[open-ils-commits] [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch master updated. b90330614c99c08f67b6e51cdf2aa035edfba66b
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Tue May 22 14:56:06 EDT 2012
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- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit b90330614c99c08f67b6e51cdf2aa035edfba66b
Author: Bill Erickson <berick at esilibrary.com>
Date: Tue May 15 18:00:30 2012 -0400
Query Parser nested dynamic filters
Dynamic filters (from metabib.record_attr) are now parsed along with
search strings and facets as Query Parser descends the parse tree. The
WHERE clause for the query as a whole is now a combination of the main
WHERE and the ON clause for JOINing to metabib.record_attr. This gives
us the ability to create complex boolean nested queries using
SVF/record_attr filters, unlike before where nested filters were either
ignored or always treated as global filters.
For example:
concerto && ( ( item_type(a) subject|topic[Music] ) || item_form(a) )
This query now successfully limits the "concerto" search to results that
have either (item_type(a) AND subject|topic[Music]) OR item_form(a).
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick at esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Storage/Driver/Pg/QueryParser.pm b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Storage/Driver/Pg/QueryParser.pm
index a406717..89e3c12 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Storage/Driver/Pg/QueryParser.pm
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Storage/Driver/Pg/QueryParser.pm
@@ -520,35 +520,9 @@ sub toSQL {
$rel = "1.0/($rel)::NUMERIC";
- my %dyn_filters = ( '' => [] ); # the "catch-all" key
- for my $f ( @{ $self->QueryParser->dynamic_filters } ) {
- my $col = $f;
- $col = 'item_lang' if ($f eq 'language'); #XXX filter aliases would address this ... booo ... later
- my ($filter) = $self->find_filter($f);
- if ($filter) {
- my @fargs = @{$filter->args};
- if (@fargs > 1 || $filter->negate) {
- my $NOT = $filter->negate ? 'NOT' : '';
- $dyn_filters{$f} = "$NOT( " .
- join(
- " OR ",
- map { "mrd.attrs \@> hstore('$col', " . $self->QueryParser->quote_value($_) . ")" } @fargs
- ) .
- " )";
- } else {
- push(@{$dyn_filters{''}}, "hstore('$col', " . $self->QueryParser->quote_value($fargs[0]) . ")");
- }
- }
- }
- my $combined_dyn_filters = '';
- $combined_dyn_filters .= 'AND mrd.attrs @> (' . join(' || ', @{$dyn_filters{''}}) . ') ' if (@{$dyn_filters{''}});
- delete($dyn_filters{''});
- my @dyn_filter_list = values(%dyn_filters);
- $combined_dyn_filters .= 'AND ' . join(' AND ', @dyn_filter_list) if (@dyn_filter_list);
+ my $mra_join = 'INNER JOIN metabib.record_attr mrd ON (m.source = mrd.id';
+ $mra_join .= ' AND '. $flat_plan->{fwhere} if $flat_plan->{fwhere};
+ $mra_join .= ')';
my $rank = $rel;
@@ -676,16 +650,15 @@ SELECT $key AS id,
$rank AS rank,
FIRST(mrd.attrs->'date1') AS tie_break
FROM metabib.metarecord_source_map m
- JOIN metabib.record_attr mrd ON (m.source = mrd.id)
+ $mra_join
- $combined_dyn_filters
ORDER BY 4 $desc $nullpos, 5 DESC $nullpos, 3 DESC
@@ -726,9 +699,18 @@ sub flatten {
my $from = shift || '';
my $where = shift || '(';
my $with = '';
+ my $fwhere = shift || ''; # for joining dynamic filters (mra)
+ my @dyn_filters;
+ for my $filter (@{$self->filters}) {
+ push(@dyn_filters, $filter) if
+ grep { $_ eq $filter->name }
+ @{ $self->QueryParser->dynamic_filters };
+ };
my @rank_list;
for my $node ( @{$self->query_nodes} ) {
if (ref($node)) {
if ($node->isa( 'QueryParser::query_plan::node' )) {
@@ -794,10 +776,19 @@ sub flatten {
- $where .= '(' . $talias . ".id IS NOT NULL";
- $where .= ' AND ' . join(' AND ', map {"${talias}.value ~* ".$self->QueryParser->quote_phrase_value($_)} @{$node->phrases}) if (@{$node->phrases});
- $where .= ' AND ' . join(' AND ', map {"${talias}.value !~* ".$self->QueryParser->quote_phrase_value($_)} @{$node->unphrases}) if (@{$node->unphrases});
- $where .= ')';
+ my $twhere .= '(' . $talias . ".id IS NOT NULL";
+ $twhere .= ' AND ' . join(' AND ', map {"${talias}.value ~* ".$self->QueryParser->quote_phrase_value($_)} @{$node->phrases}) if (@{$node->phrases});
+ $twhere .= ' AND ' . join(' AND ', map {"${talias}.value !~* ".$self->QueryParser->quote_phrase_value($_)} @{$node->unphrases}) if (@{$node->unphrases});
+ $twhere .= ')';
+ if (@dyn_filters or !$self->top_plan) {
+ # if this WHERE is represented within the dynamic
+ # filter's ON clause, it's not also needed in the main WHERE.
