[open-ils-commits] r1333 - conifer/branches/rel_2_0/xul/server/patron (dbs)
svn at svn.open-ils.org
svn at svn.open-ils.org
Tue Apr 12 09:54:05 EDT 2011
Author: dbs
Date: 2011-04-12 09:54:03 -0400 (Tue, 12 Apr 2011)
New Revision: 1333
Bring Conifer patron XUL into line with 2.0
Eliminate date of birth and net_access display elements
Modified: conifer/branches/rel_2_0/xul/server/patron/summary.js
--- conifer/branches/rel_2_0/xul/server/patron/summary.js 2011-04-12 13:42:03 UTC (rev 1332)
+++ conifer/branches/rel_2_0/xul/server/patron/summary.js 2011-04-12 13:54:03 UTC (rev 1333)
@@ -7,770 +7,989 @@
if (typeof patron == 'undefined') patron = {};
patron.summary = function (params) {
- JSAN.use('util.error'); this.error = new util.error();
- JSAN.use('util.window'); this.window = new util.window();
- JSAN.use('util.network'); this.network = new util.network();
- this.w = window;
+ JSAN.use('util.error'); this.error = new util.error();
+ JSAN.use('util.window'); this.window = new util.window();
+ JSAN.use('util.network'); this.network = new util.network();
+ JSAN.use('util.widgets'); JSAN.use('util.date');
+ this.w = window;
patron.summary.prototype = {
- 'init' : function( params ) {
+ 'init' : function( params ) {
- var obj = this;
+ var obj = this;
- obj.barcode = params['barcode'];
- obj.id = params['id'];
- if (params['show_name']) {
- document.getElementById('patron_name').hidden = false;
- document.getElementById('patron_name').setAttribute('hidden','false');
- }
+ obj.barcode = params['barcode'];
+ obj.id = params['id'];
+ if (params['show_name']) {
+ document.getElementById('patron_name').hidden = false;
+ document.getElementById('patron_name').setAttribute('hidden','false');
+ }
- JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); this.OpenILS = {};
- obj.OpenILS.data = new OpenILS.data(); obj.OpenILS.data.init({'via':'stash'});
+ JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); this.OpenILS = {};
+ obj.OpenILS.data = new OpenILS.data(); obj.OpenILS.data.init({'via':'stash'});
+ var obscure_dob = String( obj.OpenILS.data.hash.aous['circ.obscure_dob'] ) == 'true';
- JSAN.use('util.controller'); obj.controller = new util.controller();
- obj.controller.init(
- {
- control_map : {
- 'cmd_broken' : [
- ['command'],
- function() { alert($("commonStrings").getString('common.unimplemented')); }
- ],
- 'patron_alert' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- JSAN.use('util.widgets');
- util.widgets.remove_children( e );
- if (obj.patron.alert_message()) {
- e.appendChild(
- document.createTextNode(
- obj.patron.alert_message()
- )
- );
- e.parentNode.hidden = false;
- } else {
- e.parentNode.hidden = true;
- }
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_usrname' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',obj.patron.usrname());
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_profile' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- obj.OpenILS.data.hash.pgt[
- obj.patron.profile()
- ].name()
- );
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_net_access' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- // not applicable to Conifer
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_standing_penalties' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- JSAN.use('util.widgets');
- util.widgets.remove_children(e);
- var penalties = obj.patron.standing_penalties();
- if (penalties.length == 0) {
- var row = document.createElement('row');
- var label = document.createElement('label');
- label.setAttribute('value',patronStrings.getString('staff.patron.summary.standing_penalty.none'));
- addCSSClass(label,'NO_PENALTY');
- row.appendChild(label);
- e.appendChild(row);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < penalties.length; i++) {
+ JSAN.use('util.functional'); JSAN.use('patron.util'); JSAN.use('util.list');
- var row = document.createElement('row');
- var label = document.createElement('label');
+ if (document.getElementById('group_list')) {
+ obj.group_list = new util.list('group_list');
+ obj.group_list.init( {
+ 'columns' : [
+ { 'id' : 'gl_family_name', 'flex' : 1,
+ 'label' : patronStrings.getString('staff.patron.summary.group_list.column.family_name.label'),
+ 'render' : function(my) { return my.family_name; } },
+ { 'id' : 'gl_first_given_name', 'flex' : 1,
+ 'label' : patronStrings.getString('staff.patron.summary.group_list.column.first_given_name.label'),
+ 'render' : function(my) { return my.first_given_name; } },
+ { 'id' : 'gl_second_given_name', 'flex' : 1, 'hidden' : true,
+ 'label' : patronStrings.getString('staff.patron.summary.group_list.column.second_given_name.label'),
+ 'render' : function(my) { return my.second_given_name; } },
+ { 'id' : 'gl_home_lib', 'flex' : 1, 'hidden' : true,
+ 'label' : patronStrings.getString('staff.patron.summary.group_list.column.home_ou.label'),
+ 'render' : function(my) { return obj.OpenILS.data.hash.aou[ my.home_ou ].shortname(); } },
+ { 'id' : 'gl_balance_owed', 'flex' : 1, 'sort_type' : 'money',
+ 'label' : patronStrings.getString('staff.patron.summary.group_list.column.balance_owed.label'),
+ 'render' : function(my) { return my.balance_owed; } }
+ ],
+ 'retrieve_row' : function(params) {
+ var id = params.retrieve_id;
+ var blob = patron.util.retrieve_name_via_id( ses(), id );
+ var row = params.row; if (typeof row.my == 'undefined') { row.my = {}; }
+ row.my.family_name = blob[0];
+ row.my.first_given_name = blob[1];
+ row.my.second_given_name = blob[2];
+ row.my.home_ou = blob[3];
+ if (obj.group_owed[ id ]) {
+ row.my.balance_owed = obj.group_owed[ id ];
+ }
+ if (typeof params.on_retrieve == 'function') {
+ params.on_retrieve(row);
+ }
+ return row;
+ }
+ } );
+ $('group_list_actions').appendChild( obj.group_list.render_list_actions() );
+ obj.group_list.set_list_actions();
+ }
- //x.setAttribute('value',penalties[i].penalty_type());
- label.setAttribute('value',penalties[i].standing_penalty().label());
- row.appendChild(label);
+ if (document.getElementById('stat_cat_list')) {
+ obj.stat_cat_list = new util.list('stat_cat_list');
+ obj.stat_cat_list.init( {
+ 'columns' : [].concat(
+ obj.stat_cat_list.fm_columns( 'actsc', {
+ 'actsc_id' : { 'hidden' : true },
+ 'actsc_opac_visible' : { 'hidden' : true },
+ 'actsc_usr_summary' : { 'hidden' : true }
+ } )
+ ).concat(
+ obj.stat_cat_list.fm_columns( 'actscecm', {
+ 'actscecm_id' : { 'hidden' : true }
+ } )
+ )
+ } );
+ $('stat_cat_list_actions').appendChild( obj.stat_cat_list.render_list_actions() );
+ obj.stat_cat_list.set_list_actions();
+ }
- var button = document.createElement('button');
- button.setAttribute('label', patronStrings.getString('staff.patron.summary.standing_penalty.remove'));
- button.setAttribute('image','/xul/server/skin/media/images/icon_delete.gif');
- button.setAttribute('disabled','true');
- button.setAttribute('hidden','true');
- button.setAttribute('retrieve_ausp_id',penalties[i].id());
- row.appendChild(button);
- // XXX check a permission here? How to fire the remove action ??? XXX
- if (penalties[i].standing_penalty().id() > 100) {
- button.setAttribute('disabled','false');
- button.setAttribute('hidden','false');
- button.addEventListener(
- 'command',
- function(ev) {
- try {
- JSAN.use('util.functional');
- var id = ev.target.getAttribute('retrieve_ausp_id');
- var penalty = util.functional.find_list( obj.patron.standing_penalties(), function(o) { return o.id() == id; } );
- penalty.isdeleted(1);
- var req = obj.network.simple_request( 'FM_AUSP_REMOVE', [ ses(), penalty ] );
- if (typeof req.ilsevent != 'undefined' || String(req) != '1') {
- obj.error.standard_unexpected_error_alert(
- patronStrings.getFormattedString(
- 'staff.patron.standing_penalty.remove_error',
- [obj.data.hash.csp[id].name()]
- ),
- req
- );
- }
- if (typeof xulG.refresh == 'function') { xulG.refresh(); }
- } catch(F) {
- obj.error.standard_unexpected_error_alert(
- patronStrings.getFormattedString(
- 'staff.patron.standing_penalty.remove_error',
- [ev.target.getAttribute('retrieve_ausp_id')]
- ),
- F
- );
- }
- },
- false
- );
+ JSAN.use('util.controller'); obj.controller = new util.controller();
+ obj.controller.init(
+ {
+ control_map : {
+ 'cmd_broken' : [
+ ['command'],
+ function() { alert($("commonStrings").getString('common.unimplemented')); }
+ ],
+ 'radio_address' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ if (e.value == 'physical') { e.selectedIndex = 1; $('address_deck').selectedIndex = 1; }
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'group_tab' : [
+ ['command'],
+ function() {
+ try {
+ if (! obj.group_frame_loaded) {
+ obj.group_frame();
+ obj.group_frame_loaded = true;
+ }
+ } catch(E) {
+ alert('Error in summary.js, group_tab: ' + E);
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ 'stat_cat_tab' : [
+ ['command'],
+ function() {
+ try {
+ var rows = $('patron_info_rows');
+ obj.stat_cat_list.clear();
+ var entries = obj.patron.stat_cat_entries();
+ for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ var stat_cat = obj.OpenILS.data.hash.my_actsc[ entries[i].stat_cat() ];
+ if (!stat_cat) {
+ stat_cat = obj.OpenILS.data.lookup('actsc',entries[i].stat_cat());
- if (penalties[i].standing_penalty().block_list()) {
- if (penalties[i].standing_penalty().block_list().match(/RENEW/)) addCSSClass(label,'PENALTY_RENEW');
- if (penalties[i].standing_penalty().block_list().match(/HOLD/)) addCSSClass(label,'PENALTY_HOLD');
- if (penalties[i].standing_penalty().block_list().match(/CIRC/)) addCSSClass(label,'PENALTY_CIRC');
+ if (!stat_cat) { continue; }
+ // Every stat cat gets rendered in the Stat Cats tab
+ obj.stat_cat_list.append( {
+ 'row' : {
+ 'my' : {
+ 'actsc' : stat_cat,
+ 'actscecm' : entries[i],
+ }
+ }
+ } );
+ // But only a proud few share the Patron Info pane
+ if (rows && get_bool( stat_cat.usr_summary() )) {
+ var row_id = 'stat_cat_id_' + stat_cat.id();
+ var row; var label1; var label2;
+ if ($(row_id)) {
+ row = $(row_id);
+ label1 = row.firstChild;
+ label2 = row.lastChild;
+ } else {
+ row = document.createElement('row');
+ row.setAttribute('id',row_id);
+ label1 = document.createElement('label');
+ label2 = document.createElement('label');
+ row.appendChild(label1);
+ row.appendChild(label2);
+ rows.appendChild(row);
+ }
+ label1.setAttribute('value',stat_cat.name());
+ label1.setAttribute('tooltiptext','stat cat id ' + stat_cat.id());
+ label2.setAttribute('value',entries[i].stat_cat_entry());
- e.appendChild(row);
- }
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_credit' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- JSAN.use('util.money');
- e.setAttribute('value',
- '$' +
- util.money.sanitize(
- obj.patron.credit_forward_balance()
- )
- );
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_bill' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value','...');
+ }
+ } catch(E) {
+ alert('Error in summary.js, stat_cat_tab: ' + E);
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ 'spawn_group_interface' : [
+ ['command'],
+ function() {
+ try {
+ window.xulG.spawn_group_interface();
+ } catch(E) {
+ alert('Error in summary.js, spawn_group_interface: ' + E);
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ 'group_tab_retrieve_patron' : [
+ ['command'],
+ function() {
+ var selected_ids = util.functional.map_list(
+ obj.group_list.retrieve_selection(),
+ function(o) {
+ return o.getAttribute('retrieve_id');
+ }
+ );
+ for (var i = 0; i < selected_ids.length; i++) {
+ try {
+ window.xulG.new_patron_tab(
+ { 'tab_name' : patronStrings.getString('staff.patron.info_group.retrieve_patron.tab_name') },
+ {
+ 'id' : selected_ids[i],
+ 'url_prefix' : xulG.url_prefix,
+ 'new_tab' : xulG.new_tab,
+ 'set_tab' : xulG.set_tab
+ }
+ );
+ } catch(E) {
+ alert('Error in summary.js, group_tab_retrieve_patron: ' + E);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_alert' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ util.widgets.set_text( e, obj.patron.alert_message() || '' );
+ if (obj.patron.alert_message()) {
+ e.parentNode.hidden = false;
+ } else {
+ e.parentNode.hidden = true;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_usrname' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,obj.patron.usrname());
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_profile' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ obj.OpenILS.data.hash.pgt[
+ obj.patron.profile()
+ ].name()
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_net_access' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ // not applicable to Conifer
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_credit' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ JSAN.use('util.money');
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ '$' +
+ util.money.sanitize(
+ obj.patron.credit_forward_balance()
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_bill' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,'...');
var under_btn;
if (xulG) {
if (xulG.display_window) {
under_btn = xulG.display_window.document.getElementById('under_bills');
- if (under_btn) under_btn.setAttribute('value','...');
+ if (under_btn) util.widgets.set_text(under_btn,'...');
- obj.network.simple_request(
- 'FM_MOUS_RETRIEVE.authoritative',
- [ ses(), obj.patron.id() ],
- function(req) {
- JSAN.use('util.money');
- var robj = req.getResultObject();
- e.setAttribute('value', patronStrings.getFormattedString('staff.patron.summary.patron_bill.money', [util.money.sanitize( robj.balance_owed() )]));
- if (under_btn) under_btn.setAttribute('value',
- patronStrings.getFormattedString('staff.patron.summary.patron_bill.money', [util.money.sanitize( robj.balance_owed() )]));
- }
- );
- /*
- obj.network.simple_request(
- [ ses(), obj.patron.id() ],
- function(req) {
- JSAN.use('util.money');
- var list = req.getResultObject();
- if (typeof list.ilsevent != 'undefined') {
- e.setAttribute('value', '??? See Bills');
- return;
- }
- var sum = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
- var robj = typeof list[i] == 'object' ? list[i] : obj.network.simple_request('FM_MBTS_RETRIEVE.authoritative',[ses(),list[i]]);
- sum += util.money.dollars_float_to_cents_integer( robj.balance_owed() );
- }
- if (sum > 0) addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_BILLS');
- JSAN.use('util.money');
- e.setAttribute('value', '$' + util.money.sanitize( util.money.cents_as_dollars( sum ) ));
- }
- );
- */
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_checkouts' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value','...');
- var e2 = document.getElementById( 'patron_overdue' ); if (e2) e2.setAttribute('value','...');
- var e3 = document.getElementById( 'patron_claimed_returned' ); if (e3) e3.setAttribute('value','...');
- var e4 = document.getElementById( 'patron_long_overdue' ); if (e4) e4.setAttribute('value','...');
- var e5 = document.getElementById( 'patron_lost' ); if (e5) e5.setAttribute('value','...');
- var e6 = document.getElementById( 'patron_noncat' ); if (e6) e6.setAttribute('value','...');
+ obj.network.simple_request(
+ [ ses(), obj.patron.usrgroup() ],
+ function(req) {
+ try {
+ JSAN.use('util.money');
+ var robj = req.getResultObject();
