[open-ils-commits] [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch master updated. 43a7967a7515cb18db3bd051b2fea15467047ce5

Evergreen Git git at git.evergreen-ils.org
Tue Jul 12 17:52:49 EDT 2011

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The branch, master has been updated
       via  43a7967a7515cb18db3bd051b2fea15467047ce5 (commit)
      from  7ea9abada5fa1e2e013e35dd50665b76bba9a065 (commit)

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- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 43a7967a7515cb18db3bd051b2fea15467047ce5
Author: Bill Erickson <berick at esilibrary.com>
Date:   Tue Jul 12 17:49:10 2011 -0400

    Remove deprecated, conflicting version of vandelay.match_bib_record from base schema.  Thanks, Galen
    Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick at esilibrary.com>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/012.schema.vandelay.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/012.schema.vandelay.sql
index 9906804..de3e24a 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/012.schema.vandelay.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/012.schema.vandelay.sql
@@ -1446,86 +1446,6 @@ BEGIN
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vandelay.match_bib_record ( ) RETURNS TRIGGER AS $func$
-    attr        RECORD;
-    attr_def    RECORD;
-    eg_rec      RECORD;
-    id_value    TEXT;
-    exact_id    BIGINT;
-    DELETE FROM vandelay.bib_match WHERE queued_record = NEW.id;
-    SELECT * INTO attr_def FROM vandelay.bib_attr_definition WHERE xpath = '//*[@tag="901"]/*[@code="c"]' ORDER BY id LIMIT 1;
-    IF attr_def IS NOT NULL AND attr_def.id IS NOT NULL THEN
-        id_value := extract_marc_field('vandelay.queued_bib_record', NEW.id, attr_def.xpath, attr_def.remove);
-        IF id_value IS NOT NULL AND id_value <> '' AND id_value ~ $r$^\d+$$r$ THEN
-            SELECT id INTO exact_id FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE id = id_value::BIGINT AND NOT deleted;
-            SELECT * INTO attr FROM vandelay.queued_bib_record_attr WHERE record = NEW.id and field = attr_def.id LIMIT 1;
-            IF exact_id IS NOT NULL THEN
-                INSERT INTO vandelay.bib_match (field_type, matched_attr, queued_record, eg_record) VALUES ('id', attr.id, NEW.id, exact_id);
-            END IF;
-        END IF;
-    END IF;
-    IF exact_id IS NULL THEN
-        FOR attr IN SELECT a.* FROM vandelay.queued_bib_record_attr a JOIN vandelay.bib_attr_definition d ON (d.id = a.field) WHERE record = NEW.id AND d.ident IS TRUE LOOP
-    		-- All numbers? check for an id match
-    		IF (attr.attr_value ~ $r$^\d+$$r$) THEN
-    	        FOR eg_rec IN SELECT * FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE id = attr.attr_value::BIGINT AND deleted IS FALSE LOOP
-    		        INSERT INTO vandelay.bib_match (field_type, matched_attr, queued_record, eg_record) VALUES ('id', attr.id, NEW.id, eg_rec.id);
-    			END LOOP;
-    		END IF;
-    		-- Looks like an ISBN? check for an isbn match
-    		IF (attr.attr_value ~* $r$^[0-9x]+$$r$ AND character_length(attr.attr_value) IN (10,13)) THEN
-    	        FOR eg_rec IN EXECUTE $$SELECT * FROM metabib.full_rec fr WHERE fr.value LIKE evergreen.lowercase('$$ || attr.attr_value || $$%') AND fr.tag = '020' AND fr.subfield = 'a'$$ LOOP
-    				PERFORM id FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE id = eg_rec.record AND deleted IS FALSE;
-    				IF FOUND THEN
-    			        INSERT INTO vandelay.bib_match (field_type, matched_attr, queued_record, eg_record) VALUES ('isbn', attr.id, NEW.id, eg_rec.record);
-    				END IF;
-    			END LOOP;
-    			-- subcheck for isbn-as-tcn
-    		    FOR eg_rec IN SELECT * FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE tcn_value = 'i' || attr.attr_value AND deleted IS FALSE LOOP
-    			    INSERT INTO vandelay.bib_match (field_type, matched_attr, queued_record, eg_record) VALUES ('tcn_value', attr.id, NEW.id, eg_rec.id);
-    	        END LOOP;
-    		END IF;
-    		-- check for an OCLC tcn_value match
-    		IF (attr.attr_value ~ $r$^o\d+$$r$) THEN
-    		    FOR eg_rec IN SELECT * FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE tcn_value = regexp_replace(attr.attr_value,'^o','ocm') AND deleted IS FALSE LOOP
-    			    INSERT INTO vandelay.bib_match (field_type, matched_attr, queued_record, eg_record) VALUES ('tcn_value', attr.id, NEW.id, eg_rec.id);
-    	        END LOOP;
-    		END IF;
-    		-- check for a direct tcn_value match
-            FOR eg_rec IN SELECT * FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE tcn_value = attr.attr_value AND deleted IS FALSE LOOP
-                INSERT INTO vandelay.bib_match (field_type, matched_attr, queued_record, eg_record) VALUES ('tcn_value', attr.id, NEW.id, eg_rec.id);
-            END LOOP;
-    		-- check for a direct item barcode match
-            FOR eg_rec IN
-                    SELECT  DISTINCT b.*
-                      FROM  biblio.record_entry b
-                            JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cn.record = b.id)
-                            JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.call_number = cn.id)
-                      WHERE cp.barcode = attr.attr_value AND cp.deleted IS FALSE
-            LOOP
-                INSERT INTO vandelay.bib_match (field_type, matched_attr, queued_record, eg_record) VALUES ('id', attr.id, NEW.id, eg_rec.id);
-            END LOOP;
-        END LOOP;
-    END IF;
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vandelay.cleanup_bib_marc ( ) RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$


Summary of changes:
 Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/012.schema.vandelay.sql |   80 ---------------------------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)

Evergreen ILS

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