[open-ils-commits] [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch master updated. bfceae7dfe2d8bb3dcd37e56b541a69b9a99738c

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Tue Aug 9 16:16:14 EDT 2011

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the project "Evergreen ILS".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  bfceae7dfe2d8bb3dcd37e56b541a69b9a99738c (commit)
      from  b6d197000576d45d9acbb63509ee85f092acf6ad (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
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- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit bfceae7dfe2d8bb3dcd37e56b541a69b9a99738c
Author: Bill Erickson <berick at esilibrary.com>
Date:   Mon Aug 8 15:05:47 2011 -0400

    Granular invalid data detection for Vandelay item import
    When an import item contains any data for a field, the code now verifies
    the data is valid for the selected field.  When the data is not valid,
    we capture information on which field is invalid and what data was used
    for the field (import_error, error_detail) so it can be reported in the
    This adds new import_errors:
    Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick at esilibrary.com>
    Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous at esilibrary.com>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Vandelay.pm b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Vandelay.pm
index 78c6f38..4a3d345 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Vandelay.pm
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Vandelay.pm
@@ -1460,7 +1460,10 @@ sub import_record_asset_list_impl {
     for my $rec_id (@$rec_ids) {
         my $rec = $roe->retrieve_vandelay_queued_bib_record($rec_id);
-        my $item_ids = $roe->search_vandelay_import_item({record => $rec->id}, {idlist=>1});
+        my $item_ids = $roe->search_vandelay_import_item(
+            {record => $rec->id, import_error => undef}, 
+            {idlist=>1}
+        );
         for my $item_id (@$item_ids) {
             my $e = new_editor(requestor => $requestor, xact => 1);
@@ -1506,22 +1509,8 @@ sub import_record_asset_list_impl {
             # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-            # see if a valid circ_modifier was provided
+            # Check for dupe barcode
             # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-            if($copy->circ_modifier and not $e->search_config_circ_modifier({code=>$item->circ_modifier})->[0]) {
-                $$report_args{evt} = $e->die_event;
-                $$report_args{import_error} = 'import.item.invalid.circ_modifier';
-                respond_with_status($report_args);
-                next;
-            }
-            if($copy->location and not $e->retrieve_asset_copy_location($copy->location)) {
-                $$report_args{evt} = $e->die_event;
-                $$report_args{import_error} = 'import.item.invalid.location';
-                respond_with_status($report_args);
-                next;
-            }
             if($evt = OpenILS::Application::Cat::AssetCommon->create_copy($e, $vol, $copy)) {
                 $$report_args{evt} = $evt;
                 $$report_args{import_error} = 'import.item.duplicate.barcode'
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql
index b386c5b..8276096 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ CREATE TRIGGER no_overlapping_deps
     BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON config.db_patch_dependencies
     FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE evergreen.array_overlap_check ('deprecates');
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('0595', :eg_version); -- phasefx/tsbere
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('0596', :eg_version); -- berick/senator
 CREATE TABLE config.bib_source (
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/950.data.seed-values.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/950.data.seed-values.sql
index 01416a0..1720b8c 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/950.data.seed-values.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/950.data.seed-values.sql
@@ -8808,6 +8808,21 @@ INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 'import.xml.mal
 INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 'overlay.xml.malformed', oils_i18n_gettext('overlay.xml.malformed', 'Malformed record cause Overlay failure', 'vie', 'description') );
 INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 'overlay.record.quality', oils_i18n_gettext('overlay.record.quality', 'New record had insufficient quality', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 
+    'import.item.invalid.status', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.invalid.status', 'Invalid value for "status"', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 
+    'import.item.invalid.price', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.invalid.price', 'Invalid value for "price"', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 
+    'import.item.invalid.deposit_amount', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.invalid.deposit_amount', 'Invalid value for "deposit_amount"', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 
+    'import.item.invalid.owning_lib', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.invalid.owning_lib', 'Invalid value for "owning_lib"', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 
+    'import.item.invalid.circ_lib', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.invalid.circ_lib', 'Invalid value for "circ_lib"', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 
+    'import.item.invalid.copy_number', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.invalid.copy_number', 'Invalid value for "copy_number"', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 
