[open-ils-commits] r1271 - in servres/trunk/conifer: integration static syrup syrup/views templates/item (artunit)

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Sun Mar 20 21:47:43 EDT 2011

Author: artunit
Date: 2011-03-20 21:47:41 -0400 (Sun, 20 Mar 2011)
New Revision: 1271

evergreen updates, folded in with item screen

Modified: servres/trunk/conifer/integration/uwindsor.py
--- servres/trunk/conifer/integration/uwindsor.py	2011-03-20 20:32:48 UTC (rev 1270)
+++ servres/trunk/conifer/integration/uwindsor.py	2011-03-21 01:47:41 UTC (rev 1271)
@@ -229,7 +229,8 @@
 def cat_search(query, start=1, limit=10):
-    bc = re.search('\d{14}', query.strip())
+    barcode = re.search('\d{14}', query.strip())
+    bc = 0
     if query.startswith(EG_BASE):
         # query is an Evergreen URL
 	# snag the bibid at this point
@@ -239,17 +240,21 @@
 			bibid = params[key]
         results = M.marcxml_to_records(I.url_to_marcxml(query))
         numhits = len(results)
-    elif bc:
+    elif barcode:
 	results = []
 	numhits = 0
 	# print "bc", bc.group(0)
-        bib = E1('open-ils.search.bib_id.by_barcode', bc.group(0))
+	bc = barcode.group(0)
+        bib = E1('open-ils.search.bib_id.by_barcode', bc)
 	if bib:
 		bibid = bib
-		# print "bibid", bib
+		print "bibid", bib
 		copy = E1('open-ils.supercat.record.object.retrieve', bib)
+		print "copy", copy
 		rec = copy[0]
+		print "rec", rec
 		marc = unicode(rec['marc'], 'utf-8')
+		print "marc", marc
                 tree = M.marcxml_to_records(marc)[0]
 		numhits = 1
@@ -270,7 +275,7 @@
                 tree = M.marcxml_to_records(marc)[0]
             numhits = int(superpage['count'])
-    return results, numhits, bibid
+    return results, numhits, bibid, bc
 def bib_id_to_marcxml(bib_id):

Modified: servres/trunk/conifer/static/main.css
--- servres/trunk/conifer/static/main.css	2011-03-20 20:32:48 UTC (rev 1270)
+++ servres/trunk/conifer/static/main.css	2011-03-21 01:47:41 UTC (rev 1271)
@@ -307,6 +307,8 @@
 #breadcrumbs { margin: 8px 0px 16px 0; width: 716px;  
 	     text-indent: -24px; padding-left: 24px; }
+.cat_opts { background-color: #f2e4cc;} 
 .errorlist { float: right; }
 .errorlist li { color: red; font-size: 90%; }

Modified: servres/trunk/conifer/syrup/models.py
--- servres/trunk/conifer/syrup/models.py	2011-03-20 20:32:48 UTC (rev 1270)
+++ servres/trunk/conifer/syrup/models.py	2011-03-21 01:47:41 UTC (rev 1271)
@@ -604,8 +604,20 @@
     pages        = m.CharField(max_length=64, null=True, blank=True)
     # isbn or issn (not validated)
     isbn         = m.CharField(max_length=17, null=True, blank=True)
+    #barcode
+    barcode      = m.CharField(max_length=14, null=True, blank=True)
+    #orig_callno: this is a copy of the call number associated with the barcode
+    orig_callno  = m.CharField(max_length=64, null=True, blank=True)
+    # TODO: all of the choices should probably go in settings, as per EVERGREEN_UPDATE_CHOICES
+    # Options for evergreen updates
+    evergreen_update = m.CharField(max_length=4, 
+                                   choices=EVERGREEN_UPDATE_CHOICES,
+                                   default='One')
     # As per discussion with Art Rhyno and Joan Dalton, Leddy Library.
         ('UK', 'unknown'),
@@ -619,6 +631,29 @@
+    # Options for circ modifiers
+        ('CIRC', 'Normal'),
+        ('RSV2', '2 Hour'),
+        ('RSV1', '1 Day'),
+        ('RSV3', '3 Day'),
+        ('RSV7', '7 Day'),
+        ]
+    circ_modifier = m.CharField(max_length=10, 
+                                   choices=CIRC_MODIFIER_CHOICES,
+                                   default='RSV2')
+    # Options for circ desk
+        ('631', 'Reserves Counter'),
+        ('598', 'Circulating Collection'),
+        ]
+    circ_desk = m.CharField(max_length=5, 
+                                   choices=CIRC_DESK_CHOICES,
+                                   default='631')
         # From http://www.oclc.org/bibformats/en/fixedfield/type.shtm.
         # It is hoped that this can be harvested from the 006 field in

