[open-ils-commits] r19338 - in trunk: . Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils (dbs)
svn at svn.open-ils.org
svn at svn.open-ils.org
Sun Jan 30 00:47:55 EST 2011
Author: dbs
Date: 2011-01-30 00:47:52 -0500 (Sun, 30 Jan 2011)
New Revision: 19338
Replace a hard-coded path in Cronscript.pm with a configure variable
As much as possible, we need to avoid hard-coded paths if we
ever want to be packagable.
Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/Cronscript.pm
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/Cronscript.pm 2011-01-30 05:22:04 UTC (rev 19337)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/Cronscript.pm 2011-01-30 05:47:52 UTC (rev 19338)
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-package OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript;
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (C) 2010 Equinox Software, Inc
-# Author: Joe Atzberger <jatzberger at esilibrary.com>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------
-# The purpose of this module is to consolidate the common aspects
-# of various cron tasks that all need the same things:
-# ~ non-duplicative processing, i.e. lockfiles and lockfile checking
-# ~ opensrf_core.xml file location
-# ~ common options like help and debug
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long qw(:DEFAULT GetOptionsFromArray);
-use OpenSRF::System;
-use OpenSRF::AppSession;
-use OpenSRF::Utils::JSON;
-use OpenSRF::EX qw(:try);
-use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
-use OpenILS::Utils::Lockfile;
-use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor q/:funcs/;
-use File::Basename qw/fileparse/;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Carp;
-our @extra_opts = ( # additional keys are stored here
- # 'addlopt'
-our $debug = 0;
-sub _default_self {
- return {
- # opts => {},
- # opts_clean => {},
- # default_opts_clean => {},
- default_opts => {
- 'lock-file=s' => OpenILS::Utils::Lockfile::default_filename,
- 'osrf-config=s' => '/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml', # TODO: packaging needs a make variable like @@EG_CONF_DIR@@
- 'debug' => 0,
- 'verbose+' => 0,
- 'help' => 0,
- # 'internal_var' => 'XYZ',
- },
- # lockfile => undef,
- # session => undef,
- # bootstrapped => 0,
- # got_options => 0,
- auto_get_options_4_bootstrap => 1,
- };
-sub is_clean {
- my $key = shift or return 1;
- $key =~ /[=:].*$/ and return 0;
- $key =~ /[+!]$/ and return 0;
- return 1;
-sub clean {
- my $key = shift or return;
- $key =~ s/[=:].*$//;
- $key =~ s/[+!]$//;
- return $key;
-sub fuzzykey { # when you know the hash you want from, but not the exact key
- my $self = shift or return;
- my $key = shift or return;
- my $target = @_ ? shift : 'opts_clean';
- foreach (map {clean($_)} keys %{$self->{default_opts}}) { # TODO: cache
- $key eq $_ and return $self->{$target}->{$_};
- }
-# MyGetOptions
-# A wrapper around GetOptions
-# {opts} does two things for GetOptions (see Getopt::Long)
-# (1) maps command-line options to the *other* variables where values are stored (in opts_clean)
-# (2) provides hashspace for the rest of the arbitrary options from the command-line
-# TODO: allow more options to be passed here, maybe mimic Getopt::Long::GetOptions style
-# If an arrayref argument is passed, then @ARGV will NOT be touched.
-# Instead, the array will be passed to GetOptionsFromArray.