+ if (typeof robj.ilsevent != 'undefined') { throw(robj); }
+ var sum = 0; /* in cents */
+ obj.group_owed = {};
+ function render_main_patron_bill_summary(bs) {
+ try {
+ util.widgets.set_text(
+ e,
+ patronStrings.getFormattedString('staff.patron.summary.patron_bill.money', [util.money.sanitize( bs.balance_owed )])
+ );
+ if (under_btn) {
+ util.widgets.set_text(
+ under_btn,
+ patronStrings.getFormattedString('staff.patron.summary.patron_bill.money', [util.money.sanitize( bs.balance_owed )])
+ );
+ }
+ var show_billing_tab_on_bills = String( obj.OpenILS.data.hash.aous['ui.circ.show_billing_tab_on_bills'] ) == 'true';
+ if (show_billing_tab_on_bills && Number(bs.balance_owed) > 0) {
+ if (xulG) {
+ if (xulG.display_window) {
+ if (! obj.show_billing_tab_on_bills_done_once ) {
+ xulG.display_window.g.patron.skip_hide_summary = true;
+ xulG.display_window.util.widgets.dispatch('command','cmd_patron_bills');
+ obj.show_billing_tab_on_bills_done_once = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ obj.bills_summary = bs;
+ if (obj.holds_summary && obj.bills_summary) {
+ if (typeof window.xulG == 'object' && typeof window.xulG.stop_sign_page == 'function') {
+ window.xulG.stop_sign_page( obj.patron, { 'holds_summary' : obj.holds_summary, 'bills_summary' : obj.bills_summary } );
+ }
+ }
+ } catch(E) {
+ alert('Error in summary.js, render_main_patron_bill_summary(): ' + E);
+ }
+ }
+ var rendered_main_patron_bill_summary = false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < robj.length; i++) {
+ if (robj[i].usr == obj.patron.id()) {
+ render_main_patron_bill_summary( robj[i] );
+ rendered_main_patron_bill_summary = true;
+ } else {
+ sum += util.money.dollars_float_to_cents_integer( robj[i].balance_owed );
+ obj.group_owed[ robj[i].usr ] = robj[i].balance_owed;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!rendered_main_patron_bill_summary) {
+ render_main_patron_bill_summary( { balance_owed: 0.00, usr: obj.patron.id() } );
+ }
+ var tab = $('group_tab');
+ if (tab) {
+ if (sum > 0) {
+ addCSSClass(tab,'balance_owed');
+ } else {
+ removeCSSClass(tab,'balance_owed');
+ }
+ tab.setAttribute(
+ 'label',
+ patronStrings.getFormattedString('staff.patron.summary.tab.group_list_with_total_owed.label',[ util.money.cents_as_dollars( sum ) ])
+ );
+ }
+ } catch(E) {
+ alert('Error in summary.js, patron_bill callback: ' + E);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_checkouts' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,'...');
+ var e2 = document.getElementById( 'patron_overdue' ); if (e2) util.widgets.set_text(e2,'...');
+ var e3 = document.getElementById( 'patron_claimed_returned' ); if (e3) util.widgets.set_text(e3,'...');
+ var e4 = document.getElementById( 'patron_long_overdue' ); if (e4) util.widgets.set_text(e4,'...');
+ var e5 = document.getElementById( 'patron_lost' ); if (e5) util.widgets.set_text(e5,'...');
+ var e6 = document.getElementById( 'patron_noncat' ); if (e6) util.widgets.set_text(e6,'...');
var under_btn;
if (xulG) {
if (xulG.display_window) {
under_btn = xulG.display_window.document.getElementById('under_items');
- if (under_btn) under_btn.setAttribute('value','...');
+ if (under_btn) util.widgets.set_text(under_btn,'...');
- obj.network.simple_request(
- [ ses(), obj.patron.id() ],
- function(req) {
- try {
- var robj = req.getResultObject();
- e.setAttribute('value', robj.out + robj.overdue + robj.claims_returned + robj.long_overdue );
- if (e2) e2.setAttribute('value', robj.overdue );
- if (e3) e3.setAttribute('value', robj.claims_returned );
- if (e4) e4.setAttribute('value', robj.long_overdue );
- if (e5) e5.setAttribute('value', robj.lost );
- if (under_btn) under_btn.setAttribute('value',
- String( robj.out + robj.overdue + robj.claims_returned + robj.long_overdue) +
- ( robj.overdue > 0 || robj.claims_returned > 0 || robj.long_overdue > 0 ? '*' : '' )
+ obj.network.simple_request(
+ [ ses(), obj.patron.id() ],
+ function(req) {
+ try {
+ var robj = req.getResultObject();
+ var do_not_tally_claims_returned = String( obj.OpenILS.data.hash.aous['circ.do_not_tally_claims_returned'] ) == 'true';
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ robj.out
+ + robj.overdue
+ + (do_not_tally_claims_returned ? 0 : robj.claims_returned)
+ + robj.long_overdue
- } catch(E) {
- alert(E);
- }
- }
- );
- obj.network.simple_request(
- 'FM_ANCC_RETRIEVE_VIA_USER.authoritative',
- [ ses(), obj.patron.id() ],
- function(req) {
- var robj = req.getResultObject();
- if (e6) e6.setAttribute('value',robj.length);
- }
- );
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_overdue' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- /* handled by 'patron_checkouts' */
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_holds' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value','...');
- var e2 = document.getElementById('patron_holds_available');
- if (e2) e2.setAttribute('value','...');
+ if (e2) util.widgets.set_text(e2, robj.overdue );
+ if (e3) util.widgets.set_text(e3, robj.claims_returned );
+ if (e4) util.widgets.set_text(e4, robj.long_overdue );
+ if (e5) util.widgets.set_text(e5, robj.lost );
+ if (under_btn) util.widgets.set_text(under_btn,
+ String(
+ robj.out
+ + robj.overdue
+ + (do_not_tally_claims_returned ? 0 : robj.claims_returned)
+ + robj.long_overdue
+ )
+ /* + ( robj.overdue > 0 ? '*' : '' ) */
+ );
+ } catch(E) {
+ alert(E);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ obj.network.simple_request(
+ 'FM_ANCC_RETRIEVE_VIA_USER.authoritative',
+ [ ses(), obj.patron.id() ],
+ function(req) {
+ var robj = req.getResultObject();
+ if (e6) util.widgets.set_text(e6,robj.length);
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_overdue' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ /* handled by 'patron_checkouts' */
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_holds' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,'...');
+ var e2 = document.getElementById('patron_holds_available');
+ if (e2) util.widgets.set_text(e2,'...');
var under_btn;
if (xulG) {
if (xulG.display_window) {
under_btn = xulG.display_window.document.getElementById('under_holds');
- if (under_btn) under_btn.setAttribute('value','...');
+ if (under_btn) util.widgets.set_text(under_btn,'...');
- obj.network.simple_request(
- 'FM_AHR_COUNT_RETRIEVE.authoritative',
- [ ses(), obj.patron.id() ],
- function(req) {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- req.getResultObject().total
- );
- if (e2) e2.setAttribute('value',
- req.getResultObject().ready
- );
- if (under_btn) under_btn.setAttribute( 'value', req.getResultObject().ready + '/' + req.getResultObject().total );
- }
- );
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_holds_available' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- /* handled by 'patron_holds' */
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_card' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- obj.patron.card().barcode()
- );
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_ident_type_1' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- var ident_string = '';
- var ident = obj.OpenILS.data.hash.cit[
- obj.patron.ident_type()
- ];
- if (ident) ident_string = ident.name()
- e.setAttribute('value',
- ident_string
- );
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_ident_value_1' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- var val = obj.patron.ident_value();
- val = val.replace(/.+(\d\d\d\d)$/,'xxxx$1');
- e.setAttribute('value', val);
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_ident_type_2' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- var ident_string = '';
- var ident = obj.OpenILS.data.hash.cit[
- obj.patron.ident_type2()
- ];
- if (ident) ident_string = ident.name()
- e.setAttribute('value',
- ident_string
- );
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_ident_value_2' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- var val = obj.patron.ident_value2();
- val = val.replace(/.+(\d\d\d\d)$/,'xxxx$1');
- e.setAttribute('value', val);
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_date_of_exp' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- patronStrings.getString('staff.patron.summary.expires_on') + ' ' + (
- obj.patron.expire_date() ?
- obj.patron.expire_date().substr(0,10) :
- patronStrings.getString('staff.patron.field.unset')
- )
- );
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_date_of_birth' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- // not applicable to Conifer
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_day_phone' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- obj.patron.day_phone()
- );
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_evening_phone' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- obj.patron.evening_phone()
- );
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_other_phone' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- obj.patron.other_phone()
- );
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_email' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- obj.patron.email()
- );
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_alias' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- obj.patron.alias()
- );
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_photo_url' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('src',
- obj.patron.photo_url()
- );
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_library' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- obj.OpenILS.data.hash.aou[
- obj.patron.home_ou()
- ].shortname()
- );
- e.setAttribute('tooltiptext',
- obj.OpenILS.data.hash.aou[
- obj.patron.home_ou()
- ].name()
- );
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_last_library' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- obj.OpenILS.data.hash.aou[
- obj.patron.home_ou()
- ].shortname()
- );
- e.setAttribute('tooltiptext',
- obj.OpenILS.data.hash.aou[
- obj.patron.home_ou()
- ].name()
- );
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_mailing_address_street1' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- obj.patron.mailing_address().street1()
- );
- if (!get_bool(obj.patron.mailing_address().valid())){e.setAttribute('style','color: red');}
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_mailing_address_street2' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- obj.patron.mailing_address().street2()
- );
- if (!get_bool(obj.patron.mailing_address().valid())){e.setAttribute('style','color: red');}
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_mailing_address_city' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- obj.patron.mailing_address().city()
- );
- if (!get_bool(obj.patron.mailing_address().valid())){e.setAttribute('style','color: red');}
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_mailing_address_state' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- obj.patron.mailing_address().state()
- );
- if (!get_bool(obj.patron.mailing_address().valid())){e.setAttribute('style','color: red');}
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_mailing_address_post_code' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- obj.patron.mailing_address().post_code()
- );
- if (!get_bool(obj.patron.mailing_address().valid())){e.setAttribute('style','color: red');}
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_physical_address_street1' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- obj.patron.billing_address().street1()
- );
- if (!get_bool(obj.patron.billing_address().valid())){e.setAttribute('style','color: red');}
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_physical_address_street2' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- obj.patron.billing_address().street2()
- );
- if (!get_bool(obj.patron.billing_address().valid())){e.setAttribute('style','color: red');}
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_physical_address_city' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- obj.patron.billing_address().city()
- );
- if (!get_bool(obj.patron.billing_address().valid())){e.setAttribute('style','color: red');}
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_physical_address_state' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- obj.patron.billing_address().state()
- );
- if (!get_bool(obj.patron.billing_address().valid())){e.setAttribute('style','color: red');}
- };
- }
- ],
- 'patron_physical_address_post_code' : [
- ['render'],
- function(e) {
- return function() {
- e.setAttribute('value',
- obj.patron.billing_address().post_code()
- );
- if (!get_bool(obj.patron.billing_address().valid())){e.setAttribute('style','color: red');}
- };
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- );
+ obj.network.simple_request(
+ 'FM_AHR_COUNT_RETRIEVE.authoritative',
+ [ ses(), obj.patron.id() ],
+ function(req) {
+ var robj = req.getResultObject();
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ robj.total
+ );
+ if (e2) util.widgets.set_text(e2,
+ robj.ready
+ );
+ if (under_btn) util.widgets.set_text(under_btn, req.getResultObject().ready + '/' + req.getResultObject().total );
+ obj.holds_summary = robj;
+ if (obj.holds_summary && obj.bills_summary)
+ if (typeof window.xulG == 'object' && typeof window.xulG.stop_sign_page == 'function')
+ window.xulG.stop_sign_page( obj.patron, { 'holds_summary' : obj.holds_summary, 'bills_summary' : obj.bills_summary } );
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_holds_available' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ /* handled by 'patron_holds' */
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_card' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ obj.patron.card().barcode()
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_ident_type_1' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ var ident_string = '';
+ var ident = obj.OpenILS.data.hash.cit[
+ obj.patron.ident_type()
+ ];
+ if (ident) ident_string = ident.name()
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ ident_string
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_ident_value_1' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ var val = obj.patron.ident_value();
+ if (val) val = val.replace(/.+(\d\d\d\d)$/,'xxxx$1'); // must avoid val.replace if val is NULL
+ util.widgets.set_text(e, val);
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_ident_type_2' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ var ident_string = '';
+ var ident = obj.OpenILS.data.hash.cit[
+ obj.patron.ident_type2()
+ ];
+ if (ident) ident_string = ident.name()
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ ident_string
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_ident_value_2' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ var val = obj.patron.ident_value2();
+ if (val) val = val.replace(/.+(\d\d\d\d)$/,'xxxx$1'); // must avoid val.replace if val is NULL
+ util.widgets.set_text(e, val);
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_date_of_exp' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ patronStrings.getString('staff.patron.summary.expires_on') + ' ' + (
+ obj.patron.expire_date() ?