Modified: servres/trunk/conifer/syrup/urls.py
--- servres/trunk/conifer/syrup/urls.py	2011-03-20 20:32:48 UTC (rev 1270)
+++ servres/trunk/conifer/syrup/urls.py	2011-03-21 01:47:41 UTC (rev 1271)
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 urlpatterns = patterns('conifer.syrup.views',
     (r'^$', 'welcome'),                       
+    (r'^test/$', 'item_ils_update_test'),
     (r'^site/$', 'my_sites'),
     (r'^site/new/$', 'add_new_site'),
     (r'^site/invitation/$', 'site_invitation'),

Modified: servres/trunk/conifer/syrup/views/items.py
--- servres/trunk/conifer/syrup/views/items.py	2011-03-20 20:32:48 UTC (rev 1270)
+++ servres/trunk/conifer/syrup/views/items.py	2011-03-21 01:47:41 UTC (rev 1271)
@@ -10,32 +10,61 @@
 from conifer.libsystems.evergreen.opensrf     import *
-def item_ils_update(request):
+def item_ils_update_test(request):
     """Update item in ILS""" 
     # this works in my tests, need to try more variations
     # disable in production for now
-    return simple_message(_('testing.'), _('testing.'))
+    circ_mods = settings.EVERGREEN_CIRC_MODS
+    # for circ_modifier in circ_mods:
     token = auth_token(settings.OPENSRF_STAFF_USERID, settings.OPENSRF_STAFF_PW,
+    print "token", token
     null = None
     true = True
+    false = False
     # barcode will come from form
     barcode = "31862005297755"
     barcode_copy = E1(settings.OPENSRF_CN_BARCODE, token, barcode);
     copy = None
     if barcode_copy:
+	volumeinfo = barcode_copy.get("volume")
+	if volumeinfo:
+		volume = volumeinfo['__p']
+		print "volume", volume
+		print "call", volume[7]
+		volume[0] = []
+		volume[5] = 1
+		volume[7] = "QA76.74.M63 B45 2010"
+		volume[13] = None
+		volume.append(None)
+		volume.append('1')
+		print "WOULD UPDATE", volume
+		# updaterec = E1("open-ils.actor.user.perm.check.multi_org", token, 104965, [109], ["UPDATE_VOLUME"])
+    		# print "updaterec", updaterec
+		updaterec = E1(settings.OPENSRF_VOLUME_UPDATE, token, [{"__c":"acn","__p":volume}], false, {"auto_merge_vols":false})
+    		print "updaterec", updaterec
+    session_cleanup(token)
+    return simple_message(_('testing.'), _('testing.'))
+    if barcode_copy:
 	copy = barcode_copy.get("copy")
 	if copy:
+		print "copy", copy
 		detailid = copy['__p'][21]
 		details = E1(settings.OPENSRF_FLESHEDCOPY_CALL, [detailid])
 		print "details", details
 		location = details[0]['__p'][23]['__p'][3]
-		details[0]['__p'][6] = "CIRC"
+		# details[0]['__p'][6] = "RSV1"
+		details[0]['__p'][6] = circ_mods[0]
+		print "location", location
 		details[0]['__p'][23] = location
+		details[0]['__p'][23] = settings.EVERGREEN_RSV_DESK
+		#the joy of testing, these are in the fm_IDL.xml for RC but not production (total circ and holds)
-		updaterec = E1(settings.OPENSRF_BATCH_UPDATE, token, details,true)
-    		print "updaterec", updaterec
+		print "WOULD UPDATE", details
+		# updaterec = E1(settings.OPENSRF_BATCH_UPDATE, token, details,true)
+    		# print "updaterec", updaterec
     return simple_message(_('testing.'), _('testing.'))
@@ -277,11 +306,11 @@
                             site=site, parent_item=parent_item)
         query = request.GET.get('query','').strip()
         start, limit = (int(request.GET.get(k,v)) for k,v in (('start',1),('limit',10)))
-        results, numhits, bibid = integration.cat_search(query, start, limit)
+        results, numhits, bibid, bc = integration.cat_search(query, start, limit)
         return g.render('item/item_add_cat_search.xhtml', 
                         results=results, query=query, 
                         start=start, limit=limit, numhits=numhits,
-                        site=site, parent_item=parent_item, bibid=bibid)
+                        site=site, parent_item=parent_item, bibid=bibid, bc=bc)
         # User has selected an item; add it to site.
         raw_pickitem = request.POST.get('pickitem', '').strip()
@@ -327,6 +356,34 @@
             pubdate = ''
 	bibid = bib_id=request.POST.get('bibid')
+	bc = None
+	callno = None
+	eg_modifier = None
+	eg_desk = None
+	bar_num=request.POST.get('bc')
+	if bar_num and settings.OPENSRF_STAFF_USERID:
+		bc = bar_num
+    		token = auth_token(settings.OPENSRF_STAFF_USERID, settings.OPENSRF_STAFF_PW,