-sub MyGetOptions {
- my $self = shift;
- my $arrayref = @_ ? shift : undef;
- if ($arrayref and ref($arrayref) ne 'ARRAY') {
- carp "MyGetOptions argument is not an array ref. Expect GetOptionsFromArray to explode";
- }
- $self->{got_options} and carp "MyGetOptions called after options were already retrieved previously";
- my @keys = sort {is_clean($b) <=> is_clean($a)} keys %{$self->{default_opts}};
- $debug and print "KEYS: ", join(", ", @keys), "\n";
- foreach (@keys) {
- my $clean = clean($_);
- my $place = $self->{default_opts_clean}->{$clean};
- $self->{opts_clean}->{$clean} = $place; # prepopulate default
- # $self->{opts}->{$_} = $self->{opts_clean}->{$clean}; # pointer for GetOptions
- $self->{opts}->{$_} = sub {
- my $opt = shift;
- my $val = shift;
- ref ( $self->{opts_clean}->{$opt} ) and ref($self->{opts_clean}->{$opt}) eq 'SCALAR'
- and ${$self->{opts_clean}->{$opt}} = $val; # set the referent's value
- $self->{opts_clean}->{$opt} = $val; # burn the map, stick the value there
- }; # pointer for GetOptions
- }
- $arrayref ? GetOptionsFromArray($arrayref, $self->{opts}, @keys)
- : GetOptions( $self->{opts}, @keys) ;
- foreach (@keys) {
- delete $self->{opts}->{$_}; # now remove the mappings from (1) so we just have (2)
- }
- $self->clean_mirror('opts'); # populate clean_opts w/ cleaned versions of (2), plus everything else
- print $self->help() and exit if $self->{opts_clean}->{help};
- $self->new_lockfile();
- $self->{got_options}++;
- return wantarray ? %{$self->{opts_clean}} : $self->{opts_clean};
-sub new_lockfile {
- my $self = shift;
- $debug and $OpenILS::Utils::Lockfile::debug = $debug;
- unless ($self->{opts_clean}->{nolockfile} || $self->{default_opts_clean}->{nolockfile}) {
- $self->{lockfile_obj} = OpenILS::Utils::Lockfile->new($self->first_defined('lock-file'));
- $self->{lockfile} = $self->{lockfile_obj}->filename;
- }
-sub first_defined {
- my $self = shift;
- my $key = shift or return;
- foreach (qw(opts_clean opts default_opts_clean default_opts)) {
- defined $self->{$_}->{$key} and return $self->{$_}->{$key};
- }
- return;
-sub clean_mirror {
- my $self = shift;
- my $dirty = @_ ? shift : 'default_opts';
- foreach (keys %{$self->{$dirty}}) {
- defined $self->{$dirty}->{$_} or next;
- $self->{$dirty . '_clean'}->{clean($_)} = $self->{$dirty}->{$_};
- }
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $self = _default_self;
- bless ($self, $class);
- $self->init(@_);
- $debug and print "new ", __PACKAGE__, " obj: ", Dumper($self);
- return $self;
-sub add_and_purge {
- my $self = shift;
- my $key = shift;
- my $val = shift;
- my $clean = clean($key);
- my @others = grep {/$clean/ and $_ ne $key} keys %{$self->{default_opts}};
- unless (@others) {
- $debug and print "unique key $key => $val\n";
- $self->{default_opts}->{$key} = $val; # no purge, just add
- return;
- }
- foreach (@others) {
- $debug and print "variant of $key => $_\n";
- if ($key ne $clean) { # if it is a dirtier key, delete the clean one
- delete $self->{default_opts}->{$_};
- $self->{default_opts}->{$key} = $val;
- } else { # else update the dirty one
- $self->{default_opts}->{$_} = $val;
- }
- }
-sub init { # not INIT
- my $self = shift;
- my $opts = @_ ? shift : {}; # user can specify more default options to constructor
-# TODO: check $opts is hashref; then check verbose/debug first. maybe check negations e.g. "no-verbose" ?
- @extra_opts = keys %$opts;
- foreach (@extra_opts) { # add any other keys w/ default values
- $debug and print "init() adding option $_, default value: $opts->{$_}\n";
- $self->add_and_purge($_, $opts->{$_});
- }
- $self->clean_mirror;
- return $self;
-sub usage {
- # my $self = shift;
- return "\nUSAGE: $0 [OPTIONS]";
-sub options_help {
- my $self = shift;
- my $chunk = @_ ? shift : '';
- return <<HELP
- --osrf-config </path/to/config_file> Default: $self->{default_opts_clean}->{'osrf-config'}
- Specify OpenSRF core config file.
- --lock-file </path/to/file_name> Default: $self->{default_opts_clean}->{'lock-file'}
- Specify lock file.
