[open-ils-commits] [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch rel_2_1 updated. b405e712249eeadc3b85d60484b1a19d2a382493

Evergreen Git git at git.evergreen-ils.org
Tue Oct 4 14:57:53 EDT 2011

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "Evergreen ILS".

The branch, rel_2_1 has been updated
       via  b405e712249eeadc3b85d60484b1a19d2a382493 (commit)
       via  877cb241a790c82d7958ec6197d6a4dd94e80105 (commit)
      from  e2019e7b6c2fd9c181eb8e0e7599e94e81c31c09 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit b405e712249eeadc3b85d60484b1a19d2a382493
Author: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Oct 4 14:50:30 2011 -0400

    Reify 2.0-2.1 upgrade script
    Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/2.0-2.1-upgrade-db.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/2.0-2.1-upgrade-db.sql
index dbbd61e..4c9686f 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/2.0-2.1-upgrade-db.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/2.0-2.1-upgrade-db.sql
@@ -3492,310 +3492,6 @@ INSERT INTO biblio.peer_type (id,name) VALUES
 SELECT SETVAL('biblio.peer_type_id_seq'::TEXT, 100);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.query_parser_fts (
-    param_search_ou INT,
-    param_depth     INT,
-    param_query     TEXT,
-    param_statuses  INT[],
-    param_locations INT[],
-    param_offset    INT,
-    param_check     INT,
-    param_limit     INT,
-    metarecord      BOOL,
-    staff           BOOL
-) RETURNS SETOF search.search_result AS $func$
-    current_res         search.search_result%ROWTYPE;
-    search_org_list     INT[];
-    check_limit         INT;
-    core_limit          INT;
-    core_offset         INT;
-    tmp_int             INT;
-    core_result         RECORD;
-    core_cursor         REFCURSOR;
-    core_rel_query      TEXT;
-    total_count         INT := 0;
-    check_count         INT := 0;
-    deleted_count       INT := 0;
-    visible_count       INT := 0;
-    excluded_count      INT := 0;
-    check_limit := COALESCE( param_check, 1000 );
-    core_limit  := COALESCE( param_limit, 25000 );
-    core_offset := COALESCE( param_offset, 0 );
-    -- core_skip_chk := COALESCE( param_skip_chk, 1 );
-    IF param_search_ou > 0 THEN
-        IF param_depth IS NOT NULL THEN
-            SELECT array_accum(distinct id) INTO search_org_list FROM actor.org_unit_descendants( param_search_ou, param_depth );
-        ELSE
-            SELECT array_accum(distinct id) INTO search_org_list FROM actor.org_unit_descendants( param_search_ou );
-        END IF;
-    ELSIF param_search_ou < 0 THEN
-        SELECT array_accum(distinct org_unit) INTO search_org_list FROM actor.org_lasso_map WHERE lasso = -param_search_ou;
-    ELSIF param_search_ou = 0 THEN
-        -- reserved for user lassos (ou_buckets/type='lasso') with ID passed in depth ... hack? sure.
-    END IF;
-    OPEN core_cursor FOR EXECUTE param_query;
-    LOOP
-        FETCH core_cursor INTO core_result;
-        EXIT WHEN total_count >= core_limit;
-        total_count := total_count + 1;
-        CONTINUE WHEN total_count NOT BETWEEN  core_offset + 1 AND check_limit + core_offset;
-        check_count := check_count + 1;
-        PERFORM 1 FROM biblio.record_entry b WHERE NOT b.deleted AND b.id IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) );
-            -- RAISE NOTICE ' % were all deleted ... ', core_result.records;
-            deleted_count := deleted_count + 1;
-            CONTINUE;
-        END IF;
-        PERFORM 1
-          FROM  biblio.record_entry b
-                JOIN config.bib_source s ON (b.source = s.id)
-          WHERE s.transcendant
-                AND b.id IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) );
-        IF FOUND THEN
-            -- RAISE NOTICE ' % were all transcendant ... ', core_result.records;
-            visible_count := visible_count + 1;
-            current_res.id = core_result.id;
-            current_res.rel = core_result.rel;
-            tmp_int := 1;
-            IF metarecord THEN
-                SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT s.source) INTO tmp_int FROM metabib.metarecord_source_map s WHERE s.metarecord = core_result.id;
-            END IF;
-            IF tmp_int = 1 THEN
-                current_res.record = core_result.records[1];
-            ELSE
-                current_res.record = NULL;
-            END IF;
-            RETURN NEXT current_res;
-            CONTINUE;
-        END IF;
-        PERFORM 1
-          FROM  asset.call_number cn
-                JOIN asset.uri_call_number_map map ON (map.call_number = cn.id)
-                JOIN asset.uri uri ON (map.uri = uri.id)
-          WHERE NOT cn.deleted
-                AND cn.label = '##URI##'
-                AND uri.active
-                AND ( param_locations IS NULL OR array_upper(param_locations, 1) IS NULL )
-                AND cn.record IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) )
-                AND cn.owning_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( search_org_list ) )
-          LIMIT 1;
-        IF FOUND THEN
-            -- RAISE NOTICE ' % have at least one URI ... ', core_result.records;
-            visible_count := visible_count + 1;
-            current_res.id = core_result.id;
-            current_res.rel = core_result.rel;
-            tmp_int := 1;
-            IF metarecord THEN
-                SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT s.source) INTO tmp_int FROM metabib.metarecord_source_map s WHERE s.metarecord = core_result.id;
-            END IF;
-            IF tmp_int = 1 THEN
-                current_res.record = core_result.records[1];
-            ELSE
-                current_res.record = NULL;
-            END IF;
-            RETURN NEXT current_res;
-            CONTINUE;
-        END IF;
-        IF param_statuses IS NOT NULL AND array_upper(param_statuses, 1) > 0 THEN
-            PERFORM 1
-              FROM  asset.call_number cn
-                    JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.call_number = cn.id)
-              WHERE NOT cn.deleted
-                    AND NOT cp.deleted
-                    AND cp.status IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( param_statuses ) )
-                    AND cn.record IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) )
-                    AND cp.circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( search_org_list ) )
-              LIMIT 1;
-            IF NOT FOUND THEN
-                PERFORM 1
-                  FROM  biblio.peer_bib_copy_map pr
-                        JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = pr.target_copy)
-                  WHERE NOT cp.deleted
-                        AND cp.status IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( param_statuses ) )
-                        AND pr.peer_record IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) )
-                        AND cp.circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( search_org_list ) )
-                  LIMIT 1;
-                IF NOT FOUND THEN
-                -- RAISE NOTICE ' % and multi-home linked records were all status-excluded ... ', core_result.records;
-                    excluded_count := excluded_count + 1;
-                    CONTINUE;
-                END IF;
-            END IF;
-        END IF;
-        IF param_locations IS NOT NULL AND array_upper(param_locations, 1) > 0 THEN
-            PERFORM 1
-              FROM  asset.call_number cn
-                    JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.call_number = cn.id)
-              WHERE NOT cn.deleted
-                    AND NOT cp.deleted
-                    AND cp.location IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( param_locations ) )
-                    AND cn.record IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) )
-                    AND cp.circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( search_org_list ) )
-              LIMIT 1;
-            IF NOT FOUND THEN
-                PERFORM 1
-                  FROM  biblio.peer_bib_copy_map pr
-                        JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = pr.target_copy)
-                  WHERE NOT cp.deleted
-                        AND cp.location IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( param_locations ) )
-                        AND pr.peer_record IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) )
-                        AND cp.circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( search_org_list ) )
-                  LIMIT 1;
-                IF NOT FOUND THEN
-                    -- RAISE NOTICE ' % and multi-home linked records were all copy_location-excluded ... ', core_result.records;
-                    excluded_count := excluded_count + 1;
-                    CONTINUE;
-                END IF;
-            END IF;
-        END IF;
-        IF staff IS NULL OR NOT staff THEN
-            PERFORM 1
-              FROM  asset.opac_visible_copies
-              WHERE circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( search_org_list ) )
-                    AND record IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) )
-              LIMIT 1;
-            IF NOT FOUND THEN
-                PERFORM 1
-                  FROM  biblio.peer_bib_copy_map pr
-                        JOIN asset.opac_visible_copies cp ON (cp.copy_id = pr.target_copy)
-                  WHERE cp.circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( search_org_list ) )
-                        AND pr.peer_record IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) )
-                  LIMIT 1;
-                IF NOT FOUND THEN
-                    -- RAISE NOTICE ' % and multi-home linked records were all visibility-excluded ... ', core_result.records;
-                    excluded_count := excluded_count + 1;
-                    CONTINUE;
-                END IF;
-            END IF;
-        ELSE
-            PERFORM 1
-              FROM  asset.call_number cn
-                    JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.call_number = cn.id)
-              WHERE NOT cn.deleted
-                    AND NOT cp.deleted
-                    AND cp.circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( search_org_list ) )
-                    AND cn.record IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) )
-              LIMIT 1;
-            IF NOT FOUND THEN
-                PERFORM 1
-                  FROM  biblio.peer_bib_copy_map pr
-                        JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = pr.target_copy)
-                  WHERE NOT cp.deleted
-                        AND cp.circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( search_org_list ) )
-                        AND pr.peer_record IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) )
-                  LIMIT 1;
-                IF NOT FOUND THEN
-                    PERFORM 1
-                      FROM  asset.call_number cn
-                      WHERE cn.record IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) )
-                      LIMIT 1;
-                    IF FOUND THEN
-                        -- RAISE NOTICE ' % and multi-home linked records were all visibility-excluded ... ', core_result.records;
-                        excluded_count := excluded_count + 1;
-                        CONTINUE;
-                    END IF;
-                END IF;
-            END IF;
-        END IF;
-        visible_count := visible_count + 1;
-        current_res.id = core_result.id;
-        current_res.rel = core_result.rel;
-        tmp_int := 1;
-        IF metarecord THEN
-            SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT s.source) INTO tmp_int FROM metabib.metarecord_source_map s WHERE s.metarecord = core_result.id;
-        END IF;
-        IF tmp_int = 1 THEN
-            current_res.record = core_result.records[1];
-        ELSE
-            current_res.record = NULL;
-        END IF;
-        RETURN NEXT current_res;
-        IF visible_count % 1000 = 0 THEN
-            -- RAISE NOTICE ' % visible so far ... ', visible_count;
-        END IF;
-    END LOOP;
-    current_res.id = NULL;
-    current_res.rel = NULL;
-    current_res.record = NULL;
-    current_res.total = total_count;
-    current_res.checked = check_count;
-    current_res.deleted = deleted_count;
-    current_res.visible = visible_count;
-    current_res.excluded = excluded_count;
-    CLOSE core_cursor;
-    RETURN NEXT current_res;
                  name holdings,
@@ -7398,210 +7094,547 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unapi.siss ( obj_id BIGINT, format TEXT,  ename TEXT,
                         ELSE NULL
-            )
-      FROM  serial.issuance sstr
-      WHERE id = $1
-      GROUP BY id, create_date, edit_date, label, date_published, holding_code, holding_type, holding_link_id, subscription;
+            )
+      FROM  serial.issuance sstr
+      WHERE id = $1
+      GROUP BY id, create_date, edit_date, label, date_published, holding_code, holding_type, holding_link_id, subscription;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unapi.sitem ( obj_id BIGINT, format TEXT,  ename TEXT, includes TEXT[], org TEXT, depth INT DEFAULT NULL, slimit INT DEFAULT NULL, soffset INT DEFAULT NULL, include_xmlns BOOL DEFAULT TRUE ) RETURNS XML AS $F$
+                    name serial_item,
+                    XMLATTRIBUTES(
+                        CASE WHEN $9 THEN 'http://open-ils.org/spec/holdings/v1' ELSE NULL END AS xmlns,
+                        'tag:open-ils.org:U2 at sitem/' || id AS id,
+                        'tag:open-ils.org:U2 at siss/' || issuance AS issuance,
+                        date_expected, date_received
+                    ),
+                    CASE WHEN issuance IS NOT NULL AND ('siss' = ANY ($4)) THEN unapi.siss( issuance, $2, 'issuance', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'sitem'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE) ELSE NULL END,
+                    CASE WHEN stream IS NOT NULL AND ('sstr' = ANY ($4)) THEN unapi.sstr( stream, $2, 'stream', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'sitem'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE) ELSE NULL END,
+                    CASE WHEN unit IS NOT NULL AND ('sunit' = ANY ($4)) THEN unapi.sunit( stream, $2, 'serial_unit', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'sitem'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE) ELSE NULL END,
+                    CASE WHEN uri IS NOT NULL AND ('auri' = ANY ($4)) THEN unapi.auri( uri, $2, 'uri', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'sitem'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE) ELSE NULL END
+--                    XMLELEMENT( name notes,
+--                        CASE 
+--                            WHEN ('acpn' = ANY ($4)) THEN
+--                                (SELECT XMLAGG(acpn) FROM (
+--                                    SELECT  unapi.acpn( id, 'xml', 'copy_note', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8)
+--                                      FROM  asset.copy_note
+--                                      WHERE owning_copy = cp.id AND pub
+--                                )x)
+--                            ELSE NULL
+--                        END
+--                    )
+                )
+          FROM  serial.item sitem
+          WHERE id = $1;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unapi.bmp ( obj_id BIGINT, format TEXT,  ename TEXT, includes TEXT[], org TEXT, depth INT DEFAULT NULL, slimit INT DEFAULT NULL, soffset INT DEFAULT NULL, include_xmlns BOOL DEFAULT TRUE ) RETURNS XML AS $F$
+                    name monograph_part,
+                    XMLATTRIBUTES(
+                        CASE WHEN $9 THEN 'http://open-ils.org/spec/holdings/v1' ELSE NULL END AS xmlns,
+                        'tag:open-ils.org:U2 at bmp/' || id AS id,
+                        id AS ident,
