[open-ils-commits] [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch master updated. 1398fb009c2bf6608140d996a50373339f2c42fa

Evergreen Git git at git.evergreen-ils.org
Fri Sep 28 00:52:29 EDT 2012

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "Evergreen ILS".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  1398fb009c2bf6608140d996a50373339f2c42fa (commit)
       via  06ea5ec9b641bb550db2ef4bb41aed5c9b6a51d7 (commit)
      from  689266a57c133bd1e75d889299e0d918a379f163 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 1398fb009c2bf6608140d996a50373339f2c42fa
Author: Ben Shum <bshum at biblio.org>
Date:   Wed Sep 5 17:02:43 2012 -0400

    Make relator_map script executable
    Signed-off-by: Ben Shum <bshum at biblio.org>

diff --git a/build/tools/relator_map b/build/tools/relator_map
old mode 100644
new mode 100755

commit 06ea5ec9b641bb550db2ef4bb41aed5c9b6a51d7
Author: Dan Scott <dscott at laurentian.ca>
Date:   Wed Sep 5 00:27:03 2012 -0400

    TPAC: Fine-grained credits in record details
    For 7xx fields with $4 subfields containing relator codes, generate a
    relator code map from http://www.loc.gov/marc/relators/relacode.html
    that we can use in the record details to provide specific credits,
    rather than the generic (and often inappropriate) "Added author" label.
    For example:
    700 1. ‡aMaley, Desmond, ‡d1954- ‡4prf.
    This now generates "Maley, Desmond, 1954- (Performer)" in the record
    details credit section.
    Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott at laurentian.ca>
    Signed-off-by: Ben Shum <bshum at biblio.org>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/templates/opac/parts/record/authors.tt2 b/Open-ILS/src/templates/opac/parts/record/authors.tt2
index 4a0419c..bc61e48 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/templates/opac/parts/record/authors.tt2
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/templates/opac/parts/record/authors.tt2
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+PROCESS "opac/parts/relators.tt2";
 authors = [
         type => 'author', 
@@ -10,10 +12,6 @@ authors = [
         label => l('Added Author'),
         xpath => '//*[@tag="700"]|//*[@tag="710"]|//*[@tag="711"]'
     }, {
-        type => 'credits', 
-        label => l('Credited'),
-        xpath => '//*[@tag="100"]|//*[@tag="110"]|//*[@tag="111"]'
-    }, {
         type => 'cast', 
         label => l('Cast'),
         xpath => '//*[@tag="508"]'
@@ -29,9 +27,14 @@ BLOCK build_author_links;
         term = '';
         qterm = '';
         iprop = '';
+        tlabel = '';
         FOR subfield IN node.childNodes;
             NEXT UNLESS subfield.nodeName == "subfield";
             code = subfield.getAttribute('code');
+            IF code == '4';
+                relcode = subfield.textContent.substr(0,3);
+                tlabel = relators.$relcode || label;
+            END;
             NEXT UNLESS code.match('[a-z]');
             sf_raw = subfield.textContent;
             sf = subfield.textContent | html;
@@ -39,7 +42,7 @@ BLOCK build_author_links;
             qterm = qterm _ ' ' _ sf_raw;
         url = mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/results', {query => qterm, qtype => 'author'}, ['page', 'expand']);
-        author_type = label | html;
+        author_type = (tlabel || label) | html;
         # schema.org changes
