[open-ils-commits] r19311 - in trunk/Open-ILS: examples src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application web/js/ui/default/serial web/templates/default/serial (senator)
svn at svn.open-ils.org
svn at svn.open-ils.org
Wed Jan 26 18:05:03 EST 2011
Author: senator
Date: 2011-01-26 18:04:56 -0500 (Wed, 26 Jan 2011)
New Revision: 19311
Serials: add "clone subscription" functionality to alt serials control
This feature clones subscriptions and all the objects related to them
that don't describe holdings. Should help speed users' workflow when setting
up subscriptions.
Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/examples/fm_IDL.xml
--- trunk/Open-ILS/examples/fm_IDL.xml 2011-01-26 21:58:47 UTC (rev 19310)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/examples/fm_IDL.xml 2011-01-26 23:04:56 UTC (rev 19311)
@@ -3359,10 +3359,12 @@
<field reporter:label="Distribution" name="distribution" reporter:datatype="link"/>
<field reporter:label="Routing Label" name="routing_label" reporter:datatype="text"/>
<field reporter:label="Items" name="items" oils_persist:virtual="true" reporter:datatype="link" />
+ <field reporter:label="Routing List Users" name="routing_list_users" oils_persist:virtual="true" reporter:datatype="link"/>
<link field="distribution" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="sdist"/>
<link field="items" reltype="has_many" key="id" map="" class="sitem"/>
+ <link field="routing_list_users" reltype="has_many" key="stream" map="" class="srlu"/>
<permacrud xmlns="http://open-ils.org/spec/opensrf/IDL/permacrud/v1">
Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Serial.pm
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Serial.pm 2011-01-26 21:58:47 UTC (rev 19310)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Serial.pm 2011-01-26 23:04:56 UTC (rev 19311)
@@ -2791,7 +2791,7 @@
"params" => [
{"desc" => "Search token", "type" => "string"},
{"desc" => "Options: require_subscriptions, add_mvr, is_actual_id" .
- " (all boolean)", "type" => "object"}
+ ", id_list (all boolean)", "type" => "object"}
"return" => {
"desc" => "Any matching BREs, or if the add_mvr option is true, " .
@@ -2835,6 +2835,12 @@
return undef;
+ if ($options->{"id_list"}) {
+ $e->disconnect;
+ $client->respond($_) foreach (@ids);
+ return undef;
+ }
my $bre = $e->search_biblio_record_entry([
@@ -3274,4 +3280,187 @@
+# All these _clone_foo() functions could possibly have been consolidated into
+# one clever function, but it's faster to get things working this way.
+sub _clone_subscription {
+ my ($sub, $bib_id, $e) = @_;
+ # clone sub itself
+ my $new_sub = $sub->clone;
+ $new_sub->record_entry(int $bib_id) if $bib_id;
+ $new_sub->clear_id;
+ $new_sub->clear_distributions;
+ $new_sub->clear_notes;
+ $new_sub->clear_scaps;
+ $e->create_serial_subscription($new_sub) or return $e->die_event;
+ my $new_sub_id = $e->data->id;
+ # clone dists
+ foreach my $dist (@{$sub->distributions}) {
+ my $r = _clone_distribution($dist, $new_sub_id, $e);
+ return $r if $U->event_code($r);
+ }
+ # clone sub notes
+ foreach my $note (@{$sub->notes}) {
+ my $r = _clone_subscription_note($note, $new_sub_id, $e);
+ return $r if $U->event_code($r);
+ }
+ # clone scaps
+ foreach my $scap (@{$sub->scaps}) {
+ my $r = _clone_caption_and_pattern($scap, $new_sub_id, $e);
+ return $r if $U->event_code($r);
+ }
+ return $new_sub_id;
+sub _clone_distribution {
+ my ($dist, $sub_id, $e) = @_;
+ my $new_dist = $dist->clone;