+                        label,
+                        label_sortkey,
+                        'tag:open-ils.org:U2 at bre/' || record AS record
+                    ),
+                    CASE 
+                        WHEN ('acp' = ANY ($4)) THEN
+                            XMLELEMENT( name copies,
+                                (SELECT XMLAGG(acp) FROM (
+                                    SELECT  unapi.acp( cp.id, 'xml', 'copy', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'bmp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE)
+                                      FROM  asset.copy cp
+                                            JOIN asset.copy_part_map cpm ON (cpm.target_copy = cp.id)
+                                      WHERE cpm.part = $1
+                                      ORDER BY COALESCE(cp.copy_number,0), cp.barcode
+                                      LIMIT $7
+                                      OFFSET $8
+                                )x)
+                            )
+                        ELSE NULL
+                    END,
+                    CASE WHEN ('bre' = ANY ($4)) THEN unapi.bre( record, 'marcxml', 'record', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'bmp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE) ELSE NULL END
+                )
+          FROM  biblio.monograph_part
+          WHERE id = $1
+          GROUP BY id, label, label_sortkey, record;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unapi.acp ( obj_id BIGINT, format TEXT,  ename TEXT, includes TEXT[], org TEXT, depth INT DEFAULT NULL, slimit INT DEFAULT NULL, soffset INT DEFAULT NULL, include_xmlns BOOL DEFAULT TRUE ) RETURNS XML AS $F$
+                    name copy,
+                    XMLATTRIBUTES(
+                        CASE WHEN $9 THEN 'http://open-ils.org/spec/holdings/v1' ELSE NULL END AS xmlns,
+                        'tag:open-ils.org:U2 at acp/' || id AS id,
+                        create_date, edit_date, copy_number, circulate, deposit,
+                        ref, holdable, deleted, deposit_amount, price, barcode,
+                        circ_modifier, circ_as_type, opac_visible
+                    ),
+                    unapi.ccs( status, $2, 'status', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE),
+                    unapi.acl( location, $2, 'location', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE),
+                    unapi.aou( circ_lib, $2, 'circ_lib', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8),
+                    unapi.aou( circ_lib, $2, 'circlib', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8),
+                    CASE WHEN ('acn' = ANY ($4)) THEN unapi.acn( call_number, $2, 'call_number', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE) ELSE NULL END,
+                    XMLELEMENT( name copy_notes,
+                        CASE 
+                            WHEN ('acpn' = ANY ($4)) THEN
+                                (SELECT XMLAGG(acpn) FROM (
+                                    SELECT  unapi.acpn( id, 'xml', 'copy_note', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE)
+                                      FROM  asset.copy_note
+                                      WHERE owning_copy = cp.id AND pub
+                                )x)
+                            ELSE NULL
+                        END
+                    ),
+                    XMLELEMENT( name statcats,
+                        CASE 
+                            WHEN ('ascecm' = ANY ($4)) THEN
+                                (SELECT XMLAGG(ascecm) FROM (
+                                    SELECT  unapi.ascecm( stat_cat_entry, 'xml', 'statcat', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE)
+                                      FROM  asset.stat_cat_entry_copy_map
+                                      WHERE owning_copy = cp.id
+                                )x)
+                            ELSE NULL
+                        END
+                    ),
+                    XMLELEMENT( name foreign_records,
+                        CASE
+                            WHEN ('bre' = ANY ($4)) THEN
+                                (SELECT XMLAGG(bre) FROM (
+                                    SELECT  unapi.bre(peer_record,'marcxml','record','{}'::TEXT[], $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE)
+                                      FROM  biblio.peer_bib_copy_map
+                                      WHERE target_copy = cp.id
+                                )x)
+                            ELSE NULL
+                        END
+                    ),
+                    CASE 
+                        WHEN ('bmp' = ANY ($4)) THEN
+                            XMLELEMENT( name monograph_parts,
+                                (SELECT XMLAGG(bmp) FROM (
+                                    SELECT  unapi.bmp( part, 'xml', 'monograph_part', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE)
+                                      FROM  asset.copy_part_map
+                                      WHERE target_copy = cp.id
+                                )x)
+                            )
+                        ELSE NULL
+                    END
+                )
+          FROM  asset.copy cp
+          WHERE id = $1
+          GROUP BY id, status, location, circ_lib, call_number, create_date, edit_date, copy_number, circulate, deposit, ref, holdable, deleted, deposit_amount, price, barcode, circ_modifier, circ_as_type, opac_visible;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unapi.sitem ( obj_id BIGINT, format TEXT,  ename TEXT, includes TEXT[], org TEXT, depth INT DEFAULT NULL, slimit INT DEFAULT NULL, soffset INT DEFAULT NULL, include_xmlns BOOL DEFAULT TRUE ) RETURNS XML AS $F$
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unapi.sunit ( obj_id BIGINT, format TEXT,  ename TEXT, includes TEXT[], org TEXT, depth INT DEFAULT NULL, slimit INT DEFAULT NULL, soffset INT DEFAULT NULL, include_xmlns BOOL DEFAULT TRUE ) RETURNS XML AS $F$
-                    name serial_item,
+                    name serial_unit,
                         CASE WHEN $9 THEN 'http://open-ils.org/spec/holdings/v1' ELSE NULL END AS xmlns,
-                        'tag:open-ils.org:U2 at sitem/' || id AS id,
-                        'tag:open-ils.org:U2 at siss/' || issuance AS issuance,
-                        date_expected, date_received
+                        'tag:open-ils.org:U2 at acp/' || id AS id,
+                        create_date, edit_date, copy_number, circulate, deposit,
+                        ref, holdable, deleted, deposit_amount, price, barcode,
+                        circ_modifier, circ_as_type, opac_visible, status_changed_time,
+                        floating, mint_condition, detailed_contents, sort_key, summary_contents, cost 
-                    CASE WHEN issuance IS NOT NULL AND ('siss' = ANY ($4)) THEN unapi.siss( issuance, $2, 'issuance', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'sitem'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE) ELSE NULL END,
-                    CASE WHEN stream IS NOT NULL AND ('sstr' = ANY ($4)) THEN unapi.sstr( stream, $2, 'stream', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'sitem'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE) ELSE NULL END,
-                    CASE WHEN unit IS NOT NULL AND ('sunit' = ANY ($4)) THEN unapi.sunit( stream, $2, 'serial_unit', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'sitem'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE) ELSE NULL END,
-                    CASE WHEN uri IS NOT NULL AND ('auri' = ANY ($4)) THEN unapi.auri( uri, $2, 'uri', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'sitem'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE) ELSE NULL END
---                    XMLELEMENT( name notes,
---                        CASE 
---                            WHEN ('acpn' = ANY ($4)) THEN
---                                (SELECT XMLAGG(acpn) FROM (
---                                    SELECT  unapi.acpn( id, 'xml', 'copy_note', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8)
---                                      FROM  asset.copy_note
---                                      WHERE owning_copy = cp.id AND pub
---                                )x)
---                            ELSE NULL
---                        END
---                    )
+                    unapi.ccs( status, $2, 'status', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value( evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'),'sunit'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE),
+                    unapi.acl( location, $2, 'location', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value( evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'),'sunit'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE),
+                    unapi.aou( circ_lib, $2, 'circ_lib', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value( evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'),'sunit'), $5, $6, $7, $8),
+                    unapi.aou( circ_lib, $2, 'circlib', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value( evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'),'sunit'), $5, $6, $7, $8),
+                    CASE WHEN ('acn' = ANY ($4)) THEN unapi.acn( call_number, $2, 'call_number', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE) ELSE NULL END,
+                    XMLELEMENT( name copy_notes,
+                        CASE 
+                            WHEN ('acpn' = ANY ($4)) THEN
+                                (SELECT XMLAGG(acpn) FROM (
+                                    SELECT  unapi.acpn( id, 'xml', 'copy_note', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value( evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'),'sunit'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE)
+                                      FROM  asset.copy_note
+                                      WHERE owning_copy = cp.id AND pub
+                                )x)
+                            ELSE NULL
+                        END
+                    ),
+                    XMLELEMENT( name statcats,
+                        CASE 
+                            WHEN ('ascecm' = ANY ($4)) THEN
+                                (SELECT XMLAGG(ascecm) FROM (
+                                    SELECT  unapi.ascecm( stat_cat_entry, 'xml', 'statcat', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE)
+                                      FROM  asset.stat_cat_entry_copy_map
+                                      WHERE owning_copy = cp.id
+                                )x)
+                            ELSE NULL
+                        END
+                    ),
+                    XMLELEMENT( name foreign_records,
+                        CASE
+                            WHEN ('bre' = ANY ($4)) THEN
+                                (SELECT XMLAGG(bre) FROM (
+                                    SELECT  unapi.bre(peer_record,'marcxml','record','{}'::TEXT[], $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE)
+                                      FROM  biblio.peer_bib_copy_map
+                                      WHERE target_copy = cp.id
+                                )x)
+                            ELSE NULL
+                        END
+                    ),
+                    CASE 
+                        WHEN ('bmp' = ANY ($4)) THEN
+                            XMLELEMENT( name monograph_parts,
+                                (SELECT XMLAGG(bmp) FROM (
+                                    SELECT  unapi.bmp( part, 'xml', 'monograph_part', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE)
+                                      FROM  asset.copy_part_map
+                                      WHERE target_copy = cp.id
+                                )x)
+                            )
+                        ELSE NULL
+                    END
-          FROM  serial.item sitem
-          WHERE id = $1;
+          FROM  serial.unit cp
+          WHERE id = $1
+          GROUP BY  id, status, location, circ_lib, call_number, create_date, edit_date, copy_number, circulate, floating, mint_condition,
+                    deposit, ref, holdable, deleted, deposit_amount, price, barcode, circ_modifier, circ_as_type, opac_visible, status_changed_time, detailed_contents, sort_key, summary_contents, cost;
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0568'); -- miker for tsbere
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.cache_copy_visibility () RETURNS TRIGGER as $func$
+    add_front       TEXT;
+    add_back        TEXT;
+    add_base_query  TEXT;
+    add_peer_query  TEXT;
+    remove_query    TEXT;
+    do_add          BOOLEAN := false;
+    do_remove       BOOLEAN := false;
+    add_base_query := $$
+        SELECT  cp.id, cp.circ_lib, cn.record, cn.id AS call_number, cp.location, cp.status
+          FROM  asset.copy cp
+                JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cn.id = cp.call_number)
+                JOIN actor.org_unit a ON (cp.circ_lib = a.id)
+                JOIN asset.copy_location cl ON (cp.location = cl.id)
+                JOIN config.copy_status cs ON (cp.status = cs.id)
+                JOIN biblio.record_entry b ON (cn.record = b.id)
+          WHERE NOT cp.deleted
+                AND NOT cn.deleted
+                AND NOT b.deleted
+                AND cs.opac_visible
+                AND cl.opac_visible
+                AND cp.opac_visible
+                AND a.opac_visible
+    $$;
+    add_peer_query := $$
+        SELECT  cp.id, cp.circ_lib, pbcm.peer_record AS record, NULL AS call_number, cp.location, cp.status
+          FROM  asset.copy cp
+                JOIN biblio.peer_bib_copy_map pbcm ON (pbcm.target_copy = cp.id)
+                JOIN actor.org_unit a ON (cp.circ_lib = a.id)
+                JOIN asset.copy_location cl ON (cp.location = cl.id)
+                JOIN config.copy_status cs ON (cp.status = cs.id)
+          WHERE NOT cp.deleted
+                AND cs.opac_visible
+                AND cl.opac_visible
+                AND cp.opac_visible
+                AND a.opac_visible
+    $$;
+    add_front := $$
+        INSERT INTO asset.opac_visible_copies (copy_id, circ_lib, record)
+          SELECT id, circ_lib, record FROM (
+    $$;
+    add_back := $$
+        ) AS x
+    $$;
+    remove_query := $$ DELETE FROM asset.opac_visible_copies WHERE copy_id IN ( SELECT id FROM asset.copy WHERE $$;
+    IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'peer_bib_copy_map' THEN
+        IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN
+            add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND cp.id = ' || NEW.target_copy || ' AND pbcm.record = ' || NEW.peer_record;
+            EXECUTE add_front || add_peer_query || add_back;
+            RETURN NEW;
+        ELSE
+            remove_query := 'DELETE FROM asset.opac_visible_copies WHERE copy_id = ' || OLD.target_copy || ' AND record = ' || OLD.peer_record || ';';
+            EXECUTE remove_query;
+            RETURN OLD;
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+        IF TG_TABLE_NAME IN ('copy', 'unit') THEN
+            add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cp.id = ' || NEW.id;
+            EXECUTE add_front || add_base_query || add_back;
+        END IF;
+        RETURN NEW;
+    END IF;
+    -- handle items first, since with circulation activity
+    -- their statuses change frequently
+    IF TG_TABLE_NAME IN ('copy', 'unit') THEN
+        IF OLD.location    <> NEW.location OR
+           OLD.call_number <> NEW.call_number OR
+           OLD.status      <> NEW.status OR
+           OLD.circ_lib    <> NEW.circ_lib THEN
+            -- any of these could change visibility, but
+            -- we'll save some queries and not try to calculate
+            -- the change directly
+            do_remove := true;
+            do_add := true;
+        ELSE
