[open-ils-commits] r1003 - in conifer/branches/rel_1_6_1/web/opac/skin/lul: js xml/result (dbs)

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Thu Sep 23 14:51:41 EDT 2010

Author: dbs
Date: 2010-09-23 14:51:36 -0400 (Thu, 23 Sep 2010)
New Revision: 1003

SFX links, falling back to asset.uri links, in brief results. MADNESS.

Modified: conifer/branches/rel_1_6_1/web/opac/skin/lul/js/result_common.js
--- conifer/branches/rel_1_6_1/web/opac/skin/lul/js/result_common.js	2010-09-20 20:49:07 UTC (rev 1002)
+++ conifer/branches/rel_1_6_1/web/opac/skin/lul/js/result_common.js	2010-09-23 18:51:36 UTC (rev 1003)
@@ -588,6 +588,7 @@
 	if(! is_mr ) {
+		$n(r, "recid_holder").appendChild( text( rec.doc_id()) );
 		if(!isNull(rec.edition()))	{
 			unHideMe( $n(r, "result_table_extra_span"));
 			$n(r, "result_table_edition_span").appendChild( text( rec.edition()) );
@@ -824,7 +825,7 @@
 			/* here we style opac-invisible records for xul */
 			if( cts.depth == 0 ) {
-				if(cts.transcendant == null && !cts.unshadow) {
+				if(cts.transcendant == null && cts.unshadow == 0) {
 					_debug("found an opac-shadowed record: " + rec.doc_id());
 					var row = cell.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; 
 					if( cts.count == 0 ) 

Modified: conifer/branches/rel_1_6_1/web/opac/skin/lul/xml/result/result_table.xml
--- conifer/branches/rel_1_6_1/web/opac/skin/lul/xml/result/result_table.xml	2010-09-20 20:49:07 UTC (rev 1002)
+++ conifer/branches/rel_1_6_1/web/opac/skin/lul/xml/result/result_table.xml	2010-09-23 18:51:36 UTC (rev 1003)
@@ -2,296 +2,402 @@
 <div id='result_table_div' xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
-	<table id='res_table'> 
+    <table id='res_table'> 
-		<!-- for some reason, this is the only way i can force the cell widths -->
-		<thead id='result_thead'>
-			<tr>
-				<td class='result_table_pic_header'></td>
-				<td> </td>
-			</tr>
-		</thead>
+        <!-- for some reason, this is the only way i can force the cell widths -->
+        <thead id='result_thead'>
+            <tr>
+                <td class='result_table_pic_header'></td>
+                <td> </td>
+            </tr>
+        </thead>
-		<tbody id='result_table'>
-			<tr>
+        <tbody id='result_table'>
+            <tr>
-				<td class='result_table_row'>
-					<!--#include virtual="result_info.xml"-->
-				</td>
-			</tr>
+                <td class='result_table_row'>
+                    <!--#include virtual="result_info.xml"-->
+                </td>
+            </tr>
-			<!-- Template for displaying a search result.  This row template is cloned and inserted
-					for each result returned -->
+            <!-- Template for displaying a search result.  This row template is cloned and inserted
+                    for each result returned -->
-			<tr id='result_table_template' class='hide_me'>
+            <tr id='result_table_template' class='hide_me'>
-				<!-- Jacket image goes here -->
+                <!-- Jacket image goes here -->
-				<td class='result_table_row' align='left'>
-					<table class='result_table_subtable'>
-						<tbody class='result_table_subtbody'>
+                <td class='result_table_row' align='left'>
+                    <table class='result_table_subtable'>
+                        <tbody class='result_table_subtbody'>
-							<tr style='height: 1em' name='counts_row'>
+                            <tr style='height: 1em' name='counts_row'>
-								<td  rowspan='5' class='result_table_pic_header'>
-									<a><img name='item_jacket' class='result_table_pic'/></a>
-								</td>
+                                <td  rowspan='6' class='result_table_pic_header'>
+                                    <a><img name='item_jacket' class='result_table_pic'/></a>
+                                </td>
-								<td class='result_table_title_cell' name='result_table_title_cell'>
-									<!-- Title goes here -->
-									<a title="&result.table.keyword;" name='item_title' class='search_link'> 
-										<!-- Title goes here -->
-									</a>
-								</td>
+                                <td class='result_table_title_cell' name='result_table_title_cell'>
+                                    <!-- Title goes here -->
+                                    <a title="&result.table.keyword;" name='item_title' class='search_link'> 
+                                        <!-- Title goes here -->
+                                    </a>
+                                </td>
-								<!-- Copy this td for each copy count appended -->
-								<td  rowspan='5' nowrap='nowrap' name="copy_count_cell" class='copy_count_cell'> 
-								</td>
+                                <!-- Copy this td for each copy count appended -->
+                                <td  rowspan='5' nowrap='nowrap' name="copy_count_cell" class='copy_count_cell'> 
+                                </td>
-							</tr>
-							<tr style='height: 1em' >
-								<td class='result_table_author_cell'>
-									<a title="&result.table.author;" name='item_author' class='search_link'> 
-										<!-- Author goes here -->
-									</a>
-									<div>
-									<span name='result_table_extra_span' class='hide_me'>
