[open-ils-commits] [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch master updated. c71207e7db4c6479f2e88e20bfc3e579050e3b19

Evergreen Git git at git.evergreen-ils.org
Mon Apr 2 13:49:10 EDT 2012

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "Evergreen ILS".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  c71207e7db4c6479f2e88e20bfc3e579050e3b19 (commit)
      from  fec48cdd66f2338a3cea762e840352d448426b3d (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit c71207e7db4c6479f2e88e20bfc3e579050e3b19
Author: Thomas Berezansky <tsbere at mvlc.org>
Date:   Mon Apr 2 11:52:12 2012 -0400

    Update 2.1-2.2 version upgrade script for beta1
    Including missing chunks and missing commas.
    Moved 0693 to the end, it may exist in some 2.1 installs.
    Signed-off-by: Thomas Berezansky <tsbere at mvlc.org>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.1-2.2-upgrade-db.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.1-2.2-upgrade-db.sql
index aa3f94d..7b335ea 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.1-2.2-upgrade-db.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.1-2.2-upgrade-db.sql
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
 --Upgrade Script for 2.1 to 2.2-alpha2
+-- Don't require use of -vegversion=something
+\set eg_version '''2.2'''
 -- DROP objects that might have existed from a prior run of 0526
 -- Yes this is ironic.
 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS config.db_patch_dependencies;
@@ -7,7 +11,7 @@ DROP FUNCTION evergreen.upgrade_list_applied_deprecates(TEXT);
 DROP FUNCTION evergreen.upgrade_list_applied_supersedes(TEXT);
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('2.2-alpha3');
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('2.2-beta1');
 INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0526'); --miker
@@ -13816,6 +13820,161 @@ $func$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL;
 -- Delete old one
 DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries(BIGINT);
+-- Evergreen DB patch 0688.data.circ_history_export_csv.sql
+-- FIXME: insert description of change, if needed
+-- check whether patch can be applied
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0688', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.hook (key, core_type, description, passive)
+    'circ.format.history.csv',
+    'circ',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'circ.format.history.csv',
+        'Produce CSV of circulation history',
+        'ath',
+        'description'
+    ),
+    FALSE
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (
+    active, owner, name, hook, reactor, validator, group_field, template) 
+    TRUE, 1, 'Circ History CSV', 'circ.format.history.csv', 'ProcessTemplate', 'NOOP_True', 'usr',
+Title,Author,Call Number,Barcode,Format
+FOR circ IN target;
+    bibxml = helpers.unapi_bre(circ.target_copy.call_number.record, {flesh => '{mra}'});
+    title = "";
+    FOR part IN bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="245"]/*[@code="a" or @code="b"]');
+        title = title _ part.textContent;
+    END;
+    author = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="100"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;
+    item_type = bibxml.findnodes('//*[local-name()="attributes"]/*[local-name()="field"][@name="item_type"]').getAttribute('coded-value') %]
+    [%- helpers.csv_datum(title) -%],
+    [%- helpers.csv_datum(author) -%],
+    [%- helpers.csv_datum(circ.target_copy.call_number.label) -%],
+    [%- helpers.csv_datum(circ.target_copy.barcode) -%],
+    [%- helpers.csv_datum(item_type) %]
+[%- END -%]
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment (event_def, path)
+    VALUES (
+        currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'),
+        'target_copy.call_number'
+    );
+-- Evergreen DB patch 0689.data.record_print_format_update.sql
+-- Updates print and email templates for bib record actions
+-- check whether patch can be applied
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0689', :eg_version);
+UPDATE action_trigger.event_definition SET template = $$
+    <style> li { padding: 8px; margin 5px; }</style>
+    <ol>
+    [% FOR cbreb IN target %]
+    [% FOR item IN cbreb.items;
+        bre_id = item.target_biblio_record_entry;
+        bibxml = helpers.unapi_bre(bre_id, {flesh => '{mra}'});
+        FOR part IN bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="245"]/*[@code="a" or @code="b"]');
+            title = title _ part.textContent;
+        END;