+            IF OLD.deleted <> NEW.deleted THEN
+                IF NEW.deleted THEN
+                    do_remove := true;
+                ELSE
+                    do_add := true;
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            IF OLD.opac_visible <> NEW.opac_visible THEN
+                IF OLD.opac_visible THEN
+                    do_remove := true;
+                ELSIF NOT do_remove THEN -- handle edge case where deleted item
+                                        -- is also marked opac_visible
+                    do_add := true;
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+        END IF;
+        IF do_remove THEN
+            DELETE FROM asset.opac_visible_copies WHERE copy_id = NEW.id;
+        END IF;
+        IF do_add THEN
+            add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cp.id = ' || NEW.id;
+            add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND cp.id = ' || NEW.id;
+            EXECUTE add_front || add_base_query || ' UNION ' || add_peer_query || add_back;
+        END IF;
+        RETURN NEW;
+    END IF;
+    IF TG_TABLE_NAME IN ('call_number', 'record_entry') THEN -- these have a 'deleted' column
+        IF OLD.deleted AND NEW.deleted THEN -- do nothing
+            RETURN NEW;
+        ELSIF NEW.deleted THEN -- remove rows
+            IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'call_number' THEN
+                DELETE FROM asset.opac_visible_copies WHERE copy_id IN (SELECT id FROM asset.copy WHERE call_number = NEW.id);
+            ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'record_entry' THEN
+                DELETE FROM asset.opac_visible_copies WHERE record = NEW.id;
+            END IF;
+            RETURN NEW;
+        ELSIF OLD.deleted THEN -- add rows
+            IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'call_number' THEN
+                add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cn.id = ' || NEW.id;
+                EXECUTE add_front || add_base_query || add_back;
+            ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'record_entry' THEN
+                add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cn.record = ' || NEW.id;
+                add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND pbcm.record = ' || NEW.id;
+                EXECUTE add_front || add_base_query || ' UNION ' || add_peer_query || add_back;
+            END IF;
+            RETURN NEW;
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+    IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'call_number' THEN
+        IF OLD.record <> NEW.record THEN
+            -- call number is linked to different bib
+            remove_query := remove_query || 'call_number = ' || NEW.id || ');';
+            EXECUTE remove_query;
+            add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cn.id = ' || NEW.id;
+            EXECUTE add_front || add_base_query || add_back;
+        END IF;
+        RETURN NEW;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unapi.bmp ( obj_id BIGINT, format TEXT,  ename TEXT, includes TEXT[], org TEXT, depth INT DEFAULT NULL, slimit INT DEFAULT NULL, soffset INT DEFAULT NULL, include_xmlns BOOL DEFAULT TRUE ) RETURNS XML AS $F$
-                    name monograph_part,
-                    XMLATTRIBUTES(
-                        CASE WHEN $9 THEN 'http://open-ils.org/spec/holdings/v1' ELSE NULL END AS xmlns,
-                        'tag:open-ils.org:U2 at bmp/' || id AS id,
-                        id AS ident,
-                        label,
-                        label_sortkey,
-                        'tag:open-ils.org:U2 at bre/' || record AS record
-                    ),
-                    CASE 
-                        WHEN ('acp' = ANY ($4)) THEN
-                            XMLELEMENT( name copies,
-                                (SELECT XMLAGG(acp) FROM (
-                                    SELECT  unapi.acp( cp.id, 'xml', 'copy', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'bmp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE)
-                                      FROM  asset.copy cp
-                                            JOIN asset.copy_part_map cpm ON (cpm.target_copy = cp.id)
-                                      WHERE cpm.part = $1
-                                      ORDER BY COALESCE(cp.copy_number,0), cp.barcode
-                                      LIMIT $7
-                                      OFFSET $8
-                                )x)
-                            )
-                        ELSE NULL
-                    END,
-                    CASE WHEN ('bre' = ANY ($4)) THEN unapi.bre( record, 'marcxml', 'record', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'bmp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE) ELSE NULL END
-                )
-          FROM  biblio.monograph_part
-          WHERE id = $1
-          GROUP BY id, label, label_sortkey, record;
+    END IF;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unapi.acp ( obj_id BIGINT, format TEXT,  ename TEXT, includes TEXT[], org TEXT, depth INT DEFAULT NULL, slimit INT DEFAULT NULL, soffset INT DEFAULT NULL, include_xmlns BOOL DEFAULT TRUE ) RETURNS XML AS $F$
-                    name copy,
-                    XMLATTRIBUTES(
-                        CASE WHEN $9 THEN 'http://open-ils.org/spec/holdings/v1' ELSE NULL END AS xmlns,
-                        'tag:open-ils.org:U2 at acp/' || id AS id,
-                        create_date, edit_date, copy_number, circulate, deposit,
-                        ref, holdable, deleted, deposit_amount, price, barcode,
-                        circ_modifier, circ_as_type, opac_visible
-                    ),
-                    unapi.ccs( status, $2, 'status', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE),
-                    unapi.acl( location, $2, 'location', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE),
-                    unapi.aou( circ_lib, $2, 'circ_lib', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8),
-                    unapi.aou( circ_lib, $2, 'circlib', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8),
-                    CASE WHEN ('acn' = ANY ($4)) THEN unapi.acn( call_number, $2, 'call_number', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE) ELSE NULL END,
-                    XMLELEMENT( name copy_notes,
-                        CASE 
-                            WHEN ('acpn' = ANY ($4)) THEN
-                                (SELECT XMLAGG(acpn) FROM (
-                                    SELECT  unapi.acpn( id, 'xml', 'copy_note', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE)
-                                      FROM  asset.copy_note
-                                      WHERE owning_copy = cp.id AND pub
-                                )x)
-                            ELSE NULL
-                        END
-                    ),
-                    XMLELEMENT( name statcats,
-                        CASE 
-                            WHEN ('ascecm' = ANY ($4)) THEN
-                                (SELECT XMLAGG(ascecm) FROM (
-                                    SELECT  unapi.ascecm( stat_cat_entry, 'xml', 'statcat', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE)
-                                      FROM  asset.stat_cat_entry_copy_map
-                                      WHERE owning_copy = cp.id
-                                )x)
-                            ELSE NULL
-                        END
-                    ),
-                    XMLELEMENT( name foreign_records,
-                        CASE
-                            WHEN ('bre' = ANY ($4)) THEN
-                                (SELECT XMLAGG(bre) FROM (
-                                    SELECT  unapi.bre(peer_record,'marcxml','record','{}'::TEXT[], $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE)
-                                      FROM  biblio.peer_bib_copy_map
-                                      WHERE target_copy = cp.id
-                                )x)
-                            ELSE NULL
-                        END
+    IF TG_TABLE_NAME IN ('record_entry') THEN
+        RETURN NEW; -- don't have 'opac_visible'
+    END IF;
-                    ),
-                    CASE 
-                        WHEN ('bmp' = ANY ($4)) THEN
-                            XMLELEMENT( name monograph_parts,
-                                (SELECT XMLAGG(bmp) FROM (
-                                    SELECT  unapi.bmp( part, 'xml', 'monograph_part', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE)
-                                      FROM  asset.copy_part_map
-                                      WHERE target_copy = cp.id
-                                )x)
-                            )
-                        ELSE NULL
-                    END
-                )
-          FROM  asset.copy cp
-          WHERE id = $1
-          GROUP BY id, status, location, circ_lib, call_number, create_date, edit_date, copy_number, circulate, deposit, ref, holdable, deleted, deposit_amount, price, barcode, circ_modifier, circ_as_type, opac_visible;
+    -- actor.org_unit, asset.copy_location, asset.copy_status
+    IF NEW.opac_visible = OLD.opac_visible THEN -- do nothing
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unapi.sunit ( obj_id BIGINT, format TEXT,  ename TEXT, includes TEXT[], org TEXT, depth INT DEFAULT NULL, slimit INT DEFAULT NULL, soffset INT DEFAULT NULL, include_xmlns BOOL DEFAULT TRUE ) RETURNS XML AS $F$
+        RETURN NEW;
+    ELSIF NEW.opac_visible THEN -- add rows
+        IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'org_unit' THEN
+            add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cp.circ_lib = ' || NEW.id || ';';
+            add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND cp.circ_lib = ' || NEW.id || ';';
+        ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'copy_location' THEN
+            add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cp.location = ' || NEW.id || ';';
+            add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND cp.location = ' || NEW.id || ';';
+        ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'copy_status' THEN
+            add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cp.status = ' || NEW.id || ';';
+            add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND cp.status = ' || NEW.id || ';';
+        END IF;
+        EXECUTE add_front || add_base_query || ' UNION ' || add_peer_query || add_back;
+    ELSE -- delete rows
+        IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'org_unit' THEN
+            remove_query := 'DELETE FROM asset.opac_visible_copies WHERE circ_lib = ' || NEW.id || ';';
+        ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'copy_location' THEN
+            remove_query := remove_query || 'location = ' || NEW.id || ');';
+        ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'copy_status' THEN
+            remove_query := remove_query || 'status = ' || NEW.id || ');';
+        END IF;
+        EXECUTE remove_query;
+    END IF;
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0569'); --miker
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unapi.auri ( obj_id BIGINT, format TEXT,  ename TEXT, includes TEXT[], org TEXT, depth INT DEFAULT NULL, slimit INT DEFAULT NULL, soffset INT DEFAULT NULL, include_xmlns BOOL DEFAULT TRUE ) RETURNS XML AS $F$
-                    name serial_unit,
+                    name uri,
                         CASE WHEN $9 THEN 'http://open-ils.org/spec/holdings/v1' ELSE NULL END AS xmlns,
-                        'tag:open-ils.org:U2 at acp/' || id AS id,
-                        create_date, edit_date, copy_number, circulate, deposit,
-                        ref, holdable, deleted, deposit_amount, price, barcode,
-                        circ_modifier, circ_as_type, opac_visible, status_changed_time,
-                        floating, mint_condition, detailed_contents, sort_key, summary_contents, cost 
-                    ),
-                    unapi.ccs( status, $2, 'status', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value( evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'),'sunit'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE),
-                    unapi.acl( location, $2, 'location', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value( evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'),'sunit'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE),
-                    unapi.aou( circ_lib, $2, 'circ_lib', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value( evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'),'sunit'), $5, $6, $7, $8),
-                    unapi.aou( circ_lib, $2, 'circlib', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value( evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'),'sunit'), $5, $6, $7, $8),
-                    CASE WHEN ('acn' = ANY ($4)) THEN unapi.acn( call_number, $2, 'call_number', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE) ELSE NULL END,
-                    XMLELEMENT( name copy_notes,
-                        CASE 
-                            WHEN ('acpn' = ANY ($4)) THEN
-                                (SELECT XMLAGG(acpn) FROM (
-                                    SELECT  unapi.acpn( id, 'xml', 'copy_note', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value( evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'),'sunit'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE)
-                                      FROM  asset.copy_note
-                                      WHERE owning_copy = cp.id AND pub
-                                )x)
-                            ELSE NULL
-                        END
-                    ),
-                    XMLELEMENT( name statcats,
-                        CASE 
-                            WHEN ('ascecm' = ANY ($4)) THEN
-                                (SELECT XMLAGG(ascecm) FROM (
-                                    SELECT  unapi.ascecm( stat_cat_entry, 'xml', 'statcat', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE)
-                                      FROM  asset.stat_cat_entry_copy_map
-                                      WHERE owning_copy = cp.id
-                                )x)
-                            ELSE NULL
-                        END
+                        'tag:open-ils.org:U2 at auri/' || uri.id AS id,
+                        use_restriction,
+                        href,
+                        label
-                    XMLELEMENT( name foreign_records,
+                    XMLELEMENT( name copies,
-                            WHEN ('bre' = ANY ($4)) THEN
-                                (SELECT XMLAGG(bre) FROM (
-                                    SELECT  unapi.bre(peer_record,'marcxml','record','{}'::TEXT[], $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE)
-                                      FROM  biblio.peer_bib_copy_map
-                                      WHERE target_copy = cp.id
-                                )x)
+                            WHEN ('acn' = ANY ($4)) THEN
+                                (SELECT XMLAGG(acn) FROM (SELECT unapi.acn( call_number, 'xml', 'copy', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'auri'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE) FROM asset.uri_call_number_map WHERE uri = uri.id)x)
                             ELSE NULL
+                    )
+                ) AS x
+          FROM  asset.uri uri
+          WHERE uri.id = $1
+          GROUP BY uri.id, use_restriction, href, label;
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0570');
+-- Not everything in 1XX tags should become part of the authorsort field
+-- ($0 for example).  The list of subfields chosen here is a superset of all
+-- the fields found in the LoC authority mappin definitions for 1XX fields.
+-- Anyway, if more fields should be here, add them.
