[open-ils-commits] [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch rel_2_3 updated. 1caa2b6cda4fd28eabd911ecda5bdc86599b09be

Evergreen Git git at git.evergreen-ils.org
Wed Jan 16 15:36:40 EST 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "Evergreen ILS".

The branch, rel_2_3 has been updated
       via  1caa2b6cda4fd28eabd911ecda5bdc86599b09be (commit)
      from  16b73cbada70bd47752b93f9f3213a7ca654d962 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 1caa2b6cda4fd28eabd911ecda5bdc86599b09be
Author: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous at esilibrary.com>
Date:   Wed Jan 16 15:18:56 2013 -0500

    Add 2.2.4 -> 2.2.5 upgrade script
    Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous at esilibrary.com>
    Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick at esilibrary.com>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.2.4-2.2.5-upgrade-db.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.2.4-2.2.5-upgrade-db.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fba4b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.2.4-2.2.5-upgrade-db.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+--Upgrade Script for 2.2.4 to 2.2.5
+\set eg_version '''2.2.5'''
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('2.2.5', :eg_version);
+-- Only consider main entry headings for bib overlay
+-- check whether patch can be applied
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0750', :eg_version);
+-- Function to generate an ephemeral overlay template from an authority record
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION authority.generate_overlay_template (source_xml TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
+    cset                INT;
+    main_entry          authority.control_set_authority_field%ROWTYPE;
+    bib_field           authority.control_set_bib_field%ROWTYPE;
+    auth_id             INT DEFAULT oils_xpath_string('//*[@tag="901"]/*[local-name()="subfield" and @code="c"]', source_xml)::INT;
+    replace_data        XML[] DEFAULT '{}'::XML[];
+    replace_rules       TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}'::TEXT[];
+    auth_field          XML[];
+    IF auth_id IS NULL THEN
+        RETURN NULL;
+    END IF;
+    -- Default to the LoC controll set
+    SELECT control_set INTO cset FROM authority.record_entry WHERE id = auth_id;
+    -- if none, make a best guess
+    IF cset IS NULL THEN
+        SELECT  control_set INTO cset
+          FROM  authority.control_set_authority_field
+          WHERE tag IN (
+                    SELECT  UNNEST(XPATH('//*[starts-with(@tag,"1")]/@tag',marc::XML)::TEXT[])
+                      FROM  authority.record_entry
+                      WHERE id = auth_id
+                )
+          LIMIT 1;
+    END IF;
+    -- if STILL none, no-op change
+    IF cset IS NULL THEN
+            name record,
+            XMLATTRIBUTES('http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim' AS xmlns),
+            XMLELEMENT( name leader, '00881nam a2200193   4500'),
+            XMLELEMENT(
+                name datafield,
+                XMLATTRIBUTES( '905' AS tag, ' ' AS ind1, ' ' AS ind2),
+                XMLELEMENT(
+                    name subfield,
+                    XMLATTRIBUTES('d' AS code),
+                    '901c'
+                )
+            )
+        )::TEXT;
+    END IF;
+    FOR main_entry IN SELECT * FROM authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf WHERE acsaf.control_set = cset AND acsaf.main_entry IS NULL LOOP
+        auth_field := XPATH('//*[@tag="'||main_entry.tag||'"][1]',source_xml::XML);
+        IF ARRAY_LENGTH(auth_field,1) > 0 THEN
+            FOR bib_field IN SELECT * FROM authority.control_set_bib_field WHERE authority_field = main_entry.id LOOP
+                replace_data := replace_data || XMLELEMENT( name datafield, XMLATTRIBUTES(bib_field.tag AS tag), XPATH('//*[local-name()="subfield"]',auth_field[1])::XML[]);
+                replace_rules := replace_rules || ( bib_field.tag || main_entry.sf_list || E'[0~\\)' || auth_id || '$]' );
+            END LOOP;