+ $fwhere .= $twhere;
+ } else {
+ $where .= $twhere;
+ }
push @rank_list, $node_rank;
@@ -813,19 +804,35 @@ sub flatten {
@field_ids = @{ $self->QueryParser->facet_field_ids_by_class( $node->classname ) };
- my $join_type = $node->negate ? 'LEFT' : 'INNER';
+ my $join_type = ($node->negate or @dyn_filters or !$self->top_plan) ? 'LEFT' : 'INNER';
$from .= "\n${spc}$join_type JOIN /* facet */ metabib.facet_entry $talias ON (\n${spc}${spc}m.source = ${talias}.source\n${spc}${spc}".
"AND SUBSTRING(${talias}.value,1,1024) IN (" . join(",", map { $self->QueryParser->quote_value($_) } @{$node->values}) . ")\n${spc}${spc}".
"AND ${talias}.field IN (". join(',', @field_ids) . ")\n${spc})";
- $where .= $node->negate ? "${talias}.id IS NULL" : 'TRUE';
+ if (@dyn_filters or !$self->top_plan) {
+ my $NOT = $node->negate ? '' : ' NOT';
+ $fwhere .= "${talias}.id IS$NOT NULL";
+ } else {
+ $where .= $node->negate ? "${talias}.id IS NULL" : 'TRUE';
+ }
} else {
my $subnode = $node->flatten;
+ # strip the trailing bool from the previous loop if there is
+ # nothing to add to the where/fwhere within this loop.
+ if ($$subnode{where} eq '()') {
+ $where =~ s/\s(AND|OR)\s$//;
+ } elsif ($$subnode{fwhere} eq '') {
+ $fwhere =~ s/\s(AND|OR)\s$//;
+ }
push(@rank_list, @{$$subnode{rank_list}});
$from .= $$subnode{from};
- $where .= "($$subnode{where})";
+ $where .= "($$subnode{where})" unless $$subnode{where} eq '()';
+ $fwhere .= "($$subnode{fwhere})" if $$subnode{fwhere};
if ($$subnode{with}) {
$with .= ', ' if $with;
@@ -833,14 +840,47 @@ sub flatten {
} else {
- $where .= ' AND ' if ($node eq '&');
- $where .= ' OR ' if ($node eq '|');
- # ... stitching the WHERE together ...
+ warn "flatten(): appending WHERE bool to: $where\n" if $self->QueryParser->debug;
+ if ($fwhere) {
+ # bool joiner for inter-plan filters
+ $fwhere .= ' AND ' if ($node eq '&');
+ $fwhere .= ' OR ' if ($node eq '|');
+ } elsif ($where ne '(') {
+ $where .= ' AND ' if ($node eq '&');
+ $where .= ' OR ' if ($node eq '|');
+ }
- return { rank_list => \@rank_list, from => $from, where => $where.')', with => $with };
+ # for each dynamic filter, build the ON clause for the JOIN
+ for my $filter (@dyn_filters) {
+ warn "flatten(): processing dynamic filter ". $filter->name ."\n"
+ if $self->QueryParser->debug;
+ # bool joiner for intra-plan nodes/filters
+ $fwhere .= sprintf(" %s ", ($self->joiner eq '&' ? 'AND' : 'OR')) if $fwhere;
+ my @fargs = @{$filter->args};
+ my $NOT = $filter->negate ? ' NOT' : '';
+ my $fname = $filter->name;
+ $fname = 'item_lang' if $fname eq 'language'; #XXX filter aliases
+ $fwhere .= sprintf(
+ "attrs->'%s'$NOT IN (%s)", $fname,
+ join(',', map { $self->QueryParser->quote_value($_) } @fargs)
+ );
+ warn "flatten(): filter where => $fwhere\n"
+ if $self->QueryParser->debug;
+ }
+ warn "flatten(): full filter where => $fwhere\n" if $self->QueryParser->debug;
+ return { rank_list => \@rank_list, from => $from, where => $where.')', with => $with, fwhere => $fwhere };
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Storage/QueryParser.pm b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Storage/QueryParser.pm
index 07d19c0..d5e12a4 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Storage/QueryParser.pm
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Storage/QueryParser.pm
@@ -723,7 +723,10 @@ sub decompose {
- $struct = undef if (scalar(@{$struct->query_nodes}) == 0 && !$struct->top_plan);
+ $struct = undef if
+ scalar(@{$struct->query_nodes}) == 0 &&
+ scalar(@{$struct->filters}) == 0 &&
+ !$struct->top_plan;
return $struct if !wantarray;
return ($struct, $remainder);
commit 81dbf4d6a4a2c008cac9ca3fef8b0a8158157794
Author: Bill Erickson <berick at esilibrary.com>
Date: Tue May 15 17:59:56 2012 -0400
QueryParser test script
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick at esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/query_parser.pl b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/query_parser.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3c647da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/query_parser.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+require '../oils_header.pl';
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use OpenILS::Application::Storage::Driver::Pg::QueryParser;
+use JSON::XS;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Data::Dumper;
+$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
+use Time::HiRes qw/time/;
+use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor;
+my $query = '#available title: foo bar* || (-baz || (subject:"1900'.