+    'import.item.invalid.circ_as_type', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.invalid.circ_as_type', 'Invalid value for "circ_as_type"', 'vie', 'description') );
 INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type ( name, label, description, datatype ) VALUES (
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/999.functions.global.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/999.functions.global.sql
index f44dd17..a58f922 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/999.functions.global.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/999.functions.global.sql
@@ -1501,6 +1501,7 @@ DECLARE
     attr_set        vandelay.import_item%ROWTYPE;
     xpath           TEXT;
+    tmp_str         TEXT;
@@ -1666,8 +1667,6 @@ BEGIN
             priv_note       || '|' ||
-        -- RAISE NOTICE 'XPath: %', xpath;
         FOR tmp_attr_set IN
                 SELECT  *
                   FROM  oils_xpath_table( 'id', 'marc', 'vandelay.queued_bib_record', xpath, 'id = ' || import_id )
@@ -1676,39 +1675,117 @@ BEGIN
                                   circ_as TEXT, amessage TEXT, note TEXT, pnote TEXT, opac_vis TEXT )
-            tmp_attr_set.pr = REGEXP_REPLACE(tmp_attr_set.pr, E'[^0-9\\.]', '', 'g');
-            tmp_attr_set.dep_amount = REGEXP_REPLACE(tmp_attr_set.dep_amount, E'[^0-9\\.]', '', 'g');
-            tmp_attr_set.pr := NULLIF( tmp_attr_set.pr, '' );
-            tmp_attr_set.dep_amount := NULLIF( tmp_attr_set.dep_amount, '' );
-            SELECT id INTO attr_set.owning_lib FROM actor.org_unit WHERE shortname = UPPER(tmp_attr_set.ol); -- INT
-            SELECT id INTO attr_set.circ_lib FROM actor.org_unit WHERE shortname = UPPER(tmp_attr_set.clib); -- INT
-            SELECT id INTO attr_set.status FROM config.copy_status WHERE LOWER(name) = LOWER(tmp_attr_set.cs); -- INT
-            -- search up the org unit tree for a matching copy location
-            WITH RECURSIVE anscestor_depth AS (
-                SELECT  ou.id,
-                    out.depth AS depth,
-                    ou.parent_ou
-                FROM  actor.org_unit ou
-                    JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type)
-                WHERE ou.id = COALESCE(attr_set.owning_lib, attr_set.circ_lib)
-                    UNION ALL
-                SELECT  ou.id,
-                    out.depth,
-                    ou.parent_ou
-                FROM  actor.org_unit ou
-                    JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type)
-                    JOIN anscestor_depth ot ON (ot.parent_ou = ou.id)
-            ) SELECT  cpl.id INTO attr_set.location
-                FROM  anscestor_depth a
-                    JOIN asset.copy_location cpl ON (cpl.owning_lib = a.id)
-                WHERE LOWER(cpl.name) = LOWER(tmp_attr_set.cl)
-                ORDER BY a.depth DESC
-                LIMIT 1; 
+            attr_set.import_error := NULL;
+            attr_set.error_detail := NULL;
+            attr_set.deposit_amount := NULL;
+            attr_set.copy_number := NULL;
+            attr_set.price := NULL;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.pr != '' THEN
+                tmp_str = REGEXP_REPLACE(tmp_attr_set.pr, E'[^0-9\\.]', '', 'g');
+                IF tmp_str = '' THEN 
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.price';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.pr; -- original value
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE; 
+                END IF;
+                attr_set.price := tmp_str::NUMERIC(8,2); 
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.dep_amount != '' THEN
+                tmp_str = REGEXP_REPLACE(tmp_attr_set.dep_amount, E'[^0-9\\.]', '', 'g');
+                IF tmp_str = '' THEN 
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.deposit_amount';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.dep_amount; 
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE; 
+                END IF;
+                attr_set.deposit_amount := tmp_str::NUMERIC(8,2); 
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.cnum != '' THEN
+                tmp_str = REGEXP_REPLACE(tmp_attr_set.cnum, E'[^0-9]', '', 'g');
+                IF tmp_str = '' THEN 
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.copy_number';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.cnum; 
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE; 
+                END IF;
+                attr_set.copy_number := tmp_str::INT; 
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.ol != '' THEN
+                SELECT id INTO attr_set.owning_lib FROM actor.org_unit WHERE shortname = UPPER(tmp_attr_set.ol); -- INT
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.owning_lib';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.ol;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE; 
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.clib != '' THEN
+                SELECT id INTO attr_set.circ_lib FROM actor.org_unit WHERE shortname = UPPER(tmp_attr_set.clib); -- INT
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.circ_lib';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.clib;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE; 
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.cs != '' THEN
+                SELECT id INTO attr_set.status FROM config.copy_status WHERE LOWER(name) = LOWER(tmp_attr_set.cs); -- INT
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.status';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.cs;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE; 
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.circ_mod != '' THEN