+UPDATE config.record_attr_definition
+    SET sf_list = 'abcdefgklmnopqrstvxyz'
+    WHERE name='authorsort' AND sf_list IS NULL;
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0571');
+-- FIXME: add/check SQL statements to perform the upgrade
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION metabib.facet_normalize_trigger () RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
+    normalizer  RECORD;
+    facet_text  TEXT;
+    facet_text := NEW.value;
+    FOR normalizer IN
+        SELECT  n.func AS func,
+                n.param_count AS param_count,
+                m.params AS params
+          FROM  config.index_normalizer n
+                JOIN config.metabib_field_index_norm_map m ON (m.norm = n.id)
+          WHERE m.field = NEW.field AND m.pos < 0
+          ORDER BY m.pos LOOP
+            EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || normalizer.func || '(' ||
+                quote_literal( facet_text ) ||
+                CASE
+                    WHEN normalizer.param_count > 0
+                        THEN ',' || REPLACE(REPLACE(BTRIM(normalizer.params,'[]'),E'\'',E'\\\''),E'"',E'\'')
+                        ELSE ''
+                    END ||
+                ')' INTO facet_text;
+    END LOOP;
+    NEW.value = facet_text;
+CREATE TRIGGER facet_normalize_tgr
+    BEFORE UPDATE OR INSERT ON metabib.facet_entry
+    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE metabib.facet_normalize_trigger();
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0578'); -- tsbere via miker
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW reporter.hold_request_record AS
+	target,
+	hold_type,
+		WHEN hold_type = 'T'
+			THEN target
+		WHEN hold_type = 'I'
+			THEN (SELECT ssub.record_entry FROM serial.subscription ssub JOIN serial.issuance si ON (si.subscription = ssub.id) WHERE si.id = ahr.target)
+		WHEN hold_type = 'V'
+			THEN (SELECT cn.record FROM asset.call_number cn WHERE cn.id = ahr.target)
+		WHEN hold_type IN ('C','R','F')
+			THEN (SELECT cn.record FROM asset.call_number cn JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cn.id = cp.call_number) WHERE cp.id = ahr.target)
+		WHEN hold_type = 'M'
+			THEN (SELECT mr.master_record FROM metabib.metarecord mr WHERE mr.id = ahr.target)
+        WHEN hold_type = 'P'
+            THEN (SELECT bmp.record FROM biblio.monograph_part bmp WHERE bmp.id = ahr.target)
+	END AS bib_record
+  FROM	action.hold_request ahr;
-                    ),
-                    CASE 
-                        WHEN ('bmp' = ANY ($4)) THEN
-                            XMLELEMENT( name monograph_parts,
-                                (SELECT XMLAGG(bmp) FROM (
-                                    SELECT  unapi.bmp( part, 'xml', 'monograph_part', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'acp'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE)
-                                      FROM  asset.copy_part_map
-                                      WHERE target_copy = cp.id
-                                )x)
-                            )
-                        ELSE NULL
-                    END
-                )
-          FROM  serial.unit cp
-          WHERE id = $1
-          GROUP BY  id, status, location, circ_lib, call_number, create_date, edit_date, copy_number, circulate, floating, mint_condition,
-                    deposit, ref, holdable, deleted, deposit_amount, price, barcode, circ_modifier, circ_as_type, opac_visible, status_changed_time, detailed_contents, sort_key, summary_contents, cost;
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0583');
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0568'); -- miker for tsbere
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW action.all_circulation AS
+    SELECT  id,usr_post_code, usr_home_ou, usr_profile, usr_birth_year, copy_call_number, copy_location,
+        copy_owning_lib, copy_circ_lib, copy_bib_record, xact_start, xact_finish, target_copy,
+        circ_lib, circ_staff, checkin_staff, checkin_lib, renewal_remaining, grace_period, due_date,
+        stop_fines_time, checkin_time, create_time, duration, fine_interval, recurring_fine,
+        max_fine, phone_renewal, desk_renewal, opac_renewal, duration_rule, recurring_fine_rule,
+        max_fine_rule, stop_fines, workstation, checkin_workstation, checkin_scan_time, parent_circ
+      FROM  action.aged_circulation
+            UNION ALL
+    SELECT  DISTINCT circ.id,COALESCE(a.post_code,b.post_code) AS usr_post_code, p.home_ou AS usr_home_ou, p.profile AS usr_profile, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM p.dob)::INT AS usr_birth_year,
+        cp.call_number AS copy_call_number, cp.location AS copy_location, cn.owning_lib AS copy_owning_lib, cp.circ_lib AS copy_circ_lib,
+        cn.record AS copy_bib_record, circ.xact_start, circ.xact_finish, circ.target_copy, circ.circ_lib, circ.circ_staff, circ.checkin_staff,
+        circ.checkin_lib, circ.renewal_remaining, circ.grace_period, circ.due_date, circ.stop_fines_time, circ.checkin_time, circ.create_time, circ.duration,
+        circ.fine_interval, circ.recurring_fine, circ.max_fine, circ.phone_renewal, circ.desk_renewal, circ.opac_renewal, circ.duration_rule,
+        circ.recurring_fine_rule, circ.max_fine_rule, circ.stop_fines, circ.workstation, circ.checkin_workstation, circ.checkin_scan_time,
+        circ.parent_circ
+      FROM  action.circulation circ
+        JOIN asset.copy cp ON (circ.target_copy = cp.id)
+        JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cp.call_number = cn.id)
+        JOIN actor.usr p ON (circ.usr = p.id)
+        LEFT JOIN actor.usr_address a ON (p.mailing_address = a.id)
+        LEFT JOIN actor.usr_address b ON (p.billing_address = b.id);
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0590'); -- miker/tsbere
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.cache_copy_visibility () RETURNS TRIGGER as $func$
@@ -7781,14 +7814,14 @@ BEGIN
     ELSIF NEW.opac_visible THEN -- add rows
         IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'org_unit' THEN
-            add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cp.circ_lib = ' || NEW.id || ';';
-            add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND cp.circ_lib = ' || NEW.id || ';';
+            add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cp.circ_lib = ' || NEW.id;
+            add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND cp.circ_lib = ' || NEW.id;
         ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'copy_location' THEN
-            add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cp.location = ' || NEW.id || ';';
-            add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND cp.location = ' || NEW.id || ';';
+            add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cp.location = ' || NEW.id;
+            add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND cp.location = ' || NEW.id;
         ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'copy_status' THEN
-            add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cp.status = ' || NEW.id || ';';
-            add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND cp.status = ' || NEW.id || ';';
+            add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cp.status = ' || NEW.id;
+            add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND cp.status = ' || NEW.id;
         END IF;
         EXECUTE add_front || add_base_query || ' UNION ' || add_peer_query || add_back;
@@ -7811,134 +7844,205 @@ BEGIN
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0569'); --miker
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unapi.auri ( obj_id BIGINT, format TEXT,  ename TEXT, includes TEXT[], org TEXT, depth INT DEFAULT NULL, slimit INT DEFAULT NULL, soffset INT DEFAULT NULL, include_xmlns BOOL DEFAULT TRUE ) RETURNS XML AS $F$
-                    name uri,
-                    XMLATTRIBUTES(
-                        CASE WHEN $9 THEN 'http://open-ils.org/spec/holdings/v1' ELSE NULL END AS xmlns,
-                        'tag:open-ils.org:U2 at auri/' || uri.id AS id,
-                        use_restriction,
-                        href,
-                        label
-                    ),
-                    XMLELEMENT( name copies,
-                        CASE
-                            WHEN ('acn' = ANY ($4)) THEN
-                                (SELECT XMLAGG(acn) FROM (SELECT unapi.acn( call_number, 'xml', 'copy', evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value($4,'auri'), $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE) FROM asset.uri_call_number_map WHERE uri = uri.id)x)
-                            ELSE NULL
-                        END
-                    )
-                ) AS x
-          FROM  asset.uri uri
-          WHERE uri.id = $1
-          GROUP BY uri.id, use_restriction, href, label;
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0591'); -- berick/miker
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0570');
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.usr_visible_circs (usr_id INT) RETURNS SETOF action.circulation AS $func$
+    c               action.circulation%ROWTYPE;
+    view_age        INTERVAL;
+    usr_view_age    actor.usr_setting%ROWTYPE;
+    usr_view_start  actor.usr_setting%ROWTYPE;
+    SELECT * INTO usr_view_age FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = usr_id AND name = 'history.circ.retention_age';
+    SELECT * INTO usr_view_start FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = usr_id AND name = 'history.circ.retention_start';
--- Not everything in 1XX tags should become part of the authorsort field
--- ($0 for example).  The list of subfields chosen here is a superset of all
--- the fields found in the LoC authority mappin definitions for 1XX fields.
--- Anyway, if more fields should be here, add them.
+    IF usr_view_age.value IS NOT NULL AND usr_view_start.value IS NOT NULL THEN
+        -- User opted in and supplied a retention age
+        IF oils_json_to_text(usr_view_age.value)::INTERVAL > AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ) THEN
+            view_age := AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ);
+        ELSE
+            view_age := oils_json_to_text(usr_view_age.value)::INTERVAL;
+        END IF;
+    ELSIF usr_view_start.value IS NOT NULL THEN
+        -- User opted in
+        view_age := AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ);
+    ELSE
+        -- User did not opt in
+        RETURN;
+    END IF;
-UPDATE config.record_attr_definition
-    SET sf_list = 'abcdefgklmnopqrstvxyz'
-    WHERE name='authorsort' AND sf_list IS NULL;
+    FOR c IN
+        SELECT  *
+          FROM  action.circulation
+          WHERE usr = usr_id
+                AND parent_circ IS NULL
+                AND xact_start > NOW() - view_age
+          ORDER BY xact_start DESC
+    LOOP
+        RETURN NEXT c;
+    END LOOP;
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0571');
+    RETURN;
--- FIXME: add/check SQL statements to perform the upgrade
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION metabib.facet_normalize_trigger () RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.usr_visible_holds (usr_id INT) RETURNS SETOF action.hold_request AS $func$
-    normalizer  RECORD;
-    facet_text  TEXT;
+    h               action.hold_request%ROWTYPE;
+    view_age        INTERVAL;
+    view_count      INT;
+    usr_view_count  actor.usr_setting%ROWTYPE;
+    usr_view_age    actor.usr_setting%ROWTYPE;
+    usr_view_start  actor.usr_setting%ROWTYPE;
-    facet_text := NEW.value;
+    SELECT * INTO usr_view_count FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = usr_id AND name = 'history.hold.retention_count';
+    SELECT * INTO usr_view_age FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = usr_id AND name = 'history.hold.retention_age';
+    SELECT * INTO usr_view_start FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = usr_id AND name = 'history.hold.retention_start';
-    FOR normalizer IN
-        SELECT  n.func AS func,
-                n.param_count AS param_count,
-                m.params AS params
-          FROM  config.index_normalizer n
-                JOIN config.metabib_field_index_norm_map m ON (m.norm = n.id)
-          WHERE m.field = NEW.field AND m.pos < 0
-          ORDER BY m.pos LOOP
+    FOR h IN
+        SELECT  *
+          FROM  action.hold_request
+          WHERE usr = usr_id
+                AND fulfillment_time IS NULL
+                AND cancel_time IS NULL
+          ORDER BY request_time DESC
+    LOOP
+        RETURN NEXT h;
+    END LOOP;
-            EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || normalizer.func || '(' ||
-                quote_literal( facet_text ) ||
-                CASE
-                    WHEN normalizer.param_count > 0
-                        THEN ',' || REPLACE(REPLACE(BTRIM(normalizer.params,'[]'),E'\'',E'\\\''),E'"',E'\'')
-                        ELSE ''
-                    END ||
-                ')' INTO facet_text;
+    IF usr_view_start.value IS NULL THEN
+        RETURN;
+    END IF;
-    END LOOP;
+    IF usr_view_age.value IS NOT NULL THEN
+        -- User opted in and supplied a retention age
+        IF oils_json_to_text(usr_view_age.value)::INTERVAL > AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ) THEN
+            view_age := AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ);
+        ELSE
+            view_age := oils_json_to_text(usr_view_age.value)::INTERVAL;
+        END IF;
+    ELSE
+        -- User opted in
+        view_age := AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ);
+    END IF;
-    NEW.value = facet_text;
+    IF usr_view_count.value IS NOT NULL THEN
+        view_count := oils_json_to_text(usr_view_count.value)::INT;
+    ELSE
+        view_count := 1000;
+    END IF;
+    -- show some fulfilled/canceled holds
+    FOR h IN
+        SELECT  *
+          FROM  action.hold_request
+          WHERE usr = usr_id
+                AND ( fulfillment_time IS NOT NULL OR cancel_time IS NOT NULL )
+                AND request_time > NOW() - view_age
+          ORDER BY request_time DESC
+          LIMIT view_count
+    LOOP
+        RETURN NEXT h;
+    END LOOP;
+    RETURN;
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0599'); -- miker/gmc
+UPDATE config.metabib_field 
+SET xpath = $$//mods32:mods/mods32:name[@type='personal' and not(mods32:role/mods32:roleTerm[text()='creator'])]$$
+WHERE field_class = 'author'
+AND name = 'other'
+AND xpath = $$//mods32:mods/mods32:name[@type='personal' and not(mods32:role)]$$
+AND format = 'mods32';
+\qecho To reindex bibs that use the author|other index definition,
+\qecho you can run something like this:
+\qecho SELECT metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries(record)
+\qecho FROM (
+\qecho   SELECT DISTINCT record
+\qecho   FROM metabib.real_full_rec
