-prone sniffer). But for now all we expect from
vendors in ORDRSP, so we can force temporarily.
Also EDI example data and debugging tweaks
Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Acq/EDI.pm
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Acq/EDI.pm 2010-09-15 05:24:49 UTC (rev 17670)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Acq/EDI.pm 2010-09-15 05:24:49 UTC (rev 17671)
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
return $self;
+# our $reasons = {}; # cache for acq.cancel_reason rows ?
our $translator;
sub translator {
@@ -102,12 +104,19 @@
$max and $count > $max and last;
my $content;
my $io = IO::Scalar->new(\$content);
- unless ($server->get({remote_file => $_, local_file => $io})) {
+ unless (
+ $server->get({remote_file => ($account->in_dir ? ($account->in_dir . "/$_") : $_),
+ local_file => $io})
+ ) {
$logger->error("(S)FTP get($_) failed");
+ my $z; # must predeclare
+ $z = ( $content =~ s/('UNH\+\d+\+ORDRSP:)0(:96A:UN')/$1D$2/g )
+ and $logger->warn("Patching bogus spec reference ORDRSP:0:96A:UN => ORDRSP:D:96A:UN ($z times)"); # Hack/fix some faulty "0" in (B&T) data
my $incoming = Fieldmapper::acq::edi_message->new;
+ $incoming->message_type('ORDRSP'); # FIXME: we don't actually know w/o sniffing, but DB constraint makes us say something
@@ -267,7 +276,7 @@
($host =~ s/^(S?FTP)://i and $args{type} = uc($1)) or
($host =~ s/^(SSH|SCP)://i and $args{type} = 'SCP' ) ;
$host =~ s/:(\d+)$// and $args{port} = $1;
- ($args{remote_host} = $host) =~ s#/+##;
+ ($args{remote_host} = $host) =~ s#/+##;
$verbose and $logger->warn("field_map: " . Dumper(\%args));
return %args;
@@ -329,6 +338,7 @@
return $msg;
+our @datecodes = (35, 359, 17, 191, 69, 76, 75, 79, 85, 74, 84, 223);
# ->process_jedi($message, $server, $e)
sub process_jedi {
my $class = shift;
@@ -366,7 +376,7 @@
# $obj->{body}->[0]->{ORDERS}->[0]->[0] eq 'UNH'
$logger->info("EDI interchange body has " . scalar(@{$perl->{body}}) . " messages(s)");
- my @li;
+ my @messages;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $part (@{$perl->{body}}) {
@@ -375,96 +385,109 @@
foreach my $key (keys %$part) {
- unless ($key eq 'ORDRSP') { # We only do one type for now. TODO: other types here
- $logger->warn("EDI interchange message $i contains unhandled type '$key'. Ignoring.");
+ if ($key ne 'ORDRSP') { # We only do one type for now. TODO: other types here
+ $logger->warn("EDI interchange $i contains unhandled '$key' message. Ignoring it.");
- my @li_chunk = __PACKAGE__->parse_ordrsp($part->{$key}, $server, $e);
- $logger->info("EDI $key parsing returned " . scalar(@li_chunk) . " line items");
- push @li, @li_chunk;
- }
- }
- return \@li, $perl; # TODO process perl
+ my $msg = __PACKAGE__->message_object($key, $part->{$key}) or next;
+ push @messages, $msg;
+ my $tag4343 = $msg->xpath('BGM/4343');
+ my $tag1225 = $msg->xpath('BGM/1225');
+ if (ref $tag4343) {
+ $logger->info(sprintf "EDI $key BGM/4343 Response Type: %s - %s", $tag4343->value, $tag4343->label)
+ } else {
+ $logger->warn("EDI $key BGM/4343 Response Type Code unrecognized"); # next; #?
+ }
+ if (ref $tag1225) {
+ $logger->info(sprintf "EDI $key BGM/1225 Message Function: %s - %s", $tag1225->value, $tag1225->label);
+ } else {
+ $logger->warn("EDI $key BGM/1225 Message Function Code unrecognized"); # next; #?
+ }
-=head2 ->parse_ordrsp($segments, $server, $e)
+ # TODO: currency check, just to be paranoid
+ # *should* be unnecessary (vendor should reply in currency we send in ORDERS)
+ # That begs a policy question: how to handle mismatch? convert (bad accuracy), reject, or ignore? I say ignore.
-Returns array of lineitems.