+                SELECT code INTO attr_set.circ_modifier FROM config.circ_modifier WHERE code = tmp_attr_set.circ_mod;
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.circ_modifier';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.circ_mod;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE; 
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.circ_as != '' THEN
+                SELECT code INTO attr_set.circ_as_type FROM config.coded_value_map WHERE ctype = 'item_type' AND code = tmp_attr_set.circ_as;
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.circ_as_type';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.circ_as;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE; 
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.cl != '' THEN
+                -- search up the org unit tree for a matching copy location
+                WITH RECURSIVE anscestor_depth AS (
+                    SELECT  ou.id,
+                        out.depth AS depth,
+                        ou.parent_ou
+                    FROM  actor.org_unit ou
+                        JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type)
+                    WHERE ou.id = COALESCE(attr_set.owning_lib, attr_set.circ_lib)
+                        UNION ALL
+                    SELECT  ou.id,
+                        out.depth,
+                        ou.parent_ou
+                    FROM  actor.org_unit ou
+                        JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type)
+                        JOIN anscestor_depth ot ON (ot.parent_ou = ou.id)
+                ) SELECT  cpl.id INTO attr_set.location
+                    FROM  anscestor_depth a
+                        JOIN asset.copy_location cpl ON (cpl.owning_lib = a.id)
+                    WHERE LOWER(cpl.name) = LOWER(tmp_attr_set.cl)
+                    ORDER BY a.depth DESC
+                    LIMIT 1; 
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.location';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.cs;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE; 
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
             attr_set.circulate      :=
                 LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.circ, 1, 1)) IN ('t','y','1')
@@ -1730,14 +1807,8 @@ BEGIN
                 LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.r, 1, 1 ) ) IN ('t','y','1')
                 OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.r) = 'reference'; -- BOOL
-            attr_set.copy_number    := tmp_attr_set.cnum::INT; -- INT,
-            attr_set.deposit_amount := tmp_attr_set.dep_amount::NUMERIC(6,2); -- NUMERIC(6,2),
-            attr_set.price          := tmp_attr_set.pr::NUMERIC(8,2); -- NUMERIC(8,2),
             attr_set.call_number    := tmp_attr_set.cn; -- TEXT
             attr_set.barcode        := tmp_attr_set.bc; -- TEXT,
-            attr_set.circ_modifier  := tmp_attr_set.circ_mod; -- TEXT,
-            attr_set.circ_as_type   := tmp_attr_set.circ_as; -- TEXT,
             attr_set.alert_message  := tmp_attr_set.amessage; -- TEXT,
             attr_set.pub_note       := tmp_attr_set.note; -- TEXT,
             attr_set.priv_note      := tmp_attr_set.pnote; -- TEXT,
@@ -1788,7 +1859,9 @@ BEGIN
-            opac_visible
+            opac_visible,
+            import_error,
+            error_detail
         ) VALUES (
@@ -1810,7 +1883,9 @@ BEGIN
-            item_data.opac_visible
+            item_data.opac_visible,
+            item_data.import_error,
+            item_data.error_detail
     END LOOP;
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0596.schema.vandelay-item-import-error-detail.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0596.schema.vandelay-item-import-error-detail.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7823dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0596.schema.vandelay-item-import-error-detail.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+-- Evergreen DB patch 0596.schema.vandelay-item-import-error-detail.sql
+-- check whether patch can be applied
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0596', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 
+    'import.item.invalid.status', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.invalid.status', 'Invalid value for "status"', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 
+    'import.item.invalid.price', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.invalid.price', 'Invalid value for "price"', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 
+    'import.item.invalid.deposit_amount', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.invalid.deposit_amount', 'Invalid value for "deposit_amount"', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 
+    'import.item.invalid.owning_lib', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.invalid.owning_lib', 'Invalid value for "owning_lib"', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 
+    'import.item.invalid.circ_lib', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.invalid.circ_lib', 'Invalid value for "circ_lib"', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 
+    'import.item.invalid.copy_number', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.invalid.copy_number', 'Invalid value for "copy_number"', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 
+    'import.item.invalid.circ_as_type', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.invalid.circ_as_type', 'Invalid value for "circ_as_type"', 'vie', 'description') );
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vandelay.ingest_items ( import_id BIGINT, attr_def_id BIGINT ) RETURNS SETOF vandelay.import_item AS $$
+    owning_lib      TEXT;