+ util.date.formatted_date( obj.patron.expire_date(), '%{localized_date}' ) :
+ patronStrings.getString('staff.patron.field.unset')
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_hold_alias' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ obj.patron.alias() ? obj.patron.alias() : ''
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_date_of_birth' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ // not applicable to Conifer
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_day_phone' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ obj.patron.day_phone()
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_evening_phone' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ obj.patron.evening_phone()
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_other_phone' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ obj.patron.other_phone()
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_email' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ obj.patron.email()
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_alias' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ obj.patron.alias()
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_photo_url' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ e.setAttribute('src',
+ obj.patron.photo_url()
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_library' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ obj.OpenILS.data.hash.aou[
+ obj.patron.home_ou()
+ ].shortname()
+ );
+ e.setAttribute('tooltiptext',
+ obj.OpenILS.data.hash.aou[
+ obj.patron.home_ou()
+ ].name()
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_last_library' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ obj.OpenILS.data.hash.aou[
+ obj.patron.home_ou()
+ ].shortname()
+ );
+ e.setAttribute('tooltiptext',
+ obj.OpenILS.data.hash.aou[
+ obj.patron.home_ou()
+ ].name()
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_mailing_address_street1' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ if (obj.patron.mailing_address()) {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ obj.patron.mailing_address().street1()
+ );
+ if (!get_bool(obj.patron.mailing_address().valid())){e.setAttribute('style','color: red');}
+ } else {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,'');
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_mailing_address_street2' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ if (obj.patron.mailing_address()) {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ obj.patron.mailing_address().street2()
+ );
+ if (!get_bool(obj.patron.mailing_address().valid())){e.setAttribute('style','color: red');}
+ } else {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,'');
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_mailing_address_city' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ if (obj.patron.mailing_address()) {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ obj.patron.mailing_address().city()
+ );
+ if (!get_bool(obj.patron.mailing_address().valid())){e.setAttribute('style','color: red');}
+ } else {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,'');
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_mailing_address_state' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ if (obj.patron.mailing_address()) {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ obj.patron.mailing_address().state()
+ );
+ if (!get_bool(obj.patron.mailing_address().valid())){e.setAttribute('style','color: red');}
+ } else {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,'');
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_mailing_address_post_code' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ if (obj.patron.mailing_address()) {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ obj.patron.mailing_address().post_code()
+ );
+ if (!get_bool(obj.patron.mailing_address().valid())){e.setAttribute('style','color: red');}
+ } else {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,'');
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_physical_address_street1' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ if (obj.patron.billing_address()) {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ obj.patron.billing_address().street1()
+ );
+ if (!get_bool(obj.patron.billing_address().valid())){e.setAttribute('style','color: red');}
+ } else {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,'');
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_physical_address_street2' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ if (obj.patron.billing_address()) {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ obj.patron.billing_address().street2()
+ );
+ if (!get_bool(obj.patron.billing_address().valid())){e.setAttribute('style','color: red');}
+ } else {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,'');
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_physical_address_city' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ if (obj.patron.billing_address()) {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ obj.patron.billing_address().city()
+ );
+ if (!get_bool(obj.patron.billing_address().valid())){e.setAttribute('style','color: red');}
+ } else {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,'');
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_physical_address_state' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ if (obj.patron.billing_address()) {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ obj.patron.billing_address().state()
+ );
+ if (!get_bool(obj.patron.billing_address().valid())){e.setAttribute('style','color: red');}
+ } else {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,'');
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'patron_physical_address_post_code' : [
+ ['render'],
+ function(e) {
+ return function() {
+ if (obj.patron.billing_address()) {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,
+ obj.patron.billing_address().post_code()
+ );
+ if (!get_bool(obj.patron.billing_address().valid())){e.setAttribute('style','color: red');}
+ } else {
+ util.widgets.set_text(e,'');
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ );
- obj.retrieve();
+ obj.retrieve();
- try {
- var caption = document.getElementById("PatronSummaryContact_caption");
- var arrow = document.getAnonymousNodes(caption)[0];
- var gb_content = document.getAnonymousNodes(caption.parentNode)[1];
- arrow.addEventListener(
- 'click',
- function() {
- setTimeout(
- function() {
- //alert('setting shrink_state to ' + gb_content.hidden);
- //caption.setAttribute('shrink_state',gb_content.hidden);
- netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect');
- JSAN.use('util.file'); var file = new util.file('patron_id_shrink');
- file.set_object(String(gb_content.hidden)); file.close();
- }, 0
- );
- }, false
- );
- //var shrink_state = caption.getAttribute('shrink_state');
- var shrink_state = false;
- netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect');
- JSAN.use('util.file'); var file = new util.file('patron_id_shrink');
- if (file._file.exists()) {
- shrink_state = file.get_object(); file.close();
- }
- //alert('shrink_state retrieved as ' + shrink_state);
- if (shrink_state != 'false' && shrink_state) {
- JSAN.use('util.widgets');
- //alert('clicking the widget');
- util.widgets.click( arrow );
- }
- } catch(E) {
- obj.error.sdump('D_ERROR','with shrink_state in summary.js: ' + E);
- }
- },
+ try {
+ var caption = document.getElementById("PatronSummaryContact_caption");
+ var arrow = document.getAnonymousNodes(caption)[0];
+ var gb_content = document.getAnonymousNodes(caption.parentNode)[1];
+ arrow.addEventListener(
+ 'click',
+ function() {
+ setTimeout(
+ function() {
+ //alert('setting shrink_state to ' + gb_content.hidden);
+ //caption.setAttribute('shrink_state',gb_content.hidden);
+ netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect');
+ JSAN.use('util.file'); var file = new util.file('patron_id_shrink');
+ file.set_object(String(gb_content.hidden)); file.close();
+ }, 0
+ );
+ }, false
+ );
+ //var shrink_state = caption.getAttribute('shrink_state');
+ var shrink_state = false;
+ netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect');
+ JSAN.use('util.file'); var file = new util.file('patron_id_shrink');
+ if (file._file.exists()) {
+ shrink_state = file.get_object(); file.close();
+ }
+ //alert('shrink_state retrieved as ' + shrink_state);
+ if (shrink_state != 'false' && shrink_state) {
+ //alert('clicking the widget');
+ util.widgets.click( arrow );
+ }
+ } catch(E) {
+ obj.error.sdump('D_ERROR','with shrink_state in summary.js: ' + E);
+ }
+ },
- 'retrieve' : function() {
+ 'retrieve' : function() {
- try {
+ try {
- var obj = this;
+ var obj = this;
- var chain = [];
+ var chain = [];
- // Retrieve the patron
- function blah_retrieve() {
- try {
- var robj;
- if (obj.barcode && obj.barcode != 'null') {
- robj = obj.network.simple_request(
- 'FM_AU_RETRIEVE_VIA_BARCODE.authoritative',
- [ ses(), obj.barcode ]
- );
- } else if (obj.id && obj.id != 'null') {
- robj = obj.network.simple_request(
- 'FM_AU_FLESHED_RETRIEVE_VIA_ID.authoritative',
- [ ses(), obj.id ]
- );
- } else {
- throw(patronStrings.getString('staff.patron.summary.retrieve.no_barcode'));
- }
- if (robj) {
+ // Retrieve the patron
+ function blah_retrieve() {
+ try {
+ var robj;
+ if (obj.barcode && obj.barcode != 'null') {
+ robj = obj.network.simple_request(
+ 'FM_AU_RETRIEVE_VIA_BARCODE.authoritative',
+ [ ses(), obj.barcode ]
+ );
+ } else if (obj.id && obj.id != 'null') {
+ robj = obj.network.simple_request(
+ [ ses(), obj.id ]
+ );
+ } else {
+ throw(patronStrings.getString('staff.patron.summary.retrieve.no_barcode'));
+ }
+ if (robj) {
- if (instanceOf(robj,au)) {
+ if (instanceOf(robj,au)) {
- obj.patron = robj;
- JSAN.use('patron.util');
- document.getElementById('patron_name').setAttribute('value',
- ( obj.patron.prefix() ? obj.patron.prefix() + ' ' : '') +
- obj.patron.family_name() + ', ' +
- obj.patron.first_given_name() + ' ' +
- ( obj.patron.second_given_name() ? obj.patron.second_given_name() + ' ' : '' ) +
- ( obj.patron.suffix() ? obj.patron.suffix() : '')
- );
- patron.util.set_penalty_css(obj.patron);
- JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); var data = new OpenILS.data(); data.init({'via':'stash'});
- data.last_patron = obj.patron.id(); data.stash('last_patron');
+ obj.patron = robj;
+ JSAN.use('patron.util');
+ util.widgets.set_text('patron_name',
+ patron.util.format_name( obj.patron )
+ );
+ patron.util.set_penalty_css(obj.patron);
+ JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); var data = new OpenILS.data(); data.init({'via':'stash'});
+ data.last_patron = obj.patron.id(); data.stash('last_patron');
- } else {
+ } else {
- throw(robj);
+ throw(robj);
- }
- } else {
+ }
+ } else {
- throw(robj);
+ throw(robj);
- }
+ }
- } catch(E) {
- throw(E);
- }
- };
- blah_retrieve();
+ } catch(E) {
+ throw(E);
+ }
+ };
+ blah_retrieve();
- /*
- // Retrieve the survey responses for required surveys
- chain.push(
- function() {
- try {
- var surveys = obj.OpenILS.data.list.my_asv;
- var survey_responses = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < surveys.length; i++) {
- var s = obj.network.request(
- api.FM_ASVR_RETRIEVE.method,
- [ ses(), surveys[i].id(), obj.patron.id() ]
- );
- survey_responses[ surveys[i].id() ] = s;
- }
- obj.patron.survey_responses( survey_responses );
- } catch(E) {
- var error = ('patron.summary.retrieve : ' + js2JSON(E));
- obj.error.sdump('D_ERROR',error);
- throw(error);
- }
- }
- );
- */
+ /*
+ // Retrieve the survey responses for required surveys
+ chain.push(
+ function() {
+ try {
+ var surveys = obj.OpenILS.data.list.my_asv;
+ var survey_responses = {};
+ for (var i = 0; i < surveys.length; i++) {
+ var s = obj.network.request(
+ api.FM_ASVR_RETRIEVE.method,
+ [ ses(), surveys[i].id(), obj.patron.id() ]
+ );
+ survey_responses[ surveys[i].id() ] = s;
+ }
+ obj.patron.survey_responses( survey_responses );
+ } catch(E) {
+ var error = ('patron.summary.retrieve : ' + js2JSON(E));
+ obj.error.sdump('D_ERROR',error);
+ throw(error);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ */
- // Update the screen
- chain.push( function() { obj.controller.render(); } );
+ // Update the screen
+ chain.push( function() {
+ obj.controller.render();
+ if ($('stat_cat_tab')) {
+ util.widgets.dispatch('command','stat_cat_tab');
+ }
+ } );
- // On Complete
+ // On Complete
- chain.push( function() {
+ chain.push( function() {
- if (typeof window.xulG == 'object' && typeof window.xulG.on_finished == 'function') {
- obj.error.sdump('D_PATRON_SUMMARY',
- 'patron.summary: Calling external .on_finished()\n');
- window.xulG.on_finished(obj.patron);
- } else {
- obj.error.sdump('D_PATRON_SUMMARY','patron.summary: No external .on_finished()\n');
- }
+ if (typeof window.xulG == 'object' && typeof window.xulG.on_finished == 'function') {
+ obj.error.sdump('D_PATRON_SUMMARY',
+ 'patron.summary: Calling external .on_finished()\n');
+ window.xulG.on_finished(obj.patron);
+ } else {
+ obj.error.sdump('D_PATRON_SUMMARY','patron.summary: No external .on_finished()\n');
+ }
- } );
+ } );
- // Do it
- JSAN.use('util.exec'); obj.exec = new util.exec();
- obj.exec.on_error = function(E) {
+ // Do it
+ JSAN.use('util.exec'); obj.exec = new util.exec();
+ obj.exec.on_error = function(E) {
- if (typeof window.xulG == 'object' && typeof window.xulG.on_error == 'function') {
- window.xulG.on_error(E);
- } else {
- alert(js2JSON(E));
- }
+ if (typeof window.xulG == 'object' && typeof window.xulG.on_error == 'function') {
+ window.xulG.on_error(E);
+ } else {
+ alert(js2JSON(E));
+ }
- }
- this.exec.chain( chain );
+ }
+ this.exec.chain( chain );
- } catch(E) {
- if (typeof window.xulG == 'object' && typeof window.xulG.on_error == 'function') {
- window.xulG.on_error(E);
- } else {
- alert(js2JSON(E));
- }
- }
- }
+ } catch(E) {
+ if (typeof window.xulG == 'object' && typeof window.xulG.on_error == 'function') {
+ window.xulG.on_error(E);
+ } else {
+ alert(js2JSON(E));
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'group_frame' : function() {
+ var obj = this;
+ try {
+ obj.group_list.clear();
+ var robj = obj.network.simple_request(
+ 'FM_AU_LIST_RETRIEVE_VIA_GROUP.authoritative',
+ [ ses(), obj.patron.usrgroup() ]
+ );
+ if ((robj == null) || (typeof robj.ilsevent != 'undefined') ) throw(robj);
+ var ids = util.functional.filter_list( robj, function(o) { return o != obj.patron.id(); });
+ var funcs = [];
+ function gen_func(r) {
+ return function() {
+ obj.group_list.append( { 'retrieve_id' : r, 'row' : {} } );
+ }
+ }
+ //funcs.push( gen_func(obj.patron.id()) );
+ for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
+ funcs.push( gen_func(ids[i]) );
+ }
+ JSAN.use('util.exec'); var exec = new util.exec(4);
+ exec.chain( funcs );
+ } catch(E) {
+ alert('Error in summary.js, group_frame(): ' + E);
+ }
+ }
dump('exiting patron.summary.js\n');
Modified: conifer/branches/rel_2_0/xul/server/patron/summary_overlay.xul
--- conifer/branches/rel_2_0/xul/server/patron/summary_overlay.xul 2011-04-12 13:42:03 UTC (rev 1332)
+++ conifer/branches/rel_2_0/xul/server/patron/summary_overlay.xul 2011-04-12 13:54:03 UTC (rev 1333)
@@ -1,221 +1,231 @@
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- value="&staff.patron_display.checkouts_overdue.label;" style="background: grey"/>
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+ value="&staff.patron.summary_overlay.opac_login.value;" />
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Deleted: conifer/branches/rel_2_0/xul/server/patron/ue.xhtml
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- </tr>
- <!--
- <tr>
- <td><div class='wide right'>Secondary Identification Type</div></td>
- <td><div class='wide left'>
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- <option value=''> None Selected </option>
- </select>
- </div>
- </td>
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- -->
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- <td>
- <div class='wide left'>
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- </div>
- </td>
- -->
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- <span style='padding-left: 10px;'> </span>
- <input type='submit' name='ue_addr_detach'
- value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.ue_addr_detach.label;' class='hide_me'/>
- <input type='submit' name='ue_addr_approve'
- value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.ue_addr_approve.label;' class='hide_me'/>
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class='hide_me' name='ue_addr_replaced_row'>
- <td colspan='6'>
- <div class='button_row' name='ue_addr_replaced_div'>
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </td>
- <td><input type='checkbox' name='ue_addr_inc_yes' checked='checked'/></td>
- <td><input type='checkbox' name='ue_addr_valid_yes' checked='checked'/></td>
- <td>
- <div style='width: 100%; -moz-border-radius: 8px;'>
- <input type='radio' name='ue_addr_mailing_yes'
- onchange='uEditAddrTypeClick(this, "mailing");'
- onclick='uEditAddrTypeClick(this, "mailing");'/>
- </div>
- </td>
- <td>
- <div style='width: 100%; -moz-border-radius: 8px;'>
- <input type='radio' name='ue_addr_billing_yes'
- onchange='uEditAddrTypeClick(this, "billing");'
- onclick='uEditAddrTypeClick(this, "billing");'/>
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <div class='button_row' style='margin-top: 20px;'>
- <!--
- <input type='submit' value='Create a New Address' id='ue_address_new'/>
- -->
- <input type='submit' value='&staff.patron.ue.create_address.label;' onclick='uEditCreateNewAddr();'/>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- ************************************************************** -->
- <!-- Groups Pane -->
- <!-- ************************************************************** -->
- <div id='uedit_groups' class='main_div hide_me'>
- <table class='uedit_table'>
- <tbody>
- <tr class='required_field'>
- <td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.profile_group.label;</div></td>
- <td>
- <div class='wide left'>
- <select id='ue_profile' class='select_big'>
- <option value=''>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.required.label;</option>
- </select>
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class='required_field'>
- <td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.account_expiration_date.label;</div></td>
- <td>
- <div class='wide left'>
- <input type='text' id='ue_expire' size='10' maxlength='10'/>
- <button style='padding: 0px;' id='ue_expire_trigger'>
- <img src="/opac/common/js/jscalendar/img.gif"
- style="cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid red; padding: 0px; margin: -3px;"
- title="&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.date_selector.label;"
- onmouseover="this.style.background='red';"
- onmouseout="this.style.background=''" />
- </button>
- <span class='pad' style='font-size: 8pt;'>(YYYY-MM-DD)</span>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- Calendar.setup({
- inputField : "ue_expire", // id of the input field
- ifFormat : "%Y-%m-%d", // format of the input field
- button : "ue_expire_trigger", // trigger for the calendar (button ID)
- align : "Tl", // alignment (defaults to "Bl")
- singleClick : true
- });
- </script>
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class='hide_me'>
- <td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.net_access_level.label;</div></td>
- <td>
- <div class='wide left'>
- <select id='ue_net_level'>
- </select>
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.active.label;</div></td>
- <td>
- <div class='wide left'>
- <input id='ue_active' type='checkbox' checked='checked'/>
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.barred.label;</div></td>
- <td>
- <div class='wide left'>
- <input id='ue_barred' type='checkbox'/>
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.set_family_group_lead_account.label;</div></td>
- <td>
- <div class='wide left'>
- <input id='ue_group_lead' type='checkbox'/>
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.claims_returned_count.label;</div></td>
- <td>
- <div class='wide left'>
- <input id='ue_claims_returned' type='text' disabled='disabled' size='6'/>
- <script>
- $('ue_claims_returned').value = 0;
- $('ue_claims_returned').disabled = true;
- </script>
- <input class='pad' id='ue_claims_returned_reset' type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.reset.label;'
- onclick="
- if( confirmId('ue_claims_return_confirm') ) {
- $('ue_claims_returned').value = 0;
- $('ue_claims_returned').onchange();
- }
- "/>