+ # ALL those codes below are basically some form of (lastest) delivery date/time
+ # see, e.g.: http://www.stylusstudio.com/edifact/D04B/2005.htm
+ # The order is the order of definitiveness (first match wins)
+ # Note: if/when we do serials via EDI, dates (and ranges/periods) will need massive special handling
+ my @dates;
+ my $ddate;
-# TODO: Build Business::EDI::Message::ORDRSP object instead
-# TODO: Convert access to methods, not reaching inside the data/object like $segbody->{S009}->{'0065'}
-sub parse_ordrsp {
- my ($class, $segments, $server, $e, $test) = @_; # test not implemented
- $e ||= new_editor();
- my $type = 'ORDRSP';
- $logger->info("EDI " . scalar(@$segments) . " segments in $type message");
- my (@lins, $bgm);
- foreach my $segment (@$segments) { # Prepass: catch the conditions that might cause us to bail
- my ($tag, $segbody, @extra) = @$segment;
- unless ($tag ) {$logger->warn("EDI empty segment received" ); next;}
- unless ($segbody) {$logger->warn("EDI segment '$tag' missing body"); next;}
- @extra and $logger->warn("EDI extra data (" . scalar(@extra) . " elements) found after pseudohash pair for $tag");
- if ($tag eq 'UNH') {
- unless ($segbody->{S009}->{'0065'} and $segbody->{S009}->{'0065'} eq $type) {
- $logger->error("EDI $tag/S009/0065 ('" . ($segbody->{S009}->{'0065'} || '') . "') conflict w/ message type $type\. Aborting");
- return;
+ foreach my $date ($msg->xpath('delivery_schedule')) {
+ my $val_2005 = $date->xpath_value('DTM/2005') or next;
+ (grep {$val_2005 eq $_} @datecodes) or next; # no match means some other kind of date we don't care about
+ push @dates, $date;
- unless ($segbody->{S009}->{'0051'} and $segbody->{S009}->{'0051'} eq 'UN') {
- $logger->warn("EDI $tag/S009/0051 does not designate 'UN' as controlling agency. Will attempt to process anyway");
+ if (@dates) {
+ DATECODE: foreach my $dcode (@datecodes) { # now cycle back through hits in order of dcode definitiveness
+ foreach my $date (@dates) {
+ $date->xpath_value('DTM/2005') == $dcode or next;
+ $ddate = $date->xpath_value('DTM/2380') and last DATECODE;
+ # TODO: conversion based on format specified in DTM/2379 (best encapsulated in Business::EDI)
+ }
+ }
- } elsif ($tag eq 'BGM') {
- $bgm = Business::EDI::Segment::BGM->new($segbody);
- $bgm->seg4343 or $logger->warn(sprintf "EDI $tag/4343 Response Type Code '%s' unrecognized", ($segbody->{4343} || ''));
- $logger->info(sprintf "EDI $tag/4343 response type: %s - %s (%s)", $bgm->seg4343->value, $bgm->seg4343->label, $bgm->seg4343->desc);
- my $fcn = $bgm->seg1225;
- unless ($fcn) {
- $logger->error(sprintf "EDI $tag/1225 Message Function Code '%s' unrecognized. Aborting", ($segbody->{1225} || ''));
- return;
+ foreach my $lid ($msg->part('line_detail')) {
+ my $eg_line = __PACKAGE__->eg_li($lid, $server, $e) or next;
+ my $li_date = $lid->xpath_value('DTM') || $ddate;
+ my $price = $lid->xpath_value('line_price/PRI/5118') || '';
+ $lid->expected_recv_time($li_date) if $li_date;
+ $lid->estimated_unit_price($price) if $price;
+ # foreach ($lid->part('all_QTY')) { }
+ $e->xact_begin;
+ $e->update_acq_lineitem($eg_line) or $logger->warn("EDI: update_acq_lineitem FAILED");
+ $e->xact_commit;
+ # print STDERR "Lineitem to update: ", Dumper($eg_line);
- my @ignored;
- foreach my $segment (@$segments) { # The main pass
- my ($tag, $segbody, @extra) = @$segment;
- next unless ($tag and $segbody); # warnings above
- if ($tag eq 'LIN') {
- my @chunks = @{$segbody->{SG26}};
- my $count = scalar(@chunks);
- $logger->debug("EDI LIN/SG26 has $count chunks");
-# ["RFF", {
-# "C506": {
-# "1153": "LI",
-# "1154": "4639/1"
-# }
-# }]
- foreach (@chunks) {
- my $label = $_->[0];
- my $body = $_->[1];
- # $label eq 'QTY' and push @qtys, $body;
- $label eq 'RFF' or next;
- my $obj;
- unless ($obj = Business::EDI::Segment::RFF->new($body)) { # assignment, not comparison
- $logger->error("EDI $tag/$label failed to convert to an object");