+            EXIT;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+        name record,
+        XMLATTRIBUTES('http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim' AS xmlns),
+        XMLELEMENT( name leader, '00881nam a2200193   4500'),
+        replace_data,
+        XMLELEMENT(
+            name datafield,
+            XMLATTRIBUTES( '905' AS tag, ' ' AS ind1, ' ' AS ind2),
+            XMLELEMENT(
+                name subfield,
+                XMLATTRIBUTES('r' AS code),
+                ARRAY_TO_STRING(replace_rules,',')
+            )
+        )
+    )::TEXT;
+-- Change the two argument form of vandelay.merge_record_xml to
+-- prevent bibliographic record destruction when there is nothing to
+-- do.
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vandelay.merge_record_xml ( target_marc TEXT, template_marc TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$
+    dyn_profile     vandelay.compile_profile%ROWTYPE;
+    replace_rule    TEXT;
+    tmp_marc        TEXT;
+    trgt_marc        TEXT;
+    tmpl_marc        TEXT;
+    match_count     INT;
+    IF target_marc IS NULL OR template_marc IS NULL THEN
+        -- RAISE NOTICE 'no marc for target or template record';
+        RETURN NULL;
+    END IF;
+    dyn_profile := vandelay.compile_profile( template_marc );
+    IF dyn_profile.replace_rule <> '' AND dyn_profile.preserve_rule <> '' THEN
+        -- RAISE NOTICE 'both replace [%] and preserve [%] specified', dyn_profile.replace_rule, dyn_profile.preserve_rule;
+        RETURN NULL;
+    END IF;
+    IF dyn_profile.replace_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.preserve_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.add_rule = '' THEN
+        --Since we have nothing to do, just return what we were given.
+        RETURN target_marc;
+    ELSIF dyn_profile.replace_rule <> '' THEN
+        trgt_marc = target_marc;
+        tmpl_marc = template_marc;
+        replace_rule = dyn_profile.replace_rule;
+    ELSE
+        tmp_marc = target_marc;
+        trgt_marc = template_marc;
+        tmpl_marc = tmp_marc;
+        replace_rule = dyn_profile.preserve_rule;
+    END IF;
+    RETURN vandelay.merge_record_xml( trgt_marc, tmpl_marc, dyn_profile.add_rule, replace_rule, dyn_profile.strip_rule );
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vandelay.template_overlay_bib_record ( v_marc TEXT, eg_id BIGINT, merge_profile_id INT ) RETURNS BOOL AS $$
+    merge_profile   vandelay.merge_profile%ROWTYPE;
+    dyn_profile     vandelay.compile_profile%ROWTYPE;
+    editor_string   TEXT;
+    editor_id       INT;
+    source_marc     TEXT;
+    target_marc     TEXT;
+    eg_marc         TEXT;
+    replace_rule    TEXT;
+    match_count     INT;
+    SELECT  b.marc INTO eg_marc
+      FROM  biblio.record_entry b
+      WHERE b.id = eg_id
+      LIMIT 1;
+    IF eg_marc IS NULL OR v_marc IS NULL THEN
+        -- RAISE NOTICE 'no marc for template or bib record';
+        RETURN FALSE;
+    END IF;
+    dyn_profile := vandelay.compile_profile( v_marc );
+    IF merge_profile_id IS NOT NULL THEN
+        SELECT * INTO merge_profile FROM vandelay.merge_profile WHERE id = merge_profile_id;
+        IF FOUND THEN
+            dyn_profile.add_rule := BTRIM( dyn_profile.add_rule || ',' || COALESCE(merge_profile.add_spec,''), ',');
+            dyn_profile.strip_rule := BTRIM( dyn_profile.strip_rule || ',' || COALESCE(merge_profile.strip_spec,''), ',');
+            dyn_profile.replace_rule := BTRIM( dyn_profile.replace_rule || ',' || COALESCE(merge_profile.replace_spec,''), ',');
+            dyn_profile.preserve_rule := BTRIM( dyn_profile.preserve_rule || ',' || COALESCE(merge_profile.preserve_spec,''), ',');
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+    IF dyn_profile.replace_rule <> '' AND dyn_profile.preserve_rule <> '' THEN
+        -- RAISE NOTICE 'both replace [%] and preserve [%] specified', dyn_profile.replace_rule, dyn_profile.preserve_rule;
+        RETURN FALSE;
+    END IF;
+    IF dyn_profile.replace_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.preserve_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.add_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.strip_rule = '' THEN