- . $chunk . <<HELP;
- --debug Print server responses to STDOUT for debugging
- --verbose Set verbosity
- --help Show this help message
-sub help {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->usage() . "\n" . $self->options_help(@_) . $self->example();
-sub example {
- return "\n\nEXAMPLES:\n\n $0 --osrf-config /my/other/opensrf_core.xml\n";
-# the proper order is: MyGetOptions, bootstrap, session.
-# But the latter subs will check to see if they need to call the preceeding one(s).
-sub session {
- my $self = shift or return;
- $self->{bootstrapped} or $self->bootstrap();
- @_ or croak "session() called without required argument (app_name, e.g. 'open-ils.acq')";
- return ($self->{session} ||= OpenSRF::AppSession->create(@_));
-sub bootstrap {
- my $self = shift or return;
- if ($self->{auto_get_options_4_bootstrap} and not $self->{got_options}) {
- $debug and print "Automatically calling MyGetOptions before bootstrap\n";
- $self->MyGetOptions();
- }
- try {
- $debug and print "bootstrap lock-file : ", $self->first_defined('lock-file'), "\n";
- $debug and print "bootstrap osrf-config: ", $self->first_defined('osrf-config'), "\n";
- OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client(config_file => $self->first_defined('osrf-config'));
- Fieldmapper->import(IDL => OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value("IDL"));
- $self->{bootstrapped} = 1;
- } otherwise {
- $self->{bootstrapped} = 0;
- warn shift;
- };
-sub editor_init {
- my $self = shift or return;
- OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor::init(); # no return value to check
- $self->{editor_inited} = 1;
-sub editor {
- my $self = shift or return;
- $self->{bootstrapped} or $self->bootstrap();
- $self->{editor_inited} or $self->editor_init();
- return new_editor(@_);
-=head1 NAME
-OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript - Consolidated options handling for any script (not just cron, really)
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript;
- my %defaults = (
- 'min=i' => 0, # keys are Getopt::Long style options
- 'max=i' => 999, # values are default values
- 'user=s' => 'admin',
- 'password=s' => '',
- 'nolockfile' => 1,
- };
- my $core = OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript->new(\%defaults);
- my $opts = $core->MyGetOptions(); # options now in, e.g.: $opts->{max}
- $core->bootstrap;
-Or if you don't need any additional options and just want to get a session going:
- use OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript;
- my $session = OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript->new()->session('open-ils.acq');
-There are a few main problems when writing a new script for Evergreen.
-=head2 Initialization
-The runtime
-environment for the application requires a lot of initialization, but during normal operation it
-has already occured (when Evergreen was started). So most of the EG code never has to deal with
-this problem, but standalone scripts do. The timing and sequence of requisite events is important and not obvious.
-=head2 Common Options, Consistent Options
-We need several common options for each script that accesses the database or
-uses EG data objects and methods. Logically, these options often deal with initialization. They
-should take the B<exact> same form(s) for each script and should not be
-dependent on the local author to copy and paste them from some reference source. We really don't want to encourage (let alone force)
-admins to use C<--config>, C<--osrf-confg>, C<-c>, and C<@ARGV[2]> for the same purpose in different scripts, with different
-default handling, help descriptions and error messages (or lack thereof).
-This suggests broader problem of UI consistency and uniformity, also partially addressed by this module.
-=head2 Lockfiles
-A lockfile is necessary for a script that wants to prevent possible simultaneous execution. For example, consider a script
-that is scheduled to run frequently, but that experiences occasional high load: you wouldn't want crontab to start running
-it again if the first instance had not yet finished.