+        author = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="100"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;
+        item_type = bibxml.findnodes('//*[local-name()="attributes"]/*[local-name()="field"][@name="item_type"]').getAttribute('coded-value');
+        publisher = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="260"]/*[@code="b"]').textContent;
+        pubdate = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="260"]/*[@code="c"]').textContent;
+        isbn = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="020"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;
+        issn = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="022"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;
+        upc = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="024"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;
+        %]
+        <li>
+            Bib ID# [% bre_id %]<br/>
+            [% IF isbn %]ISBN: [% isbn %]<br/>[% END %]
+            [% IF issn %]ISSN: [% issn %]<br/>[% END %]
+            [% IF upc  %]UPC:  [% upc %]<br/>[% END %]
+            Title: [% title %]<br />
+            Author: [% author %]<br />
+            Publication Info: [% publisher %] [% pubdate %]<br/>
+            Item Type: [% item_type %]
+        </li>
+    [% END %]
+    [% END %]
+    </ol>
+WHERE hook = 'biblio.format.record_entry.print' AND id < 100; -- sample data
+UPDATE action_trigger.event_definition SET delay = '00:00:00', template = $$
+[%- SET user = target.0.owner -%]
+To: [%- params.recipient_email || user.email %]
+From: [%- params.sender_email || default_sender %]
+Subject: Bibliographic Records
+[% FOR cbreb IN target %]
+[% FOR item IN cbreb.items;
+    bre_id = item.target_biblio_record_entry;
+    bibxml = helpers.unapi_bre(bre_id, {flesh => '{mra}'});
+    FOR part IN bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="245"]/*[@code="a" or @code="b"]');
+        title = title _ part.textContent;
+    END;
+    author = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="100"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;
+    item_type = bibxml.findnodes('//*[local-name()="attributes"]/*[local-name()="field"][@name="item_type"]').getAttribute('coded-value');
+    publisher = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="260"]/*[@code="b"]').textContent;
+    pubdate = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="260"]/*[@code="c"]').textContent;
+    isbn = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="020"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;
+    issn = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="022"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;
+    upc = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="024"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;
+[% loop.count %]/[% loop.size %].  Bib ID# [% bre_id %] 
+[% IF isbn %]ISBN: [% isbn _ "\n" %][% END -%]
+[% IF issn %]ISSN: [% issn _ "\n" %][% END -%]
+[% IF upc  %]UPC:  [% upc _ "\n" %] [% END -%]
+Title: [% title %]
+Author: [% author %]
+Publication Info: [% publisher %] [% pubdate %]
+Item Type: [% item_type %]
+[% END %]
+[% END %]
+WHERE hook = 'biblio.format.record_entry.email' AND id < 100; -- sample data
+-- remove a swath of unused environment entries
+DELETE FROM action_trigger.environment env 
+    USING action_trigger.event_definition def 
+    WHERE env.event_def = def.id AND 
+        env.path != 'items' AND 
+        def.hook = 'biblio.format.record_entry.print' AND 
+        def.id < 100; -- sample data
+DELETE FROM action_trigger.environment env 
+    USING action_trigger.event_definition def 
+    WHERE env.event_def = def.id AND 
+        env.path != 'items' AND 
+        env.path != 'owner' AND 
+        def.hook = 'biblio.format.record_entry.email' AND 
+        def.id < 100; -- sample data
 -- Evergreen DB patch 0690.schema.unapi_limit_rank.sql
@@ -15008,39 +15167,42 @@ EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT unapi.bre(36,'marcxml','record','{holdings_xml,mra,acp,ac
--- Evergreen DB patch 0693.schema.do_not_despace_issns.sql
--- FIXME: insert description of change, if needed
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0691', :eg_version);
--- check whether patch can be applied
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0693', :eg_version);
+CREATE INDEX poi_po_idx ON acq.po_item (purchase_order);
--- FIXME: add/check SQL statements to perform the upgrade
--- Delete the index normalizer that was meant to remove spaces from ISSNs
--- but ended up breaking records with multiple ISSNs