+ $new_dist->clear_id;
+ $new_dist->clear_notes;
+ $new_dist->clear_streams;
+ $new_dist->subscription($sub_id);
+ $e->create_serial_distribution($new_dist) or return $e->die_event;
+ my $new_dist_id = $e->data->id;
+ # clone streams
+ foreach my $stream (@{$dist->streams}) {
+ my $r = _clone_stream($stream, $new_dist_id, $e);
+ return $r if $U->event_code($r);
+ }
+ # clone distribution notes
+ foreach my $note (@{$dist->notes}) {
+ my $r = _clone_distribution_note($note, $new_dist_id, $e);
+ return $r if $U->event_code($r);
+ }
+ return $new_dist_id;
+sub _clone_subscription_note {
+ my ($note, $sub_id, $e) = @_;
+ my $new_note = $note->clone;
+ $new_note->clear_id;
+ $new_note->creator($e->requestor->id);
+ $new_note->create_date("now");
+ $new_note->subscription($sub_id);
+ $e->create_serial_subscription_note($new_note) or return $e->die_event;
+ return $e->data->id;
+sub _clone_caption_and_pattern {
+ my ($scap, $sub_id, $e) = @_;
+ my $new_scap = $scap->clone;
+ $new_scap->clear_id;
+ $new_scap->subscription($sub_id);
+ $e->create_serial_caption_and_pattern($new_scap) or return $e->die_event;
+ return $e->data->id;
+sub _clone_distribution_note {
+ my ($note, $dist_id, $e) = @_;
+ my $new_note = $note->clone;
+ $new_note->clear_id;
+ $new_note->creator($e->requestor->id);
+ $new_note->create_date("now");
+ $new_note->distribution($dist_id);
+ $e->create_serial_distribution_note($new_note) or return $e->die_event;
+ return $e->data->id;
+sub _clone_stream {
+ my ($stream, $dist_id, $e) = @_;
+ my $new_stream = $stream->clone;
+ $new_stream->clear_id;
+ $new_stream->clear_routing_list_users;
+ $new_stream->distribution($dist_id);
+ $e->create_serial_stream($new_stream) or return $e->die_event;
+ my $new_stream_id = $e->data->id;
+ # clone routing list users
+ foreach my $user (@{$stream->routing_list_users}) {
+ my $r = _clone_routing_list_user($user, $new_stream_id, $e);
+ return $r if $U->event_code($r);
+ }
+ return $new_stream_id;
+sub _clone_routing_list_user {
+ my ($user, $stream_id, $e) = @_;
+ my $new_user = $user->clone;
+ $new_user->clear_id;
+ $new_user->stream($stream_id);
+ $e->create_serial_routing_list_user($new_user) or return $e->die_event;
+ return $e->data->id;
+ "method" => "clone_subscription",
+ "api_name" => "open-ils.serial.subscription.clone",
+ "signature" => {
+ "desc" => q{Clone a subscription, including its attending distributions,
+ streams, captions and patterns, routing list users, distribution
+ notes and subscription notes. Do not include holdings-specific
+ things, like issuances, items, units, summaries. Attach the
+ clone either to the same bib record as the original, or to one
+ specified by ID.},
+ "params" => [
+ {"desc" => "Authtoken", "type" => "string"},
+ {"desc" => "Subscription ID", "type" => "number"},
+ {"desc" => "Bib Record ID (optional)", "type" => "number"}
+ ],
+ "return" => {
+ "desc" => "ID of the new subscription", "type" => "number"
+ }
+ }
+sub clone_subscription {
+ my ($self, $client, $auth, $sub_id, $bib_id) = @_;
+ my $e = new_editor("authtoken" => $auth, "xact" => 1);
+ return $e->die_event unless $e->checkauth;
+ my $sub = $e->retrieve_serial_subscription([
+ int $sub_id, {
+ "flesh" => 3,
+ "flesh_fields" => {
+ "ssub" => [qw/distributions notes scaps/],
+ "sdist" => [qw/streams notes/],
+ "sstr" => ["routing_list_users"]
+ }
+ }
+ ]) or return $e->die_event;
+ # ADMIN_SERIAL_SUBSCRIPTION will have to be good enough as a
+ # catch-all permisison for this operation.