-										<span name='result_table_pub_box' style='padding-left: 10px;'> 
-											<span name='result_table_edition_span' style='padding-left: 10px;'></span> |
-											<span name='result_table_pub_span'> </span> |
-											<span name='result_table_phys_span'> </span>
-										</span>
-									</span>
-									</div>
-								</td>
-							</tr>
+                            </tr>
+                            <tr style='height: 1em' >
+                                <td class='result_table_author_cell'>
+                                    <a title="&result.table.author;" name='item_author' class='search_link'> 
+                                        <!-- Author goes here -->
+                                    </a>
+                                    <div>
+                                    <span name='result_table_extra_span' class='hide_me'>
+                                        <span name='result_table_pub_box' style='padding-left: 10px;'> 
+                                            <span name='result_table_edition_span' style='padding-left: 10px;'></span> |
+                                            <span name='result_table_pub_span'> </span> |
+                                            <span name='result_table_phys_span'> </span>
+                                        </span>
+                                    </span>
+                                    </div>
+                                </td>
+                            </tr>
-		<tr name="local_callnumber_list" class="result_table_title_cell hide_me">
-			<td colspan="2">&result.localCallNumbers;
-				<!-- Prevent records with dozens of items attached from filling the screen -->
-				<span type='opac/slot-data+marcxml-full' query='record'>
-					<span class='hide_me' debug='true' type='opac/slot-format'><![CDATA[
-						var output = dojo.create('span'); 
-						dojo.query('volumes', item).forEach(function(volume) {
-							var item_cnt = 0;
-							var max_items = 4;
-							dojo.query('volume', volume).forEach(function(vol) {
-								if (item_cnt >= max_items) {
-									return output.innerHTML;
-								}
-								dojo.query('copy', vol).forEach(function (cp) {
-									if (cp.getAttribute('deleted') == 't') {
-										return;
-									}
-									var loc_id;
-									var vol_appended = false;
-									dojo.query('location', cp).forEach(function (location) {
-										loc_id = parseInt(location.getAttribute('ident'));
-										if (loc_id != 8 && loc_id != 20) {
-											if (!vol_appended) {
-												dojo.create('b', { "innerHTML": vol.getAttribute('label') }, output);
-												vol_appended = true;
-											}
-											var pfx = dojo.doc.createTextNode(' - ');
-											output.appendChild(pfx);
-											dojo.create('b', { "innerHTML": dojox.xml.parser.textContent(location) }, output);
-										}
-									});
-									if (loc_id == 8 || loc_id == 20) {
-										return;
-									}
-									dojo.query('status', cp).forEach(function (status) {
-										var pfx = dojo.doc.createTextNode(' (');
-										output.appendChild(pfx);
-										dojo.create('b', { "innerHTML": dojox.xml.parser.textContent(status) }, output);
-										var sfx = dojo.doc.createTextNode(')');
-										output.appendChild(sfx);
-									});
-									dojo.create('br', null, output);
+                            <!--
+                                there is probably a more elegant way to achieve this but what
+                                happens here is that the record id is used to place resolver
+                                info in the correct place in the results list - the id is
+                                placed here from the js layer
+                            -->
+                            <tr id='result_table_recid' class='result_table_title_cell hide_me'>
+                                <td class='sfx_display'> 
+                                    <span name='result_table_recid_span' class='recid'>
+                                        <span name='recid_holder' class='hide_me'></span>
+                                    </span>
+                                </td>
+                                <td></td>
+                            </tr>
-									item_cnt++;
-									if (item_cnt >= max_items) {
-										output.appendChild(dojo.doc.createTextNode('... more items in full record'));
-									}
-								});
-							});
-						});
-						dojo.query('volumes volume uris uri', item).forEach(function(link) {
-							var found_issn = false;
-							dojo.query('datafield[tag="022"]', item).forEach(function () {
-								found_issn = true;
-							});
-							if (found_issn) {
-								return;
-							}
-							var uri = new Object;
-							uri.href = link.getAttribute('href');
-							uri.label = link.getAttribute('label');
-							uri.use = link.getAttribute('use_restriction');
-							if (uri.href == uri.label) {
-								if (uri.use && uri.use != uri.label) {
-									uri.label = uri.use;
-									uri.use = null;
-								}
-							}
-							var link = dojo.create('a', {"class":"search_link", "href": uri.href});
-							var link_text = dojo.doc.createTextNode(uri.label);