         IF type == 'author';
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/templates/opac/parts/relators.tt2 b/Open-ILS/src/templates/opac/parts/relators.tt2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd4a93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/templates/opac/parts/relators.tt2
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+# Generated from http://www.loc.gov/marc/relators/relacode.html
+# using the build/tools/relator_map script
+relators = {
+    'acp' => l('Art copyist'),
+    'act' => l('Actor'),
+    'adp' => l('Adapter'),
+    'aft' => l('Author of afterword, colophon, etc.'),
+    'anl' => l('Analyst'),
+    'anm' => l('Animator'),
+    'ann' => l('Annotator'),
+    'ant' => l('Bibliographic antecedent'),
+    'app' => l('Applicant'),
+    'aqt' => l('Author in quotations or text abstracts'),
+    'arc' => l('Architect'),
+    'ard' => l('Artistic director'),
+    'arr' => l('Arranger'),
+    'art' => l('Artist'),
+    'asg' => l('Assignee'),
+    'asn' => l('Associated name'),
+    'att' => l('Attributed name'),
+    'auc' => l('Auctioneer'),
+    'aud' => l('Author of dialog'),
+    'aui' => l('Author of introduction'),
+    'aus' => l('Author of screenplay'),
+    'aut' => l('Author'),
+    'bdd' => l('Binding designer'),
+    'bjd' => l('Bookjacket designer'),
+    'bkd' => l('Book designer'),
+    'bkp' => l('Book producer'),
+    'blw' => l('Blurb writer'),
+    'bnd' => l('Binder'),
+    'bpd' => l('Bookplate designer'),
+    'bsl' => l('Bookseller'),
+    'ccp' => l('Conceptor'),
+    'chr' => l('Choreographer'),
+    'clb' => l('Collaborator'),
+    'cli' => l('Client'),
+    'cll' => l('Calligrapher'),
+    'clr' => l('Colorist'),
+    'clt' => l('Collotyper'),
+    'cmm' => l('Commentator'),
+    'cmp' => l('Composer'),
+    'cmt' => l('Compositor'),
+    'cnd' => l('Conductor'),
+    'cng' => l('Cinematographer'),
+    'cns' => l('Censor'),
+    'coe' => l('Contestant -appellee'),
+    'col' => l('Collector'),
+    'com' => l('Compiler'),
+    'con' => l('Conservator'),
+    'cos' => l('Contestant'),
+    'cot' => l('Contestant -appellant'),
+    'cov' => l('Cover designer'),
+    'cpc' => l('Copyright claimant'),
+    'cpe' => l('Complainant-appellee'),
+    'cph' => l('Copyright holder'),
+    'cpl' => l('Complainant'),
+    'cpt' => l('Complainant-appellant'),
+    'cre' => l('Creator'),
+    'crp' => l('Correspondent'),
+    'crr' => l('Corrector'),
+    'csl' => l('Consultant'),
+    'csp' => l('Consultant to a project'),
+    'cst' => l('Costume designer'),
+    'ctb' => l('Contributor'),
+    'cte' => l('Contestee-appellee'),
+    'ctg' => l('Cartographer'),
+    'ctr' => l('Contractor'),
+    'cts' => l('Contestee'),
+    'ctt' => l('Contestee-appellant'),
+    'cur' => l('Curator'),
+    'cwt' => l('Commentator for written text'),
+    'dfd' => l('Defendant'),
+    'dfe' => l('Defendant-appellee'),
+    'dft' => l('Defendant-appellant'),
+    'dgg' => l('Degree grantor'),
+    'dis' => l('Dissertant'),
+    'dln' => l('Delineator'),
+    'dnc' => l('Dancer'),
+    'dnr' => l('Donor'),
+    'dpb' => l('Distribution place'),
+    'dpc' => l('Depicted'),
+    'dpt' => l('Depositor'),
+    'drm' => l('Draftsman'),
+    'drt' => l('Director'),
+    'dsr' => l('Designer'),
+    'dst' => l('Distributor'),
+    'dtc' => l('Data contributor'),
+    'dte' => l('Dedicatee'),
+    'dtm' => l('Data manager'),
