[open-ils-commits] [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch rel_2_3 updated. 56dfac8d77fd0e309ca3bf09946389abecd652c2

Evergreen Git git at git.evergreen-ils.org
Fri Jan 11 13:03:06 EST 2013

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The branch, rel_2_3 has been updated
       via  56dfac8d77fd0e309ca3bf09946389abecd652c2 (commit)
       via  8ceb28247f531da78f12a15916bc85fd7122baeb (commit)
      from  7361a8df216e527bd4ed8c4ade276bd357352944 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
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revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 56dfac8d77fd0e309ca3bf09946389abecd652c2
Author: Jason Stephenson <jstephenson at mvlc.org>
Date:   Fri Jan 11 08:49:11 2013 -0500

    Fix a data destruction bug when authorities are updated.
    Modify the two-argument form of vandelay.merge_record_xml to return
    the target_marc when the add_rule, preserve_rule, replace_rule and
    strip_rule are all empty.
    This method is used by authority.propagate_changes and would replace
    the bibliographic record's marc with the overlay template when the
    above would happen. By returning the biblographic record entry's own
    marc in that case, we prevent data destruction.
    Additionally, protect bib and authority template overlay functions
    in the same manner.
    Commit includes an upgrade script for this change as well as
    for the previous commit's authority.generate_overlay_template fix.
    Signed-off-by: Jason Stephenson <jstephenson at mvlc.org>
    Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql
index db3e77e..f8128a6 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ CREATE TRIGGER no_overlapping_deps
     BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON config.db_patch_dependencies
     FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE evergreen.array_overlap_check ('deprecates');
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('0749', :eg_version); -- dbs/bshum
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('0750', :eg_version); -- miker/jstephenson
 CREATE TABLE config.bib_source (
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/012.schema.vandelay.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/012.schema.vandelay.sql
index 8f9ad96..b7f79d0 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/012.schema.vandelay.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/012.schema.vandelay.sql
@@ -1268,7 +1268,10 @@ BEGIN
         RETURN FALSE;
     END IF;
-    IF dyn_profile.replace_rule <> '' THEN
+    IF dyn_profile.replace_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.preserve_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.add_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.strip_rule = '' THEN
+        --Since we have nothing to do, just return a NOOP "we did it"
+        RETURN TRUE;
+    ELSIF dyn_profile.replace_rule <> '' THEN
         source_marc = v_marc;
         target_marc = eg_marc;
         replace_rule = dyn_profile.replace_rule;
@@ -1314,7 +1317,10 @@ BEGIN
         RETURN NULL;
     END IF;
-    IF dyn_profile.replace_rule <> '' THEN
+    IF dyn_profile.replace_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.preserve_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.add_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.strip_rule = '' THEN
+        --Since we have nothing to do, just return what we were given.
+        RETURN target_marc;
+    ELSIF dyn_profile.replace_rule <> '' THEN
         trgt_marc = target_marc;
         tmpl_marc = template_marc;
         replace_rule = dyn_profile.replace_rule;
@@ -1689,7 +1695,10 @@ BEGIN
         RETURN FALSE;
     END IF;
-    IF dyn_profile.replace_rule <> '' THEN
+    IF dyn_profile.replace_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.preserve_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.add_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.strip_rule = '' THEN
+        --Since we have nothing to do, just return a NOOP "we did it"
+        RETURN TRUE;
+    ELSIF dyn_profile.replace_rule <> '' THEN
         source_marc = v_marc;
         target_marc = eg_marc;
         replace_rule = dyn_profile.replace_rule;
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0750.function.authority.generate_overlay_template.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0750.function.authority.generate_overlay_template.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..178e8ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0750.function.authority.generate_overlay_template.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+-- Only consider main entry headings for bib overlay
+-- check whether patch can be applied
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0750', :eg_version);
+-- Function to generate an ephemeral overlay template from an authority record
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION authority.generate_overlay_template (source_xml TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
+    cset                INT;