-							link.appendChild(link_text);
-							output.appendChild(link);
+                            <tr name="local_callnumber_list" class="result_table_title_cell">
+                                <td>&result.localCallNumbers;
+                                <!--
+                                    we snag the record id from the 901 field, and then use it
+                                    for lining up the resolver content
+                                -->
+                                <span 
+                                    type='opac/slot-data' query='datafield[tag="901"] subfield[code="c"]' class='hide_me'>
+                                <span class='hide_me' debug='true' type='opac/slot-format'><![CDATA[
+                                    curr_title_id = dojo.trim(dojox.data.dom.textContent(item));
+                                ]]></span>
+                                </span>
+                                <!--
+                                    this is very close to the layout in rdetail, we need to find the
+                                    record id in order to place the resolver info in the right spot
+                                -->
+                                <span 
+                                    type='opac/slot-data' query='datafield[tag="022"]' class='hide_me'>
+                                <span class='hide_me' debug='true' type='opac/slot-format'><![CDATA[
+                                    var this_title_id = curr_title_id;
+                                    var list = dojo.query( 'subfield[code="a"]', item );
+                                    var issn = '';
+                                    for (var i =0; i < list.length; i++) {
+                                        issn = dojox.data.dom.textContent(list[i]) + '';
+                                        issn = issn.replace(/^(\s|.)*?(\d{4}).(\d{3,4}[xX]?)(\s|.)*/, "$2-$3");
+                                        if (issn.length > 0) {
+                                            try {
+                                                var ses = new OpenSRF.ClientSession('open-ils.resolver');
+                                                var req = ses.request('open-ils.resolver.resolve_holdings.raw', 'issn', issn);
+                                                req.oncomplete = function(r) {
+                                                    var resolverInfo = "";
+                                                    dojo.forEach(r.recv().content(), function(entry) {
+                                                        resolverInfo = entry.public_name + "_" + entry.target_coverage;
+                                                        if (title_list.indexOf(this_title_id) == -1) {
+                                                            url_list = "";
+                                                        }
+                                                        if (url_list.indexOf(resolverInfo) == -1) {
+                                                            var resolverNode = null;
+                                                            dojo.query('.recid').forEach(function(recinfo) {
+                                                                if (parseFloat(dojo.trim(dojox.data.dom.textContent(recinfo))) == parseFloat(this_title_id)) {
+                                                                    resolverNode = recinfo;
+                                                                }
+                                                            });
+                                                            url_list += resolverInfo;
+                                                            var output = null;
+                                                            if (resolverNode != null) {
+                                                                var parent = resolverNode.parentNode;
+                                                                if (parent) {
+                                                                    parent = parent.parentNode;
+                                                                }
+                                                                if (parent) {
+                                                                    dojo.removeClass(parent,'hide_me');
+                                                                }
+                                                                output = dojo.create('div',{"style":"background-color:#EEFFEE;"},resolverNode,"last");
+                                                                dojo.addClass(output,"result_table_sfx_cell");
+                                                                title_list += this_title_id;
+                                                                var link = dojo.create('a',  {"style": "margin-left: 1em;", "class":"search_link", "href":  entry.target_url});
+                                                                var link_text = dojo.doc.createTextNode( entry.public_name);
+                                                                link.appendChild(link_text);