+    circ_lib        TEXT;
+    call_number     TEXT;
+    copy_number     TEXT;
+    status          TEXT;
+    location        TEXT;
+    circulate       TEXT;
+    deposit         TEXT;
+    deposit_amount  TEXT;
+    ref             TEXT;
+    holdable        TEXT;
+    price           TEXT;
+    barcode         TEXT;
+    circ_modifier   TEXT;
+    circ_as_type    TEXT;
+    alert_message   TEXT;
+    opac_visible    TEXT;
+    pub_note        TEXT;
+    priv_note       TEXT;
+    attr_def        RECORD;
+    tmp_attr_set    RECORD;
+    attr_set        vandelay.import_item%ROWTYPE;
+    xpath           TEXT;
+    tmp_str         TEXT;
+    SELECT * INTO attr_def FROM vandelay.import_item_attr_definition WHERE id = attr_def_id;
+        attr_set.definition := attr_def.id;
+        -- Build the combined XPath
+        owning_lib :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.owning_lib IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.owning_lib ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.owning_lib || '"]'
+                ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.owning_lib
+            END;
+        circ_lib :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.circ_lib IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.circ_lib ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.circ_lib || '"]'
+                ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.circ_lib
+            END;
+        call_number :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.call_number IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.call_number ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.call_number || '"]'
+                ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.call_number
+            END;
+        copy_number :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.copy_number IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.copy_number ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.copy_number || '"]'
+                ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.copy_number
+            END;
+        status :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.status IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.status ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.status || '"]'
+                ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.status
+            END;
+        location :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.location IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.location ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.location || '"]'
+                ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.location
+            END;
+        circulate :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.circulate IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.circulate ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.circulate || '"]'
+                ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.circulate
+            END;
+        deposit :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.deposit IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.deposit ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.deposit || '"]'
+                ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.deposit
+            END;
+        deposit_amount :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.deposit_amount IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.deposit_amount ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.deposit_amount || '"]'
+                ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.deposit_amount
+            END;
+        ref :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.ref IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.ref ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.ref || '"]'
+                ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.ref
+            END;
+        holdable :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.holdable IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.holdable ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.holdable || '"]'
+                ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.holdable
+            END;
+        price :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.price IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.price ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.price || '"]'
+                ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.price
+            END;
+        barcode :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.barcode IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.barcode ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.barcode || '"]'
+                ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.barcode
+            END;
+        circ_modifier :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.circ_modifier IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.circ_modifier ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.circ_modifier || '"]'
+                ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.circ_modifier
+            END;
+        circ_as_type :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.circ_as_type IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.circ_as_type ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.circ_as_type || '"]'
+                ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.circ_as_type
+            END;
+        alert_message :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.alert_message IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.alert_message ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.alert_message || '"]'