- }
- $obj->seg1153 and $obj->seg1153->value eq 'LI' or $logger->warn("EDI $tag/$label object unexpected 1153 value (not 'LI')");
- __PACKAGE__->update_li($obj->seg1154->value, $segbody, $server, $e);
- }
- push @lins, \@chunks;
- } elsif ($tag ne 'UNH' and $tag ne 'BGM') {
- push @ignored, $tag;
- }
+ return \@messages;
+# returns message object if processing should continue
+# returns false/undef value if processing should abort
+sub message_object {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $key = shift or return;
+ my $body = shift or return;
+ my $msg = Business::EDI->detect_version($body);
+ unless ($msg) {
+ $logger->error("EDI interchange message: $key body failed Business::EDI constructor. Skipping it.");
+ return;
- @ignored and $logger->debug("EDI: ignoring " . scalar(@ignored) . " segment(s): " . join(', ', @ignored));
- return @lins;
+ my $val_0065 = $msg->xpath_value('UNH/S009/0065') || '';
+ unless ($val_0065 eq $key) {
+ $logger->error("EDI $key UNH/S009/0065 ('$val_0065') conflicts w/ message type $key. Aborting");
+ return;
+ }
+ my $val_0051 = $msg->xpath_value('UNH/S009/0051') || '';
+ unless ($val_0051 eq 'UN') {
+ $logger->warn("EDI $key UNH/S009/0051 designates '$val_0051', not 'UN' as controlling agency. Attempting to process anyway");
+ }
+ my $val_0054 = $msg->xpath_value('UNH/S009/0054') || '';
+ if ($val_0054) {
+ $logger->info("EDI $key UNH/S009/0054 uses Spec revision version '$val_0054'");
+ # Possible Spec Version limitation
+ # my $yy = $tag_0054 ? substr($val_0054,0,2) : '';
+ # unless ($yy eq '00' or $yy > 94 and $yy <
+ # $logger->warn("EDI $key UNH/S009/0051 Spec revision version '$val_0054' not supported");
+ # }
+ } else {
+ $logger->warn("EDI $key UNH/S009/0054 does not reference a known Spec revision version");
+ }
+ return $msg;
-=head2 ->update_li($lineitem_id, $lineitem_object, [$server, $editor])
+=head2 ->eg_li($lineitem_object, [$server, $editor])
+my $line_item = OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI->eg_li($edi_line);
acq.lineitem.state (dependent on mapping codes),
@@ -473,14 +496,38 @@
-sub update_li {
- my ($class, $id, $object, $server, $e) = @_;
+sub eg_li {
+ my ($class, $line, $server, $e) = @_;
+ $line or return;
$e ||= new_editor();
- $id =~ s#^.*\/##; # Temporary fix for mbklein's testdata
- print STDERR "Here we would retrieve/update lineitem $id\n";
+ my $id;
+ # my $rff = $line->part('line_reference/RFF') or $logger->warn("EDI ORDRSP line_detail/RFF missing!");
+ my $val_1153 = $line->xpath_value('line_reference/RFF/1153') || '';
+ my $val_1154 = $line->xpath_value('line_reference/RFF/1154') || '';
+ my $val_1082 = $line->xpath_value('LIN/1082') || '';
+ $val_1154 =~ s#^.*\/##; # Many sources send the ID as 'order_ID/LI_ID'
+ $val_1082 =~ s#^.*\/##; # Many sources send the ID as 'order_ID/LI_ID'
+ # now do a lot of checking
+ if ($val_1153 eq 'LI') {
+ $id = $val_1154 or $logger->warn("EDI ORDRSP RFF/1154 reference to LI empty. Attempting failover to LIN/1082");
+ } else {
+ $logger->warn("EDI ORDRSP RFF/1153 unexpected value ('$val_1153', not 'LI'). Attempting failover to LIN/1082");
+ }
+ if ($id and $val_1082 and $val_1082 ne $id) {
+ $logger->warn("EDI ORDRSP LIN/1082 Line Item ID mismatch ($id vs. $val_1082): cannot target update");
+ return;
+ }
+ $id ||= $val_1082 || '';
+ print STDERR "EDI retrieve/update lineitem $id\n";
my $li = OpenILS::Application::Acq::Lineitem::retrieve_lineitem_impl($e, $id); # Could send {options}
if (! $li or ref($li) ne 'Fieldmapper::acq::lineitem') {
- $logger->error("EDI failed to retrieve lineitem by id '$id'");
+ $logger->error("EDI failed to retrieve lineitem by id '$id' for server " . $server->remote_host);
unless ((! $server) or (! $server->provider)) {
@@ -496,12 +543,135 @@
- return; # TODO: actual updates
- $e->xact_begin;
- $e->update_acq_lineitem($li) or $logger->warn("EDI: in update_li, update_acq_lineitem FAILED");