+                                                                output.appendChild(link);
+                                                                var coverage_text = dojo.doc.createTextNode(' - ' + entry.target_coverage
+                                                                        + (entry.target_embargo ? (' / ' + entry.target_embargo) : ''));
+                                                                output.appendChild(coverage_text);
+                                                                resolved[this_title_id] = true;
+                                                            }
+                                                        }
+                                                    });
+                                                };
+                                                req.send();
+                                            } catch (err) { alert(err.message);}
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                ]]></span>
+                                </span>
+                                <!-- Prevent records with dozens of items attached from filling the screen -->
+                                <span type='opac/slot-data+marcxml-full' query='volumes'>
+                                <span class='hide_me' debug='true' type='opac/slot-format'><![CDATA[
+                                    var output = dojo.create('span'); 
-							if (uri.use) {
-								var use_text = dojo.doc.createTextNode(' (' + uri.use + ')');
-								output.appendChild(use_text);
-							}
-							dojo.create('br', null, output);
-						});
-						if (output) {
-							return output.innerHTML;
-						}
-					]]></span>
-				</span>
+                                    var item_cnt = 0;
+                                    var max_items = 4;
-			</td>
-		</tr>
-							<tr style='height:1em;' >
-								<td name='result_table_format_cell' class='result_table_format_cell'>
+                                    dojo.query('volume', item).forEach(function(vol) {
+                                        if (item_cnt >= max_items) {
+                                            return output.innerHTML;
+                                        }
+                                        dojo.query('copy', vol).forEach(function (cp) {
+                                            if (cp.getAttribute('deleted') == 't') {
+                                                return;
+                                            }
+                                            var loc_id;
+                                            var vol_appended = false;
+                                            dojo.query('location', cp).forEach(function (location) {
+                                                loc_id = parseInt(location.getAttribute('ident'));
+                                                if (loc_id != 8 && loc_id != 20 && loc_id != 185 && loc_id != 156) {
+                                                    if (!vol_appended) {
+                                                        dojo.create('span',{ "style": "font-weight: bold;",
+                                                            innerHTML: vol.getAttribute('label')},
+                                                            output);
+                                                        vol_appended = true;
+                                                    }
+                                                    dojo.create('span', { className: 'live_separator_cell',
+                                                        "innerHTML": ' - '}, 
+                                                        output);
+                                                    dojo.create('span', { "style": "font-weight: bold;",
+                                                        "innerHTML": dojox.xml.parser.textContent(location)}, 
+                                                        output);
+                                                }
+                                            });
+                                            if (loc_id == 8 || loc_id == 20 || loc_id == 185 || loc_id == 156) {
+                                                return;
+                                            }
+                                            dojo.query('status', cp).forEach(function (status) {
+                                                var pfx = dojo.doc.createTextNode(' (');
+                                                output.appendChild(pfx);
+                                                dojo.create('span', { "style": "font-weight: bold;",
+                                                    "innerHTML": dojox.xml.parser.textContent(status) }, output);
+                                                var sfx = dojo.doc.createTextNode(')');
+                                                output.appendChild(sfx);
+                                            });
+                                            dojo.create('br', null, output);
-									<a name='text_link' class='search_link'> 
-										<img src='../../../../images/tor/text.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
-									</a>