-But the code for creating, writing to, checking for, reading and cleaning up a lockfile for the script bloats what might otherwise be a terse
-method call. Conscript handles lockfile generation and removal automatically.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-The common options (and default values) are:
- 'lock-file=s' => OpenILS::Utils::Lockfile::default_filename,
- 'osrf-config=s' => '/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml',
- 'debug' => 0,
- 'verbose+' => 0,
- 'help' => 0,
-=head1 TODO
-More docs here.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
- Getopt::Long
- OpenILS::Utils::Lockfile
- oils_header.pl
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Joe Atzberger <jatzberger at esilibrary.com>
Copied: trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/Cronscript.pm.in (from rev 19331, trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/Cronscript.pm)
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/Cronscript.pm.in (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/Cronscript.pm.in 2011-01-30 05:47:52 UTC (rev 19338)
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+package OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript;
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Equinox Software, Inc
+# Author: Joe Atzberger <jatzberger at esilibrary.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# The purpose of this module is to consolidate the common aspects
+# of various cron tasks that all need the same things:
+# ~ non-duplicative processing, i.e. lockfiles and lockfile checking
+# ~ opensrf_core.xml file location
+# ~ common options like help and debug
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long qw(:DEFAULT GetOptionsFromArray);
+use OpenSRF::System;
+use OpenSRF::AppSession;
+use OpenSRF::Utils::JSON;
+use OpenSRF::EX qw(:try);
+use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
+use OpenILS::Utils::Lockfile;
+use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor q/:funcs/;
+use File::Basename qw/fileparse/;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Carp;
+our @extra_opts = ( # additional keys are stored here
+ # 'addlopt'
+our $debug = 0;
+sub _default_self {
+ return {
+ # opts => {},
+ # opts_clean => {},
+ # default_opts_clean => {},
+ default_opts => {
+ 'lock-file=s' => OpenILS::Utils::Lockfile::default_filename,
+ 'osrf-config=s' => '@sysconfdir@/opensrf_core.xml',
+ 'debug' => 0,
+ 'verbose+' => 0,
+ 'help' => 0,
+ # 'internal_var' => 'XYZ',
+ },
+ # lockfile => undef,
+ # session => undef,
+ # bootstrapped => 0,
+ # got_options => 0,
+ auto_get_options_4_bootstrap => 1,
+ };
+sub is_clean {
+ my $key = shift or return 1;
+ $key =~ /[=:].*$/ and return 0;
+ $key =~ /[+!]$/ and return 0;
+ return 1;
+sub clean {
+ my $key = shift or return;
+ $key =~ s/[=:].*$//;
+ $key =~ s/[+!]$//;
+ return $key;
+sub fuzzykey { # when you know the hash you want from, but not the exact key
+ my $self = shift or return;
+ my $key = shift or return;
+ my $target = @_ ? shift : 'opts_clean';
+ foreach (map {clean($_)} keys %{$self->{default_opts}}) { # TODO: cache
+ $key eq $_ and return $self->{$target}->{$_};
+ }
+# MyGetOptions
+# A wrapper around GetOptions
+# {opts} does two things for GetOptions (see Getopt::Long)
+# (1) maps command-line options to the *other* variables where values are stored (in opts_clean)
+# (2) provides hashspace for the rest of the arbitrary options from the command-line
+# TODO: allow more options to be passed here, maybe mimic Getopt::Long::GetOptions style
+# If an arrayref argument is passed, then @ARGV will NOT be touched.
+# Instead, the array will be passed to GetOptionsFromArray.
+sub MyGetOptions {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $arrayref = @_ ? shift : undef;
+ if ($arrayref and ref($arrayref) ne 'ARRAY') {
+ carp "MyGetOptions argument is not an array ref. Expect GetOptionsFromArray to explode";
+ }
+ $self->{got_options} and carp "MyGetOptions called after options were already retrieved previously";
+ my @keys = sort {is_clean($b) <=> is_clean($a)} keys %{$self->{default_opts}};
+ $debug and print "KEYS: ", join(", ", @keys), "\n";
+ foreach (@keys) {
+ my $clean = clean($_);