+                ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.alert_message
+            END;
+        opac_visible :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.opac_visible IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.opac_visible ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.opac_visible || '"]'
+                ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.opac_visible
+            END;
+        pub_note :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.pub_note IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.pub_note ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.pub_note || '"]'
+                ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.pub_note
+            END;
+        priv_note :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.priv_note IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.priv_note ) = 1 THEN '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*[@code="' || attr_def.priv_note || '"]'
+                ELSE '//*[@tag="' || attr_def.tag || '"]/*' || attr_def.priv_note
+            END;
+        xpath :=
+            owning_lib      || '|' ||
+            circ_lib        || '|' ||
+            call_number     || '|' ||
+            copy_number     || '|' ||
+            status          || '|' ||
+            location        || '|' ||
+            circulate       || '|' ||
+            deposit         || '|' ||
+            deposit_amount  || '|' ||
+            ref             || '|' ||
+            holdable        || '|' ||
+            price           || '|' ||
+            barcode         || '|' ||
+            circ_modifier   || '|' ||
+            circ_as_type    || '|' ||
+            alert_message   || '|' ||
+            pub_note        || '|' ||
+            priv_note       || '|' ||
+            opac_visible;
+        FOR tmp_attr_set IN
+                SELECT  *
+                  FROM  oils_xpath_table( 'id', 'marc', 'vandelay.queued_bib_record', xpath, 'id = ' || import_id )
+                            AS t( id INT, ol TEXT, clib TEXT, cn TEXT, cnum TEXT, cs TEXT, cl TEXT, circ TEXT,
+                                  dep TEXT, dep_amount TEXT, r TEXT, hold TEXT, pr TEXT, bc TEXT, circ_mod TEXT,
+                                  circ_as TEXT, amessage TEXT, note TEXT, pnote TEXT, opac_vis TEXT )
+        LOOP
+            attr_set.import_error := NULL;
+            attr_set.error_detail := NULL;
+            attr_set.deposit_amount := NULL;
+            attr_set.copy_number := NULL;
+            attr_set.price := NULL;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.pr != '' THEN
+                tmp_str = REGEXP_REPLACE(tmp_attr_set.pr, E'[^0-9\\.]', '', 'g');
+                IF tmp_str = '' THEN 
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.price';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.pr; -- original value
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE; 
+                END IF;
+                attr_set.price := tmp_str::NUMERIC(8,2); 
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.dep_amount != '' THEN
+                tmp_str = REGEXP_REPLACE(tmp_attr_set.dep_amount, E'[^0-9\\.]', '', 'g');
+                IF tmp_str = '' THEN 
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.deposit_amount';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.dep_amount; 
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE; 
+                END IF;
+                attr_set.deposit_amount := tmp_str::NUMERIC(8,2); 
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.cnum != '' THEN
+                tmp_str = REGEXP_REPLACE(tmp_attr_set.cnum, E'[^0-9]', '', 'g');
+                IF tmp_str = '' THEN 
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.copy_number';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.cnum; 
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE; 
+                END IF;
+                attr_set.copy_number := tmp_str::INT; 
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.ol != '' THEN
+                SELECT id INTO attr_set.owning_lib FROM actor.org_unit WHERE shortname = UPPER(tmp_attr_set.ol); -- INT
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.owning_lib';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.ol;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE; 
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.clib != '' THEN
+                SELECT id INTO attr_set.circ_lib FROM actor.org_unit WHERE shortname = UPPER(tmp_attr_set.clib); -- INT
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.circ_lib';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.clib;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE; 
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.cs != '' THEN
+                SELECT id INTO attr_set.status FROM config.copy_status WHERE LOWER(name) = LOWER(tmp_attr_set.cs); -- INT
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.status';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.cs;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE; 
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.circ_mod != '' THEN
+                SELECT code INTO attr_set.circ_modifier FROM config.circ_modifier WHERE code = tmp_attr_set.circ_mod;
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.circ_modifier';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.circ_mod;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE; 
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.circ_as != '' THEN
+                SELECT code INTO attr_set.circ_as_type FROM config.coded_value_map WHERE ctype = 'item_type' AND code = tmp_attr_set.circ_as;