+                                            item_cnt++;
+                                            if (item_cnt >= max_items) {
+                                                output.appendChild(dojo.doc.createTextNode('... more print items listed in full record'));
+                                                dojo.create('br', null, output);
+                                            }
+                                        });
+                                    });
-									<a name='sound recording-nonmusical_link' class='search_link'> 
-										<img src='../../../../images/tor/sound recording-nonmusical.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
-									</a>
+                                return output.innerHTML;
+                                ]]></span>
+                                </span>
-									<a name='moving image_link' class='search_link'> 
-										<img src='../../../../images/tor/moving image.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
-									</a>
+                                <!-- Be lenient in what we accept; disabled until we figure out how to prevent both URIs and SFX -->
+                                <span type='opac/slot-data+marcxml-full' query='record'>
+                                    <span class='hide_me' type='opac/slot-format'><![CDATA[
+                                        var found_issn = false;
+                                        dojo.query('datafield[tag="022"]', item).forEach(function(issn) {
+                                            found_issn = true;
+                                        });
+                                        if (found_issn) { return; }
-									<a name='software, multimedia_link' class='search_link'> 
-										<img src='../../../../images/tor/software, multimedia.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
-									</a>
+                                        var output = dojo.create('span'); 
+                                        dojo.query('volumes volume uris uri', item).forEach(function(xitem) {
+                                            var this_title_id = curr_title_id;
+                                            if (resolved[this_title_id]) { return; }
+                                            var uri = new Object;
+                                            uri.href = xitem.getAttribute('href');
+                                            uri.label = xitem.getAttribute('label');
+                                            uri.use = xitem.getAttribute('use_restriction');
+                                            if (uri.href == uri.label) {
+                                                if (uri.use && uri.use != uri.label) {
+                                                    uri.label = uri.use;
+                                                    uri.use = null;
+                                                }
+                                            }
+                                            var link = dojo.create('a', {"class":"search_link", "href": uri.href});
+                                            var link_text = dojo.doc.createTextNode(uri.label);
+                                            link.appendChild(link_text);
+                                            output.appendChild(link);
+                                            if (uri.use) {
+                                                var use_text = dojo.doc.createTextNode(' (' + uri.use + ')');
+                                                output.appendChild(use_text);
+                                            }
+                                            dojo.create('br', null, output);
+                                        });
+                                        return output.innerHTML;
+                                    ]]></span>
+                                </span>
+                                </td>
+                            </tr>
-									<a name='sound recording-musical_link' class='search_link'> 
-										<img src='../../../../images/tor/sound recording-musical.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
-									</a>
+                            <tr style='height:1em;' >
+                                <td name='result_table_format_cell' class='result_table_format_cell'>
-									<a name='cartographic_link' class='search_link'> 
-										<img src='../../../../images/tor/cartographic.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
-									</a>
+                                    <a name='text_link' class='search_link'> 
+                                        <img src='../../../../images/tor/text.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+                                    </a>
-									<a name='mixed material_link' class='search_link'> 
-										<img src='../../../../images/tor/mixed material.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
-									</a>
+                                    <a name='sound recording-nonmusical_link' class='search_link'> 
+                                        <img src='../../../../images/tor/sound recording-nonmusical.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+                                    </a>