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.alert_message.label;</div></td>
- <td>
- <div class='wide left'>
- <textarea wrap='soft' cols='30' rows='4' id='ue_alert_message'/>
- <input class='pad' id='ue_alert_message_reset'
- type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.alert_message_reset.value;'
- onclick='
- var node = $("ue_alert_message");
- node.value = "";
- if(node.onchange) node.onchange();'/>
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </div>
- <!-- ************************************************************** -->
- <!-- Stat Cats Pane -->
- <!-- ************************************************************** -->
- <div id='uedit_stat_cats' class='main_div hide_me'>
- <table class='uedit_table' style='width: 98%'>
- <thead>
- <tr style='font-weight: bold;'>
- <td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.stat_cat_name.label;</td>
- <td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.owner.label;</td>
- <td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.value.label;</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody id='ue_stat_cat_tbody'>
- <tr id='ue_stat_cat_row'>
- <td><div class='wide right' name='ue_stat_cat_name'/></td>
- <td><div class='wide right' style='font-size: 8pt' name='ue_stat_cat_owner'/></td>
- <td>
- <div class='wide left'>
- <select name='ue_stat_cat_selector'>
- <option value=''>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.none_selected.label;</option>
- </select>
- <span class='pad'> or </span>
- <input class='pad' type='text' name='ue_stat_cat_newval'/>
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </div>
- <!-- ************************************************************** -->
- <!-- Surveys Pane -->
- <!-- ************************************************************** -->
- <div id='uedit_surveys' class='main_div hide_me'>
- <div id='uedit_no_surveys' class='hide_me'>
- <b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.no_surveys_for_location.label;</b>
- </div>
- <table id='ue_survey_table'
- class='uedit_table data_grid' style='width: 95%; margin-top: 17px;'>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td colspan='2' style='text-align: left; padding-left: 20px;'>
- <span class='pad' name='ue_survey_name' style='font-weight: bold;'/>
- <span class='pad' name='ue_survey_desc'> : </span>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody name='ue_survey_tbody'>
- <tr name='ue_survey_row'>
- <td name='ue_survey_question'
- style='width: 60%; text-align: left; padding-left: 40px;'/>
- <td>
- <select name='ue_survey_answer'>
- <option value=''>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.none_selected.label;</option>
- </select>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </div>
- <!-- ************************************************************** -->
- <!-- Finish Up -->
- <!-- ************************************************************** -->
- <div id='uedit_finalize' class='main_div hide_me'>
- <div class='has_color' style='width: 95%; margin-top: 40px; text-align: center'>
- <div style='padding: 5px;'>
- &ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.finishing_message.label;
- </div>
- <br/>
- <div style='margin-bottom: 15px;'>
- <a style='margin-right: 30px;' id='ue_view_summary'
- href='javascript:uEditShowSummary();'>View Summary</a>
- </div>
- <input style='margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px;' id='ue_save'
- type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.save_user.value;' onclick='uEditSaveUser();'/>
- <input style='margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px;' id='ue_save_clone'
- type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.save_clone_user.value;' onclick='uEditSaveUser(true);'/>
- <button style='margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px;'
- onclick='if(confirm($("ue_cancel_confirm").innerHTML)) uEditCancel();'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.cancel.value;</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan='2'>
- <!-- ************************************************************** -->
- <!-- Bottom Navigation Links -->
- <!-- ************************************************************** -->
- <table width='100%' class='no_border'>
- <tbody>
- <tr id='uedit_nav_bar'>
- <td width='10%'/>
- <td width='40%'>
- <a id='ue_back' class='nav_link hide_me'
- href='javascript:uEditPrev()'>←&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.back.label;</a>
- </td>
- <td width='40%'>
- <a id='ue_fwd' class='nav_link'
- href='javascript:uEditNext()'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.forward.label;→</a>
- </td>
- <td width='10%'/>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </div>
- </center>
- <div id='summary_div_container' class='hide_me'>
- <div id='ue_summary_page'>
- <table id='ue_summary_table' class='data_grid' width='55%'>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td colspan='2'>
- <span>&staff.patron.ue.user_summary.label;</span>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody name='ue_summary_page_tbody'>
- <tr>
- <td colspan='2' align='center'>
- <input style='margin-right: 15px;' type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.print_page.label;' onclick='window.print();'/>
- <input style='margin-left: 15px;' type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.return_to_editor.label;'
- onclick=' unHideMe($("main_div_container"));
- hideMe($("summary_div_container"));'/>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.barcode.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_barcode'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.username.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_usrname'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.first_name.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_first_given_name'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.middle_name.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_second_given_name'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.last_name.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_family_name'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.alias.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_alias'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.suffix.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_suffix'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.dob.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_dob'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.primary_id_type.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_ident_type'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.primary_id.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_ident_value'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.secondary_id_type.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_ident_type2'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.secondary_id.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_ident_value2'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.email_address.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_email'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.daytime_phone.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_day_phone'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.evening_phone.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_evening_phone'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.other_phone.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_other_phone'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.home_library.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_home_ou'/></tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan='2'>
- <table width='100%' style='margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px;'>
- <thead><tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.addresses.label;</td></tr></thead>
- <tbody name='ue_summary_addr_tbody'>
- <tr name='ue_summary_addr_row'>
- <td>
- <table name='ue_summary_addr_table' width='100%'>
- <thead><tr><td colspan='4'/><span> </span></tr></thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.address_label.label;</b></td><td name='label'/>
- <td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.zip.label;</b></td><td name='zip'/>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.street1.label;</b></td><td name='street1'/>
- <td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.country.label;</b></td><td name='country'/>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.street2.label;</b></td><td name='street2'/>
- <td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.mailing.label;</b></td><td name='mailing'/>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.city.label;</b></td><td name='city'/>
- <td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.billing.label;</b></td><td name='billing'/>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.county.label;</b></td><td name='county'/>
- <td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.valid.label;</b></td><td name='valid'/>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.state.label;</b></td><td name='state'/>
- <td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.in_city_limits.label;</b></td><td name='incorporated'/>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.profile.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_profile'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.active.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_active'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.barred.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_barred'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.expire_date.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_expire_date'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.family_lead_account.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_master_account'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.claims_returned_count.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_claims_returned_count'/></tr>
- <tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.alert_message.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_alert_message'/></tr>
- <tr name='ue_summary_stat_cat_td'>
- <td colspan='2' >
- <table width='100%' style='margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px;'>
- <thead><tr><td colspan='2'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.stat_categories.label;</td></tr></thead>
- <tbody name='ue_summary_stats_tbody'>
- <tr name='ue_summary_stats_row'>
- <td name='ue_summary_stat_name'/><td name='ue_summary_stat_value'/>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr name='ue_summary_survey_td'>
- <td colspan='2'>
- <table width='100%' style='margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px;'>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.survey.label;</td>
- <td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.question.label;</td>
- <td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.answer.label;</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody name='ue_summary_survey_tbody'>
- <tr name='ue_summary_survey_row'>
- <td name='ue_summary_survey_name'/>
- <td name='ue_summary_survey_question'/>
- <td name='ue_summary_survey_answer'/>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan='2' align='center'>
- <input style='margin-right: 15px;' type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.print_page.label;' onclick='window.print();'/>
- <input style='margin-left: 15px;' type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.return_to_editor.label;'
- onclick=' unHideMe($("main_div_container"));
- hideMe($("summary_div_container"));'/>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- ************************************************************** -->
- <!-- This holds all of the strings we may have to alert to the user -->
- <!-- ************************************************************** -->
- <div class='hide_me'>
- <span id='ue_bad_dob'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_dob.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_bad_username'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_username.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_bad_password'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_passwords.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_bad_firstname'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_firstname.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_bad_middlename'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_middlename.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_bad_lastname'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_lastname.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_bad_barcode'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_barcode.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_duplicate_barcode'>&staff.patron.ue.duplicate_barcode.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_new_barcode_warn'>&staff.patron.ue.new_barcode_warn.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_no_ident'>&staff.patron.ue.no_ident.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_bad_ident_dl'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_ident_dl.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_bad_ident_ssn'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_ident_ssn.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_bad_email'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_email.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_bad_phone'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_phone.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_no_profile'>&staff.patron.ue.no_profile.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_bad_expire'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_expire.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_bad_claims_returned'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_claims_returned.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_no_profile'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.no_profile.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_unknown_error'>&staff.patron.ue.unknown_error.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_bad_addr_label'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_label.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_bad_addr_street'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_street.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_bad_addr_city'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_city.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_bad_addr_county'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_county.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_bad_addr_state'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_state.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_bad_addr_country'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_country.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_bad_addr_zip'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_zip.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_bad_survey'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_survey.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_delete_addr_warn'>&staff.patron.ue.delete_addr_warn.label;</span>
- <span id='yes'>&staff.patron.ue.yes.label;</span>
- <span id='no'>&staff.patron.ue.no.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_summary_window'>&staff.patron.ue.summary_window.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_success'>&staff.patron.ue.success.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_dup_ident1'>&staff.patron.ue.dup_ident1.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_dup_username'>&staff.patron.ue.dup_username.label;</span>
- <span id='ue_dup_barcode'>&staff.patron.ue.dup_barcode.label;</span>
- <span class='hide_me' id='ue_cancel_confirm'>&staff.patron.ue.cancel_confirm.label;</span>
- <span class='hide_me' id='ue_juv_guardian'>&staff.patron.ue.juv_guardian.label;</span>
- <span class='hide_me' id='ue_bad_date'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_date.label;</span>
- <span class='hide_me' id='ue_made_barred'>&staff.patron.ue.made_barred.label;</span>
- <span class='hide_me' id='ue_claims_return_confirm'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.claims_return_confirm.label;</span>
- <span class='hide_me' id='ue_unsaved_changes'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.unsaved_changes.label;</span>
- <span class='hide_me' id='ue_xact_collision'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.xact_collision.label;</span>
- <span class='hide_me' id='ue_add_approve_confirm'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.ue_addr_approve_confirm.label;</span>
- </div>
- </body>
Deleted: conifer/branches/rel_2_0/xul/server/patron/ue_config.js
--- conifer/branches/rel_2_0/xul/server/patron/ue_config.js 2011-04-12 13:42:03 UTC (rev 1332)
+++ conifer/branches/rel_2_0/xul/server/patron/ue_config.js 2011-04-12 13:54:03 UTC (rev 1333)
@@ -1,1181 +0,0 @@
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-const SC_FETCH_ALL = 'open-ils.circ:open-ils.circ.stat_cat.actor.retrieve.all';
-const SC_CREATE_MAP = 'open-ils.circ:open-ils.circ.stat_cat.actor.user_map.create';
-const SV_FETCH_ALL = 'open-ils.circ:open-ils.circ.survey.retrieve.all';
-const FETCH_ID_TYPES = 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.user.ident_types.retrieve';
-const FETCH_GROUPS = 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.groups.tree.retrieve';
-const FETCH_NET_LEVELS = 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.net_access_level.retrieve.all';
-const UPDATE_PATRON = 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.patron.update';
-const PATRON_SEARCH = 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.patron.search.advanced';
-const ZIP_SEARCH = 'open-ils.search:open-ils.search.zip';
-const APPROVE_ADDR = 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.user.pending_address.approve';
-const FETCH_ADDR_MEMS = 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.address.members';
-const FETCH_GRP_MEMS = 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.usergroup.members.retrieve';
-const CREATE_USER_NOTE = 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.note.create';
-const CHECK_BARCODE = 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.barcode.exists';
-const defaultState = 'ON';
-const defaultCountry = 'Canada';
-const defaultNetAccess = 'None';
-const defaultNetLevel = 1;
-const CSS_INVALID_DATA = 'invalid_value';
-// if no org setting exists
-const DEFAULT_ADULT_AGE = '18 years';
-//const GUARDIAN_NOTE = 'SYSTEM: Parent/Guardian';
-var dataFields;
-const laxRegex = /\w+/;
-const nameRegex = /^\S+[\S\s]*$/;
-const numRegex = /^\d+$/;
-const wordRegex = /^[\w-]+$/;
-const unameRegex = /^\w[\.\w\@-]*$/;
-const ssnRegex = /^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$/;
-const dlRegex = /^[a-zA-Z]{2}-\w+/; /* driver's license */
-const phoneRegex = /^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}(| \S+.*)$/i;
-const nonumRegex = /^[a-zA-Z]\D*$/; /* no numbers, no beginning whitespace */
-const dateRegex = /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/;
-const zipRegex = /^\d{5}(-\d{4}|-?$)/; /* 12345 or 12345-6789 */
-var barredAlerted = false;
-function uEditUsrnameBlur(field) {
- var usrname = uEditNodeVal(field);
- if (!usrname) { return; }
- var req = new Request(CHECK_USERNAME, SESSION, usrname);
- req.callback(
- function(r) {
- var res = r.getResultObject();
- if( res !== null && res != patron.id() ) {
- field.widget.onblur = null; /* prevent alert storm */
- alertId('ue_dup_username');
- field.widget.onblur = uEditUsrnameBlur;
- setTimeout(
- function() {
- field.widget.node.focus();
- field.widget.node.select();
- }, 10
- );
- }
- }
- );
- req.send();
-function uEditBarcodeBlur(field) {
- var barcode = uEditNodeVal(field);
- if(!barcode) return;
- _debug("blurring card with new value " + barcode);
- var req = new Request(CHECK_BARCODE, SESSION, barcode);
- req.callback(
- function(r) {
- var res = r.getResultObject();
- if( res == 1 ) {
- field.widget.onblur = null; /* prevent alert storm */
- alertId('ue_dup_barcode');
- field.widget.onblur = uEditBarcodeBlur;
- setTimeout(
- function() {
- field.widget.node.focus();
- field.widget.node.select();
- }, 10
- );
- } else {
- var node = uEditFindFieldByWId("ue_username");
- if(!node.widget.node.value) {