+    main_entry          authority.control_set_authority_field%ROWTYPE;
+    bib_field           authority.control_set_bib_field%ROWTYPE;
+    auth_id             INT DEFAULT oils_xpath_string('//*[@tag="901"]/*[local-name()="subfield" and @code="c"]', source_xml)::INT;
+    replace_data        XML[] DEFAULT '{}'::XML[];
+    replace_rules       TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}'::TEXT[];
+    auth_field          XML[];
+    IF auth_id IS NULL THEN
+        RETURN NULL;
+    END IF;
+    -- Default to the LoC controll set
+    SELECT control_set INTO cset FROM authority.record_entry WHERE id = auth_id;
+    -- if none, make a best guess
+    IF cset IS NULL THEN
+        SELECT  control_set INTO cset
+          FROM  authority.control_set_authority_field
+          WHERE tag IN (
+                    SELECT  UNNEST(XPATH('//*[starts-with(@tag,"1")]/@tag',marc::XML)::TEXT[])
+                      FROM  authority.record_entry
+                      WHERE id = auth_id
+                )
+          LIMIT 1;
+    END IF;
+    -- if STILL none, no-op change
+    IF cset IS NULL THEN
+            name record,
+            XMLATTRIBUTES('http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim' AS xmlns),
+            XMLELEMENT( name leader, '00881nam a2200193   4500'),
+            XMLELEMENT(
+                name datafield,
+                XMLATTRIBUTES( '905' AS tag, ' ' AS ind1, ' ' AS ind2),
+                XMLELEMENT(
+                    name subfield,
+                    XMLATTRIBUTES('d' AS code),
+                    '901c'
+                )
+            )
+        )::TEXT;
+    END IF;
+    FOR main_entry IN SELECT * FROM authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf WHERE acsaf.control_set = cset AND acsaf.main_entry IS NULL LOOP
+        auth_field := XPATH('//*[@tag="'||main_entry.tag||'"][1]',source_xml::XML);
+        IF ARRAY_LENGTH(auth_field,1) > 0 THEN
+            FOR bib_field IN SELECT * FROM authority.control_set_bib_field WHERE authority_field = main_entry.id LOOP
+                replace_data := replace_data || XMLELEMENT( name datafield, XMLATTRIBUTES(bib_field.tag AS tag), XPATH('//*[local-name()="subfield"]',auth_field[1])::XML[]);
+                replace_rules := replace_rules || ( bib_field.tag || main_entry.sf_list || E'[0~\\)' || auth_id || '$]' );
+            END LOOP;
+            EXIT;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+        name record,
+        XMLATTRIBUTES('http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim' AS xmlns),
+        XMLELEMENT( name leader, '00881nam a2200193   4500'),
+        replace_data,
+        XMLELEMENT(
+            name datafield,
+            XMLATTRIBUTES( '905' AS tag, ' ' AS ind1, ' ' AS ind2),
+            XMLELEMENT(
+                name subfield,
+                XMLATTRIBUTES('r' AS code),
+                ARRAY_TO_STRING(replace_rules,',')
+            )
+        )
+    )::TEXT;
+-- Change the two argument form of vandelay.merge_record_xml to
+-- prevent bibliographic record destruction when there is nothing to
+-- do.
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vandelay.merge_record_xml ( target_marc TEXT, template_marc TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$
+    dyn_profile     vandelay.compile_profile%ROWTYPE;
+    replace_rule    TEXT;
+    tmp_marc        TEXT;
+    trgt_marc        TEXT;
+    tmpl_marc        TEXT;
+    match_count     INT;
+    IF target_marc IS NULL OR template_marc IS NULL THEN
+        -- RAISE NOTICE 'no marc for target or template record';
+        RETURN NULL;
+    END IF;
+    dyn_profile := vandelay.compile_profile( template_marc );
+    IF dyn_profile.replace_rule <> '' AND dyn_profile.preserve_rule <> '' THEN
+        -- RAISE NOTICE 'both replace [%] and preserve [%] specified', dyn_profile.replace_rule, dyn_profile.preserve_rule;
+        RETURN NULL;
+    END IF;
+    IF dyn_profile.replace_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.preserve_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.add_rule = '' THEN
+        --Since we have nothing to do, just return what we were given.
+        RETURN target_marc;
+    ELSIF dyn_profile.replace_rule <> '' THEN
+        trgt_marc = target_marc;
+        tmpl_marc = template_marc;
+        replace_rule = dyn_profile.replace_rule;
+    ELSE
+        tmp_marc = target_marc;
+        trgt_marc = template_marc;
+        tmpl_marc = tmp_marc;
+        replace_rule = dyn_profile.preserve_rule;
+    END IF;
+    RETURN vandelay.merge_record_xml( trgt_marc, tmpl_marc, dyn_profile.add_rule, replace_rule, dyn_profile.strip_rule );
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vandelay.template_overlay_bib_record ( v_marc TEXT, eg_id BIGINT, merge_profile_id INT ) RETURNS BOOL AS $$
+    merge_profile   vandelay.merge_profile%ROWTYPE;
+    dyn_profile     vandelay.compile_profile%ROWTYPE;
+    editor_string   TEXT;
+    editor_id       INT;
+    source_marc     TEXT;
+    target_marc     TEXT;
+    eg_marc         TEXT;
+    replace_rule    TEXT;
+    match_count     INT;
+    SELECT  b.marc INTO eg_marc
+      FROM  biblio.record_entry b