+    'dto' => l('Dedicator'),
+    'dub' => l('Dubious author'),
+    'edt' => l('Editor'),
+    'egr' => l('Engraver'),
+    'elg' => l('Electrician'),
+    'elt' => l('Electrotyper'),
+    'eng' => l('Engineer'),
+    'etr' => l('Etcher'),
+    'evp' => l('Event place'),
+    'exp' => l('Expert'),
+    'fac' => l('Facsimilist'),
+    'fld' => l('Field director'),
+    'flm' => l('Film editor'),
+    'fmo' => l('Former owner'),
+    'fnd' => l('Funder'),
+    'fpy' => l('First party'),
+    'frg' => l('Forger'),
+    'gis' => l('Geographic information specialist'),
+    'grt' => l('Graphic technician'),
+    'hnr' => l('Honoree'),
+    'hst' => l('Host'),
+    'ill' => l('Illustrator'),
+    'ilu' => l('Illuminator'),
+    'ins' => l('Inscriber'),
+    'inv' => l('Inventor'),
+    'itr' => l('Instrumentalist'),
+    'ive' => l('Interviewee'),
+    'ivr' => l('Interviewer'),
+    'lbr' => l('Laboratory'),
+    'lbt' => l('Librettist'),
+    'ldr' => l('Laboratory director'),
+    'led' => l('Lead'),
+    'lee' => l('Libelee-appellee'),
+    'lel' => l('Libelee'),
+    'len' => l('Lender'),
+    'let' => l('Libelee-appellant'),
+    'lgd' => l('Lighting designer'),
+    'lie' => l('Libelant-appellee'),
+    'lil' => l('Libelant'),
+    'lit' => l('Libelant-appellant'),
+    'lsa' => l('Landscape architect'),
+    'lse' => l('Licensee'),
+    'lso' => l('Licensor'),
+    'ltg' => l('Lithographer'),
+    'lyr' => l('Lyricist'),
+    'mcp' => l('Music copyist'),
+    'mdc' => l('Metadata contact'),
+    'mfp' => l('Manufacture place'),
+    'mfr' => l('Manufacturer'),
+    'mod' => l('Moderator'),
+    'mon' => l('Monitor'),
+    'mrb' => l('Marbler'),
+    'mrk' => l('Markup editor'),
+    'msd' => l('Musical director'),
+    'mte' => l('Metal-engraver'),
+    'mus' => l('Musician'),
+    'nrt' => l('Narrator'),
+    'opn' => l('Opponent'),
+    'org' => l('Originator'),
+    'orm' => l('Organizer of meeting'),
+    'oth' => l('Other'),
+    'own' => l('Owner'),
+    'pat' => l('Patron'),
+    'pbd' => l('Publishing director'),
+    'pbl' => l('Publisher'),
+    'pdr' => l('Project director'),
+    'pfr' => l('Proofreader'),
+    'pht' => l('Photographer'),
+    'plt' => l('Platemaker'),
+    'pma' => l('Permitting agency'),
+    'pmn' => l('Production manager'),
+    'pop' => l('Printer of plates'),
+    'ppm' => l('Papermaker'),
+    'ppt' => l('Puppeteer'),
+    'prc' => l('Process contact'),
+    'prd' => l('Production personnel'),
+    'prf' => l('Performer'),
+    'prg' => l('Programmer'),
+    'prm' => l('Printmaker'),
+    'pro' => l('Producer'),
+    'prp' => l('Production place'),
+    'prt' => l('Printer'),
+    'pta' => l('Patent applicant'),
+    'pte' => l('Plaintiff -appellee'),
+    'ptf' => l('Plaintiff'),
+    'pth' => l('Patent holder'),
+    'ptt' => l('Plaintiff-appellant'),
+    'pup' => l('Publication place'),
+    'rbr' => l('Rubricator'),
+    'rce' => l('Recording engineer'),
+    'rcp' => l('Recipient'),
+    'red' => l('Redactor'),
+    'ren' => l('Renderer'),
+    'res' => l('Researcher'),
+    'rev' => l('Reviewer'),
+    'rps' => l('Repository'),
+    'rpt' => l('Reporter'),
+    'rpy' => l('Responsible party'),
+    'rse' => l('Respondent-appellee'),
+    'rsg' => l('Restager'),
+    'rsp' => l('Respondent'),
+    'rst' => l('Respondent-appellant'),
+    'rth' => l('Research team head'),
+    'rtm' => l('Research team member'),
