[open-ils-commits] ***SPAM*** [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch rel_2_4 updated. 6c27190e92c0cc5b1238db4b55ce6242afb6ecd7
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via 6c27190e92c0cc5b1238db4b55ce6242afb6ecd7 (commit)
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- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 6c27190e92c0cc5b1238db4b55ce6242afb6ecd7
Author: Remington Steed <rjs7 at calvin.edu>
Date: Thu Nov 21 10:29:22 2013 -0500
Docs: integrate holds docs from EG 2.1
The small amount of Holds docs present in master seemed to fit well at
the end of the older Holds documentation, so this commit appends them
to the new holds.txt file, deletes the previous holds_management.txt file,
and makes the appropriate change to root.txt.
This commit also includes several small formatting improvements, wording
changes, and bug fixes.
Signed-off-by: Remington Steed <rjs7 at calvin.edu>
diff --git a/docs/circulation/holds.txt b/docs/circulation/holds.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..482239e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/circulation/holds.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+Holds Management
+Placing Holds
+Holds can be placed by staff in the _Staff Client_ and by patrons in the OPAC. In this chapter we demonstrate placing holds on the _Staff Client_.
+Holds Levels
+Evergreen has different levels of holds. Library staff can place holds at all levels, while patrons can only place title-level holds, and parts-level holds. The chart below summarizes the levels of holds.
+|*Hold level* |*Abbreviation* |*When to use* |*How to use* |*Who can use* |*Hold tied to*
+|Title |T |Patron wants first available copy of a title | Staff or patron click on _Place Hold_ next to title. | Patron or staff | Holdings attached to a single MARC (title) record
+|Parts |P |Patron wants a particular part of title (e.g. volume or disk number) | Staff or patron selects part on the create/edit hold screen when setting holds notification options. |Patron or staff |Holdings with identical parts attached to a single MARC (title) record.
+|Volume |V |Patron or staff want any title associated with a particular call number | In the staff client, click on _Volume Hold_ under _Holdable?_ |Staff only |Holdings attached to a single call number (volume)
+|Copy |C |Patron or staff want a specific copy of an item |In the staff client, click on _Copy Hold_ under _Holdable?_ |Staff only |A specific copy (barcode)
+Title Level Hold
+A default hold expiration date will be displayed if the library has set up a default holds expiration period in their library settings. Uncaptured holds will not be targeted after the expiration date.
+If you select the _Suspend this Hold_ checkbox, the hold will be suspended and not be captured until you activate it.
+. To place a title level hold, retrieve the title record on the catalog and click the _Place Hold_ link beside the title on the search results list, or click the _Place Hold_ link on the title summary screen.
+. Scan or type patron's barcode into _Enter recipient barcode_ then click _Submit_.
+. Edit patron hold notification and expiration date fields as required and click _Place Hold_. Confirm your action in the pop-up window.
+Parts Level Hold
+. To place a parts level hold, retrieve a record with parts-level items attached to the title, such as a multi-disc DVD, an annual travel guide, or a multi-volume book set.
+. Place the hold as you would for a title-level hold.
+. Scan or type patron's barcode into _Enter recipient barcode_ then click _Submit_.
+. Select the applicable part from the _Parts_ dropdown menu.
+. Click _Place Hold_.
+Requested formats are listed in the _Holdable Part_ column in hold records. Use the _Column Picker_ to display it when the hold record is displayed.
+Placing Holds in Patron Records
+. Holds can be placed from patron records too. In the patron record on the _Holds_ screen, click the _Place Hold_ button on the left top corner.
+. The catalog is displayed in the _Holds_ screen to search for the title on which you want to place a hold.
+. Search for the title and click the _Place Hold_ link.
+. The patron’s account information is retrieved automatically. Set up the notification and expiration date fields. Click _Place Hold_ and confirm your action in the pop-up window.
+. You may continue to search for more titles. Once you are done, click the _Holds_ button on the top to go back to the _Holds_ screen. Click the _Refresh_ button to display your newly placed holds.
+Managing Holds
+Holds can be cancelled at any time by staff or patrons. Before holds are captured, staff or patrons can suspend them or set them as inactive for a period of time without losing the hold queue position, activate suspended holds, change
+notification method, phone number, pick-up location (for multi-branch libraries only), expiration date, activation date for inactive holds, etc. Once a hold is captured, staff can change the pickup location and extend the hold shelf
+time if required.
+Staff can edit holds in either patron’s records or the title records. Patrons can edit their holds in their account on the OPAC.
+If you use the column picker to change the holds display from one area of the staff client (e.g. the patron record), it will change the display for all parts of the staff client that deal with holds, including the title record holds
+display, the holds shelf display, and the pull list display.