+ return $e->die_event unless
+ $e->allowed("ADMIN_SERIAL_SUBSCRIPTION", $sub->owning_lib);
+ my $result = _clone_subscription($sub, $bib_id, $e);
+ return $e->die_event($result) if $U->event_code($result);
+ $e->commit or return $e->die_event;
+ return $result;
Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/serial/subscription.js
--- trunk/Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/serial/subscription.js 2011-01-26 21:58:47 UTC (rev 19310)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/serial/subscription.js 2011-01-26 23:04:56 UTC (rev 19311)
@@ -167,6 +167,61 @@
+function toggle_clone_ident_field(dij) {
+ setTimeout(
+ function() {
+ var disabled = !dij.attr("checked");
+ clone_ident.attr("disabled", disabled);
+ if (!disabled) clone_ident.focus();
+ }, 175
+ );
+function clone_subscription(form) {
+ if (form.use_ident == "yes") {
+ fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ ["open-ils.serial",
+ "open-ils.serial.biblio.record_entry.by_identifier.atomic"], {
+ "params": [form.ident, {"id_list": true}],
+ "async": true,
+ "oncomplete": function(r) {
+ r = openils.Util.readResponse(r);
+ if (!r || !r.length) {
+ alert("No matches for that indentifier."); /*XXX i18n*/
+ } else if (r.length != 1) {
+ alert("Too many matches for that identifier. Use a " +
+ "unique identifier."); /* XXX i18n */
+ } else {
+ _clone_subscription(r[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ } else {
+ _clone_subscription();
+ }
+function _clone_subscription(bre_id) {
+ progress_dialog.show(true);
+ fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ ["open-ils.serial", "open-ils.serial.subscription.clone"], {
+ "params": [openils.User.authtoken, sub_id, bre_id],
+ "async": false,
+ "oncomplete": function(r) {
+ progress_dialog.hide();
+ if (!(r = openils.Util.readResponse(r))) {
+ alert("Error cloning subscription."); /* XXX i18n */
+ } else {
+ location.href =
+ oilsBasePath + "/serial/subscription?id=" + r;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
function() {
var tab_dispatch = {
Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/web/templates/default/serial/subscription.tt2
--- trunk/Open-ILS/web/templates/default/serial/subscription.tt2 2011-01-26 21:58:47 UTC (rev 19310)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/web/templates/default/serial/subscription.tt2 2011-01-26 23:04:56 UTC (rev 19311)
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" layout="top" class="oils-header-panel">
<div>Subscription Details</div>
+ <span dojoType="dijit.form.Button" onClick="clone_dialog.show();">
+ Clone Subscription
+ </span>
<span dojoType="dijit.form.Button" onClick="open_batch_receive();">
Batch Item Receive
@@ -131,5 +134,56 @@
<div class="hidden">
<div dojoType="openils.widget.ProgressDialog" jsId="progress_dialog"></div>
+ <div dojoType="dijit.Dialog" jsId="clone_dialog" title="Clone Subscription"
+ style="width: 460px;" execute="clone_subscription(arguments[0]);">
+ <div style="margin-bottom: 0.5em;">
+ This feature will clone a subscription and all of its subscription
+ notes, distributions, distribution notes, captions and patterns,
+ streams, and routing list users.</div>
+ <div style="margin-bottom: 0.5em;">
+ Holdings-related objects, like issuances, items, units, and
+ summaries will <em>not</em> be cloned.
+ </div>
+ <div style="margin-bottom: 0.5em;">
+ To what bibliographic record should the new subscription be
+ attached?
+ </div>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <td style="padding-right: 0.5em; vertical-align: top;">
+ <input dojoType="dijit.form.RadioButton"
+ id="use_ident_no" name="use_ident" value="no"
+ checked="checked" />
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <label for="use_ident_no">
+ Same record as the existing subscription
+ </label>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="padding-right: 0.5em; vertical-align: top;">
+ <input dojoType="dijit.form.RadioButton"
+ onChange="toggle_clone_ident_field(this);"
+ id="use_ident_yes" name="use_ident" value="yes" />
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <label for="use_ident_yes">
+ Record specified by this unique identifier:
+ </label>
+ <input dojoType="dijit.form.TextBox" name="ident"
+ jsId="clone_ident" disabled="true"
+ style="margin-left: 0.5em; width: 10em;" />
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2" align="center">
+ <span dojoType="dijit.form.Button" type="submit">
+ Clone!
+ </span>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </div>
[% END %]
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