+    		barcode_copy = E1(settings.OPENSRF_CN_BARCODE, token, bc);
+    		if barcode_copy:
+        		volumeinfo = barcode_copy.get("volume")
+        		copyinfo = barcode_copy.get("copy")
+        		if volumeinfo:
+                		volume = volumeinfo['__p']
+				if volume:
+					callno = volume[7]
+			if copyinfo:
+				detailid = copyinfo['__p'][21]
+                		details = E1(settings.OPENSRF_FLESHEDCOPY_CALL, [detailid])
+				if details:
+					eg_desk = details[0]['__p'][23]['__p'][3]
+					print "eg_desk", eg_desk
+					eg_modifier = details[0]['__p'][6]
+    		session_cleanup(token)
 	if bibid > 0:
         	item = site.item_set.create(parent_heading=parent_item,
@@ -334,6 +391,10 @@
                                     bib_id = bibid,
+                                    barcode = bc,
+                                    circ_modifier = eg_modifier,
+                                    circ_desk = eg_desk,
+                                    orig_callno = callno,
@@ -342,6 +403,10 @@
+                                    barcode = bc,
+                                    circ_modifier = eg_modifier,
+                                    circ_desk = eg_desk,
+                                    orig_callno = callno,
@@ -383,6 +448,29 @@
                 if 'author2' in data:
                     del data['author2']
             [setattr(item, k, v) for (k,v) in data.items()]
+            if item.item_type == 'PHYS':
+		update_option = request.POST.get('update_option')
+		location_option = request.POST.get('location_option')
+		modifier_option = request.POST.get('modifier_option')
+		update_status = True
+		if update_option == 'Cat': 
+			update_status = evergreen_item_update(item.barcode, item.orig_callno, 
+				modifier_option, location_option)
+		#leave values alone if update failed
+		if update_status:
+                	item.evergreen_update = update_option
+			item.circ_desk = location_option
+			item.circ_modifier = modifier_option
+		if update_option == 'None': 
+			item.evergreen_update = ''
+			item.barcode = ''
+			item.orig_callno = ''
+			item.circ_modifier = ''
+			item.circ_desk = ''
         return HttpResponseRedirect(item.parent_url())
@@ -492,3 +580,60 @@
             return HttpResponseRedirect(new_parent.item_url('meta'))
             return HttpResponseRedirect(site.site_url())
+ at instructors_only
+def evergreen_item_update(barcode, callno, modifier, desk):
+    try:
+    	token = auth_token(settings.OPENSRF_STAFF_USERID, settings.OPENSRF_STAFF_PW,
+    	print "token", token
+    	null = None
+    	true = True
+    	false = False
+    	barcode_copy = E1(settings.OPENSRF_CN_BARCODE, token, barcode);
+    	copy = None
+    	volumeinfo = None
+    	if barcode_copy:
+		volumeinfo = barcode_copy.get("volume")
+		if volumeinfo:
+			volume = volumeinfo['__p']
+			if volume and volume[7] != callno:
+				volume[0] = []
+				volume[5] = 1
+				volume[7] = callno.encode('ascii')
+				print "callno", callno
+				volume[13] = None
+				volume.append(None)
+				volume.append('1')
+				print "WOULD UPDATE", volume
+				updaterec = E1(settings.OPENSRF_VOLUME_UPDATE, 
+					token, [{"__c":"acn","__p":volume}], false, 
+					{"auto_merge_vols":false})
+    				print "updaterec", updaterec
+		copy = barcode_copy.get("copy")
+		if copy:
+			print "copy", copy
+			detailid = copy['__p'][21]
+			details = E1(settings.OPENSRF_FLESHEDCOPY_CALL, [detailid])
+			print "details", details
+			if details and (details[0]['__p'][6] != modifier or details[0]['__p'][23] != desk):
+				details[0]['__p'][6] = modifier
+				details[0]['__p'][23] = desk
+				#the value of testing, these are in the fm_IDL.xml for RC but not production (total circ and holds)
+				details[0]['__p'].append(None)
+				details[0]['__p'].append('1')
+				print "WOULD UPDATE", details
+				updaterec = E1(settings.OPENSRF_BATCH_UPDATE, token, details,true)
+    				print "updaterec", updaterec
+	session_cleanup(token)
+    except:
+            print "item update problem"
+            print "*** print_exc:"
+            traceback.print_exc()
+            pass          # fail silently in production
+            return False
+    return True

