[open-ils-commits] ***SPAM*** [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch master updated. 9a010a19dc2bde9a78c60aa50a9c5b0b32a996c8
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Thu Jan 16 15:24:23 EST 2014
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via 9a010a19dc2bde9a78c60aa50a9c5b0b32a996c8 (commit)
via 657e7f3826a5d0e8841bc4286ae37a49ec18c1ec (commit)
via a78bd1b91e5627a229658d71378157741b63b480 (commit)
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Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
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- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 9a010a19dc2bde9a78c60aa50a9c5b0b32a996c8
Author: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous at esilibrary.com>
Date: Thu Jan 16 14:59:25 2014 -0500
Test for Mike's proximity adjustment fix two commits back
Being placed in Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/live_t, the test requires stock and
Concerto data be loaded.
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous at esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/live_t/XXXX.fixed_field_enhancements.pg b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/live_t/XXXX.fixed_field_enhancements.pg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..683be42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/live_t/XXXX.fixed_field_enhancements.pg
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+\set ECHO
+\set QUIET 1
+-- Turn off echo and keep things quiet.
+-- Format the output for nice TAP.
+\pset format unaligned
+\pset tuples_only true
+\pset pager
+-- Revert all changes on failure.
+\set ON_ERROR_STOP true
+\set QUIET 1
+-- let's do this thing
+SELECT plan(7);
+-- The effect of this will be rolled back, so don't worry.
+DELETE FROM actor.org_unit_proximity_adjustment;
+-- Tests in the directory where we are rely on stock and Concerto data being
+-- loaded.
+INSERT INTO actor.org_unit_proximity_adjustment (
+ item_circ_lib, hold_pickup_lib, absolute_adjustment, prox_adjustment
+) VALUES (2, 2, true, 0);
+ (SELECT pickup_lib = 5 FROM action.hold_request WHERE id = 3),
+ 'Data suitable for test: hold #3 has pickup_lib 5'
+ (SELECT pickup_lib = 9 FROM action.hold_request WHERE id = 4),
+ 'Data suitable for test: hold #4 has pickup_lib 9'
+ (SELECT circ_lib = 4 FROM asset.copy WHERE id = 2884),
+ 'Data suitable for test: copy #2884 has circ_lib 4'
+ (SELECT aou.parent_ou = 2 AND aout.depth = 2
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ JOIN actor.org_unit_type aout ON (aout.id = aou.ou_type)
+ WHERE aou.id = 5),
+ 'Data suitable for test: ou #5 has parent_ou 2 and depth 2'
+ (SELECT aou.parent_ou <> 2 AND aout.depth >= 2
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ JOIN actor.org_unit_type aout ON (aout.id = aou.ou_type)
+ WHERE aou.id = 9),
+ 'Data suitable for test: ou #9 doesn''t have parent_ou 2, does have depth at least 2'
+ action.hold_copy_calculated_proximity (3, 2884)::INT,
+ 0,
+ 'Org unit proximity adjustment takes effect when it should'
+ action.hold_copy_calculated_proximity (4, 2884)::INT,
+ 5,
+ '(regression test) Org unit proximity adjustment doesn''t take effect when it shouldn''t'
+SELECT * FROM finish();
commit 657e7f3826a5d0e8841bc4286ae37a49ec18c1ec
Author: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>
Date: Thu Jan 16 14:11:34 2014 -0500
Upgrade script
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous at esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.function.prox_adjust.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.function.prox_adjust.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aeb03ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.function.prox_adjust.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.hold_copy_calculated_proximity(
+ ahr_id INT,
+ acp_id BIGINT,
+ copy_context_ou INT DEFAULT NULL
+ -- TODO maybe? hold_context_ou INT DEFAULT NULL. This would optionally
+ -- support an "ahprox" measurement: adjust prox between copy circ lib and
+ -- hold request lib, but I'm unsure whether to use this theoretical
+ -- argument only in the baseline calculation or later in the other
+ -- queries in this function.