+\qecho   WHERE tag IN ('600', '700', '720', '800')
+\qecho   AND   subfield IN ('4', 'e')
+\qecho ) a;
+-- Resolves an error in calculating copy counts for org lassos
+-- Per LP 790329
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0603');
+-- FIXME: add/check SQL statements to perform the upgrade
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.opac_lasso_record_copy_count (i_lasso INT, rid BIGINT) RETURNS TABLE (depth INT, org_unit INT, visible BIGINT, available BIGINT, unshadow BIGINT, transcendant INT) AS $f$
+    ans RECORD;
+    trans INT;
+    SELECT 1 INTO trans FROM biblio.record_entry b JOIN config.bib_source src ON (b.source = src.id) WHERE src.transcendant AND b.id = rid;
+    FOR ans IN SELECT u.org_unit AS id FROM actor.org_lasso_map AS u WHERE lasso = i_lasso LOOP
+        SELECT  -1,
+                ans.id,
+                COUNT( av.id ),
+                SUM( CASE WHEN cp.status IN (0,7,12) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ),
+                COUNT( av.id ),
+                trans
+          FROM
+                actor.org_unit_descendants(ans.id) d
+                JOIN asset.opac_visible_copies av ON (av.record = rid AND av.circ_lib = d.id)
+                JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = av.copy_id)
+          GROUP BY 1,2,6;
-CREATE TRIGGER facet_normalize_tgr
-    BEFORE UPDATE OR INSERT ON metabib.facet_entry
-    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE metabib.facet_normalize_trigger();
+            RETURN QUERY SELECT -1, ans.id, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, trans;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;   
+    RETURN;     
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0578'); -- tsbere via miker
+-- Staff record copy counts also triggered an SQL error for org lassos
+-- Per LP790329
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0604');
-CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW reporter.hold_request_record AS
-	target,
-	hold_type,
-		WHEN hold_type = 'T'
-			THEN target
-		WHEN hold_type = 'I'
-			THEN (SELECT ssub.record_entry FROM serial.subscription ssub JOIN serial.issuance si ON (si.subscription = ssub.id) WHERE si.id = ahr.target)
-		WHEN hold_type = 'V'
-			THEN (SELECT cn.record FROM asset.call_number cn WHERE cn.id = ahr.target)
-		WHEN hold_type IN ('C','R','F')
-			THEN (SELECT cn.record FROM asset.call_number cn JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cn.id = cp.call_number) WHERE cp.id = ahr.target)
-		WHEN hold_type = 'M'
-			THEN (SELECT mr.master_record FROM metabib.metarecord mr WHERE mr.id = ahr.target)
-        WHEN hold_type = 'P'
-            THEN (SELECT bmp.record FROM biblio.monograph_part bmp WHERE bmp.id = ahr.target)
-	END AS bib_record
-  FROM	action.hold_request ahr;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.staff_lasso_record_copy_count (i_lasso INT, rid BIGINT) RETURNS TABLE (depth INT, org_unit INT, visible BIGINT, available BIGINT, unshadow BIGINT, transcendant INT) AS $f$
+    ans RECORD;
+    trans INT;
+    SELECT 1 INTO trans FROM biblio.record_entry b JOIN config.bib_source src ON (b.source = src.id) WHERE src.transcendant AND b.id = rid;
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0583');
+    FOR ans IN SELECT u.org_unit AS id FROM actor.org_lasso_map AS u WHERE lasso = i_lasso LOOP
+        SELECT  -1,
+                ans.id,
+                COUNT( cp.id ),
+                SUM( CASE WHEN cp.status IN (0,7,12) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ),
+                COUNT( cp.id ),
+                trans
+          FROM
+                actor.org_unit_descendants(ans.id) d
+                JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.circ_lib = d.id AND NOT cp.deleted)
+                JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cn.record = rid AND cn.id = cp.call_number AND NOT cn.deleted)
+          GROUP BY 1,2,6;
-CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW action.all_circulation AS
-    SELECT  id,usr_post_code, usr_home_ou, usr_profile, usr_birth_year, copy_call_number, copy_location,
-        copy_owning_lib, copy_circ_lib, copy_bib_record, xact_start, xact_finish, target_copy,
-        circ_lib, circ_staff, checkin_staff, checkin_lib, renewal_remaining, grace_period, due_date,
-        stop_fines_time, checkin_time, create_time, duration, fine_interval, recurring_fine,
-        max_fine, phone_renewal, desk_renewal, opac_renewal, duration_rule, recurring_fine_rule,
-        max_fine_rule, stop_fines, workstation, checkin_workstation, checkin_scan_time, parent_circ
-      FROM  action.aged_circulation
-            UNION ALL
-    SELECT  DISTINCT circ.id,COALESCE(a.post_code,b.post_code) AS usr_post_code, p.home_ou AS usr_home_ou, p.profile AS usr_profile, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM p.dob)::INT AS usr_birth_year,
-        cp.call_number AS copy_call_number, cp.location AS copy_location, cn.owning_lib AS copy_owning_lib, cp.circ_lib AS copy_circ_lib,
-        cn.record AS copy_bib_record, circ.xact_start, circ.xact_finish, circ.target_copy, circ.circ_lib, circ.circ_staff, circ.checkin_staff,
-        circ.checkin_lib, circ.renewal_remaining, circ.grace_period, circ.due_date, circ.stop_fines_time, circ.checkin_time, circ.create_time, circ.duration,
-        circ.fine_interval, circ.recurring_fine, circ.max_fine, circ.phone_renewal, circ.desk_renewal, circ.opac_renewal, circ.duration_rule,
-        circ.recurring_fine_rule, circ.max_fine_rule, circ.stop_fines, circ.workstation, circ.checkin_workstation, circ.checkin_scan_time,
-        circ.parent_circ
-      FROM  action.circulation circ
-        JOIN asset.copy cp ON (circ.target_copy = cp.id)
-        JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cp.call_number = cn.id)
-        JOIN actor.usr p ON (circ.usr = p.id)
-        LEFT JOIN actor.usr_address a ON (p.mailing_address = a.id)
-        LEFT JOIN actor.usr_address b ON (p.billing_address = b.id);
+            RETURN QUERY SELECT -1, ans.id, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, trans;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+    RETURN;
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0590'); -- miker/tsbere
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0614'); --miker/phasefx
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.cache_copy_visibility () RETURNS TRIGGER as $func$
@@ -7991,7 +8095,7 @@ BEGIN
     IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'peer_bib_copy_map' THEN
         IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN
-            add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND cp.id = ' || NEW.target_copy || ' AND pbcm.record = ' || NEW.peer_record;
+            add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND cp.id = ' || NEW.target_copy || ' AND pbcm.peer_record = ' || NEW.peer_record;
             EXECUTE add_front || add_peer_query || add_back;
             RETURN NEW;
@@ -8082,7 +8186,7 @@ BEGIN
                 EXECUTE add_front || add_base_query || add_back;
             ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'record_entry' THEN
                 add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cn.record = ' || NEW.id;
-                add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND pbcm.record = ' || NEW.id;
+                add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND pbcm.peer_record = ' || NEW.id;
                 EXECUTE add_front || add_base_query || ' UNION ' || add_peer_query || add_back;
             END IF;
@@ -8148,611 +8252,610 @@ BEGIN
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0591'); -- berick/miker
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0579'); -- superceded by 0620
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0620'); -- tsbere via miker
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.usr_visible_circs (usr_id INT) RETURNS SETOF action.circulation AS $func$
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.item_user_circ_test( circ_ou INT, match_item BIGINT, match_user INT, renewal BOOL ) RETURNS SETOF action.circ_matrix_test_result AS $func$
-    c               action.circulation%ROWTYPE;
-    view_age        INTERVAL;
-    usr_view_age    actor.usr_setting%ROWTYPE;
-    usr_view_start  actor.usr_setting%ROWTYPE;
+    user_object             actor.usr%ROWTYPE;
+    standing_penalty        config.standing_penalty%ROWTYPE;
+    item_object             asset.copy%ROWTYPE;
+    item_status_object      config.copy_status%ROWTYPE;
+    item_location_object    asset.copy_location%ROWTYPE;
+    result                  action.circ_matrix_test_result;
+    circ_test               action.found_circ_matrix_matchpoint;
+    circ_matchpoint         config.circ_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE;
+    out_by_circ_mod         config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test%ROWTYPE;
+    circ_mod_map            config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test_map%ROWTYPE;
+    hold_ratio              action.hold_stats%ROWTYPE;
+    penalty_type            TEXT;
+    items_out               INT;
+    context_org_list        INT[];
+    done                    BOOL := FALSE;
-    SELECT * INTO usr_view_age FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = usr_id AND name = 'history.circ.retention_age';
-    SELECT * INTO usr_view_start FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = usr_id AND name = 'history.circ.retention_start';
+    -- Assume success unless we hit a failure condition
+    result.success := TRUE;
-    IF usr_view_age.value IS NOT NULL AND usr_view_start.value IS NOT NULL THEN
-        -- User opted in and supplied a retention age
-        IF oils_json_to_text(usr_view_age.value)::INTERVAL > AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ) THEN
-            view_age := AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ);
-        ELSE
-            view_age := oils_json_to_text(usr_view_age.value)::INTERVAL;
-        END IF;
-    ELSIF usr_view_start.value IS NOT NULL THEN
-        -- User opted in
-        view_age := AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ);
-    ELSE
-        -- User did not opt in
+    -- Need user info to look up matchpoints
+    SELECT INTO user_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_user AND NOT deleted;
+    -- (Insta)Fail if we couldn't find the user
+    IF user_object.id IS NULL THEN
+        result.fail_part := 'no_user';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
     END IF;
-    FOR c IN
-        SELECT  *
-          FROM  action.circulation
-          WHERE usr = usr_id
-                AND parent_circ IS NULL
-                AND xact_start > NOW() - view_age
-          ORDER BY xact_start DESC
-    LOOP
-        RETURN NEXT c;
-    END LOOP;
+    -- Need item info to look up matchpoints
+    SELECT INTO item_object * FROM asset.copy WHERE id = match_item AND NOT deleted;
-    RETURN;
+    -- (Insta)Fail if we couldn't find the item 
+    IF item_object.id IS NULL THEN
+        result.fail_part := 'no_item';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+        RETURN;
+    END IF;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.usr_visible_holds (usr_id INT) RETURNS SETOF action.hold_request AS $func$
-    h               action.hold_request%ROWTYPE;
-    view_age        INTERVAL;
-    view_count      INT;
-    usr_view_count  actor.usr_setting%ROWTYPE;
-    usr_view_age    actor.usr_setting%ROWTYPE;
-    usr_view_start  actor.usr_setting%ROWTYPE;
-    SELECT * INTO usr_view_count FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = usr_id AND name = 'history.hold.retention_count';
-    SELECT * INTO usr_view_age FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = usr_id AND name = 'history.hold.retention_age';
-    SELECT * INTO usr_view_start FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = usr_id AND name = 'history.hold.retention_start';
+    SELECT INTO circ_test * FROM action.find_circ_matrix_matchpoint(circ_ou, item_object, user_object, renewal);
+    circ_matchpoint             := circ_test.matchpoint;
+    result.matchpoint           := circ_matchpoint.id;
+    result.circulate            := circ_matchpoint.circulate;
+    result.duration_rule        := circ_matchpoint.duration_rule;
+    result.recurring_fine_rule  := circ_matchpoint.recurring_fine_rule;
+    result.max_fine_rule        := circ_matchpoint.max_fine_rule;
+    result.hard_due_date        := circ_matchpoint.hard_due_date;
+    result.renewals             := circ_matchpoint.renewals;
+    result.grace_period         := circ_matchpoint.grace_period;
+    result.buildrows            := circ_test.buildrows;
+    -- (Insta)Fail if we couldn't find a matchpoint
+    IF circ_test.success = false THEN
+        result.fail_part := 'no_matchpoint';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+        RETURN;
+    END IF;
+    -- All failures before this point are non-recoverable
+    -- Below this point are possibly overridable failures
+    -- Fail if the user is barred
+    IF user_object.barred IS TRUE THEN
+        result.fail_part := 'actor.usr.barred';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+    END IF;
+    -- Fail if the item can't circulate
+    IF item_object.circulate IS FALSE THEN
+        result.fail_part := 'asset.copy.circulate';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+    END IF;
+    -- Fail if the item isn't in a circulateable status on a non-renewal
+    IF NOT renewal AND item_object.status NOT IN ( 0, 7, 8 ) THEN 
+        result.fail_part := 'asset.copy.status';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+    -- Alternately, fail if the item isn't checked out on a renewal
+    ELSIF renewal AND item_object.status <> 1 THEN
+        result.fail_part := 'asset.copy.status';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+    END IF;
+    -- Fail if the item can't circulate because of the shelving location
+    SELECT INTO item_location_object * FROM asset.copy_location WHERE id = item_object.location;
+    IF item_location_object.circulate IS FALSE THEN
+        result.fail_part := 'asset.copy_location.circulate';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+    END IF;
+    -- Use Circ OU for penalties and such
+    SELECT INTO context_org_list ARRAY_ACCUM(id) FROM actor.org_unit_full_path( circ_ou );
+    IF renewal THEN
+        penalty_type = '%RENEW%';
+    ELSE
+        penalty_type = '%CIRC%';
+    END IF;
-    FOR h IN
-        SELECT  *
-          FROM  action.hold_request
-          WHERE usr = usr_id
-                AND fulfillment_time IS NULL
-                AND cancel_time IS NULL
-          ORDER BY request_time DESC
-    LOOP
-        RETURN NEXT h;
+    FOR standing_penalty IN
+        SELECT  DISTINCT csp.*
+          FROM  actor.usr_standing_penalty usp