+ '-1910 junk" "and another thing" se:stuff #available '.
+ 'statuses(0,7,12))) && && && au:malarky || au|'.
+ 'corporate|personal:gonzo && dc.identifier:+123456789X'.
+ ' dc.contributor=rowling #metarecord estimation_'.
+ 'strategy(exclusion) item_type(a, t) item_form(d) '.
+ 'bib.subjectTitle=potter bib.subjectName=harry '.
+ 'keyword|mapscale:1:250000';
+#$query = 'concerto #available filter_group_entry(1,2,3) filter_group_entry(4,5)';
+#$query = 'concerto || filter_group_entry(4) || filter_group_entry(3)';
+#$query = 'concerto (audience(a) || (item_type(a) && item_form(b)))';
+#$query = 'concerto || (piano && (item_type(a) || audience(a)))';
+#$query = '(concerto item_type(a)) || (piano item_type(b))';
+#$query = 'audience(a) (concerto || item_type(a) || (piano music item_form(b)))';
+#$query = 'concerto && (item_type(a) || piano) && (item_form(b) || music)';
+$query = 'concerto && (piano || item_type(a)) && (music || item_form(b))';
+my $superpage = 1;
+my $superpage_size = 1000;
+my $core_limit = 25000;
+my $debug;
+my $config = '/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml';
+my $quiet = 0;
+ 'superpage=i' => \$superpage,
+ 'superpage-size=i' => \$superpage_size,
+ 'core-limit=i' => \$core_limit,
+ 'query=s' => \$query,
+ 'debug' => \$debug,
+ 'quiet' => \$quiet,
+ 'config=s' => \$config
+my $parser = OpenILS::Application::Storage::Driver::Pg::QueryParser->new(
+ superpage_size => $superpage_size,
+ superpage => $superpage,
+ core_limit => $core_limit,
+ query => $query,
+ debug => $debug
+# load the parser config
+my $cstore = OpenSRF::AppSession->create( 'open-ils.cstore' );
+ config_record_attr_index_norm_map =>
+ $cstore->request(
+ 'open-ils.cstore.direct.config.record_attr_index_norm_map.search.atomic',
+ { id => { "!=" => undef } },
+ { flesh => 1, flesh_fields => { crainm => [qw/norm/] }, order_by => [{ class => "crainm", field => "pos" }] }
+ )->gather(1),
+ search_relevance_adjustment =>
+ $cstore->request(
+ 'open-ils.cstore.direct.search.relevance_adjustment.search.atomic',
+ { id => { "!=" => undef } }
+ )->gather(1),
+ config_metabib_field =>
+ $cstore->request(
+ 'open-ils.cstore.direct.config.metabib_field.search.atomic',
+ { id => { "!=" => undef } }
+ )->gather(1),
+ config_metabib_search_alias =>
+ $cstore->request(
+ 'open-ils.cstore.direct.config.metabib_search_alias.search.atomic',
+ { alias => { "!=" => undef } }
+ )->gather(1),
+ config_metabib_field_index_norm_map =>
+ $cstore->request(
+ 'open-ils.cstore.direct.config.metabib_field_index_norm_map.search.atomic',
+ { id => { "!=" => undef } },
+ { flesh => 1, flesh_fields => { cmfinm => [qw/norm/] }, order_by => [{ class => "cmfinm", field => "pos" }] }
+ )->gather(1),
+ config_record_attr_definition =>
+ $cstore->request(
+ 'open-ils.cstore.direct.config.record_attr_definition.search.atomic',
+ { name => { "!=" => undef } }
+ )->gather(1),
+print "Parsed query tree:\n" . Dumper($parser->parse_tree) unless $quiet;
+my $sql = $parser->toSQL;
+$sql =~ s/^\s*$//gm;
+print "SQL:\n$sql\n\n" unless $quiet;
Summary of changes:
.../Application/Storage/Driver/Pg/QueryParser.pm | 124 +++++++++++++-------
.../lib/OpenILS/Application/Storage/QueryParser.pm | 5 +-
.../support-scripts/test-scripts/query_parser.pl | 105 +++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 191 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
create mode 100755 Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/query_parser.pl
Evergreen ILS
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