- node.widget.node.value = barcode;
- node.widget.node.onchange();
- }
- }
- }
- );
- req.send();
-function uEditDefineData(patron) {
- var fields = [
- {
- required : true,
- object : patron.card(),
- key : 'barcode',
- errkey : 'ue_bad_barcode',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_barcode',
- regex : wordRegex,
- type : 'input',
- onblur : uEditBarcodeBlur
- }
- },
- {
- required : true,
- object : patron,
- key : 'usrname',
- errkey : 'ue_bad_username',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_username',
- regex : unameRegex,
- type : 'input',
- onblur : uEditUsrnameBlur
- }
- },
- {
- required : (patron.isnew()) ? true : false,
- object : patron,
- key : 'passwd',
- errkey : 'ue_bad_password',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_password1',
- type : 'input',
- onpostchange : function(field, newval) {
- var pw2 = uEditFindFieldByWId('ue_password2');
- /* tell the second passsword input to re-validate */
- pw2.widget.node.onchange();
- }
- }
- },
- {
- required : (patron.isnew()) ? true : false,
- object : patron,
- key : 'passwd',
- errkey : 'ue_bad_password',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_password2',
- type : 'input',
- onpostchange : function(field, newval) {
- var pw1f = uEditFindFieldByWId('ue_password1');
- var pw1 = uEditNodeVal(pw1f);
- field.widget.regex = new RegExp('^'+pw1+'$');
- if( pw1 ) field.required = true;
- else {
- if(!patron.isnew())
- field.required = false;
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- required : true,
- object : patron,
- key : 'first_given_name',
- errkey : 'ue_bad_firstname',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_firstname',
- regex : nameRegex,
- type : 'input',
- onblur : function(field) {
- uEditCheckNamesDup('first', field );
- }
- }
- },
- {
- required : false,
- object : patron,
- key : 'second_given_name',
- errkey : 'ue_bad_middlename',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_middlename',
- regex : nameRegex,
- type : 'input'
- }
- },
- {
- required : true,
- object : patron,
- key : 'family_name',
- errkey : 'ue_bad_lastname',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_lastname',
- regex : nameRegex,
- type : 'input',
- onblur : function(field) {
- uEditCheckNamesDup('last', field );
- }
- }
- },
- {
- required : false,
- object : patron,
- key : 'suffix',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_suffix',
- type : 'input',
- onload : function(val) {
- setSelector($('ue_suffix_selector'), val);
- $('ue_suffix_selector').onchange = function() {
- uEditFindFieldByKey('suffix').widget.node.onchange();
- }
- },
- }
- },
- {
- required : false,
- object : patron,
- key : 'alias',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_alias',
- type : 'input',
- }
- },
- {
- required : false,
- object : patron,
- key : 'dob',
- errkey : 'ue_bad_dob',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_dob',
- regex : dateRegex,
- type : 'input',
- onpostchange : function(field) { uEditCheckDOB(field); },
- onblur : function(field) { uEditCheckDOB(field); }
- }
- },
- {
- required : true,
- object : patron,
- key : 'ident_type',
- errkey : 'ue_no_ident',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_primary_ident_type',
- regex : numRegex,
- type : 'select',
- onpostchange : function(field, newval)
- { _uEditIdentPostchange('primary', field, newval); }
- }
- },
- {
- required : false,
- object : patron,
- key : 'ident_value',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_primary_ident',
- type : 'input',
- onblur : function(field) {
- uEditCheckIdentDup(field);
- }
- }
- },
- {
- required : false,
- object : patron,
- key : 'ident_value2',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_secondary_ident',
- type : 'input'
- }
- },
- {
- required : false,
- object : patron,
- key : 'email',
- errkey : 'ue_bad_email',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_email',
- type : 'input',
- regex : /.+\@.+\..+/, /* make me better */
- onblur : function(field) {
- var val = uEditNodeVal(field);
- if( val && val != field.oldemail ) {
- uEditRunDupeSearch('email',
- { email : { value : val, group : 0 } });
- field.oldemail = val;
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- required : false,
- object : patron,
- key : 'day_phone',
- errkey : 'ue_bad_phone',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_day_phone',
- type : 'input',
- regex : laxRegex,
- onblur : function() {
- if(uEditUsePhonePw)
- uEditMakePhonePw();
- },
- onpostchange: function(field, newval) {
- /* if this is a new patron and we are using the phone number for
- the password and the staff edits the phone number after entering
- it (think typos), update the password too */
- if(uEditUsePhonePw && patron.isnew() && patron.passwd() != newval) {
- patron.passwd(null);
- uEditMakePhonePw();
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- required : false,
- object : patron,
- key : 'evening_phone',
- errkey : 'ue_bad_phone',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_night_phone',
- type : 'input',
- regex : laxRegex,
- onblur : function() {
- if(uEditUsePhonePw)
- uEditMakePhonePw();
- }
- }
- },
- {
- required : false,
- object : patron,
- key : 'other_phone',
- errkey : 'ue_bad_phone',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_other_phone',
- type : 'input',
- regex : laxRegex,
- onblur : function() {
- if(uEditUsePhonePw)
- uEditMakePhonePw();
- }
- }
- },
- {
- required : true,
- object : patron,
- key : 'home_ou',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_org_selector',
- type : 'select',
- regex : numRegex,
- }
- },
- {
- required : true,
- object : patron,
- key : 'expire_date',
- errkey : 'ue_bad_expire',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_expire',
- type : 'input',
- regex : dateRegex,
- }
- },
- {
- required : false,
- object : patron,
- key : 'active',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_active',
- type : 'checkbox',
- }
- },
- {
- required : false,
- object : patron,
- key : 'juvenile',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_juvenile',
- type : 'checkbox',
- onpostchange : function(field) { uEditCheckDOB(uEditFindFieldByKey('dob')); },
- onblur : function(field) { uEditCheckDOB(uEditFindFieldByKey('dob')); }
- }
- },
- {
- required : false,
- object : patron,
- key : 'barred',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_barred',
- type : 'checkbox',
- onpostchange : function(field, val) {
- var afield = uEditFindFieldByKey('alert_message');
- if( val ) {
- if( !barredAlerted ) {
- barredAlerted = true;
- alertId('ue_made_barred');
- }
- afield.required = true;
- } else {
- afield.required = false;
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- required : true,
- object : patron,
- key : 'profile',
- errkey : 'ue_no_profile',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_profile',
- type : 'select',
- regex : numRegex,
- onpostchange : function(field, value) {
- var type = groupsCache[value];
- if(!type) return;
- var interval = type.perm_interval();
- /* interval_to_seconds expects 'M' for months, 'm' for minutes */
- interval = interval.replace(/mon/, 'Mon');
- var intsecs = parseInt(interval_to_seconds(interval));
- var expdate = new Date();
- var exptime = expdate.getTime();
- exptime += intsecs * 1000;
- expdate.setTime(exptime);
- _debug("profile change (interval= '"+interval+"', seconds="+intsecs+")\n\tgenerated a date of " + expdate);
- var year = expdate.getYear() + 1900;
- var month = (expdate.getMonth() + 1) + '';
- var day = (expdate.getDate()) + '';
- if(!month.match(/\d{2}/)) month = '0' + month;
- if(!day.match(/\d{2}/)) day = '0' + day;
- var node = $('ue_expire');
- node.value = year+'-'+month+'-'+day;
- _debug("profile change formatted date to "+ node.value);
- node.onchange();
- }
- }
- },
- {
- required : false,
- object : patron,
- key : 'net_access_level',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_net_level',
- type : 'select'
- }
- },
- {
- required : false,
- object : patron,
- key : 'master_account',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_group_lead',
- type : 'checkbox',
- }
- },
- {
- required : true,
- object : patron,
- key : 'claims_returned_count',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_claims_returned',
- type : 'input',
- regex : numRegex,
- disabled : true
- }
- },
- {
- required : false,
- object : patron,
- key : 'alert_message',
- widget : {
- id : 'ue_alert_message',
- type : 'input',
- }
- }
- ];
- for( var f in fields )
- dataFields.push(fields[f]);
- uEditBuildAddrs(patron);
- uEditBuildPatronSCM(patron);
-var uEditOldFirstName;
-var uEditOldMiddleName; /* future */
-var uEditOldLastName;
-function uEditCheckNamesDup(type, field) {
- var newval = uEditNodeVal(field);
- if(!newval) return;
- var dosearch = false;
- if(type =='first') {
- if( newval != uEditOldFirstName )
- dosearch = true;
- uEditOldFirstName = newval;
- }
- if(type =='last') {
- if( newval != uEditOldLastName )
- dosearch = true;
- uEditOldLastName = newval;
- }
- if( dosearch && uEditOldFirstName && uEditOldLastName ) {
- var search_hash = {};
- search_hash['first_given_name'] = { value : uEditOldFirstName, group : 0 };
- search_hash['family_name'] = { value : uEditOldLastName, group : 0 };
- uEditRunDupeSearch('names', search_hash);
- }
-var uEditOldIdentValue;
-function uEditCheckIdentDup(field) {
- var newval = uEditNodeVal(field);
- if( newval && newval != uEditOldIdentValue ) {
- /* searches all ident_value fields */
- var search_hash = { ident : { value : newval, group : 2 } };
- uEditRunDupeSearch('ident', search_hash);
- uEditOldIdentValue = newval;
- }
-/* Adds all of the addresses attached to the patron object
- to the fields array */
-var uEditAddrTemplate;
-function uEditBuildAddrs(patron) {
- var tbody = $('ue_address_tbody');
- if(!uEditAddrTemplate)
- uEditAddrTemplate = tbody.removeChild($('ue_address_template'));
- for( var a in patron.addresses() )
- uEditBuildAddrFields( patron, patron.addresses()[a]);
-function uEditDeleteAddr( tbody, row, address, detach ) {
- if(!confirm($('ue_delete_addr_warn').innerHTML)) return;
- if(address.isnew()) {
- patron.addresses(
- grep( patron.addresses(),
- function(i) {
- return (i.id() != address.id());
- }
- )
- );
- if(!patron.addresses())
- patron.addresses([]);
- /* XXX */
- for( var f in dataFields ) {
- if( dataFields[f].object == address ) {
- dataFields[f] = null;
- }
- }
- dataFields = compactArray(dataFields);
- } else {
- if( detach ) { /* remove the offending address from the list */
- patron.addresses(
- grep(
- patron.addresses(),
- function(i) {
- return (i.id() != address.id());
- }
- )
- );
- if(!patron.addresses()) {
- patron.addresses([]);
- patron.billing_address(null);
- patron.mailing_address(null);
- patron.ischanged(1);
- }
- } else {
- address.isdeleted(1);
- }
- }
- tbody.removeChild(row);
- var bid = patron.billing_address();
- bid = (bid != null && typeof bid == 'object') ? bid.id() : bid;
- var mid = patron.mailing_address();
- mid = (mid != null && typeof mid == 'object') ? mid.id() : mid;
- /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if we're deleting a billing or mailing address
- make sure some other address is automatically
- assigned as the billing or mailng address
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- if( bid == address.id() ) {
- for( var a in patron.addresses() ) {
- var addr = patron.addresses()[a];
- if(!addr.isdeleted() && addr.id() != address.id()) {
- var node = uEditFindAddrInput('billing', addr.id());
- node.checked = true;
- uEditAddrTypeClick(node, 'billing');
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if( mid == address.id() ) {
- for( var a in patron.addresses() ) {
- var addr = patron.addresses()[a];
- if(!addr.isdeleted() && addr.id() != address.id()) {
- var node = uEditFindAddrInput('mailing', addr.id());
- node.checked = true;
- uEditAddrTypeClick(node, 'mailing');
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-function uEditApproveAddr( tbody, row, address ) {
- if(!confirm($('ue_add_approve_confirm').innerHTML)) return;
- var req = new Request(APPROVE_ADDR, SESSION, address);
- req.callback(
- function(r) {
- var oldId = r.getResultObject();
- if(oldId != null) {
- // remove the replaced address
- patron.addresses(
- grep( patron.addresses(),
- function(i) { return (i.id() != oldId); }
- )
- );
- // update the ID on the new address
- address.id(oldId);
- address.replaces(null);
- address.pending('f');
- removeChildren($('ue_address_tbody'));
- uEditBuildAddrs(patron);
- }
- }
- );
- req.send();
-function uEditFindAddrInput(type, id) {
- var tbody = $('ue_address_tbody');
- var rows = tbody.getElementsByTagName('tr');
- for( var r in rows ) {
- var row = rows[r];
- if(row.parentNode != tbody) continue;
- var node = $n(row, 'ue_addr_'+type+'_yes');
- if( node.getAttribute('address') == id )
- return node;
- }
-function uEditAddrTypeClick(input, type) {
- var tbody = $('ue_address_tbody');
- var rows = tbody.getElementsByTagName('tr');
- for( var r in rows ) {
- var row = rows[r];
- if(row.parentNode != tbody) continue;
- var node = $n(row, 'ue_addr_'+type+'_yes');
- removeCSSClass(node.parentNode,'addr_info_checked');
- }
- addCSSClass(input.parentNode,'addr_info_checked');
- patron[type+'_address'](input.getAttribute('address'));
- patron.ischanged(1);
-/* Creates the field entries for an address object. */
-function uEditBuildAddrFields(patron, address) {
- var tbody = $('ue_address_tbody');
- var row = tbody.appendChild(
- uEditAddrTemplate.cloneNode(true));
- uEditCheckSharedAddr(patron, address, tbody, row);
- // see if this is a pending address
- if( isTrue(address.pending()) ) {
- var button = $n(row, 'ue_addr_approve');
- unHideMe(button);
- button.onclick = function() { uEditApproveAddr( tbody, row, address ); }
- var oldaddr = grep(patron.addresses(), function(a){return (a.id() == address.replaces());});
- if(oldaddr) {
- oldaddr = oldaddr[0];
- unHideMe($n(row, 'ue_addr_replaced_row'));
- $n(row, 'ue_addr_replaced_div').innerHTML =
- $("patronStrings").getFormattedString(
- 'web.staff.patron.ue.uedit_show_addr_replacement', [
- oldaddr.address_type(),
- oldaddr.street1(),
- oldaddr.street2(),
- oldaddr.city(),
- oldaddr.state(),
- oldaddr.post_code()
- ]);
- }
- }
- $n(row, 'ue_addr_delete').onclick =
- function() {
- uEditDeleteAddr(tbody, row, address);
- uEditCheckErrors();
- };
- if( patron.billing_address() &&
- address.id() == patron.billing_address().id() )
- $n(row, 'ue_addr_billing_yes').checked = true;
- if( patron.mailing_address() &&
- address.id() == patron.mailing_address().id() )
- $n(row, 'ue_addr_mailing_yes').checked = true;
- $n(row, 'ue_addr_billing_yes').setAttribute('address', address.id());
- $n(row, 'ue_addr_mailing_yes').setAttribute('address', address.id());
- /* currently, non-owners cannot edit an address */
- var disabled = (address.usr() != patron.id())
- var fields = [
- {
- required : false,
- object : address,
- key : 'address_type',
- widget : {
- base : row,
- name : 'ue_addr_label',
- type : 'input',
- disabled : disabled,
- }
- },
- {
- required : true,
- object : address,
- key : 'street1',
- errkey : 'ue_bad_addr_street',
- widget : {
- base : row,
- name : 'ue_addr_street1',
- type : 'input',
- disabled : disabled,
- }
- },
- {
- required : false,
- object : address,
- key : 'street2',
- errkey : 'ue_bad_addr_street',
- widget : {
- base : row,
- name : 'ue_addr_street2',
- type : 'input',
- disabled : disabled,
- }
- },
- {
- required : true,
- object : address,
- key : 'city',
- errkey : 'ue_bad_addr_city',
- widget : {
- base : row,
- name : 'ue_addr_city',
- type : 'input',
- disabled : disabled,
- }
- },
- {
- required : false,
- object : address,
- key : 'county',
- widget : {
- base : row,
- name : 'ue_addr_county',
- type : 'input',
- disabled : disabled,
- }
- },
- {
- required : true,
- object : address,
- key : 'state',
- errkey : 'ue_bad_addr_state',
- widget : {
- base : row,
- name : 'ue_addr_state',
- type : 'input',
- disabled : disabled,
- }
- },
- {
- required : true,
- object : address,
- key : 'country',
- errkey : 'ue_bad_addr_country',
- widget : {
- base : row,
- name : 'ue_addr_country',
- type : 'input',
- disabled : disabled,
- }
- },
- {
- required : true,
- object : address,
- key : 'post_code',
- errkey : 'ue_bad_addr_zip',
- widget : {
- base : row,
- name : 'ue_addr_zip',
- type : 'input',
- disabled : disabled,
- regex : laxRegex,
- onblur : function(f) {
- var v = uEditNodeVal(f);
- var req = new Request(ZIP_SEARCH, v);
- req.callback(
- function(r) {
- var info = r.getResultObject();
- if(!info) return;
- var state = $n(f.widget.base, 'ue_addr_state');
- var county = $n(f.widget.base, 'ue_addr_county');
- var city = $n(f.widget.base, 'ue_addr_city');
- state.value = info.state;
- state.onchange();
- county.value = info.county;
- county.onchange();
- city.value = info.city;
- city.onchange();
- }
- );
- req.send();
- }
- }
- },
- {
- required : false,
- object : address,
- key : 'within_city_limits',
- widget : {
- base : row,
- name : 'ue_addr_inc_yes',
- type : 'checkbox',
- disabled : disabled,
- }
- },
- {
- required : false,
- object : address,
- key : 'valid',
- widget : {
- base : row,
- name : 'ue_addr_valid_yes',
- type : 'checkbox',
- disabled : disabled,
- }
- }
- ];
- for( var f in fields ) {
- dataFields.push(fields[f]);
- uEditActivateField(fields[f]);
- }
-function uEditBuildPatronSCM(patron) {
- /* get the list of pre-defined maps */
- var fields = uEditFindFieldsByKey('stat_cat_entry');
- var map;
- var newmaps = [];
- /* for each user stat cat, pop it off the list,
- updated the existing stat map field to match
- the popped map and shove the existing stat
- map field onto the user's list of stat maps */
- while( (map = patron.stat_cat_entries().pop()) ) {
- var field = grep(fields,
- function(item) {
- return (item.object.stat_cat() == map.stat_cat());
- }
- );
- if(field) {
- var val = map.stat_cat_entry();
- field = field[0];
- $n(field.widget.base, field.widget.name).value = val;
- setSelector($n(field.widget.base, 'ue_stat_cat_selector'), val );
- field.object.stat_cat_entry(val);
- field.object.id(map.id());
- newmaps.push(field.object);
- }
- }
- for( var m in newmaps )
- patron.stat_cat_entries().push(newmaps[m]);
-function uEditBuildSCMField(statcat, row) {
- var map = new actscecm();
- map.stat_cat(statcat.id());
- map.target_usr(patron.id());
- var field = {
- required : false,
- object : map,
- key : 'stat_cat_entry',
- widget : {
- base : row,
- name : 'ue_stat_cat_newval',
- type : 'input',
- onpostchange : function( field, newval ) {
- /* see if the current map already resides in
- the patron entry list */
- var exists = grep( patron.stat_cat_entries(),
- function(item) {
- return (item.stat_cat() == statcat.id());
- }
- );
- if(newval) {
- map.isdeleted(0);
- setSelector($n(row, 'ue_stat_cat_selector'), newval);
- }
- if(exists) {
- if(!newval) {
- /* if the map is new but currently contains no value
- remove it from the set of new maps */
- if(map.isnew()) {
- patron.stat_cat_entries(
- grep( patron.stat_cat_entries(),
- function(item) {
- return (item.stat_cat() != map.stat_cat());
- }
- )
- );
- } else {
- map.isdeleted(1);
- map.ischanged(0);
- }
- }
- } else {
- /* map does not exist in the map array but now has data */
- if(newval) {
- map.isnew(1);
- if(!patron.stat_cat_entries())
- patron.stat_cat_entries([]);
- patron.stat_cat_entries().push(map);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- dataFields.push(field);
-/** Run this after a new ident type is selected */
-function _uEditIdentPostchange(type, field, newval) {
- if(!newval) return;
- /* When the ident type is changed, we change the
- regex on the ident_value to match the selected type */
- var vfname = 'ident_value';
- if(type == 'secondary') vfname = 'ident_value2';
- var vfield = uEditFindFieldByKey(vfname);
- var name = identTypesCache[uEditNodeVal(field)].name();
- hideMe($(type+'_ident_ssn_help'));
- hideMe($(type+'_ident_dl_help'));
- if(name.match(/ssn/i)) {
- vfield.widget.regex = ssnRegex;
- vfield.errkey = 'ue_bad_ident_ssn';
- unHideMe($(type+'_ident_ssn_help'));
- } else {
- if(name.match(/driver/i)) {
- vfield.widget.regex = dlRegex;
- vfield.errkey = 'ue_bad_ident_dl';
- unHideMe($(type+'_ident_dl_help'));
- if(!uEditNodeVal(vfield))
- vfield.widget.node.value = defaultState + '-';
- } else {
- vfield.widget.regex = null;
- vfield.errkey = null;
- }
- }
- /* focus then valdate the value field */
- vfield.widget.node.onchange();
- vfield.widget.node.focus();
-/* checks to see if the given address is shared by others.