+                JOIN config.standing_penalty csp ON (csp.id = usp.standing_penalty)
+          WHERE usr = match_user
+                AND usp.org_unit IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest(context_org_list) )
+                AND (usp.stop_date IS NULL or usp.stop_date > NOW())
+                AND csp.block_list LIKE penalty_type LOOP
+        result.fail_part := standing_penalty.name;
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
     END LOOP;
-    IF usr_view_start.value IS NULL THEN
-        RETURN;
+    -- Fail if the test is set to hard non-circulating
+    IF circ_matchpoint.circulate IS FALSE THEN
+        result.fail_part := 'config.circ_matrix_test.circulate';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
     END IF;
-    IF usr_view_age.value IS NOT NULL THEN
-        -- User opted in and supplied a retention age
-        IF oils_json_to_text(usr_view_age.value)::INTERVAL > AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ) THEN
-            view_age := AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ);
-        ELSE
-            view_age := oils_json_to_text(usr_view_age.value)::INTERVAL;
+    -- Fail if the total copy-hold ratio is too low
+    IF circ_matchpoint.total_copy_hold_ratio IS NOT NULL THEN
+        SELECT INTO hold_ratio * FROM action.copy_related_hold_stats(match_item);
+        IF hold_ratio.total_copy_ratio IS NOT NULL AND hold_ratio.total_copy_ratio < circ_matchpoint.total_copy_hold_ratio THEN
+            result.fail_part := 'config.circ_matrix_test.total_copy_hold_ratio';
+            result.success := FALSE;
+            done := TRUE;
+            RETURN NEXT result;
         END IF;
-    ELSE
-        -- User opted in
-        view_age := AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ);
     END IF;
-    IF usr_view_count.value IS NOT NULL THEN
-        view_count := oils_json_to_text(usr_view_count.value)::INT;
-    ELSE
-        view_count := 1000;
+    -- Fail if the available copy-hold ratio is too low
+    IF circ_matchpoint.available_copy_hold_ratio IS NOT NULL THEN
+        IF hold_ratio.hold_count IS NULL THEN
+            SELECT INTO hold_ratio * FROM action.copy_related_hold_stats(match_item);
+        END IF;
+        IF hold_ratio.available_copy_ratio IS NOT NULL AND hold_ratio.available_copy_ratio < circ_matchpoint.available_copy_hold_ratio THEN
+            result.fail_part := 'config.circ_matrix_test.available_copy_hold_ratio';
+            result.success := FALSE;
+            done := TRUE;
+            RETURN NEXT result;
+        END IF;
     END IF;
-    -- show some fulfilled/canceled holds
-    FOR h IN
-        SELECT  *
-          FROM  action.hold_request
-          WHERE usr = usr_id
-                AND ( fulfillment_time IS NOT NULL OR cancel_time IS NOT NULL )
-                AND request_time > NOW() - view_age
-          ORDER BY request_time DESC
-          LIMIT view_count
-    LOOP
-        RETURN NEXT h;
+    -- Fail if the user has too many items with specific circ_modifiers checked out
+    FOR out_by_circ_mod IN SELECT * FROM config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test WHERE matchpoint = circ_matchpoint.id LOOP
+        SELECT  INTO items_out COUNT(*)
+          FROM  action.circulation circ
+            JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = circ.target_copy)
+          WHERE circ.usr = match_user
+               AND circ.circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest(context_org_list) )
+            AND circ.checkin_time IS NULL
+            AND (circ.stop_fines IN ('MAXFINES','LONGOVERDUE') OR circ.stop_fines IS NULL)
+            AND cp.circ_modifier IN (SELECT circ_mod FROM config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test_map WHERE circ_mod_test = out_by_circ_mod.id);
+        IF items_out >= out_by_circ_mod.items_out THEN
+            result.fail_part := 'config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test';
+            result.success := FALSE;
+            done := TRUE;
+            RETURN NEXT result;
+        END IF;
     END LOOP;
+    -- If we passed everything, return the successful matchpoint
+    IF NOT done THEN
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+    END IF;
+$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0599'); -- miker/gmc
-UPDATE config.metabib_field 
-SET xpath = $$//mods32:mods/mods32:name[@type='personal' and not(mods32:role/mods32:roleTerm[text()='creator'])]$$
-WHERE field_class = 'author'
-AND name = 'other'
-AND xpath = $$//mods32:mods/mods32:name[@type='personal' and not(mods32:role)]$$
-AND format = 'mods32';
-\qecho To reindex bibs that use the author|other index definition,
-\qecho you can run something like this:
-\qecho SELECT metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries(record)
-\qecho FROM (
-\qecho   SELECT DISTINCT record
-\qecho   FROM metabib.real_full_rec
-\qecho   WHERE tag IN ('600', '700', '720', '800')
-\qecho   AND   subfield IN ('4', 'e')
-\qecho ) a;
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0628');
--- Resolves an error in calculating copy counts for org lassos
--- Per LP 790329
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0603');
+-- acq.fund_combined_balance and acq.fund_spent_balance are unchanged,
+-- however we need to drop them to recreate the other views.
+-- we need to drop all our views because we change the number of columns
+-- for example, debit_total does not need an encumberance column when we 
+-- have a sepearate total for that.
--- FIXME: add/check SQL statements to perform the upgrade
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.opac_lasso_record_copy_count (i_lasso INT, rid BIGINT) RETURNS TABLE (depth INT, org_unit INT, visible BIGINT, available BIGINT, unshadow BIGINT, transcendant INT) AS $f$
-    ans RECORD;
-    trans INT;
-    SELECT 1 INTO trans FROM biblio.record_entry b JOIN config.bib_source src ON (b.source = src.id) WHERE src.transcendant AND b.id = rid;
+DROP VIEW acq.fund_spent_balance;
+DROP VIEW acq.fund_combined_balance;
+DROP VIEW acq.fund_encumbrance_total;
+DROP VIEW acq.fund_spent_total;
+DROP VIEW acq.fund_debit_total;
-    FOR ans IN SELECT u.org_unit AS id FROM actor.org_lasso_map AS u WHERE lasso = i_lasso LOOP
-        SELECT  -1,
-                ans.id,
-                COUNT( av.id ),
-                SUM( CASE WHEN cp.status IN (0,7,12) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ),
-                COUNT( av.id ),
-                trans
-          FROM
-                actor.org_unit_descendants(ans.id) d
-                JOIN asset.opac_visible_copies av ON (av.record = rid AND av.circ_lib = d.id)
-                JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = av.copy_id)
-          GROUP BY 1,2,6;
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW acq.fund_debit_total AS
+    SELECT  fund.id AS fund, 
+            sum(COALESCE(fund_debit.amount, 0::numeric)) AS amount
+    FROM acq.fund fund
+        LEFT JOIN acq.fund_debit fund_debit ON fund.id = fund_debit.fund
+    GROUP BY fund.id;
-            RETURN QUERY SELECT -1, ans.id, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, trans;
-        END IF;
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW acq.fund_encumbrance_total AS
+    SELECT 
+        fund.id AS fund, 
+        sum(COALESCE(fund_debit.amount, 0::numeric)) AS amount 
+    FROM acq.fund fund
+        LEFT JOIN acq.fund_debit fund_debit ON fund.id = fund_debit.fund 
+    WHERE fund_debit.encumbrance GROUP BY fund.id;
-    END LOOP;   
-    RETURN;     
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW acq.fund_spent_total AS
+    SELECT  fund.id AS fund, 
+            sum(COALESCE(fund_debit.amount, 0::numeric)) AS amount 
+    FROM acq.fund fund
+        LEFT JOIN acq.fund_debit fund_debit ON fund.id = fund_debit.fund 
+    WHERE NOT fund_debit.encumbrance 
+    GROUP BY fund.id;
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW acq.fund_combined_balance AS
+    SELECT  c.fund, 
+            c.amount - COALESCE(d.amount, 0.0) AS amount
+    FROM acq.fund_allocation_total c
+    LEFT JOIN acq.fund_debit_total d USING (fund);
--- Staff record copy counts also triggered an SQL error for org lassos
--- Per LP790329
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0604');
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW acq.fund_spent_balance AS
+    SELECT  c.fund,
+            c.amount - COALESCE(d.amount,0.0) AS amount
+      FROM  acq.fund_allocation_total c
+            LEFT JOIN acq.fund_spent_total d USING (fund);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.staff_lasso_record_copy_count (i_lasso INT, rid BIGINT) RETURNS TABLE (depth INT, org_unit INT, visible BIGINT, available BIGINT, unshadow BIGINT, transcendant INT) AS $f$
-    ans RECORD;
-    trans INT;
-    SELECT 1 INTO trans FROM biblio.record_entry b JOIN config.bib_source src ON (b.source = src.id) WHERE src.transcendant AND b.id = rid;
-    FOR ans IN SELECT u.org_unit AS id FROM actor.org_lasso_map AS u WHERE lasso = i_lasso LOOP
-        SELECT  -1,
-                ans.id,
-                COUNT( cp.id ),
-                SUM( CASE WHEN cp.status IN (0,7,12) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ),
-                COUNT( cp.id ),
-                trans
-          FROM
-                actor.org_unit_descendants(ans.id) d
-                JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.circ_lib = d.id AND NOT cp.deleted)
-                JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cn.record = rid AND cn.id = cp.call_number AND NOT cn.deleted)
-          GROUP BY 1,2,6;
-            RETURN QUERY SELECT -1, ans.id, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, trans;
-        END IF;
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0631');
-    END LOOP;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.query_parser_fts (
-    RETURN;
+    param_search_ou INT,
+    param_depth     INT,
+    param_query     TEXT,
+    param_statuses  INT[],
+    param_locations INT[],
+    param_offset    INT,
+    param_check     INT,
+    param_limit     INT,
+    metarecord      BOOL,
+    staff           BOOL
+) RETURNS SETOF search.search_result AS $func$
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0614'); --miker/phasefx
+    current_res         search.search_result%ROWTYPE;
+    search_org_list     INT[];
+    luri_org_list       INT[];
+    tmp_int_list        INT[];
+    check_limit         INT;
+    core_limit          INT;
+    core_offset         INT;
+    tmp_int             INT;
+    core_result         RECORD;
+    core_cursor         REFCURSOR;
+    core_rel_query      TEXT;
+    total_count         INT := 0;
+    check_count         INT := 0;
+    deleted_count       INT := 0;
+    visible_count       INT := 0;
+    excluded_count      INT := 0;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.cache_copy_visibility () RETURNS TRIGGER as $func$
-    add_front       TEXT;
-    add_back        TEXT;
-    add_base_query  TEXT;
-    add_peer_query  TEXT;
-    remove_query    TEXT;
-    do_add          BOOLEAN := false;
-    do_remove       BOOLEAN := false;
-    add_base_query := $$
-        SELECT  cp.id, cp.circ_lib, cn.record, cn.id AS call_number, cp.location, cp.status
-          FROM  asset.copy cp
-                JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cn.id = cp.call_number)
-                JOIN actor.org_unit a ON (cp.circ_lib = a.id)
-                JOIN asset.copy_location cl ON (cp.location = cl.id)
-                JOIN config.copy_status cs ON (cp.status = cs.id)
-                JOIN biblio.record_entry b ON (cn.record = b.id)
-          WHERE NOT cp.deleted
-                AND NOT cn.deleted
-                AND NOT b.deleted
-                AND cs.opac_visible
-                AND cl.opac_visible
-                AND cp.opac_visible
-                AND a.opac_visible
-    $$;
-    add_peer_query := $$
-        SELECT  cp.id, cp.circ_lib, pbcm.peer_record AS record, NULL AS call_number, cp.location, cp.status
-          FROM  asset.copy cp
-                JOIN biblio.peer_bib_copy_map pbcm ON (pbcm.target_copy = cp.id)
-                JOIN actor.org_unit a ON (cp.circ_lib = a.id)
-                JOIN asset.copy_location cl ON (cp.location = cl.id)
-                JOIN config.copy_status cs ON (cp.status = cs.id)
-          WHERE NOT cp.deleted
-                AND cs.opac_visible
-                AND cl.opac_visible
-                AND cp.opac_visible
-                AND a.opac_visible
-    $$;
-    add_front := $$
-        INSERT INTO asset.opac_visible_copies (copy_id, circ_lib, record)
-          SELECT id, circ_lib, record FROM (
-    $$;
-    add_back := $$
-        ) AS x
-    $$;
-    remove_query := $$ DELETE FROM asset.opac_visible_copies WHERE copy_id IN ( SELECT id FROM asset.copy WHERE $$;
-    IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'peer_bib_copy_map' THEN
-        IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN
-            add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND cp.id = ' || NEW.target_copy || ' AND pbcm.peer_record = ' || NEW.peer_record;
-            EXECUTE add_front || add_peer_query || add_back;
-            RETURN NEW;
+    check_limit := COALESCE( param_check, 1000 );
+    core_limit  := COALESCE( param_limit, 25000 );
+    core_offset := COALESCE( param_offset, 0 );
+    -- core_skip_chk := COALESCE( param_skip_chk, 1 );
+    IF param_search_ou > 0 THEN
+        IF param_depth IS NOT NULL THEN
+            SELECT array_accum(distinct id) INTO search_org_list FROM actor.org_unit_descendants( param_search_ou, param_depth );
-            remove_query := 'DELETE FROM asset.opac_visible_copies WHERE copy_id = ' || OLD.target_copy || ' AND record = ' || OLD.peer_record || ';';
-            EXECUTE remove_query;
-            RETURN OLD;
+            SELECT array_accum(distinct id) INTO search_org_list FROM actor.org_unit_descendants( param_search_ou );
         END IF;
-    END IF;
+        SELECT array_accum(distinct id) INTO luri_org_list FROM actor.org_unit_ancestors( param_search_ou );
-        IF TG_TABLE_NAME IN ('copy', 'unit') THEN
-            add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cp.id = ' || NEW.id;
-            EXECUTE add_front || add_base_query || add_back;
-        END IF;
+    ELSIF param_search_ou < 0 THEN
+        SELECT array_accum(distinct org_unit) INTO search_org_list FROM actor.org_lasso_map WHERE lasso = -param_search_ou;
-        RETURN NEW;
+        FOR tmp_int IN SELECT * FROM UNNEST(search_org_list) LOOP
+            SELECT array_accum(distinct id) INTO tmp_int_list FROM actor.org_unit_ancestors( tmp_int );
+            luri_org_list := luri_org_list || tmp_int_list;
+        END LOOP;
+        SELECT array_accum(DISTINCT x.id) INTO luri_org_list FROM UNNEST(luri_org_list) x(id);
+    ELSIF param_search_ou = 0 THEN
+        -- reserved for user lassos (ou_buckets/type='lasso') with ID passed in depth ... hack? sure.