+      WHERE b.id = eg_id
+      LIMIT 1;
+    IF eg_marc IS NULL OR v_marc IS NULL THEN
+        -- RAISE NOTICE 'no marc for template or bib record';
+        RETURN FALSE;
+    END IF;
+    dyn_profile := vandelay.compile_profile( v_marc );
+    IF merge_profile_id IS NOT NULL THEN
+        SELECT * INTO merge_profile FROM vandelay.merge_profile WHERE id = merge_profile_id;
+        IF FOUND THEN
+            dyn_profile.add_rule := BTRIM( dyn_profile.add_rule || ',' || COALESCE(merge_profile.add_spec,''), ',');
+            dyn_profile.strip_rule := BTRIM( dyn_profile.strip_rule || ',' || COALESCE(merge_profile.strip_spec,''), ',');
+            dyn_profile.replace_rule := BTRIM( dyn_profile.replace_rule || ',' || COALESCE(merge_profile.replace_spec,''), ',');
+            dyn_profile.preserve_rule := BTRIM( dyn_profile.preserve_rule || ',' || COALESCE(merge_profile.preserve_spec,''), ',');
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+    IF dyn_profile.replace_rule <> '' AND dyn_profile.preserve_rule <> '' THEN
+        -- RAISE NOTICE 'both replace [%] and preserve [%] specified', dyn_profile.replace_rule, dyn_profile.preserve_rule;
+        RETURN FALSE;
+    END IF;
+    IF dyn_profile.replace_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.preserve_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.add_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.strip_rule = '' THEN
+        --Since we have nothing to do, just return a NOOP "we did it"
+        RETURN TRUE;
+    ELSIF dyn_profile.replace_rule <> '' THEN
+        source_marc = v_marc;
+        target_marc = eg_marc;
+        replace_rule = dyn_profile.replace_rule;
+    ELSE
+        source_marc = eg_marc;
+        target_marc = v_marc;
+        replace_rule = dyn_profile.preserve_rule;
+    END IF;
+    UPDATE  biblio.record_entry
+      SET   marc = vandelay.merge_record_xml( target_marc, source_marc, dyn_profile.add_rule, replace_rule, dyn_profile.strip_rule )
+      WHERE id = eg_id;
+        -- RAISE NOTICE 'update of biblio.record_entry failed';
+        RETURN FALSE;
+    END IF;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vandelay.overlay_authority_record ( import_id BIGINT, eg_id BIGINT, merge_profile_id INT ) RETURNS BOOL AS $$
+    merge_profile   vandelay.merge_profile%ROWTYPE;
+    dyn_profile     vandelay.compile_profile%ROWTYPE;
+    source_marc     TEXT;
+    target_marc     TEXT;
+    eg_marc         TEXT;
+    v_marc          TEXT;
+    replace_rule    TEXT;
+    match_count     INT;
+    SELECT  b.marc INTO eg_marc
+      FROM  authority.record_entry b
+            JOIN vandelay.authority_match m ON (m.eg_record = b.id AND m.queued_record = import_id)
+      LIMIT 1;
+    SELECT  q.marc INTO v_marc
+      FROM  vandelay.queued_record q
+            JOIN vandelay.authority_match m ON (m.queued_record = q.id AND q.id = import_id)
+      LIMIT 1;
+    IF eg_marc IS NULL OR v_marc IS NULL THEN
+        -- RAISE NOTICE 'no marc for vandelay or authority record';
+        RETURN FALSE;
+    END IF;
+    dyn_profile := vandelay.compile_profile( v_marc );
+    IF merge_profile_id IS NOT NULL THEN
+        SELECT * INTO merge_profile FROM vandelay.merge_profile WHERE id = merge_profile_id;
+        IF FOUND THEN
+            dyn_profile.add_rule := BTRIM( dyn_profile.add_rule || ',' || COALESCE(merge_profile.add_spec,''), ',');
+            dyn_profile.strip_rule := BTRIM( dyn_profile.strip_rule || ',' || COALESCE(merge_profile.strip_spec,''), ',');
+            dyn_profile.replace_rule := BTRIM( dyn_profile.replace_rule || ',' || COALESCE(merge_profile.replace_spec,''), ',');
+            dyn_profile.preserve_rule := BTRIM( dyn_profile.preserve_rule || ',' || COALESCE(merge_profile.preserve_spec,''), ',');
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+    IF dyn_profile.replace_rule <> '' AND dyn_profile.preserve_rule <> '' THEN
+        -- RAISE NOTICE 'both replace [%] and preserve [%] specified', dyn_profile.replace_rule, dyn_profile.preserve_rule;
+        RETURN FALSE;
+    END IF;
+    IF dyn_profile.replace_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.preserve_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.add_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.strip_rule = '' THEN
+        --Since we have nothing to do, just return a NOOP "we did it"
+        RETURN TRUE;
+    ELSIF dyn_profile.replace_rule <> '' THEN
+        source_marc = v_marc;
+        target_marc = eg_marc;
+        replace_rule = dyn_profile.replace_rule;
+    ELSE
+        source_marc = eg_marc;
+        target_marc = v_marc;
+        replace_rule = dyn_profile.preserve_rule;
+    END IF;
+    UPDATE  authority.record_entry
+      SET   marc = vandelay.merge_record_xml( target_marc, source_marc, dyn_profile.add_rule, replace_rule, dyn_profile.strip_rule )
+      WHERE id = eg_id;
+        UPDATE  vandelay.queued_authority_record
+          SET   imported_as = eg_id,
+                import_time = NOW()
+          WHERE id = import_id;
+        RETURN TRUE;
+    END IF;
+    -- RAISE NOTICE 'update of authority.record_entry failed';