- * if so, the address row is styled and ...
- */
-function uEditCheckSharedAddr(patron, address, tbody, row) {
- if( address.isnew() || (patron.isnew() && !clone) ) return;
- var req = new Request(FETCH_ADDR_MEMS, SESSION, address.id());
- req.callback(
- function(r) {
- var members = r.getResultObject();
- var shared = false;
- for( var m in members ) {
- var id = members[m];
- if( id != patron.id() ) {
- addCSSClass(row.getElementsByTagName('table')[0], 'shared_address');
- unHideMe($n(row, 'shared_row'));
- $n(row, 'ue_addr_delete').disabled = true;
- if( address.usr() != patron.id() ) {
- var button = $n(row, 'ue_addr_detach');
- unHideMe(button);
- button.onclick =
- function() { uEditDeleteAddr( tbody, row, address, true ); }
- }
- shared = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if( shared ) {
- /* if this is a shared address, set the owner field and
- give the staff a chance to edit the owner if it's not this user */
- var nnode = $n(row, 'addr_owner_name');
- var link = $n(row, 'addr_owner');
- var id = address.usr();
- if( id == patron.id() ) {
- nnode.appendChild(text(
- patron.first_given_name() + ' ' + patron.family_name()));
- hideMe($n(row, 'owner_link_div'));
- } else {
- var ses = cgi.param('ses');
- if (xulG) if (xulG.ses) ses = xulG.ses;
- if (xulG) if (xulG.params) if (xulG.params.ses) ses = xulG.params.ses;
- link.onclick =
- function() { window.xulG.spawn_editor({ses:ses,usr:id}) };
- if( userCache[id] ) {
- var usr = userCache[id];
- nnode.appendChild(text(
- usr.first_given_name() + ' ' + usr.family_name()));
- } else {
- fetchFleshedUser( id,
- function(usr) {
- userCache[usr.id()] = usr;
- nnode.appendChild(text(
- usr.first_given_name() + ' ' + usr.family_name()));
- }
- );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- );
- req.send();
-var __lastdob;
-function uEditCheckDOB(field) {
- var dob = uEditNodeVal(field);
- var ident_field = uEditFindFieldByKey('ident_value2');
- if(dob) {
- /* don't bother if the data isn't valid */
- if(!dob.match(field.widget.regex))
- return;
- if( dob == __lastdob ) return;
- __lastdob = dob;
- var parts = dob.split(/-/);
- parts[2] = parts[2].replace(/[T ].*/,'');
- dob = buildDate( parts[0], parts[1], parts[2] );
- var today = new Date();
- if(!dob || dob > today) {
- addCSSClass(field.widget.node, CSS_INVALID_DATA);
- alertId('ue_bad_date');
- return;
- }
- var base = new Date();
- var age;
- if(orgSettings['global.juvenile_age_threshold'])
- age = orgSettings['global.juvenile_age_threshold'].value;
- else age = DEFAULT_ADULT_AGE;
- base.setTime(base.getTime() - Number(interval_to_seconds(age) + '000'));
- unHideMe(ident_field.widget.node.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode);
- if( dob < base ) { /* patron is of age */
- ident_field.required = false;
- uEditFindFieldByKey('juvenile').widget.node.checked = false;
- if(!uEditNodeVal(ident_field))
- hideMe(ident_field.widget.node.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode);
- return;
- }
- } else {
- // no DOB and we are not flagged as a juvenile
- if(uEditFindFieldByKey('juvenile').widget.node.checked == false) {
- if(!uEditNodeVal(ident_field))
- hideMe(ident_field.widget.node.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode);
- return;
- }
- }
- unHideMe(ident_field.widget.node.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode);
- if(!uEditFindFieldByKey('juvenile').widget.node.checked)
- uEditFindFieldByKey('juvenile').widget.node.checked = true;
- ident_field.required = true;
- uEditCheckErrors();
Modified: conifer/branches/rel_2_0/xul/server/patron/util.js
--- conifer/branches/rel_2_0/xul/server/patron/util.js 2011-04-12 13:42:03 UTC (rev 1332)
+++ conifer/branches/rel_2_0/xul/server/patron/util.js 2011-04-12 13:54:03 UTC (rev 1333)
@@ -3,703 +3,726 @@
if (typeof patron == 'undefined') var patron = {};
patron.util = {};
-patron.util.EXPORT_OK = [
- 'columns', 'mbts_columns', 'mb_columns', 'mp_columns', /*'std_map_row_to_column',*/ 'std_map_row_to_columns',
- 'retrieve_au_via_id', 'retrieve_fleshed_au_via_id', 'retrieve_fleshed_au_via_barcode', 'set_penalty_css', 'retrieve_name_via_id',
- 'merge', 'ausp_columns'
+patron.util.EXPORT_OK = [
+ 'columns', 'mbts_columns', 'mb_columns', 'mp_columns', /*'std_map_row_to_column',*/ 'std_map_row_to_columns',
+ 'retrieve_au_via_id', 'retrieve_fleshed_au_via_id', 'retrieve_fleshed_au_via_barcode', 'set_penalty_css', 'retrieve_name_via_id',
+ 'merge', 'ausp_columns', 'format_name', 'work_log_patron_edit'
-patron.util.EXPORT_TAGS = { ':all' : patron.util.EXPORT_OK };
+patron.util.EXPORT_TAGS = { ':all' : patron.util.EXPORT_OK };
patron.util.mbts_columns = function(modify,params) {
- JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); var data = new OpenILS.data(); data.init({'via':'stash'});
- JSAN.use('util.money'); JSAN.use('util.date');
+ JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); var data = new OpenILS.data(); data.init({'via':'stash'});
+ JSAN.use('util.money'); JSAN.use('util.date');
var commonStrings = document.getElementById('commonStrings');
- var c = [
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'id', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_id_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mbts.id(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'usr', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_usr_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mbts.usr() ? "Id = " + my.mbts.usr() : ""; }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'xact_type', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_xact_type_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mbts.xact_type(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'balance_owed', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_balance_owed_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return util.money.sanitize( my.mbts.balance_owed() ); },
- 'sort_type' : 'money'
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'total_owed', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_total_owed_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return util.money.sanitize( my.mbts.total_owed() ); },
- 'sort_type' : 'money'
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'total_paid', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_total_paid_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return util.money.sanitize( my.mbts.total_paid() ); },
- 'sort_type' : 'money'
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'last_billing_note', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_last_billing_note_label'), 'flex' : 2,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mbts.last_billing_note(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'last_billing_type', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_last_billing_type_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mbts.last_billing_type(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'last_billing_ts', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_last_billing_timestamp_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return util.date.formatted_date( my.mbts.last_billing_ts(), "" ); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'last_payment_note', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_last_payment_note_label'), 'flex' : 2,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mbts.last_payment_note(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'last_payment_type', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_last_payment_type_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mbts.last_payment_type(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'last_payment_ts', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_last_payment_timestamp_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return util.date.formatted_date( my.mbts.last_payment_ts(), "" ); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'xact_start', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_xact_start_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mbts.xact_start() ? my.mbts.xact_start().toString().substr(0,10) : ""; }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'xact_finish', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_xact_finish_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mbts.xact_finish() ? my.mbts.xact_finish().toString().substr(0,10) : ""; }
- },
- ];
- for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
- if (modify[ c[i].id ]) {
- for (var j in modify[ c[i].id ]) {
- c[i][j] = modify[ c[i].id ][j];
- }
- }
- }
- if (params) {
- if (params.just_these) {
- JSAN.use('util.functional');
- var new_c = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < params.just_these.length; i++) {
- var x = util.functional.find_list(c,function(d){return(d.id==params.just_these[i]);});
- new_c.push( function(y){ return y; }( x ) );
- }
- c = new_c;
- }
- if (params.except_these) {
- JSAN.use('util.functional');
- var new_c = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
- var x = util.functional.find_list(params.except_these,function(d){return(d==c[i].id);});
- if (!x) new_c.push(c[i]);
- }
- c = new_c;
- }
- }
- return c.sort( function(a,b) { if (a.label < b.label) return -1; if (a.label > b.label) return 1; return 0; } );
+ var c = [
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'mbts_id', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_id_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mbts.id(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'usr', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_usr_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mbts.usr() ? "Id = " + my.mbts.usr() : ""; }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'xact_type', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_xact_type_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mbts.xact_type(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'balance_owed', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_balance_owed_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return util.money.sanitize( my.mbts.balance_owed() ); },
+ 'sort_type' : 'money'
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'total_owed', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_total_owed_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return util.money.sanitize( my.mbts.total_owed() ); },
+ 'sort_type' : 'money'
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'total_paid', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_total_paid_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return util.money.sanitize( my.mbts.total_paid() ); },
+ 'sort_type' : 'money'
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'last_billing_note', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_last_billing_note_label'), 'flex' : 2,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mbts.last_billing_note(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'last_billing_type', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_last_billing_type_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mbts.last_billing_type(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'last_billing_ts', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_last_billing_timestamp_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'sort_type' : 'date',
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return util.date.formatted_date( my.mbts.last_billing_ts(), "%{localized}" ); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'last_payment_note', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_last_payment_note_label'), 'flex' : 2,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mbts.last_payment_note(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'last_payment_type', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_last_payment_type_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mbts.last_payment_type(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'last_payment_ts', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_last_payment_timestamp_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'sort_type' : 'date',
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return util.date.formatted_date( my.mbts.last_payment_ts(), "%{localized}" ); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'mbts_xact_start', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_xact_start_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'sort_type' : 'date',
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mbts.xact_start() ? util.date.formatted_date( my.mbts.xact_start(), "%{localized}" ) : ""; }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'mbts_xact_finish', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mbts_xact_finish_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'sort_type' : 'date',
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mbts.xact_finish() ? util.date.formatted_date( my.mbts.xact_finish(), "%{localized}" ) : ""; }
+ },
+ ];
+ for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
+ if (modify[ c[i].id ]) {
+ for (var j in modify[ c[i].id ]) {
+ c[i][j] = modify[ c[i].id ][j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (params) {
+ if (params.just_these) {
+ JSAN.use('util.functional');
+ var new_c = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < params.just_these.length; i++) {
+ var x = util.functional.find_list(c,function(d){return(d.id==params.just_these[i]);});
+ new_c.push( function(y){ return y; }( x ) );
+ }
+ c = new_c;
+ }
+ if (params.except_these) {
+ JSAN.use('util.functional');
+ var new_c = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
+ var x = util.functional.find_list(params.except_these,function(d){return(d==c[i].id);});
+ if (!x) new_c.push(c[i]);
+ }
+ c = new_c;
+ }
+ }
+ return c.sort( function(a,b) { if (a.label < b.label) return -1; if (a.label > b.label) return 1; return 0; } );
patron.util.mb_columns = function(modify,params) {
- JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); var data = new OpenILS.data(); data.init({'via':'stash'});
- JSAN.use('util.money'); JSAN.use('util.date');
+ JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); var data = new OpenILS.data(); data.init({'via':'stash'});
+ JSAN.use('util.money'); JSAN.use('util.date');
var commonStrings = document.getElementById('commonStrings');
- var c = [
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'id', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mb_id_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mb.id(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'voided', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mb_voided_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return get_bool( my.mb.voided() ) ? "Yes" : "No"; }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'voider', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mb_voider_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mb.voider() ? "Id = " + my.mb.voider() : ""; }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'void_time', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mb_void_time_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mb.void_time(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'amount', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mb_amount_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return util.money.sanitize( my.mb.amount() ); },
- 'sort_type' : 'money'
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'billing_type', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mb_billing_type_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mb.billing_type(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'billing_ts', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mb_billing_ts_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return util.date.formatted_date( my.mb.billing_ts(), "" ); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'note', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mb_note_label'), 'flex' : 2,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mb.note(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'xact', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mb_xact_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mb.xact(); }
- },
- ];
- for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
- if (modify[ c[i].id ]) {
- for (var j in modify[ c[i].id ]) {
- c[i][j] = modify[ c[i].id ][j];
- }
- }
- }
- if (params) {
- if (params.just_these) {
- JSAN.use('util.functional');
- var new_c = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < params.just_these.length; i++) {
- var x = util.functional.find_list(c,function(d){return(d.id==params.just_these[i]);});
- new_c.push( function(y){ return y; }( x ) );
- }
- c = new_c;
- }
- if (params.except_these) {
- JSAN.use('util.functional');
- var new_c = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
- var x = util.functional.find_list(params.except_these,function(d){return(d==c[i].id);});
- if (!x) new_c.push(c[i]);
- }
- c = new_c;
- }
+ var c = [
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'mb_id', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mb_id_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mb.id(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'voided', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mb_voided_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return get_bool( my.mb.voided() ) ? "Yes" : "No"; }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'voider', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mb_voider_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mb.voider() ? "Id = " + my.mb.voider() : ""; }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'void_time', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mb_void_time_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'sort_type' : 'date',
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return util.date.formatted_date( my.mb.void_time(), "%{localized}" ); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'amount', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mb_amount_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return util.money.sanitize( my.mb.amount() ); },
+ 'sort_type' : 'money'
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'billing_type', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mb_billing_type_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mb.billing_type(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'billing_ts', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mb_billing_ts_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'sort_type' : 'date',
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return util.date.formatted_date( my.mb.billing_ts(), "%{localized}" ); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'note', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mb_note_label'), 'flex' : 2,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mb.note(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'xact', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mb_xact_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mb.xact(); }
+ },
+ ];
+ for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
+ if (modify[ c[i].id ]) {
+ for (var j in modify[ c[i].id ]) {
+ c[i][j] = modify[ c[i].id ][j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (params) {
+ if (params.just_these) {
+ JSAN.use('util.functional');
+ var new_c = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < params.just_these.length; i++) {
+ var x = util.functional.find_list(c,function(d){return(d.id==params.just_these[i]);});
+ new_c.push( function(y){ return y; }( x ) );
+ }
+ c = new_c;
+ }
+ if (params.except_these) {
+ JSAN.use('util.functional');
+ var new_c = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
+ var x = util.functional.find_list(params.except_these,function(d){return(d==c[i].id);});
+ if (!x) new_c.push(c[i]);
+ }
+ c = new_c;
+ }
- }
- return c.sort( function(a,b) { if (a.label < b.label) return -1; if (a.label > b.label) return 1; return 0; } );
+ }
+ return c.sort( function(a,b) { if (a.label < b.label) return -1; if (a.label > b.label) return 1; return 0; } );
patron.util.mp_columns = function(modify,params) {
- JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); var data = new OpenILS.data(); data.init({'via':'stash'});
- JSAN.use('util.money'); JSAN.use('util.date'); JSAN.use('patron.util');
+ JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); var data = new OpenILS.data(); data.init({'via':'stash'});
+ JSAN.use('util.money'); JSAN.use('util.date'); JSAN.use('patron.util');
var commonStrings = document.getElementById('commonStrings');
- var c = [
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'mp_id', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mp_id_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mp.id(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'mp_amount', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mp_amount_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return util.money.sanitize( my.mp.amount() ); },
- 'sort_type' : 'money'
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'mp_payment_type', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mp_payment_type_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mp.payment_type(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'mp_payment_ts', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mp_payment_timestamp_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return util.date.formatted_date( my.mp.payment_ts(), "" ); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'mp_note', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mp_note_label'), 'flex' : 2,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mp.note(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'mp_ws', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mp_cash_drawer_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mp.cash_drawer().name(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'mp_staff', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mp_accepting_usr_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) { var s = my.mp.accepting_usr(); if (s && typeof s != "object") s = patron.util.retrieve_fleshed_au_via_id(ses(),s); return s.family_name() + " (" + s.card().barcode() + ") @ " + data.hash.aou[ s.home_ou() ].shortname(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'mp_xact', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mp_xact_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mp.xact(); }
- },
- ];
- for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
- if (modify[ c[i].id ]) {
- for (var j in modify[ c[i].id ]) {
- c[i][j] = modify[ c[i].id ][j];
- }
- }
- }
- if (params) {
- if (params.just_these) {
- JSAN.use('util.functional');
- var new_c = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < params.just_these.length; i++) {
- var x = util.functional.find_list(c,function(d){return(d.id==params.just_these[i]);});
- new_c.push( function(y){ return y; }( x ) );