-DELETE FROM config.metabib_field_index_norm_map WHERE id IN (
-    SELECT map.id FROM config.metabib_field_index_norm_map map
-        INNER JOIN config.metabib_field cmf ON cmf.id = map.field
-        INNER JOIN config.index_normalizer cin ON cin.id = map.norm
-    WHERE cin.func = 'replace'
-        AND cmf.field_class = 'identifier'
-        AND cmf.name = 'issn'
-        AND map.params = $$[" ",""]$$
+CREATE INDEX ie_inv_idx on acq.invoice_entry (invoice);
+CREATE INDEX ie_po_idx on acq.invoice_entry (purchase_order);
+CREATE INDEX ie_li_idx on acq.invoice_entry (lineitem);
--- Reindex records that have more than just a single ISSN
--- to ensure that spaces are maintained
-SELECT metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries(source)
-  FROM metabib.identifier_field_entry mife
-    INNER JOIN config.metabib_field cmf ON cmf.id = mife.field
-  WHERE cmf.field_class = 'identifier'
-    AND cmf.name = 'issn'
-    AND char_length(value) > 9
+CREATE INDEX ii_inv_idx on acq.invoice_item (invoice);
+CREATE INDEX ii_po_idx on acq.invoice_item (purchase_order);
+CREATE INDEX ii_poi_idx on acq.invoice_item (po_item);
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0692', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type
+    (name, label, description, grp, datatype)
+    VALUES (
+        'circ.fines.charge_when_closed',
+         oils_i18n_gettext(
+            'circ.fines.charge_when_closed',
+            'Charge fines on overdue circulations when closed',
+            'coust',
+            'label'
+        ),
+        oils_i18n_gettext(
+            'circ.fines.charge_when_closed',
+            'Normally, fines are not charged when a library is closed.  When set to True, fines will be charged during scheduled closings and normal weekly closed days.',
+            'coust',
+            'description'
+        ),
+        'circ',
+        'bool'
+    );
 SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0694', :eg_version);
 INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
@@ -15051,7 +15213,7 @@ INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
         'Require prefix field on patron registration',
         'coust', 'label'),
-        'The prefix field will be required on the patron registration screen.'
+        'The prefix field will be required on the patron registration screen.',
         'coust', 'description'),
     'bool', null)
@@ -15060,7 +15222,7 @@ INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
         'Show prefix field on patron registration',
         'coust', 'label'),
-        'The prefix field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored.'
+        'The prefix field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored.',
         'coust', 'description'),
     'bool', null)
@@ -15069,12 +15231,126 @@ INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
         'Suggest prefix field on patron registration',
         'coust', 'label'),
-        'The prefix field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored.'
+        'The prefix field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored.',
         'coust', 'description'),
     'bool', null)
+-- Evergreen DB patch 0695.schema.custom_toolbars.sql
+-- FIXME: insert description of change, if needed
+-- check whether patch can be applied
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0695', :eg_version);
+CREATE TABLE actor.toolbar (
+    id          BIGSERIAL   PRIMARY KEY,
+    ws          INT         REFERENCES actor.workstation (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+    org         INT         REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+    usr         INT         REFERENCES actor.usr (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+    label       TEXT        NOT NULL,
+    layout      TEXT        NOT NULL,
+    CONSTRAINT only_one_type CHECK (
+        (ws IS NOT NULL AND COALESCE(org,usr) IS NULL) OR
+        (org IS NOT NULL AND COALESCE(ws,usr) IS NULL) OR
+        (usr IS NOT NULL AND COALESCE(org,ws) IS NULL)
+    ),
+    CONSTRAINT layout_must_be_json CHECK ( is_json(layout) )
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX label_once_per_ws ON actor.toolbar (ws, label) WHERE ws IS NOT NULL;
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX label_once_per_org ON actor.toolbar (org, label) WHERE org IS NOT NULL;
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX label_once_per_usr ON actor.toolbar (usr, label) WHERE usr IS NOT NULL;
+-- this one unrelated to toolbars but is a gap in the upgrade scripts
