[open-ils-commits] [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch rel_2_2 updated. 27cfefce8b098f5acc210c73c7c992aba070998e

Evergreen Git git at git.evergreen-ils.org
Mon May 14 15:21:30 EDT 2012

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "Evergreen ILS".

The branch, rel_2_2 has been updated
       via  27cfefce8b098f5acc210c73c7c992aba070998e (commit)
      from  172ebd640cbed0a6fbebcfdb3e0ff494f4f35ee4 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 27cfefce8b098f5acc210c73c7c992aba070998e
Author: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous at esilibrary.com>
Date:   Mon May 14 12:46:44 2012 -0400

    Avoid collisions of normalized values going into metabib.browse_entry
    This fixes a bug that prevented successful reingestion of bib records
    during the 2.1->2.2 upgrade in some cases.  Reported by George Duimovich.
    Key part here:
    > ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
    > "browse_entry_value_key"
    > DETAIL: Key (value)=(545575) already exists.
    > CONTEXT: SQL statement "INSERT INTO metabib.browse_entry (value) VALUES
    >                     (metabib.browse_normalize(ind_data.value,
    George confirmed that the changes to the version upgrade script fixed
    the problem for him.
    Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous at esilibrary.com>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql
index db99514..d541c58 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ CREATE TRIGGER no_overlapping_deps
     BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON config.db_patch_dependencies
     FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE evergreen.array_overlap_check ('deprecates');
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('0710', :eg_version); -- senator
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('0711', :eg_version); -- senator
 CREATE TABLE config.bib_source (
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0711.schema.reingest_avoid_collision_better.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0711.schema.reingest_avoid_collision_better.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f5df40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0711.schema.reingest_avoid_collision_better.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0711', :eg_version);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries( bib_id BIGINT, skip_facet BOOL DEFAULT FALSE, skip_browse BOOL DEFAULT FALSE, skip_search BOOL DEFAULT FALSE ) RETURNS VOID AS $func$
+    fclass          RECORD;
+    ind_data        metabib.field_entry_template%ROWTYPE;
+    mbe_row         metabib.browse_entry%ROWTYPE;
+    mbe_id          BIGINT;
+    normalized_value    TEXT;
+    PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'ingest.assume_inserts_only' AND enabled;
+        IF NOT skip_search THEN
+            FOR fclass IN SELECT * FROM config.metabib_class LOOP
+                -- RAISE NOTICE 'Emptying out %', fclass.name;
+                EXECUTE $$DELETE FROM metabib.$$ || fclass.name || $$_field_entry WHERE source = $$ || bib_id;
+            END LOOP;
+        END IF;
+        IF NOT skip_facet THEN
+            DELETE FROM metabib.facet_entry WHERE source = bib_id;
+        END IF;
+        IF NOT skip_browse THEN
+            DELETE FROM metabib.browse_entry_def_map WHERE source = bib_id;
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+    FOR ind_data IN SELECT * FROM biblio.extract_metabib_field_entry( bib_id ) LOOP
+        IF ind_data.field < 0 THEN
+            ind_data.field = -1 * ind_data.field;
+        END IF;
+        IF ind_data.facet_field AND NOT skip_facet THEN
+            INSERT INTO metabib.facet_entry (field, source, value)
+                VALUES (ind_data.field, ind_data.source, ind_data.value);
+        END IF;
+        IF ind_data.browse_field AND NOT skip_browse THEN
+            -- A caveat about this SELECT: this should take care of replacing
+            -- old mbe rows when data changes, but not if normalization (by
+            -- which I mean specifically the output of
+            -- evergreen.oils_tsearch2()) changes.  It may or may not be
+            -- expensive to add a comparison of index_vector to index_vector
+            -- to the WHERE clause below.
+            normalized_value := metabib.browse_normalize(
+                ind_data.value, ind_data.field
+            );
+            SELECT INTO mbe_row * FROM metabib.browse_entry WHERE value = normalized_value;
+            IF FOUND THEN
+                mbe_id := mbe_row.id;
+            ELSE
+                INSERT INTO metabib.browse_entry (value) VALUES (normalized_value);
+                mbe_id := CURRVAL('metabib.browse_entry_id_seq'::REGCLASS);
+            END IF;
+            INSERT INTO metabib.browse_entry_def_map (entry, def, source)
+                VALUES (mbe_id, ind_data.field, ind_data.source);
+        END IF;
+        IF ind_data.search_field AND NOT skip_search THEN
+            EXECUTE $$
+                INSERT INTO metabib.$$ || ind_data.field_class || $$_field_entry (field, source, value)
+                    VALUES ($$ ||
+                        quote_literal(ind_data.field) || $$, $$ ||
+                        quote_literal(ind_data.source) || $$, $$ ||
+                        quote_literal(ind_data.value) ||
+                    $$);$$;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+    RETURN;
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.1-2.2-upgrade-db.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.1-2.2-upgrade-db.sql
index 6d1a138..8329a41 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.1-2.2-upgrade-db.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.1-2.2-upgrade-db.sql
@@ -10082,6 +10082,9 @@ SELECT auditor.update_auditors();
 -- check whether patch can be applied
 SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0687', :eg_version);
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0711', :eg_version); -- introduces
+-- changes to metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries() that must happen here
+-- rather than later in a separate CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION statement.
 -- FIXME: add/check SQL statements to perform the upgrade
 -- New function def
@@ -10091,6 +10094,7 @@ DECLARE
     ind_data        metabib.field_entry_template%ROWTYPE;
     mbe_row         metabib.browse_entry%ROWTYPE;
     mbe_id          BIGINT;
+    normalized_value    TEXT;
     PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'ingest.assume_inserts_only' AND enabled;
@@ -10125,12 +10129,15 @@ BEGIN
             -- evergreen.oils_tsearch2()) changes.  It may or may not be
             -- expensive to add a comparison of index_vector to index_vector
             -- to the WHERE clause below.
-            SELECT INTO mbe_row * FROM metabib.browse_entry WHERE value = ind_data.value;
+            normalized_value := metabib.browse_normalize(
+                ind_data.value, ind_data.field
+            );
+            SELECT INTO mbe_row * FROM metabib.browse_entry WHERE value = normalized_value;
             IF FOUND THEN
                 mbe_id := mbe_row.id;
-                INSERT INTO metabib.browse_entry (value) VALUES
-                    (metabib.browse_normalize(ind_data.value, ind_data.field));
+                INSERT INTO metabib.browse_entry (value) VALUES (normalized_value);
                 mbe_id := CURRVAL('metabib.browse_entry_id_seq'::REGCLASS);
             END IF;
@@ -11700,6 +11707,7 @@ SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0700', :eg_version);
 SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0706', :eg_version);
 SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0710', :eg_version);
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.could_be_serial_holding_code(TEXT) RETURNS BOOL AS $$
     use JSON::XS;
     use MARC::Field;


Summary of changes:
 Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql          |    2 +-
 ...711.schema.reingest_avoid_collision_better.sql} |   24 ++++++-------------
 .../sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.1-2.2-upgrade-db.sql  |   14 +++++++++--
 3 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
 copy Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/{0687.schema.enhance_reingest.sql => 0711.schema.reingest_avoid_collision_better.sql} (83%)

Evergreen ILS

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