-									<a name='notated music_link' class='search_link'> 
-										<img src='../../../../images/tor/notated music.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
-									</a>
+                                    <a name='moving image_link' class='search_link'> 
+                                        <img src='../../../../images/tor/moving image.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+                                    </a>
-									<a name='sound recording_link' class='search_link'> 
-										<img src='../../../../images/tor/sound recording.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
-									</a>
+                                    <a name='software, multimedia_link' class='search_link'> 
+                                        <img src='../../../../images/tor/software, multimedia.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+                                    </a>
-									<a name='still image_link' class='search_link'> 
-										<img src='../../../../images/tor/still images.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
-									</a>
+                                    <a name='sound recording-musical_link' class='search_link'> 
+                                        <img src='../../../../images/tor/sound recording-musical.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+                                    </a>
-									<a name='three dimensional object_link' class='search_link'> 
-										<img src='../../../../images/tor/three dimensional object.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
-									</a>
+                                    <a name='cartographic_link' class='search_link'> 
+                                        <img src='../../../../images/tor/cartographic.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+                                    </a>
-									<span class='hide_me' 
-										style='color: #9999FF; padding-left: 10px; font-size: 7pt; font-weight: 300;'> 
-										<span>&common.relevancy; </span><span name='relevancy_span'> </span>
-									</span>
+                                    <a name='mixed material_link' class='search_link'> 
+                                        <img src='../../../../images/tor/mixed material.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+                                    </a>
-									<span class='hide_me' name='place_hold_span'>
-										<a style='padding-left: 8px;' href='javascript:void(0);' 
-											class='classic_link' name='place_hold_link'>&opac.holds.placeHold;</a>
-									</span>
+                                    <a name='notated music_link' class='search_link'> 
+                                        <img src='../../../../images/tor/notated music.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+                                    </a>
-									<!-- Empty span used for creating unAPI links -->
-									<abbr style='padding-left: 8px;' name="unapi" class="unapi-id">
-										<!-- unAPI URI goes here -->
-									</abbr>
+                                    <a name='sound recording_link' class='search_link'> 
+                                        <img src='../../../../images/tor/sound recording.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+                                    </a>
-									<!-- Empty span used for creating Google Book Search-->
-									<span name="googleBooksLink" class="hide_me">
-										<a style='padding-left: 8px;' class='classic_link' name="googleBooks-link">&result.googleBooks.browse;</a>
-									</span>
+                                    <a name='still image_link' class='search_link'> 
+                                        <img src='../../../../images/tor/still images.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+                                    </a>
+                                    <a name='three dimensional object_link' class='search_link'> 
+                                        <img src='../../../../images/tor/three dimensional object.jpg' class='dim tor_pic' />
+                                    </a>
-								</td>
-							</tr>
+                                    <span class='hide_me' 
+                                        style='color: #9999FF; padding-left: 10px; font-size: 7pt; font-weight: 300;'> 
+                                        <span>&common.relevancy; </span><span name='relevancy_span'> </span>
+                                    </span>
-						</tbody>
-					</table>
-				</td>
-			</tr>
-		</tbody>
-	</table>
+                                    <span class='hide_me' name='place_hold_span'>
+                                        <a style='padding-left: 8px;' href='javascript:void(0);' 
+                                            class='classic_link' name='place_hold_link'>&opac.holds.placeHold;</a>
+                                    </span>
+                                    <!-- Empty span used for creating unAPI links -->
+                                    <abbr style='padding-left: 8px;' name="unapi" class="unapi-id">
+                                        <!-- unAPI URI goes here -->