+INSERT INTO permission.perm_list ( id, code, description )
+        522,
+        oils_i18n_gettext(
+            522,
+            'Allows a user to create new authority records',
+            'ppl',
+            'description'
+        )
+        SELECT 1
+        FROM permission.perm_list
+        WHERE
+            id = 522
+    );
+INSERT INTO permission.perm_list ( id, code, description ) VALUES (
+    523,
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        523,
+        'Allows a user to create, edit, and delete custom toolbars',
+        'ppl',
+        'description'
+    )
+-- Don't want to assume stock perm groups in an upgrade script, but here for ease of testing
+-- INSERT INTO permission.grp_perm_map (grp, perm, depth, grantable) SELECT pgt.id, perm.id, aout.depth, FALSE FROM permission.grp_tree pgt, permission.perm_list perm, actor.org_unit_type aout WHERE pgt.name = 'Staff' AND aout.name = 'Branch' AND perm.code = 'ADMIN_TOOLBAR';
+INSERT INTO actor.toolbar(org,label,layout) VALUES
+    ( 1, 'circ', '["circ_checkout","circ_checkin","toolbarseparator.1","search_opac","copy_status","toolbarseparator.2","patron_search","patron_register","toolbarspacer.3","hotkeys_toggle"]' ),
+    ( 1, 'cat', '["circ_checkin","toolbarseparator.1","search_opac","copy_status","toolbarseparator.2","create_marc","authority_manage","retrieve_last_record","toolbarspacer.3","hotkeys_toggle"]' );
+-- delete from permission.grp_perm_map where perm in (select id from permission.perm_list where code ~ 'TOOLBAR'); delete from permission.perm_list where code ~ 'TOOLBAR'; drop table actor.toolbar ;
+-- Evergreen DB patch 0696.no_plperl.sql
+-- FIXME: insert description of change, if needed
+-- check whether patch can be applied
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0696', :eg_version);
+-- Re-create these as plperlu instead of plperl
+    $_SHARED{"eg_audit_user"} = $_[0];
+    $_SHARED{"eg_audit_ws"} = $_[1];
+$$ LANGUAGE plperlu;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION auditor.get_audit_info() RETURNS TABLE (eg_user INT, eg_ws INT) AS $$
+    return [{eg_user => $_SHARED{"eg_audit_user"}, eg_ws => $_SHARED{"eg_audit_ws"}}];
+$$ LANGUAGE plperlu;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION auditor.clear_audit_info() RETURNS VOID AS $$
+    delete($_SHARED{"eg_audit_user"});
+    delete($_SHARED{"eg_audit_ws"});
+$$ LANGUAGE plperlu;
+-- And remove the language so that we don't use it later.
+-- Evergreen DB patch 0697.data.place_currently_unfillable_hold.sql
+-- FIXME: insert description of change, if needed
+-- check whether patch can be applied
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0697', :eg_version);
+-- FIXME: add/check SQL statements to perform the upgrade
+INSERT INTO permission.perm_list ( id, code, description ) VALUES
+ ( 524, 'PLACE_UNFILLABLE_HOLD', oils_i18n_gettext( 524,
+    'Allows a user to place a hold that cannot currently be filled.', 'ppl', 'description' ));
+-- Evergreen DB patch 0698.hold_default_pickup.sql
+-- FIXME: insert description of change, if needed
+-- check whether patch can be applied
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0698', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO config.usr_setting_type (name,opac_visible,label,description,datatype)
+    VALUES ('opac.default_pickup_location', TRUE, 'Default Hold Pickup Location', 'Default location for holds pickup', 'integer');
 SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0699', :eg_version);
 INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type ( name, label, description, datatype, grp )
@@ -15251,4 +15527,154 @@ UPDATE serial.issuance siss
     FROM serial.caption_and_pattern scap
     WHERE scap.id = siss.caption_and_pattern AND siss.holding_type IS NULL;
+-- Evergreen DB patch 0701.schema.patron_stat_category_enhancements.sql
+-- Enables users to set patron statistical categories as required,
+-- whether or not users can input free text for the category value.
+-- Enables administrators to set an entry as the default for any
+-- given patron statistical category and org unit.
+-- check whether patch can be applied
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0701', :eg_version);
+-- New table
+CREATE TABLE actor.stat_cat_entry_default (
+    id              SERIAL  PRIMARY KEY,
+    CONSTRAINT sced_once_per_owner UNIQUE (stat_cat,owner)
+COMMENT ON TABLE actor.stat_cat_entry_default IS $$
+User Statistical Category Default Entry
+A library may choose one of the stat_cat entries to be the
+default entry.