+Actions for Selected Holds
+. Retrieve the patron record and go to the _Holds_ screen.
+. Highlight the hold record, then select _Actions for Selected Holds_.
+. Manage the hold by choosing an action on the list.
+.. If you want to cancel the hold, click _Cancel Hold_ from the menu. You are prompted to select a reason and put in a note if required. To finish, click _Apply_.
+A captured hold with a status of _On Hold Shelf_ can be cancelled by either staff or patrons. But the status of the item will not change until staff check it in.
+.. If you want to suspend a hold or activate a suspended hold, click the appropriate action on the list. You will be prompted to confirm your action. Suspended holds have a _No_ value in the _Active?_ column.
+Suspended holds will not be filled but its hold position will be kept. They will automatically become active on the activation date if there is an activation date in the record. Without an activation date, the holds will remain inactive until staff or a patron activates them manually.
+.. You may edit the _Activation Date_ and _Expiration Date_ by using the corresponding action on the _Action for Selected Holds_ dropdown menu. You will be prompted to enter the new date. Use the calendar widget to choose a date, then click _Apply_. Use the _Remove_ button to unset the date.
+.. Hold shelf expire time is automatically recorded in the hold record when a hold is filled. You may edit this time by using the _Edit Shelf Expire Time_ on the _Action for Selected Holds_ dropdown menu. You will be prompted to enter the new date. Use the calendar widget to choose a date, then click _Apply_.
+.. If you want to enable or disable phone notification or change the phone number, click _Edit Phone Notification_. You will be prompted to enter the new phone number. Make sure you enter a valid and complete phone number. The phone number is used for this hold only and can be different from the one in the patron account. It has no impact on the patron account. If you leave it blank, no phone number will be printed on the hold slip.
+.. If you want to enable or disable email notification for the hold, click _Set Email Notification_. Click _Email_ or _No Email_ on the prompt screen.
+.. Pickup location can be changed by clicking _Edit Pickup Library_. Click the dropdown list of all libraries and choose the new pickup location. Click _Done_.
+Staff can change the pickup location for holds with in-transit status. Item will be sent in transit to the new destination. Staff cannot change the pickup location once an item is on the holds shelf.
+.. The item’s physical condition is recorded in the copy record as _Good_ or _Mediocre_ in the _Quality_ field. You may request that your holds be filled with copies of good quality only. Click _Set Desired Copy Quality_ on the
+_Actions for Selected Holds_ list. Make your choice in the pop-up window.
+Transferring Holds
+. Holds on one title can be transferred to another with the hold request time preserved. To do so, you need to find the destination title and click _Actions for this Record_ -> _Mark as Title Hold Transfer Destination_.
+. Select the hold you want to transfer. Click _Actions for Selected Holds_ -> _Transfer to Marked Title_.
+Cancelled Holds
+. Cancelled holds can be displayed. Click the _Show Cancelled Holds_ button on the _Holds_ screen.
+. You can un-cancel holds.
+Based on your library’s setting, hold request time can be reset when a hold is un-cancelled.
+Viewing Details & Adding Notes to Holds
+. You can view details of a hold by selecting a hold then clicking the _Detail View_ button on the _Holds_ screen.
+. You may add a note to a hold in the _Detail View_.
+. Notes can be printed on the hold slip if the _Print on slip?_ checkbox is selected. Key in the message then click _Add Note_.
+Displaying Queue Position
+Using the Column Picker, you can display _Queue Position_ and _Total number of Holds_.
+Managing Holds in Title Records
+. Retrieve and display the title record in the catalog.
+. Click _Actions for this Record_ -> _View Holds_.
+. All holds on this title to be picked up at your library are displayed. Use the _Filter_ checkbox and _Pickup Library_ to view holds to be picked up at other libraries.
+. Highlight the hold you want to edit. Choose an action from the _Actions for Selected Holds_ menu. For more information see the link:_managing_holds#_actions_for_selected_holds[Actions for Selected Holds] section.
+. You can retrieve the hold requestor’s account by selecting _Retrieve Patron_ on the above dropdown menu.
+Retargeting Holds
+Holds need to be retargeted whenever a new item is added to a record, or after some types of item status changes, for instance when an item is changed from _On Order_ to _In Process_. The system does not automatically recognize the newly added items as available to fill holds.
+. View the holds for the item.
+. Highlight all the holds for the record, which have a status of _Waiting for Copy_. If there are a lot of holds, it may be helpful to sort the holds by _Status_.
+. Click on the head of the status column.
+. Under _Actions for Selected Holds_ (Alt+S), select _Find Another Target_ (Alt+T)
+. A window will open asking if you are sure you would like to reset the holds for these items.