+ aoupa actor.org_unit_proximity_adjustment%ROWTYPE;
+ ahr action.hold_request%ROWTYPE;
+ acp asset.copy%ROWTYPE;
+ acn asset.call_number%ROWTYPE;
+ acl asset.copy_location%ROWTYPE;
+ baseline_prox NUMERIC;
+ icl_list INT[];
+ iol_list INT[];
+ isl_list INT[];
+ hpl_list INT[];
+ hrl_list INT[];
+ SELECT * INTO ahr FROM action.hold_request WHERE id = ahr_id;
+ SELECT * INTO acp FROM asset.copy WHERE id = acp_id;
+ SELECT * INTO acn FROM asset.call_number WHERE id = acp.call_number;
+ SELECT * INTO acl FROM asset.copy_location WHERE id = acp.location;
+ IF copy_context_ou IS NULL THEN
+ copy_context_ou := acp.circ_lib;
+ -- First, gather the baseline proximity of "here" to pickup lib
+ SELECT prox INTO baseline_prox FROM actor.org_unit_proximity WHERE from_org = copy_context_ou AND to_org = ahr.pickup_lib;
+ -- Find any absolute adjustments, and set the baseline prox to that
+ SELECT adj.* INTO aoupa
+ FROM actor.org_unit_proximity_adjustment adj
+ LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(copy_context_ou) acp_cl ON (acp_cl.id = adj.item_circ_lib)
+ LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(acn.owning_lib) acn_ol ON (acn_ol.id = adj.item_owning_lib)
+ LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(acl.owning_lib) acl_ol ON (acl_ol.id = adj.copy_location)
+ LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(ahr.pickup_lib) ahr_pl ON (ahr_pl.id = adj.hold_pickup_lib)
+ LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(ahr.request_lib) ahr_rl ON (ahr_rl.id = adj.hold_request_lib)
+ WHERE (adj.circ_mod IS NULL OR adj.circ_mod = acp.circ_modifier) AND
+ (adj.item_circ_lib IS NULL OR adj.item_circ_lib = acp_cl.id) AND
+ (adj.item_owning_lib IS NULL OR adj.item_owning_lib = acn_ol.id) AND
+ (adj.copy_location IS NULL OR adj.copy_location = acl_ol.id) AND
+ (adj.hold_pickup_lib IS NULL OR adj.hold_pickup_lib = ahr_pl.id) AND
+ (adj.hold_request_lib IS NULL OR adj.hold_request_lib = ahr_rl.id) AND
+ absolute_adjustment AND
+ COALESCE(acp_cl.id, acn_ol.id, acl_ol.id, ahr_pl.id, ahr_rl.id) IS NOT NULL
+ COALESCE(acp_cl.distance,999)
+ + COALESCE(acn_ol.distance,999)
+ + COALESCE(acl_ol.distance,999)
+ + COALESCE(ahr_pl.distance,999)
+ + COALESCE(ahr_rl.distance,999),
+ adj.pos
+ LIMIT 1;
+ baseline_prox := aoupa.prox_adjustment;
+ -- Now find any relative adjustments, and change the baseline prox based on them
+ FOR aoupa IN
+ SELECT adj.*
+ FROM actor.org_unit_proximity_adjustment adj
+ LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(copy_context_ou) acp_cl ON (acp_cl.id = adj.item_circ_lib)
+ LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(acn.owning_lib) acn_ol ON (acn_ol.id = adj.item_owning_lib)
+ LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(acl.owning_lib) acl_ol ON (acn_ol.id = adj.copy_location)
+ LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(ahr.pickup_lib) ahr_pl ON (ahr_pl.id = adj.hold_pickup_lib)
+ LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(ahr.request_lib) ahr_rl ON (ahr_rl.id = adj.hold_request_lib)
+ WHERE (adj.circ_mod IS NULL OR adj.circ_mod = acp.circ_modifier) AND
+ (adj.item_circ_lib IS NULL OR adj.item_circ_lib = acp_cl.id) AND
+ (adj.item_owning_lib IS NULL OR adj.item_owning_lib = acn_ol.id) AND
+ (adj.copy_location IS NULL OR adj.copy_location = acl_ol.id) AND
+ (adj.hold_pickup_lib IS NULL OR adj.hold_pickup_lib = ahr_pl.id) AND
+ (adj.hold_request_lib IS NULL OR adj.hold_request_lib = ahr_rl.id) AND
+ NOT absolute_adjustment AND
+ COALESCE(acp_cl.id, acn_ol.id, acl_ol.id, ahr_pl.id, ahr_rl.id) IS NOT NULL
+ baseline_prox := baseline_prox + aoupa.prox_adjustment;
+ RETURN baseline_prox;
commit a78bd1b91e5627a229658d71378157741b63b480
Author: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>
Date: Thu Jan 16 13:58:12 2014 -0500
Fix proximity adjustment calculator
The canonical use case for proximity adjustment is to use it broadly
to effect the local proximity of items within a particular area, in
a like manner, across many parts of the org tree. However, in cases
where it is lightly used, or used with non-overlapping criteria columns,
there are cases where the adjustment will spread beyond its intended
range of influence.