+-- Add columns to existing tables
+-- Patron stat cat required column
+ALTER TABLE actor.stat_cat
+-- Patron stat cat allow_freetext column
+ALTER TABLE actor.stat_cat
+-- Add permissions
+INSERT INTO permission.perm_list ( id, code, description ) VALUES
+    ( 525, 'CREATE_PATRON_STAT_CAT_ENTRY_DEFAULT', oils_i18n_gettext( 525, 
+        'User may set a default entry in a patron statistical category', 'ppl', 'description' )),
+    ( 526, 'UPDATE_PATRON_STAT_CAT_ENTRY_DEFAULT', oils_i18n_gettext( 526, 
+        'User may reset a default entry in a patron statistical category', 'ppl', 'description' )),
+    ( 527, 'DELETE_PATRON_STAT_CAT_ENTRY_DEFAULT', oils_i18n_gettext( 527, 
+        'User may unset a default entry in a patron statistical category', 'ppl', 'description' ));
+INSERT INTO permission.grp_perm_map (grp, perm, depth, grantable)
+        pgt.id, perm.id, aout.depth, TRUE
+    FROM
+        permission.grp_tree pgt,
+        permission.perm_list perm,
+        actor.org_unit_type aout
+    WHERE
+        pgt.name = 'Circulation Administrator' AND
+        aout.name = 'System' AND
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0702', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO config.global_flag (name, enabled, label) 
+    VALUES (
+        'opac.org_unit.non_inheritied_visibility',
+        FALSE,
+        oils_i18n_gettext(
+            'opac.org_unit.non_inheritied_visibility',
+            'Org Units Do Not Inherit Visibility',
+            'cgf',
+            'label'
+        )
+    );
+CREATE TYPE actor.org_unit_custom_tree_purpose AS ENUM ('opac');
+CREATE TABLE actor.org_unit_custom_tree (
+    id              SERIAL  PRIMARY KEY,
+    active          BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
+    purpose         actor.org_unit_custom_tree_purpose NOT NULL DEFAULT 'opac' UNIQUE
+CREATE TABLE actor.org_unit_custom_tree_node (
+    id              SERIAL  PRIMARY KEY,
+    tree            INTEGER REFERENCES actor.org_unit_custom_tree (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
+	parent_node     INTEGER REFERENCES actor.org_unit_custom_tree_node (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
+    sibling_order   INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
+    CONSTRAINT aouctn_once_per_org UNIQUE (tree, org_unit)
+/* UNDO
+DELETE FROM config.global_flag WHERE name = 'opac.org_unit.non_inheritied_visibility';
+DROP TABLE actor.org_unit_custom_tree_node;
+DROP TABLE actor.org_unit_custom_tree;
+DROP TYPE actor.org_unit_custom_tree_purpose;
+-- This is split out because it was backported to 2.1, but may not exist before upgrades
+-- It can safely fail
+-- Also, lets say that. <_<
+\qecho *************************************************************************
+\qecho !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+\qecho We are about to apply a patch that may not be needed. It can fail safely.
+\qecho !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+\qecho *************************************************************************
+-- Evergreen DB patch 0693.schema.do_not_despace_issns.sql
+-- FIXME: insert description of change, if needed
+-- check whether patch can be applied
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0693', :eg_version);
+-- FIXME: add/check SQL statements to perform the upgrade
+-- Delete the index normalizer that was meant to remove spaces from ISSNs
+-- but ended up breaking records with multiple ISSNs
+DELETE FROM config.metabib_field_index_norm_map WHERE id IN (
+    SELECT map.id FROM config.metabib_field_index_norm_map map
+        INNER JOIN config.metabib_field cmf ON cmf.id = map.field
+        INNER JOIN config.index_normalizer cin ON cin.id = map.norm
+    WHERE cin.func = 'replace'
+        AND cmf.field_class = 'identifier'
+        AND cmf.name = 'issn'
+        AND map.params = $$[" ",""]$$
+-- Reindex records that have more than just a single ISSN
+-- to ensure that spaces are maintained
+SELECT metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries(source)
+  FROM metabib.identifier_field_entry mife
+    INNER JOIN config.metabib_field cmf ON cmf.id = mife.field
+  WHERE cmf.field_class = 'identifier'
+    AND cmf.name = 'issn'
+    AND char_length(value) > 9


Summary of changes:
 .../sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.1-2.2-upgrade-db.sql  |  488 ++++++++++++++++++--
 1 files changed, 457 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

Evergreen ILS

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