+    'sad' => l('Scientific advisor'),
+    'sce' => l('Scenarist'),
+    'scl' => l('Sculptor'),
+    'scr' => l('Scribe'),
+    'sds' => l('Sound designer'),
+    'sec' => l('Secretary'),
+    'sgn' => l('Signer'),
+    'sht' => l('Supporting host'),
+    'sng' => l('Singer'),
+    'spk' => l('Speaker'),
+    'spn' => l('Sponsor'),
+    'spy' => l('Second party'),
+    'srv' => l('Surveyor'),
+    'std' => l('Set designer'),
+    'stl' => l('Storyteller'),
+    'stm' => l('Stage manager'),
+    'stn' => l('Standards body'),
+    'str' => l('Stereotyper'),
+    'tcd' => l('Technical director'),
+    'tch' => l('Teacher'),
+    'ths' => l('Thesis advisor'),
+    'trc' => l('Transcriber'),
+    'trl' => l('Translator'),
+    'tyd' => l('Type designer'),
+    'tyg' => l('Typographer'),
+    'uvp' => l('University place'),
+    'vdg' => l('Videographer'),
+    'voc' => l('Vocalist'),
+    'wam' => l('Writer of accompanying material'),
+    'wdc' => l('Woodcutter'),
+    'wde' => l('Wood-engraver'),
+    'wit' => l('Witness'),
+} -%]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/tools/relator_map b/build/tools/relator_map
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7423482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/tools/relator_map
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use XML::LibXML;
+use XML::LibXML::Reader;
+use LWP::Simple;
+use Data::Dumper;
+my %relator;
+my $code = 0;
+my $fullname = 0;
+my $code_v;
+my $content = get('http://www.loc.gov/marc/relators/relacode.html');
+$content =~ s{^<!DOCTYPE.*?>}{}s;
+$content =~ s{<head>.+?</head>}{}s;
+$content =~ s{<table .+?<table }{<table }s;
+$content =~ s{&raquo;}{}gs;
+$content =~ s{</table>.+?</table>}{</table>}s;
+my $reader = XML::LibXML::Reader->new(
+    string => $content,
+    recover => 2,
+    load_ext_dtd => 0
+while($reader->read) {
+    processNode($reader);
+#print Dumper(\%relator);
+sub processNode {
+    my $reader = shift;
+    if ($reader->nodeType == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && $reader->name eq 'td') {
+        if ($reader->getAttribute('class') && $reader->getAttribute('class') eq 'code') {
+            $code = 1;
+        } else {
+            $fullname = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    if ($reader->nodeType == XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT) {
+        if ($code) {
+            $code_v = $reader->value();
+            # Treat deprecated codes as valid
+            $code_v =~ s/^-//;
+            $code = 0;
+        } elsif ($fullname) {
+            $relator{$code_v} = $reader->value();
+            $fullname = 0;
+        }
+    }
+sub generateRelatorMap {
+    print <<"HEAD";
+# Generated from http://www.loc.gov/marc/relators/relacode.html
+# using the build/tools/relator_map script
+    print 'relators = {' . "\n";
+    foreach (sort keys %relator) {
+        print "    '$_' => l('$relator{$_}'),\n";
+    }
+    print '} -%]';


Summary of changes:
 .../src/templates/opac/parts/record/authors.tt2    |   13 +-
 Open-ILS/src/templates/opac/parts/relators.tt2     |  228 ++++++++++++++++++++
 build/tools/relator_map                            |   72 ++++++
 3 files changed, 308 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/src/templates/opac/parts/relators.tt2
 create mode 100755 build/tools/relator_map

Evergreen ILS

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