     END IF;
-    -- handle items first, since with circulation activity
-    -- their statuses change frequently
-    IF TG_TABLE_NAME IN ('copy', 'unit') THEN
+    OPEN core_cursor FOR EXECUTE param_query;
-        IF OLD.location    <> NEW.location OR
-           OLD.call_number <> NEW.call_number OR
-           OLD.status      <> NEW.status OR
-           OLD.circ_lib    <> NEW.circ_lib THEN
-            -- any of these could change visibility, but
-            -- we'll save some queries and not try to calculate
-            -- the change directly
-            do_remove := true;
-            do_add := true;
-        ELSE
+    LOOP
-            IF OLD.deleted <> NEW.deleted THEN
-                IF NEW.deleted THEN
-                    do_remove := true;
-                ELSE
-                    do_add := true;
-                END IF;
-            END IF;
+        FETCH core_cursor INTO core_result;
+        EXIT WHEN total_count >= core_limit;
-            IF OLD.opac_visible <> NEW.opac_visible THEN
-                IF OLD.opac_visible THEN
-                    do_remove := true;
-                ELSIF NOT do_remove THEN -- handle edge case where deleted item
-                                        -- is also marked opac_visible
-                    do_add := true;
-                END IF;
-            END IF;
+        total_count := total_count + 1;
-        END IF;
+        CONTINUE WHEN total_count NOT BETWEEN  core_offset + 1 AND check_limit + core_offset;
-        IF do_remove THEN
-            DELETE FROM asset.opac_visible_copies WHERE copy_id = NEW.id;
-        END IF;
-        IF do_add THEN
-            add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cp.id = ' || NEW.id;
-            add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND cp.id = ' || NEW.id;
-            EXECUTE add_front || add_base_query || ' UNION ' || add_peer_query || add_back;
+        check_count := check_count + 1;
+        PERFORM 1 FROM biblio.record_entry b WHERE NOT b.deleted AND b.id IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) );
+            -- RAISE NOTICE ' % were all deleted ... ', core_result.records;
+            deleted_count := deleted_count + 1;
+            CONTINUE;
         END IF;
-        RETURN NEW;
+        PERFORM 1
+          FROM  biblio.record_entry b
+                JOIN config.bib_source s ON (b.source = s.id)
+          WHERE s.transcendant
+                AND b.id IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) );
-    END IF;
+        IF FOUND THEN
+            -- RAISE NOTICE ' % were all transcendant ... ', core_result.records;
+            visible_count := visible_count + 1;
-    IF TG_TABLE_NAME IN ('call_number', 'record_entry') THEN -- these have a 'deleted' column
-        IF OLD.deleted AND NEW.deleted THEN -- do nothing
+            current_res.id = core_result.id;
+            current_res.rel = core_result.rel;
-            RETURN NEW;
-        ELSIF NEW.deleted THEN -- remove rows
-            IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'call_number' THEN
-                DELETE FROM asset.opac_visible_copies WHERE copy_id IN (SELECT id FROM asset.copy WHERE call_number = NEW.id);
-            ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'record_entry' THEN
-                DELETE FROM asset.opac_visible_copies WHERE record = NEW.id;
+            tmp_int := 1;
+            IF metarecord THEN
+                SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT s.source) INTO tmp_int FROM metabib.metarecord_source_map s WHERE s.metarecord = core_result.id;
             END IF;
-            RETURN NEW;
-        ELSIF OLD.deleted THEN -- add rows
-            IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'call_number' THEN
-                add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cn.id = ' || NEW.id;
-                EXECUTE add_front || add_base_query || add_back;
-            ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'record_entry' THEN
-                add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cn.record = ' || NEW.id;
-                add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND pbcm.peer_record = ' || NEW.id;
-                EXECUTE add_front || add_base_query || ' UNION ' || add_peer_query || add_back;
+            IF tmp_int = 1 THEN
+                current_res.record = core_result.records[1];
+            ELSE
+                current_res.record = NULL;
             END IF;
-            RETURN NEW;
-        END IF;
-    END IF;
-    IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'call_number' THEN
+            RETURN NEXT current_res;
-        IF OLD.record <> NEW.record THEN
-            -- call number is linked to different bib
-            remove_query := remove_query || 'call_number = ' || NEW.id || ');';
-            EXECUTE remove_query;
-            add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cn.id = ' || NEW.id;
-            EXECUTE add_front || add_base_query || add_back;
+            CONTINUE;
         END IF;
-        RETURN NEW;
+        PERFORM 1
+          FROM  asset.call_number cn
+                JOIN asset.uri_call_number_map map ON (map.call_number = cn.id)
+                JOIN asset.uri uri ON (map.uri = uri.id)
+          WHERE NOT cn.deleted
+                AND cn.label = '##URI##'
+                AND uri.active
+                AND ( param_locations IS NULL OR array_upper(param_locations, 1) IS NULL )
+                AND cn.record IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) )
+                AND cn.owning_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( luri_org_list ) )
+          LIMIT 1;
-    END IF;
+        IF FOUND THEN
+            -- RAISE NOTICE ' % have at least one URI ... ', core_result.records;
+            visible_count := visible_count + 1;
-    IF TG_TABLE_NAME IN ('record_entry') THEN
-        RETURN NEW; -- don't have 'opac_visible'
-    END IF;
+            current_res.id = core_result.id;
+            current_res.rel = core_result.rel;
-    -- actor.org_unit, asset.copy_location, asset.copy_status
-    IF NEW.opac_visible = OLD.opac_visible THEN -- do nothing
+            tmp_int := 1;
+            IF metarecord THEN
+                SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT s.source) INTO tmp_int FROM metabib.metarecord_source_map s WHERE s.metarecord = core_result.id;
+            END IF;
-        RETURN NEW;
+            IF tmp_int = 1 THEN
+                current_res.record = core_result.records[1];
+            ELSE
+                current_res.record = NULL;
+            END IF;
-    ELSIF NEW.opac_visible THEN -- add rows
+            RETURN NEXT current_res;
-        IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'org_unit' THEN
-            add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cp.circ_lib = ' || NEW.id;
-            add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND cp.circ_lib = ' || NEW.id;
-        ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'copy_location' THEN
-            add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cp.location = ' || NEW.id;
-            add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND cp.location = ' || NEW.id;
-        ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'copy_status' THEN
-            add_base_query := add_base_query || ' AND cp.status = ' || NEW.id;
-            add_peer_query := add_peer_query || ' AND cp.status = ' || NEW.id;
+            CONTINUE;
         END IF;
-        EXECUTE add_front || add_base_query || ' UNION ' || add_peer_query || add_back;
-    ELSE -- delete rows
-        IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'org_unit' THEN
-            remove_query := 'DELETE FROM asset.opac_visible_copies WHERE circ_lib = ' || NEW.id || ';';
-        ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'copy_location' THEN
-            remove_query := remove_query || 'location = ' || NEW.id || ');';
-        ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'copy_status' THEN
-            remove_query := remove_query || 'status = ' || NEW.id || ');';
-        END IF;
-        EXECUTE remove_query;
-    END IF;
+        IF param_statuses IS NOT NULL AND array_upper(param_statuses, 1) > 0 THEN
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0579'); -- superceded by 0620
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0620'); -- tsbere via miker
+            PERFORM 1
+              FROM  asset.call_number cn
+                    JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.call_number = cn.id)
+              WHERE NOT cn.deleted
+                    AND NOT cp.deleted
+                    AND cp.status IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( param_statuses ) )
+                    AND cn.record IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) )
+                    AND cp.circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( search_org_list ) )
+              LIMIT 1;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.item_user_circ_test( circ_ou INT, match_item BIGINT, match_user INT, renewal BOOL ) RETURNS SETOF action.circ_matrix_test_result AS $func$
-    user_object             actor.usr%ROWTYPE;
-    standing_penalty        config.standing_penalty%ROWTYPE;
-    item_object             asset.copy%ROWTYPE;
-    item_status_object      config.copy_status%ROWTYPE;
-    item_location_object    asset.copy_location%ROWTYPE;
-    result                  action.circ_matrix_test_result;
-    circ_test               action.found_circ_matrix_matchpoint;
-    circ_matchpoint         config.circ_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE;
-    out_by_circ_mod         config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test%ROWTYPE;
-    circ_mod_map            config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test_map%ROWTYPE;
-    hold_ratio              action.hold_stats%ROWTYPE;
-    penalty_type            TEXT;
-    items_out               INT;
-    context_org_list        INT[];
-    done                    BOOL := FALSE;
-    -- Assume success unless we hit a failure condition
-    result.success := TRUE;
+            IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                PERFORM 1
+                  FROM  biblio.peer_bib_copy_map pr
+                        JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = pr.target_copy)
+                  WHERE NOT cp.deleted
+                        AND cp.status IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( param_statuses ) )
+                        AND pr.peer_record IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) )
+                        AND cp.circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( search_org_list ) )
+                  LIMIT 1;
-    -- Need user info to look up matchpoints
-    SELECT INTO user_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_user AND NOT deleted;
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                -- RAISE NOTICE ' % and multi-home linked records were all status-excluded ... ', core_result.records;
+                    excluded_count := excluded_count + 1;
+                    CONTINUE;
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+        END IF;
+        IF param_locations IS NOT NULL AND array_upper(param_locations, 1) > 0 THEN
+            PERFORM 1
+              FROM  asset.call_number cn
+                    JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.call_number = cn.id)
+              WHERE NOT cn.deleted
+                    AND NOT cp.deleted
+                    AND cp.location IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( param_locations ) )
+                    AND cn.record IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) )
+                    AND cp.circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( search_org_list ) )
+              LIMIT 1;
-    -- (Insta)Fail if we couldn't find the user
-    IF user_object.id IS NULL THEN
-        result.fail_part := 'no_user';
-        result.success := FALSE;
-        done := TRUE;
-        RETURN NEXT result;
-        RETURN;
-    END IF;
+            IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                PERFORM 1
+                  FROM  biblio.peer_bib_copy_map pr
+                        JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = pr.target_copy)
+                  WHERE NOT cp.deleted
+                        AND cp.location IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( param_locations ) )
+                        AND pr.peer_record IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) )
+                        AND cp.circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( search_org_list ) )
+                  LIMIT 1;
-    -- Need item info to look up matchpoints
-    SELECT INTO item_object * FROM asset.copy WHERE id = match_item AND NOT deleted;
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    -- RAISE NOTICE ' % and multi-home linked records were all copy_location-excluded ... ', core_result.records;
+                    excluded_count := excluded_count + 1;
+                    CONTINUE;
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
-    -- (Insta)Fail if we couldn't find the item 
-    IF item_object.id IS NULL THEN
-        result.fail_part := 'no_item';
-        result.success := FALSE;
-        done := TRUE;
-        RETURN NEXT result;
-        RETURN;
-    END IF;
+        END IF;
-    SELECT INTO circ_test * FROM action.find_circ_matrix_matchpoint(circ_ou, item_object, user_object, renewal);
+        IF staff IS NULL OR NOT staff THEN
-    circ_matchpoint             := circ_test.matchpoint;
-    result.matchpoint           := circ_matchpoint.id;
-    result.circulate            := circ_matchpoint.circulate;
-    result.duration_rule        := circ_matchpoint.duration_rule;
-    result.recurring_fine_rule  := circ_matchpoint.recurring_fine_rule;
-    result.max_fine_rule        := circ_matchpoint.max_fine_rule;
-    result.hard_due_date        := circ_matchpoint.hard_due_date;
-    result.renewals             := circ_matchpoint.renewals;
-    result.grace_period         := circ_matchpoint.grace_period;
-    result.buildrows            := circ_test.buildrows;
+            PERFORM 1
+              FROM  asset.opac_visible_copies
+              WHERE circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( search_org_list ) )
+                    AND record IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) )
+              LIMIT 1;
-    -- (Insta)Fail if we couldn't find a matchpoint
-    IF circ_test.success = false THEN
-        result.fail_part := 'no_matchpoint';
-        result.success := FALSE;
-        done := TRUE;
-        RETURN NEXT result;
-        RETURN;
-    END IF;
+            IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                PERFORM 1