+                                    </abbr>
+                                    <!-- Empty span used for creating Google Book Search-->
+                                    <span name="googleBooksLink" class="hide_me">
+                                        <a style='padding-left: 8px;' class='classic_link' name="googleBooks-link">&result.googleBooks.browse;</a>
+                                    </span>
+                                </td>
+                            </tr>
+                        </tbody>
+                    </table>
+                </td>
+            </tr>
+        </tbody>
+    </table>
    <!-- ====================== -->
    <table style='width: 100%; margin-top: 12px;' id='result_info_2' class='hide_me'>
-	      <tr class='color_4' style='height: 1em;'>
+          <tr class='color_4' style='height: 1em;'>
-	         <td style='vertical-align: top;'  id='next_prev_links2'>
+             <td style='vertical-align: top;'  id='next_prev_links2'>
-	            <span class='hide_me' id='result_info_div2' style='font-size: 9pt;'>
-	               <span> &common.results; </span> 
-	               <b id='offset_start2'> </b>
-	               <span> - </span>
-	               <b id='offset_end2'> </b>
-	               <span> &common.ofAtLeast; </span>
-	               <b id='result_count2'> </b>
-	               <span style='padding-left: 6px;'> (page </span>
-	               <span id='current_page2'> </span>
-	               <span> &common.of; </span>
-	               <span id='num_pages2'> </span>
-	            </span>
+                <span class='hide_me' id='result_info_div2' style='font-size: 9pt;'>
+                   <span> &common.results; </span> 
+                   <b id='offset_start2'> </b>
+                   <span> - </span>
+                   <b id='offset_end2'> </b>
+                   <span> &common.ofAtLeast; </span>
+                   <b id='result_count2'> </b>
+                   <span style='padding-left: 6px;'> (page </span>
+                   <span id='current_page2'> </span>
+                   <span> &common.of; </span>
+                   <span id='num_pages2'> </span>
+                </span>
-	            <span id='start_end_links_span2' class='hide_me' 
-	               style='padding-left: 40px;' >
-	            <a class='search_page_nav_link' id='search_home_link2' 
-	               title="&rdetail.page.results;">&rdetail.start;</a><a class='search_page_nav_link' 
-	               id='prev_link2' title='&rdetail.page.previous;'>&rdetail.page.previous.symbol; &rdetail.page.previous;</a>
+                <span id='start_end_links_span2' class='hide_me' 
+                   style='padding-left: 40px;' >
+                <a class='search_page_nav_link' id='search_home_link2' 
+                   title="&rdetail.page.results;">&rdetail.start;</a><a class='search_page_nav_link' 
+                   id='prev_link2' title='&rdetail.page.previous;'>&rdetail.page.previous.symbol; &rdetail.page.previous;</a>
-	            <span class='search_page_nav_link' id='page_numbers2'> </span>
-	               <a  class='search_page_nav_link' id='next_link2' 
-	                  title='&rdetail.page.next;'>&rdetail.page.next; &rdetail.page.next.symbol;</a>
+                <span class='search_page_nav_link' id='page_numbers2'> </span>
+                   <a  class='search_page_nav_link' id='next_link2' 
+                      title='&rdetail.page.next;'>&rdetail.page.next; &rdetail.page.next.symbol;</a>
                       <a class='search_page_nav_link' 
-	                  id='end_link2' title="&rdetail.page.last;">&rdetail.end;</a>
+                      id='end_link2' title="&rdetail.page.last;">&rdetail.end;</a>
-	            </span>
+                </span>
-	         </td>
+             </td>
-	         <td  colspan='5' 
-	            style='padding-bottom: 4px; text-align:center; vertical-align: top; border-bottom: 1px solid #E0E0E0;'>
+             <td  colspan='5' 
+                style='padding-bottom: 4px; text-align:center; vertical-align: top; border-bottom: 1px solid #E0E0E0;'>
-	            <span id='search_info_table2' style='font-size: 8pt;'>
-	            <b>Available copies / Total copies </b>
-	            </span>
+                <span id='search_info_table2' style='font-size: 8pt;'>
+                <b>Available copies / Total copies </b>
+                </span>
-	         </td>
-	      </tr>
+             </td>
+          </tr>
    <!-- ====================== -->
-	<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>
-		config.names.result.format_cell = 'result_table_format_cell';
-		config.names.result.format_link = 'resource_link'
-		config.names.result.format_pic = 'format_pic'
-	</script>
+    <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>
+        config.names.result.format_cell = 'result_table_format_cell';
+        config.names.result.format_link = 'resource_link'
+        config.names.result.format_pic = 'format_pic'
+        var url_list = "";
+        var title_list = "";
+        var curr_title_id = "";
+        var resolved = {};
+    </script>

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