+        --Since we have nothing to do, just return a NOOP "we did it"
+        RETURN TRUE;
+    ELSIF dyn_profile.replace_rule <> '' THEN
+        source_marc = v_marc;
+        target_marc = eg_marc;
+        replace_rule = dyn_profile.replace_rule;
+    ELSE
+        source_marc = eg_marc;
+        target_marc = v_marc;
+        replace_rule = dyn_profile.preserve_rule;
+    END IF;
+    UPDATE  biblio.record_entry
+      SET   marc = vandelay.merge_record_xml( target_marc, source_marc, dyn_profile.add_rule, replace_rule, dyn_profile.strip_rule )
+      WHERE id = eg_id;
+        -- RAISE NOTICE 'update of biblio.record_entry failed';
+        RETURN FALSE;
+    END IF;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vandelay.overlay_authority_record ( import_id BIGINT, eg_id BIGINT, merge_profile_id INT ) RETURNS BOOL AS $$
+    merge_profile   vandelay.merge_profile%ROWTYPE;
+    dyn_profile     vandelay.compile_profile%ROWTYPE;
+    source_marc     TEXT;
+    target_marc     TEXT;
+    eg_marc         TEXT;
+    v_marc          TEXT;
+    replace_rule    TEXT;
+    match_count     INT;
+    SELECT  b.marc INTO eg_marc
+      FROM  authority.record_entry b
+            JOIN vandelay.authority_match m ON (m.eg_record = b.id AND m.queued_record = import_id)
+      LIMIT 1;
+    SELECT  q.marc INTO v_marc
+      FROM  vandelay.queued_record q
+            JOIN vandelay.authority_match m ON (m.queued_record = q.id AND q.id = import_id)
+      LIMIT 1;
+    IF eg_marc IS NULL OR v_marc IS NULL THEN
+        -- RAISE NOTICE 'no marc for vandelay or authority record';
+        RETURN FALSE;
+    END IF;
+    dyn_profile := vandelay.compile_profile( v_marc );
+    IF merge_profile_id IS NOT NULL THEN
+        SELECT * INTO merge_profile FROM vandelay.merge_profile WHERE id = merge_profile_id;
+        IF FOUND THEN
+            dyn_profile.add_rule := BTRIM( dyn_profile.add_rule || ',' || COALESCE(merge_profile.add_spec,''), ',');
+            dyn_profile.strip_rule := BTRIM( dyn_profile.strip_rule || ',' || COALESCE(merge_profile.strip_spec,''), ',');
+            dyn_profile.replace_rule := BTRIM( dyn_profile.replace_rule || ',' || COALESCE(merge_profile.replace_spec,''), ',');
+            dyn_profile.preserve_rule := BTRIM( dyn_profile.preserve_rule || ',' || COALESCE(merge_profile.preserve_spec,''), ',');
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+    IF dyn_profile.replace_rule <> '' AND dyn_profile.preserve_rule <> '' THEN
+        -- RAISE NOTICE 'both replace [%] and preserve [%] specified', dyn_profile.replace_rule, dyn_profile.preserve_rule;
+        RETURN FALSE;
+    END IF;
+    IF dyn_profile.replace_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.preserve_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.add_rule = '' AND dyn_profile.strip_rule = '' THEN
+        --Since we have nothing to do, just return a NOOP "we did it"
+        RETURN TRUE;
+    ELSIF dyn_profile.replace_rule <> '' THEN
+        source_marc = v_marc;
+        target_marc = eg_marc;
+        replace_rule = dyn_profile.replace_rule;
+    ELSE
+        source_marc = eg_marc;
+        target_marc = v_marc;
+        replace_rule = dyn_profile.preserve_rule;
+    END IF;
+    UPDATE  authority.record_entry
+      SET   marc = vandelay.merge_record_xml( target_marc, source_marc, dyn_profile.add_rule, replace_rule, dyn_profile.strip_rule )
+      WHERE id = eg_id;
+        UPDATE  vandelay.queued_authority_record
+          SET   imported_as = eg_id,
+                import_time = NOW()
+          WHERE id = import_id;
+        RETURN TRUE;
+    END IF;
+    -- RAISE NOTICE 'update of authority.record_entry failed';


Summary of changes:
 .../2.2.4-2.2.5-upgrade-db.sql}                    |    5 ++++-
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
 copy Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/{upgrade/0750.function.authority.generate_overlay_template.sql => version-upgrade/2.2.4-2.2.5-upgrade-db.sql} (98%)

Evergreen ILS

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