+                  FROM  biblio.peer_bib_copy_map pr
+                        JOIN asset.opac_visible_copies cp ON (cp.copy_id = pr.target_copy)
+                  WHERE cp.circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( search_org_list ) )
+                        AND pr.peer_record IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) )
+                  LIMIT 1;
-    -- All failures before this point are non-recoverable
-    -- Below this point are possibly overridable failures
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
-    -- Fail if the user is barred
-    IF user_object.barred IS TRUE THEN
-        result.fail_part := 'actor.usr.barred';
-        result.success := FALSE;
-        done := TRUE;
-        RETURN NEXT result;
-    END IF;
+                    -- RAISE NOTICE ' % and multi-home linked records were all visibility-excluded ... ', core_result.records;
+                    excluded_count := excluded_count + 1;
+                    CONTINUE;
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
-    -- Fail if the item can't circulate
-    IF item_object.circulate IS FALSE THEN
-        result.fail_part := 'asset.copy.circulate';
-        result.success := FALSE;
-        done := TRUE;
-        RETURN NEXT result;
-    END IF;
+        ELSE
-    -- Fail if the item isn't in a circulateable status on a non-renewal
-    IF NOT renewal AND item_object.status NOT IN ( 0, 7, 8 ) THEN 
-        result.fail_part := 'asset.copy.status';
-        result.success := FALSE;
-        done := TRUE;
-        RETURN NEXT result;
-    -- Alternately, fail if the item isn't checked out on a renewal
-    ELSIF renewal AND item_object.status <> 1 THEN
-        result.fail_part := 'asset.copy.status';
-        result.success := FALSE;
-        done := TRUE;
-        RETURN NEXT result;
-    END IF;
+            PERFORM 1
+              FROM  asset.call_number cn
+                    JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.call_number = cn.id)
+              WHERE NOT cn.deleted
+                    AND NOT cp.deleted
+                    AND cp.circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( search_org_list ) )
+                    AND cn.record IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) )
+              LIMIT 1;
-    -- Fail if the item can't circulate because of the shelving location
-    SELECT INTO item_location_object * FROM asset.copy_location WHERE id = item_object.location;
-    IF item_location_object.circulate IS FALSE THEN
-        result.fail_part := 'asset.copy_location.circulate';
-        result.success := FALSE;
-        done := TRUE;
-        RETURN NEXT result;
-    END IF;
+            IF NOT FOUND THEN
-    -- Use Circ OU for penalties and such
-    SELECT INTO context_org_list ARRAY_ACCUM(id) FROM actor.org_unit_full_path( circ_ou );
+                PERFORM 1
+                  FROM  biblio.peer_bib_copy_map pr
+                        JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = pr.target_copy)
+                  WHERE NOT cp.deleted
+                        AND cp.circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( search_org_list ) )
+                        AND pr.peer_record IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) )
+                  LIMIT 1;
-    IF renewal THEN
-        penalty_type = '%RENEW%';
-    ELSE
-        penalty_type = '%CIRC%';
-    END IF;
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
-    FOR standing_penalty IN
-        SELECT  DISTINCT csp.*
-          FROM  actor.usr_standing_penalty usp
-                JOIN config.standing_penalty csp ON (csp.id = usp.standing_penalty)
-          WHERE usr = match_user
-                AND usp.org_unit IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest(context_org_list) )
-                AND (usp.stop_date IS NULL or usp.stop_date > NOW())
-                AND csp.block_list LIKE penalty_type LOOP
+                    PERFORM 1
+                      FROM  asset.call_number cn
+                            JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.call_number = cn.id)
+                      WHERE cn.record IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( core_result.records ) )
+                            AND NOT cp.deleted
+                      LIMIT 1;
-        result.fail_part := standing_penalty.name;
-        result.success := FALSE;
-        done := TRUE;
-        RETURN NEXT result;
-    END LOOP;
+                    IF FOUND THEN
+                        -- RAISE NOTICE ' % and multi-home linked records were all visibility-excluded ... ', core_result.records;
+                        excluded_count := excluded_count + 1;
+                        CONTINUE;
+                    END IF;
+                END IF;
-    -- Fail if the test is set to hard non-circulating
-    IF circ_matchpoint.circulate IS FALSE THEN
-        result.fail_part := 'config.circ_matrix_test.circulate';
-        result.success := FALSE;
-        done := TRUE;
-        RETURN NEXT result;
-    END IF;
+            END IF;
-    -- Fail if the total copy-hold ratio is too low
-    IF circ_matchpoint.total_copy_hold_ratio IS NOT NULL THEN
-        SELECT INTO hold_ratio * FROM action.copy_related_hold_stats(match_item);
-        IF hold_ratio.total_copy_ratio IS NOT NULL AND hold_ratio.total_copy_ratio < circ_matchpoint.total_copy_hold_ratio THEN
-            result.fail_part := 'config.circ_matrix_test.total_copy_hold_ratio';
-            result.success := FALSE;
-            done := TRUE;
-            RETURN NEXT result;
         END IF;
-    END IF;
-    -- Fail if the available copy-hold ratio is too low
-    IF circ_matchpoint.available_copy_hold_ratio IS NOT NULL THEN
-        IF hold_ratio.hold_count IS NULL THEN
-            SELECT INTO hold_ratio * FROM action.copy_related_hold_stats(match_item);
+        visible_count := visible_count + 1;
+        current_res.id = core_result.id;
+        current_res.rel = core_result.rel;
+        tmp_int := 1;
+        IF metarecord THEN
+            SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT s.source) INTO tmp_int FROM metabib.metarecord_source_map s WHERE s.metarecord = core_result.id;
         END IF;
-        IF hold_ratio.available_copy_ratio IS NOT NULL AND hold_ratio.available_copy_ratio < circ_matchpoint.available_copy_hold_ratio THEN
-            result.fail_part := 'config.circ_matrix_test.available_copy_hold_ratio';
-            result.success := FALSE;
-            done := TRUE;
-            RETURN NEXT result;
+        IF tmp_int = 1 THEN
+            current_res.record = core_result.records[1];
+        ELSE
+            current_res.record = NULL;
         END IF;
-    END IF;
-    -- Fail if the user has too many items with specific circ_modifiers checked out
-    FOR out_by_circ_mod IN SELECT * FROM config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test WHERE matchpoint = circ_matchpoint.id LOOP
-        SELECT  INTO items_out COUNT(*)
-          FROM  action.circulation circ
-            JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = circ.target_copy)
-          WHERE circ.usr = match_user
-               AND circ.circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest(context_org_list) )
-            AND circ.checkin_time IS NULL
-            AND (circ.stop_fines IN ('MAXFINES','LONGOVERDUE') OR circ.stop_fines IS NULL)
-            AND cp.circ_modifier IN (SELECT circ_mod FROM config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test_map WHERE circ_mod_test = out_by_circ_mod.id);
-        IF items_out >= out_by_circ_mod.items_out THEN
-            result.fail_part := 'config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test';
-            result.success := FALSE;
-            done := TRUE;
-            RETURN NEXT result;
+        RETURN NEXT current_res;
+        IF visible_count % 1000 = 0 THEN
+            -- RAISE NOTICE ' % visible so far ... ', visible_count;
         END IF;
     END LOOP;
-    -- If we passed everything, return the successful matchpoint
-    IF NOT done THEN
-        RETURN NEXT result;
-    END IF;
+    current_res.id = NULL;
+    current_res.rel = NULL;
+    current_res.record = NULL;
+    current_res.total = total_count;
+    current_res.checked = check_count;
+    current_res.deleted = deleted_count;
+    current_res.visible = visible_count;
+    current_res.excluded = excluded_count;
+    CLOSE core_cursor;
+    RETURN NEXT current_res;
-    RETURN;
-$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0633');
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0634');
+INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
+( name, grp, label, description, datatype ) VALUES
+        'print.custom_js_file', 'circ',
+        oils_i18n_gettext(
+            'print.custom_js_file',
+            'Printing: Custom Javascript File',
+            'coust',
+            'label'
+        ),
+        oils_i18n_gettext(
+            'print.custom_js_file',
+            'Full URL path to a Javascript File to be loaded when printing. Should'
+            || ' implement a print_custom function for DOM manipulation. Can change'
+            || ' the value of the do_print variable to false to cancel printing.',
+            'coust',
+            'description'
+        ),
+        'string'
+    );
+INSERT INTO permission.perm_list ( id, code, description ) VALUES
+ ( 513, 'DEBUG_CLIENT', oils_i18n_gettext( 513,
+    'Allows a user to use debug functions in the staff client', 'ppl', 'description' ));
 -- 0529
 INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type 
 ( name, label, description, datatype ) VALUES 
@@ -8814,3 +8917,4 @@ UPDATE  metabib.record_attr
   WHERE x.record = metabib.record_attr.id;

commit 877cb241a790c82d7958ec6197d6a4dd94e80105
Author: Dan Scott <dan at coffeecode.net>
Date:   Thu Aug 18 15:32:53 2011 -0400

    Update README to reflect the --create-database option
    Now that eg_db_config.pl is intelligent enough to create the database,
    update the README to free people from the tyranny of having to manually
    issue database creation (and contrib-adding) commands.
    Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott at laurentian.ca>
    Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>

diff --git a/README b/README
index 51601e7..6d5bc9d 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -276,57 +276,59 @@ cpan MARC::File::XML
 cpan UUID::Tiny
-Once the PostgreSQL database server has been installed, you must
-create the database and add the appropriate languages and extensions to
-support Evergreen. Issue the following commands as the `postgres` user to set
-up a database called `evergreen`. Note that the location of the PostgreSQL
-`contrib` packages may vary depending on your distribution. In the following
-commands, we assume that you are working with PostgreSQL 9.0 on a Debian-based
-[source, bash]
-createdb --template template0 --lc-ctype=C --lc-collate=C --encoding UNICODE evergreen
-createlang plperl evergreen
-createlang plperlu evergreen
-psql -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.0/contrib/tablefunc.sql -d evergreen
-psql -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.0/contrib/tsearch2.sql -d evergreen
-psql -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.0/contrib/pgxml.sql -d evergreen
-psql -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.0/contrib/hstore.sql -d evergreen
-Once you have created the Evergreen database, you need to create a PostgreSQL
-user to access the database. Issue the following command as the `postgres`
-user to create a new PostgreSQL superuser named `evergreen`. When prompted,
-enter the new user's password:
+You need to create a PostgreSQL superuser to create and access the database.
+Issue the following command as the `postgres` user to create a new PostgreSQL
+superuser named `evergreen`. When prompted, enter the new user's password:
 [source, bash]
 createuser -s -P evergreen
-Once you have created the Evergreen database, you also need to create the
-database schema and configure your configuration files to point at the
+Once you have created the Evergreen superuser, you also need to create the
+database and schema, and configure your configuration files to point at the
 database server. Issue the following command as root from inside the Evergreen
 source directory, replacing <user>, <password>, <hostname>, <port>, and <dbname>
-with the appropriate values for your PostgreSQL database, and <admin-user> and
-<admin-pass> with the values you want for the default Evergreen administrator
+with the appropriate values for your PostgreSQL database (where <user> and
+<password> are for the PostgreSQL superuser you just created), and replace
+<admin-user> and <admin-pass> with the values you want for the default
+Evergreen administrator account:
 [source, bash]
 perl Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/eg_db_config.pl --update-config \
-       --service all --create-schema --create-offline \
+       --service all --create-database --create-schema --create-offline \
        --user <user> --password <password> --hostname <hostname> --port <port> \
        --database <dbname> --admin-user <admin-user> --admin-pass <admin-pass>
-This creates the database schema and configures all of the services in
+This creates the database and schema and configures all of the services in
 your `/openils/conf/opensrf.xml` configuration file to point to that database.
 It also creates the configuration files required by the Evergreen cgi-bin
-administration scripts, and set the user name and password for the default
+administration scripts, and sets the user name and password for the default
 Evergreen administrator account to your requested values.
+Creating the database on a remote server
+In a production instance of Evergreen, your PostgreSQL server should be
+installed on a dedicated server. To create the database in that case, you
+can either:
+  *  Install the PostgreSQL contrib modules on the machine on which you
+     are installing the Evergreen code, and use the --create-database
+     option from that machine, or
+  *  Copy the `Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/create-database.sql` script to your
+     PostgreSQL server and invoke it with:
+[source, bash]
+psql -vdb_name=<dbname> -vcontrib_dir=`pg_config --sharedir`/contrib
+Then you can issue the `eg_db_config.pl` command as above _without_ the
+`--create-database` argument to create your schema and configure your
+configuration files.
 Developer instructions:


Summary of changes:
 Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/2.0-2.1-upgrade-db.sql | 2298 +++++++++++++++-------------
 README                                     |   64 +-
 2 files changed, 1234 insertions(+), 1128 deletions(-)

Evergreen ILS

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