+. Click _Yes_ (Alt+Y). Nothing may appear to happen, or if you are retargeting a lot of holds at once, your screen may go blank or seem to freeze for a moment while the holds are retargeted.
+. When the screen refreshes, the holds will be retargeted. The system will now recognize the new items as available for holds.
+Pulling & Capturing Holds
+Holds Pull List
+There are usually four statuses a hold may have: _Waiting for Copy_, _Waiting for Capture_, _In Transit_ and _Ready for Pickup_.
+. *Waiting-for-copy*: all holdable copies are checked out or not available.
+. *Waiting-for-capture*: an available copy is assigned to the hold. The item shows up on the _Holds Pull List_ waiting for staff to search the shelf and capture the hold.
+. *In Transit*: holds are captured at a non-pickup branch and on the way to the pick-up location.
+. *Ready-for-pick-up*: holds are captured and items are on the _Hold Shelf_ waiting for patrons to pick up. Besides capturing holds when checking in items, Evergreen matches holds with available items in your library at regular
+intervals. Once a matching copy is found, the item’s barcode number is assigned to the hold and the item is put on the _Holds Pull List_. Staff can print the _Holds Pull List_ and search for the items on shelves.
+. To retrieve your _Holds Pull List_, select _Circulation_ -> _Pull List for Hold Requests_.
+. The _Holds Pull List_ is displayed. You may re-sort it by clicking the column labels, e.g. _Title_. You can also add fields to the display by using the column picker.
+Column adjustments will only affect the screen display and the CSV download for the holds pull list. It will not affect the printable holds pull list.
+. The maximum number of holds initially displayed on the pull list is about 100. Use _Fetch More Holds_ to retrieve more records. You may have to click _Reload_ for those records to appear in the display.
+. The following options are available for printing the pull list:
+* _Print Full Pull List_ prints _Title_, _Author_, _Shelving Location_, _Call Number_ and _Item Barcode_. This method uses less paper than the alternate strategy.
+* _Print Full Pull List (Alternate Strategy)_ prints the same fields as the above option but also includes a patron barcode. This list will also first sort by copy location, as ordered under _Admin_ -> _Local Administration_ -> _Copy Location Order_.
+* _Save List CSV to File_ – This option is available from the _List Actions_ button and saves all fields in the screen display to a CSV file. This file can then be opened in Excel or another spreadsheet program. This option provides more flexibility in identifying fields that should be printed.
+With the CSV option, if you are including barcodes in the holds pull list, you will need to take the following steps to make the barcode display properly: in Excel, select the entire barcode column, right-click and select _Format Cells_, click _Number_ as the category and then reduce the number of decimal places to 0.
+. You may perform hold management tasks by using the _Actions for Selected Holds_ dropdown list.
+The _Holds Pull List_ is updated constantly. Once an item on the list is no longer available or a hold on the list is captured, the items will disappear from the list. The _Holds Pull List_ should be printed at least once a day.
+Capturing Holds
+Holds can be captured when a checked-out item is returned (checked in) or an item on the _Holds Pull List_ is retrieved and captured. When a hold is captured, the hold slip will be printed and if the patron has chosen to be notified by email, the email notification will be sent out. The item should be put on the hold shelf.
+. To capture a hold, select _Circulation_ -> _Capture Holds_; click _Check In_ -> _Capture Holds_ on the circulation toolbar; or hit _Shift-F2_.
+. Scan or type barcode and click _Submit_.
+. The following hold slip is automatically printed. (This slip will not display on the _Capture Holds_ screen, but will display on a _Check In_ screen not set to automatically print slips.)
+. If the item should be sent to another location, a hold transit slip will be printed. (This slip will not display on the _Capture Holds_ screen, but may display on a _Check In_ screen that is not set to automatically print slips.)
+If a patron has an _OPAC/Staff Client Holds Alias_ in his/her account, it will be used on the hold slip instead of the patron’s name. Holds can also be captured on the _Circulation_ -> _Check In Items_ screen where you have more control over automatic slip printing.
+Handling Missing and Damaged Item
+If an item on the holds pull list is missing or damaged, you can change its status directly from the holds pull list.
+. From the _Holds Pull List_, right-click on the item and either select _Mark Item Missing_ or _Mark Item Damaged_.
+. Evergreen will update the status of the item and will immediately retarget the hold.
+Holds Notification Methods
+. In Evergreen, patrons can set up their default holds notification method in the _Account Preferences_ area of _My Account_. Staff cannot set these preferences for patrons; the patrons must do it when they are logged into the public catalog.
+The ``Default Phone Number'' option is the default for those users who have not yet set a preference.