Modified: servres/trunk/conifer/templates/item/common_metadata.xhtml
--- servres/trunk/conifer/templates/item/common_metadata.xhtml	2011-03-20 20:32:48 UTC (rev 1270)
+++ servres/trunk/conifer/templates/item/common_metadata.xhtml	2011-03-21 01:47:41 UTC (rev 1271)
@@ -35,6 +35,57 @@
+      <tr py:if="user.is_staff and item.item_type == 'PHYS'">
+	<th>Catalogue Settings</th>
+	<td> 
+	<table>
+	<tbody>
+      		<tr> 
+		<th>Update</th>
+		<td class="cat_opts">
+		<select name="update_option">
+			<option py:for="k,v in item.EVERGREEN_UPDATE_CHOICES"
+				py:attrs="{'selected': item.evergreen_update==k or None}"
+				value="${k}" py:content="v"/>
+		</select>
+		</td>
+      		</tr>
+      		<tr>
+		<th>Barcode</th>
+		<td class="cat_opts">
+		<input type="text" name="barcode" value="${item.barcode}"/>
+		</td>
+      		</tr>
+      		<tr>
+		<th>Location</th>
+		<td class="cat_opts">
+		<select name="location_option">
+			<option py:for="k,v in item.CIRC_DESK_CHOICES"
+				py:attrs="{'selected': item.circ_desk==k or None}"
+				value="${k}" py:content="v"/>
+		</select>
+		</td>
+      		</tr>
+      		<tr>
+		<th>Modifier</th>
+		<td class="cat_opts">
+		<select name="modifier_option">
+			<option py:for="k,v in item.CIRC_MODIFIER_CHOICES"
+				py:attrs="{'selected': item.circ_modifier==k or None}"
+				value="${k}" py:content="v"/>
+		</select>
+		</td>
+      		</tr>
+      		<tr>
+		<th>Call Number</th>
+		<td class="cat_opts">
+		<input type="text" name="orig_callno" value="${item.orig_callno}"/>
+		</td>
+      		</tr>
+    	</tbody>
+	</table>
+	</td>
+      </tr>

Modified: servres/trunk/conifer/templates/item/item_add_cat_search.xhtml
--- servres/trunk/conifer/templates/item/item_add_cat_search.xhtml	2011-03-20 20:32:48 UTC (rev 1270)
+++ servres/trunk/conifer/templates/item/item_add_cat_search.xhtml	2011-03-21 01:47:41 UTC (rev 1271)
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
 	    <form action="." method="POST">
 	      <!-- !TODO: is utf8 okay here? I shouldn't have to do any decoding here. -->
 	      <input type="hidden" name="bibid" value="${bibid}"/>
+	      <input type="hidden" name="bc" value="${bc}"/>
 	      <input type="hidden" name="pickitem" value="${ET.tostring(res)}"/>
 	      <input type="submit" value="Pick this item"/>

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