+ my $place = $self->{default_opts_clean}->{$clean};
+ $self->{opts_clean}->{$clean} = $place; # prepopulate default
+ # $self->{opts}->{$_} = $self->{opts_clean}->{$clean}; # pointer for GetOptions
+ $self->{opts}->{$_} = sub {
+ my $opt = shift;
+ my $val = shift;
+ ref ( $self->{opts_clean}->{$opt} ) and ref($self->{opts_clean}->{$opt}) eq 'SCALAR'
+ and ${$self->{opts_clean}->{$opt}} = $val; # set the referent's value
+ $self->{opts_clean}->{$opt} = $val; # burn the map, stick the value there
+ }; # pointer for GetOptions
+ }
+ $arrayref ? GetOptionsFromArray($arrayref, $self->{opts}, @keys)
+ : GetOptions( $self->{opts}, @keys) ;
+ foreach (@keys) {
+ delete $self->{opts}->{$_}; # now remove the mappings from (1) so we just have (2)
+ }
+ $self->clean_mirror('opts'); # populate clean_opts w/ cleaned versions of (2), plus everything else
+ print $self->help() and exit if $self->{opts_clean}->{help};
+ $self->new_lockfile();
+ $self->{got_options}++;
+ return wantarray ? %{$self->{opts_clean}} : $self->{opts_clean};
+sub new_lockfile {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $debug and $OpenILS::Utils::Lockfile::debug = $debug;
+ unless ($self->{opts_clean}->{nolockfile} || $self->{default_opts_clean}->{nolockfile}) {
+ $self->{lockfile_obj} = OpenILS::Utils::Lockfile->new($self->first_defined('lock-file'));
+ $self->{lockfile} = $self->{lockfile_obj}->filename;
+ }
+sub first_defined {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $key = shift or return;
+ foreach (qw(opts_clean opts default_opts_clean default_opts)) {
+ defined $self->{$_}->{$key} and return $self->{$_}->{$key};
+ }
+ return;
+sub clean_mirror {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dirty = @_ ? shift : 'default_opts';
+ foreach (keys %{$self->{$dirty}}) {
+ defined $self->{$dirty}->{$_} or next;
+ $self->{$dirty . '_clean'}->{clean($_)} = $self->{$dirty}->{$_};
+ }
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = _default_self;
+ bless ($self, $class);
+ $self->init(@_);
+ $debug and print "new ", __PACKAGE__, " obj: ", Dumper($self);
+ return $self;
+sub add_and_purge {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $key = shift;
+ my $val = shift;
+ my $clean = clean($key);
+ my @others = grep {/$clean/ and $_ ne $key} keys %{$self->{default_opts}};
+ unless (@others) {
+ $debug and print "unique key $key => $val\n";
+ $self->{default_opts}->{$key} = $val; # no purge, just add
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach (@others) {
+ $debug and print "variant of $key => $_\n";
+ if ($key ne $clean) { # if it is a dirtier key, delete the clean one
+ delete $self->{default_opts}->{$_};
+ $self->{default_opts}->{$key} = $val;
+ } else { # else update the dirty one
+ $self->{default_opts}->{$_} = $val;
+ }
+ }
+sub init { # not INIT
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $opts = @_ ? shift : {}; # user can specify more default options to constructor
+# TODO: check $opts is hashref; then check verbose/debug first. maybe check negations e.g. "no-verbose" ?
+ @extra_opts = keys %$opts;
+ foreach (@extra_opts) { # add any other keys w/ default values
+ $debug and print "init() adding option $_, default value: $opts->{$_}\n";
+ $self->add_and_purge($_, $opts->{$_});
+ }
+ $self->clean_mirror;
+ return $self;
+sub usage {
+ # my $self = shift;
+ return "\nUSAGE: $0 [OPTIONS]";
+sub options_help {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $chunk = @_ ? shift : '';
+ return <<HELP
+ --osrf-config </path/to/config_file> Default: $self->{default_opts_clean}->{'osrf-config'}
+ Specify OpenSRF core config file.
+ --lock-file </path/to/file_name> Default: $self->{default_opts_clean}->{'lock-file'}
+ Specify lock file.
+ . $chunk . <<HELP;
+ --debug Print server responses to STDOUT for debugging
+ --verbose Set verbosity
+ --help Show this help message
+sub help {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->usage() . "\n" . $self->options_help(@_) . $self->example();
+sub example {
+ return "\n\nEXAMPLES:\n\n $0 --osrf-config /my/other/opensrf_core.xml\n";
+# the proper order is: MyGetOptions, bootstrap, session.
+# But the latter subs will check to see if they need to call the preceeding one(s).