commit 8ceb28247f531da78f12a15916bc85fd7122baeb
Author: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Jan 10 16:35:44 2013 -0500

    Only consider main entry headings for bib overlay
    Restrict the authority fields we will pull overlay data from to those
    that do not subordinate themselves to other authority fields.  That
    is, skip see-from/see-also/etc for bib overlay.
    Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>
    Signed-off-by: Jason Stephenson <jstephenson at mvlc.org>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/011.schema.authority.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/011.schema.authority.sql
index 1b15025..10ac1d6 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/011.schema.authority.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/011.schema.authority.sql
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ BEGIN
     END IF;
-    FOR main_entry IN SELECT * FROM authority.control_set_authority_field WHERE control_set = cset LOOP
+    FOR main_entry IN SELECT * FROM authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf WHERE acsaf.control_set = cset AND acsaf.main_entry IS NULL LOOP
         auth_field := XPATH('//*[@tag="'||main_entry.tag||'"][1]',source_xml::XML);
         IF ARRAY_LENGTH(auth_field,1) > 0 THEN
             FOR bib_field IN SELECT * FROM authority.control_set_bib_field WHERE authority_field = main_entry.id LOOP


Summary of changes:
 Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql          |    2 +-
 Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/011.schema.authority.sql       |    2 +-
 Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/012.schema.vandelay.sql        |   15 +-
 ...unction.authority.generate_overlay_template.sql |  275 ++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 289 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0750.function.authority.generate_overlay_template.sql

Evergreen ILS

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