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.circ_as_type';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.circ_as;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE; 
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.cl != '' THEN
+                -- search up the org unit tree for a matching copy location
+                WITH RECURSIVE anscestor_depth AS (
+                    SELECT  ou.id,
+                        out.depth AS depth,
+                        ou.parent_ou
+                    FROM  actor.org_unit ou
+                        JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type)
+                    WHERE ou.id = COALESCE(attr_set.owning_lib, attr_set.circ_lib)
+                        UNION ALL
+                    SELECT  ou.id,
+                        out.depth,
+                        ou.parent_ou
+                    FROM  actor.org_unit ou
+                        JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type)
+                        JOIN anscestor_depth ot ON (ot.parent_ou = ou.id)
+                ) SELECT  cpl.id INTO attr_set.location
+                    FROM  anscestor_depth a
+                        JOIN asset.copy_location cpl ON (cpl.owning_lib = a.id)
+                    WHERE LOWER(cpl.name) = LOWER(tmp_attr_set.cl)
+                    ORDER BY a.depth DESC
+                    LIMIT 1; 
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.location';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.cs;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE; 
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            attr_set.circulate      :=
+                LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.circ, 1, 1)) IN ('t','y','1')
+                OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.circ) = 'circulating'; -- BOOL
+            attr_set.deposit        :=
+                LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.dep, 1, 1 ) ) IN ('t','y','1')
+                OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.dep) = 'deposit'; -- BOOL
+            attr_set.holdable       :=
+                LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.hold, 1, 1 ) ) IN ('t','y','1')
+                OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.hold) = 'holdable'; -- BOOL
+            attr_set.opac_visible   :=
+                LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.opac_vis, 1, 1 ) ) IN ('t','y','1')
+                OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.opac_vis) = 'visible'; -- BOOL
+            attr_set.ref            :=
+                LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.r, 1, 1 ) ) IN ('t','y','1')
+                OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.r) = 'reference'; -- BOOL
+            attr_set.call_number    := tmp_attr_set.cn; -- TEXT
+            attr_set.barcode        := tmp_attr_set.bc; -- TEXT,
+            attr_set.alert_message  := tmp_attr_set.amessage; -- TEXT,
+            attr_set.pub_note       := tmp_attr_set.note; -- TEXT,
+            attr_set.priv_note      := tmp_attr_set.pnote; -- TEXT,
+            attr_set.alert_message  := tmp_attr_set.amessage; -- TEXT,
+            RETURN NEXT attr_set;
+        END LOOP;
+    END IF;
+    RETURN;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vandelay.ingest_bib_items ( ) RETURNS TRIGGER AS $func$
+    attr_def    BIGINT;
+    item_data   vandelay.import_item%ROWTYPE;
+        RETURN NEW;
+    END IF;
+    SELECT item_attr_def INTO attr_def FROM vandelay.bib_queue WHERE id = NEW.queue;
+    FOR item_data IN SELECT * FROM vandelay.ingest_items( NEW.id::BIGINT, attr_def ) LOOP
+        INSERT INTO vandelay.import_item (
+            record,
+            definition,
+            owning_lib,
+            circ_lib,
+            call_number,
+            copy_number,
+            status,
+            location,
+            circulate,
+            deposit,
+            deposit_amount,
+            ref,
+            holdable,
+            price,
+            barcode,
+            circ_modifier,
+            circ_as_type,
+            alert_message,
+            pub_note,
+            priv_note,
+            opac_visible,
+            import_error,
+            error_detail
+        ) VALUES (
+            NEW.id,
+            item_data.definition,
+            item_data.owning_lib,
+            item_data.circ_lib,
+            item_data.call_number,
+            item_data.copy_number,
+            item_data.status,
+            item_data.location,
+            item_data.circulate,
+            item_data.deposit,
+            item_data.deposit_amount,
+            item_data.ref,
+            item_data.holdable,
+            item_data.price,
+            item_data.barcode,
+            item_data.circ_modifier,
+            item_data.circ_as_type,
+            item_data.alert_message,
+            item_data.pub_note,
+            item_data.priv_note,
+            item_data.opac_visible,
+            item_data.import_error,
+            item_data.error_detail
+        );
+    END LOOP;


Summary of changes:
 .../perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Vandelay.pm   |   21 +-
 Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql          |    2 +-
 Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/950.data.seed-values.sql       |   15 +
 Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/999.functions.global.sql       |  161 ++++++--
 ...96.schema.vandelay-item-import-error-detail.sql |  442 ++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 581 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0596.schema.vandelay-item-import-error-detail.sql

Evergreen ILS

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