+sub session {
+ my $self = shift or return;
+ $self->{bootstrapped} or $self->bootstrap();
+ @_ or croak "session() called without required argument (app_name, e.g. 'open-ils.acq')";
+ return ($self->{session} ||= OpenSRF::AppSession->create(@_));
+sub bootstrap {
+ my $self = shift or return;
+ if ($self->{auto_get_options_4_bootstrap} and not $self->{got_options}) {
+ $debug and print "Automatically calling MyGetOptions before bootstrap\n";
+ $self->MyGetOptions();
+ }
+ try {
+ $debug and print "bootstrap lock-file : ", $self->first_defined('lock-file'), "\n";
+ $debug and print "bootstrap osrf-config: ", $self->first_defined('osrf-config'), "\n";
+ OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client(config_file => $self->first_defined('osrf-config'));
+ Fieldmapper->import(IDL => OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value("IDL"));
+ $self->{bootstrapped} = 1;
+ } otherwise {
+ $self->{bootstrapped} = 0;
+ warn shift;
+ };
+sub editor_init {
+ my $self = shift or return;
+ OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor::init(); # no return value to check
+ $self->{editor_inited} = 1;
+sub editor {
+ my $self = shift or return;
+ $self->{bootstrapped} or $self->bootstrap();
+ $self->{editor_inited} or $self->editor_init();
+ return new_editor(@_);
+=head1 NAME
+OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript - Consolidated options handling for any script (not just cron, really)
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript;
+ my %defaults = (
+ 'min=i' => 0, # keys are Getopt::Long style options
+ 'max=i' => 999, # values are default values
+ 'user=s' => 'admin',
+ 'password=s' => '',
+ 'nolockfile' => 1,
+ };
+ my $core = OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript->new(\%defaults);
+ my $opts = $core->MyGetOptions(); # options now in, e.g.: $opts->{max}
+ $core->bootstrap;
+Or if you don't need any additional options and just want to get a session going:
+ use OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript;
+ my $session = OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript->new()->session('open-ils.acq');
+There are a few main problems when writing a new script for Evergreen.
+=head2 Initialization
+The runtime
+environment for the application requires a lot of initialization, but during normal operation it
+has already occured (when Evergreen was started). So most of the EG code never has to deal with
+this problem, but standalone scripts do. The timing and sequence of requisite events is important and not obvious.
+=head2 Common Options, Consistent Options
+We need several common options for each script that accesses the database or
+uses EG data objects and methods. Logically, these options often deal with initialization. They
+should take the B<exact> same form(s) for each script and should not be
+dependent on the local author to copy and paste them from some reference source. We really don't want to encourage (let alone force)
+admins to use C<--config>, C<--osrf-confg>, C<-c>, and C<@ARGV[2]> for the same purpose in different scripts, with different
+default handling, help descriptions and error messages (or lack thereof).
+This suggests broader problem of UI consistency and uniformity, also partially addressed by this module.
+=head2 Lockfiles
+A lockfile is necessary for a script that wants to prevent possible simultaneous execution. For example, consider a script
+that is scheduled to run frequently, but that experiences occasional high load: you wouldn't want crontab to start running
+it again if the first instance had not yet finished.
+But the code for creating, writing to, checking for, reading and cleaning up a lockfile for the script bloats what might otherwise be a terse
+method call. Conscript handles lockfile generation and removal automatically.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+The common options (and default values) are:
+ 'lock-file=s' => OpenILS::Utils::Lockfile::default_filename,
+ 'osrf-config=s' => '/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml',
+ 'debug' => 0,
+ 'verbose+' => 0,
+ 'help' => 0,
+=head1 TODO
+More docs here.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+ Getopt::Long
+ OpenILS::Utils::Lockfile
+ oils_header.pl
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joe Atzberger <jatzberger at esilibrary.com>
Modified: trunk/configure.ac
--- trunk/configure.ac 2011-01-30 05:22:04 UTC (rev 19337)
+++ trunk/configure.ac 2011-01-30 05:47:52 UTC (rev 19338)
@@ -374,7 +374,8 @@
- Open-ILS/src/extras/fast-extract],
+ Open-ILS/src/extras/fast-extract
+ Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/Cronscript.pm],
if test -e "./Open-ILS/src/extras/eg_config"; then chmod 755 Open-ILS/src/extras/eg_config; fi;
if test -e "./Open-ILS/src/extras/fast-extract"; then chmod 755 Open-ILS/src/extras/fast-extract; fi;
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