- $e->xact_commit;
- # print STDERR "Lineitem to update: ", Dumper($li);
+ my $key = $line->xpath('LIN/1229') or $logger->warn("EDI LIN/1229 Action Code missing!");
+ $key or return;
+ my $eg_reason = $e->retrieve_acq_cancel_reason(1000 + $key->value); # DB populated w/ spec keys in 1000's
+ $eg_reason or $logger->warn(sprintf "EDI LIN/1229 Action Code '%s' (%s) not recognized in acq.cancel_reason", $key->value, $key->label);
+ $eg_reason or return;
+ $li->cancel_reason($eg_reason->id);
+ unless ($eg_reason->keep_debits) {
+ $logger->warn("EDI LIN/1229 Action Code '%s' (%s) has keep_debits=0", $key->value, $key->label);
+ }
+ my $new_price = $line->xpath_value("PRI/5118");
+ $li->estimated_unit_price($new_price) if $new_price;
+ return $li;
+# caching not needed for now (edi_fetcher is asynchronous)
+# sub get_reason {
+# my ($class, $key, $e) = @_;
+# $reasons->{$key} and return $reasons->{$key};
+# $e ||= new_editor();
+# $reasons->{$key} = $e->retrieve_acq_cancel_reason($key);
+# return $reasons->{$key};
+# }
+Example JSON data.
+Note the pseudo-hash 2-element arrays.
+ 'SG26',
+ [
+ [
+ 'LIN',
+ {
+ '1229' => '5',
+ '1082' => 1,
+ 'C212' => {
+ '7140' => '9780446360272',
+ '7143' => 'EN'
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ 'IMD',
+ {
+ '7081' => 'BST',
+ '7077' => 'F',
+ 'C273' => {
+ '7008' => [
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ 'QTY',
+ {
+ 'C186' => {
+ '6063' => '21',
+ '6060' => 10
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ 'QTY',
+ {
+ 'C186' => {
+ '6063' => '12',
+ '6060' => 10
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ 'QTY',
+ {
+ 'C186' => {
+ '6063' => '85',
+ '6060' => 0
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ 'FTX',
+ {
+ '4451' => 'LIN',
+ 'C107' => {
+ '4441' => '01',
+ '3055' => '28',
+ '1131' => '8B'
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ 'SG30',
+ [
+ [
+ 'PRI',
+ {
+ 'C509' => {
+ '5118' => '4.5',
+ '5387' => 'SRP',
+ '5125' => 'AAB'
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ 'SG31',
+ [
+ [
+ 'RFF',
+ {
+ 'C506' => {
+ '1154' => '8/1',
+ '1153' => 'LI'
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/RemoteAccount.pm
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/RemoteAccount.pm 2010-09-15 05:24:49 UTC (rev 17670)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/RemoteAccount.pm 2010-09-15 05:24:49 UTC (rev 17671)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
our %keyfiles = ();
my %fields = (
- accound_object => undef,
+ account_object => undef,
remote_host => undef,
remote_user => undef,
remote_password => undef,
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@
$name =~ s/.*://; # strip leading package stuff
unless (exists $self->{_permitted}->{$name}) {
- croak "Cannot access '$name' field of class '$class'";
+ croak "AUTOLOAD error: Cannot access '$name' field of class '$class'";
if (@_) {
Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/edi_fetcher.pl
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/edi_fetcher.pl 2010-09-15 05:24:49 UTC (rev 17670)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/edi_fetcher.pl 2010-09-15 05:24:49 UTC (rev 17671)
@@ -60,5 +60,20 @@
print "Files retrieved: ", scalar(@$res), "\n";
$debug and print "retrieve_core returns ", scalar(@$res), " ids: " . join(', ', @$res), "\n";
-$debug and print Dumper($set);
+$debug and print map {Dumper($_) . "\n"} @$subset;
print "\ndone\n";
+=head1 edi_fetcher.pl - A script for retrieving and processing EDI files from remote accounts.
+Note: This script is expected to be run via crontab.
+Note: Depending on your vendors and you own network environment, you may want to set/export
+the environmental variable FTP_PASSIVE like:
+ export FTP_PASSIVE=1
+ # or
+ FTP_PASSIVE=1 Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/edi_fetcher.pl
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