The changes here create a much stricter and correct test for rule
matching, which will end in the correct choice of rules in all cases.
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous at esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/090.schema.action.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/090.schema.action.sql
index e8aa81e..6ab9ab4 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/090.schema.action.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/090.schema.action.sql
@@ -1291,12 +1291,17 @@ BEGIN
FROM actor.org_unit_proximity_adjustment adj
LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(copy_context_ou) acp_cl ON (acp_cl.id = adj.item_circ_lib)
LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(acn.owning_lib) acn_ol ON (acn_ol.id = adj.item_owning_lib)
- LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(acl.owning_lib) acl_ol ON (acn_ol.id = adj.copy_location)
+ LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(acl.owning_lib) acl_ol ON (acl_ol.id = adj.copy_location)
LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(ahr.pickup_lib) ahr_pl ON (ahr_pl.id = adj.hold_pickup_lib)
LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(ahr.request_lib) ahr_rl ON (ahr_rl.id = adj.hold_request_lib)
WHERE (adj.circ_mod IS NULL OR adj.circ_mod = acp.circ_modifier) AND
- absolute_adjustment AND
- COALESCE(acp_cl.id, acn_ol.id, acl_ol.id, ahr_pl.id, ahr_rl.id) IS NOT NULL
+ (adj.item_circ_lib IS NULL OR adj.item_circ_lib = acp_cl.id) AND
+ (adj.item_owning_lib IS NULL OR adj.item_owning_lib = acn_ol.id) AND
+ (adj.copy_location IS NULL OR adj.copy_location = acl_ol.id) AND
+ (adj.hold_pickup_lib IS NULL OR adj.hold_pickup_lib = ahr_pl.id) AND
+ (adj.hold_request_lib IS NULL OR adj.hold_request_lib = ahr_rl.id) AND
+ absolute_adjustment AND
+ COALESCE(acp_cl.id, acn_ol.id, acl_ol.id, ahr_pl.id, ahr_rl.id) IS NOT NULL
+ COALESCE(acn_ol.distance,999)
@@ -1320,8 +1325,13 @@ BEGIN
LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(ahr.pickup_lib) ahr_pl ON (ahr_pl.id = adj.hold_pickup_lib)
LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(ahr.request_lib) ahr_rl ON (ahr_rl.id = adj.hold_request_lib)
WHERE (adj.circ_mod IS NULL OR adj.circ_mod = acp.circ_modifier) AND
- NOT absolute_adjustment AND
- COALESCE(acp_cl.id, acn_ol.id, acl_ol.id, ahr_pl.id, ahr_rl.id) IS NOT NULL
+ (adj.item_circ_lib IS NULL OR adj.item_circ_lib = acp_cl.id) AND
+ (adj.item_owning_lib IS NULL OR adj.item_owning_lib = acn_ol.id) AND
+ (adj.copy_location IS NULL OR adj.copy_location = acl_ol.id) AND
+ (adj.hold_pickup_lib IS NULL OR adj.hold_pickup_lib = ahr_pl.id) AND
+ (adj.hold_request_lib IS NULL OR adj.hold_request_lib = ahr_rl.id) AND
+ NOT absolute_adjustment AND
+ COALESCE(acp_cl.id, acn_ol.id, acl_ol.id, ahr_pl.id, ahr_rl.id) IS NOT NULL
baseline_prox := baseline_prox + aoupa.prox_adjustment;
Summary of changes:
Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/090.schema.action.sql | 20 ++++-
.../sql/Pg/live_t/XXXX.fixed_field_enhancements.pg | 79 ++++++++++++++++++++
...ox_adjust.sql => XXXX.function.prox_adjust.sql} | 61 ++++-----------
3 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/live_t/XXXX.fixed_field_enhancements.pg
copy Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/{0759.schema.org_prox_adjust.sql => XXXX.function.prox_adjust.sql} (58%)
Evergreen ILS
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