- }
- c = new_c;
- }
- if (params.except_these) {
- JSAN.use('util.functional');
- var new_c = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
- var x = util.functional.find_list(params.except_these,function(d){return(d==c[i].id);});
- if (!x) new_c.push(c[i]);
- }
- c = new_c;
- }
+ var c = [
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'mp_id', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mp_id_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mp.id(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'mp_amount', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mp_amount_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return util.money.sanitize( my.mp.amount() ); },
+ 'sort_type' : 'money'
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'mp_payment_type', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mp_payment_type_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mp.payment_type(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'mp_payment_ts', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mp_payment_timestamp_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'sort_type' : 'date',
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return util.date.formatted_date( my.mp.payment_ts(), "%{localized}" ); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'mp_note', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mp_note_label'), 'flex' : 2,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mp.note(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'mp_ws', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mp_cash_drawer_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mp.cash_drawer().name(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'mp_staff', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mp_accepting_usr_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { var s = my.mp.accepting_usr(); if (s && typeof s != "object") s = patron.util.retrieve_fleshed_au_via_id(ses(),s,["card"]); return s.family_name() + " (" + s.card().barcode() + ") @ " + data.hash.aou[ s.home_ou() ].shortname(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'mp_xact', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.mp_xact_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.mp.xact(); }
+ },
+ ];
+ for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
+ if (modify[ c[i].id ]) {
+ for (var j in modify[ c[i].id ]) {
+ c[i][j] = modify[ c[i].id ][j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (params) {
+ if (params.just_these) {
+ JSAN.use('util.functional');
+ var new_c = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < params.just_these.length; i++) {
+ var x = util.functional.find_list(c,function(d){return(d.id==params.just_these[i]);});
+ new_c.push( function(y){ return y; }( x ) );
+ }
+ c = new_c;
+ }
+ if (params.except_these) {
+ JSAN.use('util.functional');
+ var new_c = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
+ var x = util.functional.find_list(params.except_these,function(d){return(d==c[i].id);});
+ if (!x) new_c.push(c[i]);
+ }
+ c = new_c;
+ }
- }
- return c.sort( function(a,b) { if (a.label < b.label) return -1; if (a.label > b.label) return 1; return 0; } );
+ }
+ return c.sort( function(a,b) { if (a.label < b.label) return -1; if (a.label > b.label) return 1; return 0; } );
patron.util.ausp_columns = function(modify,params) {
- JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); var data = new OpenILS.data(); data.init({'via':'stash'});
+ JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); var data = new OpenILS.data(); data.init({'via':'stash'});
var commonStrings = document.getElementById('commonStrings');
- var c = [
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'csp_id', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_id_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.csp.id(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'csp_name', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_name_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.csp.name(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'csp_label', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_label_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.csp.label(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'csp_block_list', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_block_list_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.csp.block_list(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'csp_block_circ', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_block_circ_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) {
- return String( my.csp.block_list() ).match('CIRC') ? commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_block_circ_yes') : commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_block_circ_no');
+ var c = [
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'csp_id', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_id_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return typeof my.csp == 'object' ? my.csp.id() : my.csp; }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'csp_name', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_name_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return typeof my.csp == 'object' ? my.csp.name() : data.hash.csp[ my.csp ].name(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'csp_label', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_label_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return typeof my.csp == 'object' ? my.csp.label() : data.hash.csp[ my.csp ].label(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'csp_block_list', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_block_list_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return typeof my.csp == 'object' ? my.csp.block_list() : data.hash.csp[ my.csp ].block_list(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'csp_block_circ', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_block_circ_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) {
+ var my_csp = typeof my.csp == 'object' ? my.csp : data.hash.csp[ my.csp ];
+ return String( my_csp.block_list() ).match('CIRC') ? commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_block_circ_yes') : commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_block_circ_no');
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'csp_block_renew', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_block_renew_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) {
- return String( my.csp.block_list() ).match('RENEW') ? commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_block_renew_yes') : commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_block_renew_no');
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'csp_block_renew', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_block_renew_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) {
+ var my_csp = typeof my.csp == 'object' ? my.csp : data.hash.csp[ my.csp ];
+ return String( my_csp.block_list() ).match('RENEW') ? commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_block_renew_yes') : commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_block_renew_no');
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'csp_block_hold', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_block_hold_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) {
- return String( my.csp.block_list() ).match('HOLD') ? commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_block_hold_yes') : commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_block_hold_no');
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'csp_block_hold', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_block_hold_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) {
+ var my_csp = typeof my.csp == 'object' ? my.csp : data.hash.csp[ my.csp ];
+ return String( my_csp.block_list() ).match('HOLD') ? commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_block_hold_yes') : commonStrings.getString('staff.csp_block_hold_no');
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'ausp_staff', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.ausp_staff_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) {
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'ausp_id', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.ausp_id_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.ausp ? my.ausp.id() : ''; }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'ausp_staff', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.ausp_staff_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) {
return my.ausp ? my.ausp.staff() : '';
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'ausp_set_date', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.ausp_set_date_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) {
- return my.ausp ? my.ausp.set_date() : '';
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'ausp_set_date', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.ausp_set_date_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'sort_type' : 'date',
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) {
+ return my.ausp ? util.date.formatted_date( my.ausp.set_date(), "%{localized}" ) : '';
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'ausp_note', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.ausp_note_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) {
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'ausp_note', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.ausp_note_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) {
return my.ausp ? my.ausp.note() : '';
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'ausp_org_unit', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.ausp_org_unit_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'render' : function(my) {
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'ausp_org_unit', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.ausp_org_unit_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : false, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) {
return my.ausp ? data.hash.aou[ my.ausp.org_unit() ].shortname() : '';
- ];
- for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
- if (modify[ c[i].id ]) {
- for (var j in modify[ c[i].id ]) {
- c[i][j] = modify[ c[i].id ][j];
- }
- }
- }
- if (params) {
- if (params.just_these) {
- var new_c = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < params.just_these.length; i++) {
- var x = util.functional.find_list(c,function(d){return(d.id==params.just_these[i]);});
- new_c.push( function(y){ return y; }( x ) );
- }
- c = new_c;
- }
- if (params.except_these) {
- var new_c = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
- var x = util.functional.find_list(params.except_these,function(d){return(d==c[i].id);});
- if (!x) new_c.push(c[i]);
- }
- c = new_c;
- }
+ ];
+ for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
+ if (modify[ c[i].id ]) {
+ for (var j in modify[ c[i].id ]) {
+ c[i][j] = modify[ c[i].id ][j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (params) {
+ if (params.just_these) {
+ var new_c = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < params.just_these.length; i++) {
+ var x = util.functional.find_list(c,function(d){return(d.id==params.just_these[i]);});
+ new_c.push( function(y){ return y; }( x ) );
+ }
+ c = new_c;
+ }
+ if (params.except_these) {
+ var new_c = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
+ var x = util.functional.find_list(params.except_these,function(d){return(d==c[i].id);});
+ if (!x) new_c.push(c[i]);
+ }
+ c = new_c;
+ }
- }
- return c.sort( function(a,b) { if (a.label < b.label) return -1; if (a.label > b.label) return 1; return 0; } );
+ }
+ return c.sort( function(a,b) { if (a.label < b.label) return -1; if (a.label > b.label) return 1; return 0; } );
patron.util.columns = function(modify,params) {
- JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); var data = new OpenILS.data(); data.init({'via':'stash'});
+ JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); var data = new OpenILS.data(); data.init({'via':'stash'});
var commonStrings = document.getElementById('commonStrings');
- var c = [
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'barcode', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.card_barcode_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.card().barcode(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'usrname', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_usrname_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.usrname(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'profile', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_profile_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return data.hash.pgt[ my.au.profile() ].name(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'active', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_active_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return get_bool( my.au.active() ) ? "Yes" : "No"; }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'barred', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_barred_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return get_bool( my.au.barred() ) ? "Yes" : "No"; }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'id', 'label' : document.getElementById('commonStrings').getString('staff.au_id_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.id(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'prefix', 'label' : document.getElementById('commonStrings').getString('staff.au_name_prefix_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.prefix(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'family_name', 'label' : document.getElementById('commonStrings').getString('staff.au_family_name_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.family_name(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'first_given_name', 'label' : document.getElementById('commonStrings').getString('staff.au_first_given_name_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.first_given_name(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'second_given_name', 'label' : document.getElementById('commonStrings').getString('staff.au_second_given_name_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.second_given_name(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'suffix', 'label' : document.getElementById('commonStrings').getString('staff.au_name_suffix_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.suffix(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'alert_message', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_alert_message_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.alert_message(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'claims_returned_count', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_claims_returned_count_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.claims_returned_count(); },
- 'sort_type' : 'number'
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'create_date', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_create_date_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.create_date(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'expire_date', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_expire_date_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.expire_date().substr(0,10); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'home_ou', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_home_library_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return data.hash.aou[ my.au.home_ou() ].shortname(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'home_ou_fullname', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_home_library_fullname_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return data.hash.aou[ my.au.home_ou() ].name(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'credit_forward_balance', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_credit_forward_balance_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.credit_forward_balance(); },
- 'sort_type' : 'money'
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'day_phone', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_day_phone_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.day_phone(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'evening_phone', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_evening_phone_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.evening_phone(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'other_phone', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_other_phone_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.other_phone(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'email', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_email_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.email(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'alias', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_alias_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.alias(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'dob', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_birth_date_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.dob().substr(0,10); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'ident_type', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_ident_type_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return data.hash.cit[ my.au.ident_type() ].name(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'ident_value', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_ident_value_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.ident_value(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'ident_type2', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_ident_type2_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return data.hash.cit[ my.au.ident_type2() ].name(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'ident_value2', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_ident_value2_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.ident_value2(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'net_access_level', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_net_access_level_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.net_access_level(); }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'master_account', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_master_account_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return get_bool( my.au.master_account() ) ? "Yes" : "No"; }
- },
- {
- 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'usrgroup', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_group_id_label'), 'flex' : 1,
- 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.usrgroup(); }
- },
- ];
- for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
- if (modify[ c[i].id ]) {
- for (var j in modify[ c[i].id ]) {
- c[i][j] = modify[ c[i].id ][j];
- }
- }
- }
- if (params) {
- if (params.just_these) {
- JSAN.use('util.functional');
- var new_c = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < params.just_these.length; i++) {
- var x = util.functional.find_list(c,function(d){return(d.id==params.just_these[i]);});
- new_c.push( function(y){ return y; }( x ) );
- }
- c = new_c;
- }
- if (params.except_these) {
- JSAN.use('util.functional');
- var new_c = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
- var x = util.functional.find_list(params.except_these,function(d){return(d==c[i].id);});
- if (!x) new_c.push(c[i]);
- }
- c = new_c;
- }
+ var c = [
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'au_barcode', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.card_barcode_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.card().barcode(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'usrname', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_usrname_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.usrname(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'profile', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_profile_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return data.hash.pgt[ my.au.profile() ].name(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'active', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_active_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return get_bool( my.au.active() ) ? "Yes" : "No"; }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'barred', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_barred_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return get_bool( my.au.barred() ) ? "Yes" : "No"; }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'au_id', 'label' : document.getElementById('commonStrings').getString('staff.au_id_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.id(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'prefix', 'label' : document.getElementById('commonStrings').getString('staff.au_name_prefix_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.prefix(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'family_name', 'label' : document.getElementById('commonStrings').getString('staff.au_family_name_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.family_name(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'first_given_name', 'label' : document.getElementById('commonStrings').getString('staff.au_first_given_name_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.first_given_name(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'second_given_name', 'label' : document.getElementById('commonStrings').getString('staff.au_second_given_name_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.second_given_name(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'suffix', 'label' : document.getElementById('commonStrings').getString('staff.au_name_suffix_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.suffix(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'au_alert_message', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_alert_message_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.alert_message(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'claims_returned_count', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_claims_returned_count_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.claims_returned_count(); },
+ 'sort_type' : 'number'
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'au_create_date', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_create_date_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'sort_type' : 'date',
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return util.date.formatted_date( my.au.create_date(), "%{localized}" ); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'expire_date', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_expire_date_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'sort_type' : 'date',