+. Patrons with a default notification preference for phone will see their phone number at the time they place a hold. The checkboxes for email and phone notification will also automatically be checked.
+. The patron can remove these checkmarks at the time they place the hold or they can enter a different phone number if they prefer to be contacted at a different number. The patron cannot change their e-mail address at this time.
+. When the hold becomes available, the holds slip will display the patron’s e-mail address only if the patron selected the _Notify by Email by default when a hold is ready for pickup?_ checkbox. It will display a phone number only if the patron selected the _Notify by Phone by default when a hold is ready for pickup?_ checkbox.
+If the patron changes their contact telephone number when placing the hold, this phone number will display on the holds slip. It will not necessarily be the same phone number contained in the patron’s record.
+Clearing Shelf-Expired Holds
+. Items with _Ready-for-Pickup_ status are on the _Holds Shelf List_. The _Holds Shelf List_ can help you manage items on the holds shelf. To see the holds shelf list, select _Circulation_ -> _Browse Holds Shelf_.
+. The _Holds Shelf List_ is displayed. Note the _Actions for Selected Holds_ are available, as in the patron record.
+You can cancel stale holds here.
+. Use the column picker to add and remove fields from this display. Two fields you may want to display are _Shelf Expire Time_ and _Shelf Time_.
+. Check the _View Shelf-Expired Holds_ checkbox to list expired holds only. Click the _Print_ button if you need a printed list.
+. The _Clear These Holds_ button is lit up. Click it and the expired holds will be canceled.
+. Bring items down from the hold shelf and check them in.
+If you cancel a ready-for-pickup hold, you must check in the item to make it available for circulation or trigger the next hold in line.
+Hold shelf expire time is inserted when a hold achieves on-hold-shelf status. It is calculated based on the interval entered in _Local Admin_ -> _Library Settings_ -> _Default hold shelf expire interval_.
+The clear-hold-shelf function cancels shelf-expired holds only. It does not include holds canceled by patron. Staff needs to trace these items manually according to the hold slip date.
+Display Hold Types on Pull Lists
+This feature ensures that the hold type can be displayed on all hold interfaces.
+You will find the following changes to the hold type indicator:
+. The hold type indicator will display by default on all XUL-based hold
+interfaces. XUL-based hold interfaces are those that number the items on the
+interface. This can be overridden by saving column configurations that remove
+the _Type_ column.
+. The hold type indicator will display by default on the HTML-based pull list.
+To access, click _Circulation_ -> _Pull List for Hold Requests_ -> _Print Full
+Pull List (Alternate Strategy)_.
+. The hold type indicator can be added to the Simplified Pull List. To access,
+click _Circulation_ -> _Pull List for Hold Requests_ -> _Simplified Pull List
+To add the hold type indicator to the simplified pull list, click _Simplified
+Pull List Interface_, and right click on any of the column headers. The Column
+Picker appears in a pop up window. Click the box adjacent to _Hold Type_, and
+Click _Save_. The _Simplified Pull List Interface_ will now include the hold
+type each time that you log into the staff client.
diff --git a/docs/circulation/holds_management.txt b/docs/circulation/holds_management.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e8c4d6..0000000
--- a/docs/circulation/holds_management.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Holds Management
-Display Hold Types on Pull Lists
-This feature ensures that the hold type can be displayed on all hold interfaces.
-You will find the following changes to the hold type indicator:
-. The hold type indicator will display by default on all XUL-based hold
-interfaces. XUL-based hold interfaces are those that number the items on the
-interface. This can be overridden by saving column configurations that remove
-the column, *Type*.
-. The hold type indicator will display by default on the HTML-based pull list.
-To access, click *Circulation* -> *Pull List for Hold Requests* -> *Print Full
-Pull List (Alternate Strategy)*.
-. The hold type indicator can be added to the Simplified Pull List. To access,
-click Circulation* -> *Pull List for Hold Requests* -> *Simplified Pull List
-To add the hold type indicator to the simplified pull list, click *Simplified
-Pull List Interface*, and right click on any of the column headers. The Column
-Picker appears in a pop up window. Click the box adjacent to *Hold Type*, and
-Click *Save*. The *Simplified Pull List Interface* will now include the hold
-type each time that you log into the staff client.
diff --git a/docs/root.txt b/docs/root.txt
index 2f80e20..7d1b13e 100644
--- a/docs/root.txt
+++ b/docs/root.txt
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ system.
Summary of changes:
docs/circulation/holds.txt | 410 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
docs/circulation/holds_management.txt | 28 ---
docs/root.txt | 2 +-
3 files changed, 411 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 docs/circulation/holds.txt
delete mode 100644 docs/circulation/holds_management.txt
Evergreen ILS
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