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return util.date.formatted_date( my.au.expire_date(), "%{localized_date}" ); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'home_ou', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_home_library_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return data.hash.aou[ my.au.home_ou() ].shortname(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'home_ou_fullname', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_home_library_fullname_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return data.hash.aou[ my.au.home_ou() ].name(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'credit_forward_balance', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_credit_forward_balance_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.credit_forward_balance(); },
+ 'sort_type' : 'money'
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'day_phone', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_day_phone_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.day_phone(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'evening_phone', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_evening_phone_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.evening_phone(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'other_phone', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_other_phone_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.other_phone(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'email', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_email_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.email(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'alias', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_alias_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.alias(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'dob', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_birth_date_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'sort_type' : 'date',
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return util.date.formatted_date( my.au.dob(), "%{localized_date}" ); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'ident_type', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_ident_type_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return data.hash.cit[ my.au.ident_type() ].name(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'ident_value', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_ident_value_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.ident_value(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'ident_type2', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_ident_type2_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return data.hash.cit[ my.au.ident_type2() ].name(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'ident_value2', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_ident_value2_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.ident_value2(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'net_access_level', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_net_access_level_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.net_access_level(); }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'master_account', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_master_account_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return get_bool( my.au.master_account() ) ? "Yes" : "No"; }
+ },
+ {
+ 'persist' : 'hidden width ordinal', 'id' : 'usrgroup', 'label' : commonStrings.getString('staff.au_group_id_label'), 'flex' : 1,
+ 'primary' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'editable' : false, 'render' : function(my) { return my.au.usrgroup(); }
+ },
+ ];
+ for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
+ if (modify[ c[i].id ]) {
+ for (var j in modify[ c[i].id ]) {
+ c[i][j] = modify[ c[i].id ][j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (params) {
+ if (params.just_these) {
+ JSAN.use('util.functional');
+ var new_c = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < params.just_these.length; i++) {
+ var x = util.functional.find_list(c,function(d){return(d.id==params.just_these[i]);});
+ new_c.push( function(y){ return y; }( x ) );
+ }
+ c = new_c;
+ }
+ if (params.except_these) {
+ JSAN.use('util.functional');
+ var new_c = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
+ var x = util.functional.find_list(params.except_these,function(d){return(d==c[i].id);});
+ if (!x) new_c.push(c[i]);
+ }
+ c = new_c;
+ }
- }
- return c.sort( function(a,b) { if (a.label < b.label) return -1; if (a.label > b.label) return 1; return 0; } );
+ }
+ return c.sort( function(a,b) { if (a.label < b.label) return -1; if (a.label > b.label) return 1; return 0; } );
patron.util.std_map_row_to_columns = function(error_value) {
- return function(row,cols) {
- // row contains { 'my' : { 'au' : {} } }
- // cols contains all of the objects listed above in columns
- var obj = {}; obj.OpenILS = {};
- JSAN.use('util.error'); obj.error = new util.error();
- JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); obj.OpenILS.data = new OpenILS.data(); obj.OpenILS.data.init({'via':'stash'});
- JSAN.use('util.date'); JSAN.use('util.money');
+ return function(row,cols) {
+ // row contains { 'my' : { 'au' : {} } }
+ // cols contains all of the objects listed above in columns
+ var obj = {}; obj.OpenILS = {};
+ JSAN.use('util.error'); obj.error = new util.error();
+ JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); obj.OpenILS.data = new OpenILS.data(); obj.OpenILS.data.init({'via':'stash'});
+ JSAN.use('util.date'); JSAN.use('util.money');
- var my = row.my;
- var values = [];
- var cmd = '';
- try {
- for (var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
- switch (typeof cols[i].render) {
- case 'function': try { values[i] = cols[i].render(my); } catch(E) { values[i] = error_value; obj.error.sdump('D_COLUMN_RENDER_ERROR',E); } break;
- case 'string' : cmd += 'try { ' + cols[i].render + '; values['+i+'] = v; } catch(E) { values['+i+'] = error_value; }'; break;
- default: cmd += 'values['+i+'] = "??? '+(typeof cols[i].render)+'"; ';
- }
- }
- if (cmd) eval( cmd );
- } catch(E) {
- obj.error.sdump('D_WARN','map_row_to_column: ' + E);
- if (error_value) { value = error_value; } else { value = ' ' };
- }
- return values;
- }
+ var my = row.my;
+ var values = [];
+ var cmd = '';
+ try {
+ for (var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
+ switch (typeof cols[i].render) {
+ case 'function': try { values[i] = cols[i].render(my); } catch(E) { values[i] = error_value; obj.error.sdump('D_COLUMN_RENDER_ERROR',E); } break;
+ case 'string' : cmd += 'try { ' + cols[i].render + '; values['+i+'] = v; } catch(E) { values['+i+'] = error_value; }'; break;
+ default: cmd += 'values['+i+'] = "??? '+(typeof cols[i].render)+'"; ';
+ }
+ }
+ if (cmd) eval( cmd );
+ } catch(E) {
+ obj.error.sdump('D_WARN','map_row_to_column: ' + E);
+ if (error_value) { value = error_value; } else { value = ' ' };
+ }
+ return values;
+ }
patron.util.retrieve_au_via_id = function(session, id, f) {
- JSAN.use('util.network');
- var network = new util.network();
- var patron_obj = network.simple_request(
- [ session, id ],
- f
- );
- return patron_obj;
+ JSAN.use('util.network');
+ var network = new util.network();
+ var patron_obj = network.simple_request(
+ 'FM_AU_RETRIEVE_VIA_ID.authoritative',
+ [ session, id ],
+ f
+ );
+ return patron_obj;
patron.util.retrieve_name_via_id = function(session, id) {
- JSAN.use('util.network');
- var network = new util.network();
- var parts = network.simple_request(
- [ session, id, ['family_name', 'first_given_name', 'second_given_name', 'home_ou' ] ]
- );
- return parts;
+ JSAN.use('util.network');
+ var network = new util.network();
+ var parts = network.simple_request(
+ [ session, id, ['family_name', 'first_given_name', 'second_given_name', 'home_ou' ] ]
+ );
+ return parts;
-patron.util.retrieve_fleshed_au_via_id = function(session, id) {
- JSAN.use('util.network');
- var network = new util.network();
- var patron_obj = network.simple_request(
- [ session, id ]
- );
- patron.util.set_penalty_css(patron_obj);
- return patron_obj;
+patron.util.retrieve_fleshed_au_via_id = function(session, id, fields, func) {
+ JSAN.use('util.network');
+ var network = new util.network();
+ var patron_obj = network.simple_request(
+ 'FM_AU_FLESHED_RETRIEVE_VIA_ID.authoritative',
+ [ session, id, fields ],
+ typeof func == 'function' ? func : null
+ );
+ if (typeof func != 'function') {
+ if (!fields) { patron.util.set_penalty_css(patron_obj); }
+ return patron_obj;
+ }
patron.util.retrieve_fleshed_au_via_barcode = function(session, id) {
- JSAN.use('util.network');
- var network = new util.network();
- var patron_obj = network.simple_request(
- 'FM_AU_RETRIEVE_VIA_BARCODE.authoritative',
- [ session, id ]
- );
- patron.util.set_penalty_css(patron_obj);
- return patron_obj;
+ JSAN.use('util.network');
+ var network = new util.network();
+ var patron_obj = network.simple_request(
+ 'FM_AU_RETRIEVE_VIA_BARCODE.authoritative',
+ [ session, id ]
+ );
+ if (typeof patron_obj.ilsevent == 'undefined') patron.util.set_penalty_css(patron_obj);
+ return patron_obj;
var TIME = { minute : 60, hour : 60*60, day : 60*60*24, year : 60*60*24*365 };
patron.util.set_penalty_css = function(patron) {
- try {
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_BILLS');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_OVERDUES');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_NOTES');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_EXCEEDS_CHECKOUT_COUNT');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_EXCEEDS_OVERDUE_COUNT');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'NO_PENALTIES');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'ONE_PENALTY');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'MULTIPLE_PENALTIES');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_ALERT');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_BARRED');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_INACTIVE');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_EXPIRED');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_INVALID_DOB');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_INVALID_ADDRESS');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_AGE_GE_65');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_AGE_LT_65');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_AGE_GE_24');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_AGE_LT_24');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_AGE_GE_21');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_AGE_LT_21');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_AGE_GE_18');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_AGE_LT_18');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_AGE_GE_13');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_AGE_LT_13');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_NET_ACCESS_1');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_NET_ACCESS_2');
- removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_NET_ACCESS_3');
+ try {
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_BILLS');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_OVERDUES');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_NOTES');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_EXCEEDS_CHECKOUT_COUNT');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_EXCEEDS_OVERDUE_COUNT');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'NO_PENALTIES');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'ONE_PENALTY');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'MULTIPLE_PENALTIES');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_ALERT');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_BARRED');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_INACTIVE');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_EXPIRED');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_INVALID_DOB');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_INVALID_ADDRESS');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_AGE_GE_65');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_AGE_LT_65');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_AGE_GE_24');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_AGE_LT_24');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_AGE_GE_21');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_AGE_LT_21');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_AGE_GE_18');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_AGE_LT_18');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_AGE_GE_13');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_AGE_LT_13');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_NET_ACCESS_1');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_NET_ACCESS_2');
+ removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_NET_ACCESS_3');
- JSAN.use('util.network'); var net = new util.network();
- net.simple_request('FM_MOUS_RETRIEVE.authoritative',[ ses(), patron.id() ], function(req) {
- if (req.getResultObject().balance_owed() > 0) addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_BILLS');
- });
- net.simple_request('FM_CIRC_COUNT_RETRIEVE_VIA_USER.authoritative',[ ses(), patron.id() ], function(req) {
- try {
- var co = req.getResultObject();
- if (co.overdue > 0 || co.long_overdue > 0) addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_OVERDUES');
- } catch(E) {
- alert(E);
- }
- });
- net.simple_request('FM_AUN_RETRIEVE_ALL.authoritative',[ ses(), { 'patronid' : patron.id() } ], function(req) {
- var notes = req.getResultObject();
- if (notes.length > 0) addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_NOTES');
- });
+ JSAN.use('util.network'); var net = new util.network();
+ net.simple_request('FM_MOUS_RETRIEVE.authoritative',[ ses(), patron.id() ], function(req) {
+ var summary = req.getResultObject();
+ if (summary && summary.balance_owed() > 0) addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_BILLS');
+ });
+ net.simple_request('FM_CIRC_COUNT_RETRIEVE_VIA_USER.authoritative',[ ses(), patron.id() ], function(req) {
+ try {
+ var co = req.getResultObject();
+ if (co.overdue > 0 || co.long_overdue > 0) addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_OVERDUES');
+ } catch(E) {
+ alert(E);
+ }
+ });
+ net.simple_request('FM_AUN_RETRIEVE_ALL.authoritative',[ ses(), { 'patronid' : patron.id() } ], function(req) {
+ var notes = req.getResultObject();
+ if (notes.length > 0) addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_NOTES');
+ });
- /*
- JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); var data = new OpenILS.data(); data.init({'via':'stash'});
- data.last_patron = patron.id(); data.stash('last_patron');
- */
+ /*
+ JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); var data = new OpenILS.data(); data.init({'via':'stash'});
+ data.last_patron = patron.id(); data.stash('last_patron');
+ */
- var penalties = patron.standing_penalties();
- for (var i = 0; i < penalties.length; i++) {
- /* this comes from /opac/common/js/utils.js */
- addCSSClass(document.documentElement,penalties[i].standing_penalty().name());
- }
+ var penalties = patron.standing_penalties();
+ if (!penalties) { penalties = []; }
+ for (var i = 0; i < penalties.length; i++) {
+ /* this comes from /opac/common/js/utils.js */
+ addCSSClass(document.documentElement,penalties[i].standing_penalty().name());
+ }
- switch(penalties.length) {
- case 0: addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'NO_PENALTIES'); break;
- case 1: addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'ONE_PENALTY'); break;
- default: addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'MULTIPLE_PENALTIES'); break;
- }
+ switch(penalties.length) {
+ case 0: addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'NO_PENALTIES'); break;
+ case 1: addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'ONE_PENALTY'); break;
+ default: addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'MULTIPLE_PENALTIES'); break;
+ }
- if (patron.alert_message()) {
- addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_ALERT');
- }
+ if (patron.alert_message()) {
+ addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_ALERT');
+ }
- if (get_bool( patron.barred() )) {
- addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_BARRED');
- }
+ if (get_bool( patron.barred() )) {
+ addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_BARRED');
+ }
- if (!get_bool( patron.active() )) {
- addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_INACTIVE');
- }
+ if (!get_bool( patron.active() )) {
+ addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_INACTIVE');
+ }
- var now = new Date();
- now = now.getTime()/1000;
+ var now = new Date();
+ now = now.getTime()/1000;
- var expire_parts = patron.expire_date().substr(0,10).split('-');
- expire_parts[1] = expire_parts[1] - 1;
+ var expire_parts = patron.expire_date().substr(0,10).split('-');
+ expire_parts[1] = expire_parts[1] - 1;
- var expire = new Date();
- expire.setFullYear(expire_parts[0], expire_parts[1], expire_parts[2]);
- expire = expire.getTime()/1000
+ var expire = new Date();
+ expire.setFullYear(expire_parts[0], expire_parts[1], expire_parts[2]);
+ expire = expire.getTime()/1000
- if (expire < now) addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_EXPIRED');
+ if (expire < now) addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_EXPIRED');
- if (patron.mailing_address()) {
- if (!get_bool(patron.mailing_address().valid())) {
- addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_INVALID_ADDRESS');
- }
- }
- if (patron.billing_address()) {
- if (!get_bool(patron.billing_address().valid())) {
- addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_INVALID_ADDRESS');
- }
- }
+ if (patron.mailing_address() && typeof patron.mailing_address() == 'object') {
+ if (!get_bool(patron.mailing_address().valid())) {
+ addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_INVALID_ADDRESS');
+ }
+ }
+ if (patron.billing_address() && typeof patron.billing_address() == 'object') {
+ if (!get_bool(patron.billing_address().valid())) {
+ addCSSClass(document.documentElement,'PATRON_HAS_INVALID_ADDRESS');
+ }
+ }
- } catch(E) {
- dump('patron.util.set_penalty_css: ' + E + '\n');
- alert('patron.util.set_penalty_css: ' + E + '\n');
- }
+ } catch(E) {
+ dump('patron.util.set_penalty_css: ' + E + '\n');
+ alert('patron.util.set_penalty_css: ' + E + '\n');
+ }
patron.util.merge = function(record_ids) {
@@ -707,6 +730,8 @@
try {
netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect UniversalBrowserWrite');
JSAN.use('util.error'); error = new util.error();
+ JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); var data = new OpenILS.data(); data.stash_retrieve();
+ var horizontal_interface = String( data.hash.aous['ui.circ.patron_summary.horizontal'] ) == 'true';
var top_xml = '<vbox xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul" flex="1" >';
top_xml += '<description>' + $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.usr_buckets.merge_records.merge_lead') + '</description>';
top_xml += '<hbox>';
@@ -716,24 +741,47 @@
+ $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.usr_buckets.merge_records.cancel_button.accesskey') +'" name="fancy_cancel"/></hbox></vbox>';
var xml = '<form xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">';
- xml += '<table><tr valign="top">';
- for (var i = 0; i < record_ids.length; i++) {
+ xml += '<table>';
+ function table_cell_with_lead_button(id) {
+ var xml = '';
xml += '<td><input value="' + $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.usr_buckets.merge_records.lead')
- xml += '" id="record_' + record_ids[i] + '" type="radio" name="lead"';
+ xml += '" id="record_' + id + '" type="radio" name="lead"';
xml += ' onclick="' + "try { var x = $('lead'); x.setAttribute('value',";
- xml += record_ids[i] + '); x.disabled = false; } catch(E) { alert(E); }">';
- xml += '</input>' + $("patronStrings").getFormattedString('staff.patron.usr_buckets.merge_records.lead_record_number',[record_ids[i]]) + '</td>';
+ xml += id + '); x.disabled = false; } catch(E) { alert(E); }">';
+ xml += '</input>' + $("patronStrings").getFormattedString('staff.patron.usr_buckets.merge_records.lead_record_number',[id]) + '</td>';
+ return xml;
- xml += '</tr><tr valign="top">';
+ var iframe_css;
+ if (!horizontal_interface) {
+ xml += '<tr valign="top">';
+ for (var i = 0; i < record_ids.length; i++) {
+ xml += table_cell_with_lead_button( record_ids[i] );
+ }
+ xml += '</tr><tr valign="top">';
+ iframe_css = 'min-height: 1000px; min-width: 300px;';
+ } else {
+ iframe_css = 'min-height: 200px; min-width: 1000px;';
+ }
for (var i = 0; i < record_ids.length; i++) {
- xml += '<td nowrap="nowrap"><iframe style="min-height: 1000px; min-width: 300px" flex="1" src="' + urls.XUL_PATRON_SUMMARY;
+ if (horizontal_interface) {
+ xml += '<tr valign="top">' + table_cell_with_lead_button( record_ids[i] );
+ }
+ xml += '<td nowrap="nowrap"><iframe style="' + iframe_css + '" flex="1" src="' + urls.XUL_PATRON_SUMMARY;
xml += '?id=' + record_ids[i] + '&show_name=1"/></td>';
+ if (horizontal_interface) {
+ xml += '</tr>';
+ }
- xml += '</tr></table></form>';
+ if (!horizontal_interface) {
+ xml += '</tr>';
+ }
+ xml += '</table></form>';
JSAN.use('util.window'); var win = new util.window();
var fancy_prompt_data = win.open(
- 'fancy_prompt', 'chrome,resizable,modal,width=750,height=500',
+ 'fancy_prompt', 'chrome,resizable,modal,width=1000,height=700',
'top_xml' : top_xml, 'xml' : xml, 'title' : $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.usr_buckets.merge_records.fancy_prompt_title')
@@ -759,10 +807,44 @@
if (Number(robj) != 1) { throw(robj); }
return fancy_prompt_data.lead;
} catch(E) {
- dump('patron.util.merge: ' + js2JSON(E) + '\n');
+ dump('patron.util.merge: ' + js2JSON(E) + '\n');
try { error.standard_unexpected_error_alert('Error in patron.util.merge',E); } catch(F) { alert('patron.util.merge: ' + E + '\n'); }
return false;
+patron.util.format_name = function(patron_obj) {
+ var patron_name = ( patron_obj.prefix() ? patron_obj.prefix() + ' ' : '') +
+ patron_obj.family_name() + ', ' +
+ patron_obj.first_given_name() + ' ' +
+ ( patron_obj.second_given_name() ? patron_obj.second_given_name() + ' ' : '' ) +
+ ( patron_obj.suffix() ? patron_obj.suffix() : '');
+ return patron_name;
+patron.util.work_log_patron_edit = function(p) {
+ var error;
+ try {
+ netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect UniversalBrowserWrite');
+ JSAN.use('util.error'); error = new util.error();
+ error.work_log(
+ document.getElementById('patronStrings').getFormattedString(
+ 'staff.circ.work_log_patron_edit.message',
+ [
+ ses('staff_usrname'),
+ p.family_name(),
+ p.card().barcode()
+ ]
+ ), {
+ 'au_id' : p.id(),
+ 'au_family_name' : p.family_name(),
+ 'au_barcode' : p.card().barcode()
+ }
+ );
+ } catch(E) {
+ error.sdump('D_ERROR','Error with work_logging in menu.js, cmd_patron_register:' + E);
+ }
dump('exiting patron/util.js\n');
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