[open-ils-commits] [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch master updated. 01b02553359a0c8b2cbd2d8fabc06c6d626b2f08
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Thu Oct 22 15:18:12 EDT 2015
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via 01b02553359a0c8b2cbd2d8fabc06c6d626b2f08 (commit)
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- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 01b02553359a0c8b2cbd2d8fabc06c6d626b2f08
Author: Bill Erickson <berickxx at gmail.com>
Date: Mon Oct 12 11:12:07 2015 -0400
LP#838525 DoB as date SQL upgrade repairs
1. Modify auditor.actor_usr_history DoB column in the same manner
as actor.usr to ensure consistent date truncation.
2. let update_auditors() recreate auditor.actor_usr_lifecycle for us.
3. Wrap the whole shebang in a PLPGSQL "DO" block so we can easily test
for the presence of optional reporter views that depend on actor.usr, so
they can be recreated as needed.
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berickxx at gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Jason Stephenson <jstephenson at mvlc.org>
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0945.schema.dob-as-date.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0945.schema.dob-as-date.sql
index 12a5fbd..1da1121 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0945.schema.dob-as-date.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0945.schema.dob-as-date.sql
@@ -2,56 +2,38 @@ BEGIN;
SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0945', :eg_version);
+-- run the entire update inside a DO block for managing the logic
+-- of whether to recreate the optional reporter views
+DO $$
+ has_current_circ BOOLEAN;
+ has_billing_summary BOOLEAN;
+SELECT INTO has_current_circ TRUE FROM pg_views
+ WHERE schemaname = 'reporter' AND viewname = 'classic_current_circ';
+SELECT INTO has_billing_summary TRUE FROM pg_views
+ WHERE schemaname = 'reporter' AND
+ viewname = 'classic_current_billing_summary';
DROP VIEW action.all_circulation;
+DROP VIEW IF EXISTS reporter.classic_current_circ;
+DROP VIEW IF EXISTS reporter.classic_current_billing_summary;
DROP VIEW reporter.demographic;
DROP VIEW auditor.actor_usr_lifecycle;
DROP VIEW action.all_hold_request;
-ALTER TABLE actor.usr ALTER dob TYPE date USING (dob + '3 hours')::date;
-CREATE VIEW auditor.actor_usr_lifecycle AS
- SELECT (-1) AS audit_id, now() AS audit_time,
- '-'::text AS audit_action, (-1) AS audit_user, (-1) AS audit_ws,
- usr.id, usr.card, usr.profile, usr.usrname, usr.email, usr.passwd,
- usr.standing, usr.ident_type, usr.ident_value, usr.ident_type2,
- usr.ident_value2, usr.net_access_level, usr.photo_url, usr.prefix,
- usr.first_given_name, usr.second_given_name, usr.family_name,
- usr.suffix, usr.alias, usr.day_phone, usr.evening_phone,
- usr.other_phone, usr.mailing_address, usr.billing_address,
- usr.home_ou, usr.dob, usr.active, usr.master_account,
- usr.super_user, usr.barred, usr.deleted, usr.juvenile, usr.usrgroup,
- usr.claims_returned_count, usr.credit_forward_balance,
- usr.last_xact_id, usr.alert_message, usr.create_date,
- usr.expire_date, usr.claims_never_checked_out_count,
- usr.last_update_time
- FROM actor.usr
- SELECT actor_usr_history.audit_id, actor_usr_history.audit_time,
- actor_usr_history.audit_action, actor_usr_history.audit_user,
- actor_usr_history.audit_ws, actor_usr_history.id,
- actor_usr_history.card, actor_usr_history.profile,
- actor_usr_history.usrname, actor_usr_history.email,
- actor_usr_history.passwd, actor_usr_history.standing,
- actor_usr_history.ident_type, actor_usr_history.ident_value,
- actor_usr_history.ident_type2, actor_usr_history.ident_value2,
- actor_usr_history.net_access_level, actor_usr_history.photo_url,
- actor_usr_history.prefix, actor_usr_history.first_given_name,
- actor_usr_history.second_given_name, actor_usr_history.family_name,
- actor_usr_history.suffix, actor_usr_history.alias,
- actor_usr_history.day_phone, actor_usr_history.evening_phone,
- actor_usr_history.other_phone, actor_usr_history.mailing_address,
- actor_usr_history.billing_address, actor_usr_history.home_ou,
- actor_usr_history.dob, actor_usr_history.active,
- actor_usr_history.master_account, actor_usr_history.super_user,
- actor_usr_history.barred, actor_usr_history.deleted,
- actor_usr_history.juvenile, actor_usr_history.usrgroup,
- actor_usr_history.claims_returned_count,
- actor_usr_history.credit_forward_balance,
- actor_usr_history.last_xact_id, actor_usr_history.alert_message,
- actor_usr_history.create_date, actor_usr_history.expire_date,
- actor_usr_history.claims_never_checked_out_count,
- actor_usr_history.last_update_time
- FROM auditor.actor_usr_history;
+ALTER TABLE actor.usr
+ ALTER dob TYPE DATE USING (dob + '3 hours'::INTERVAL)::DATE;
+-- alter the auditor table manually to apply the same
+-- dob mangling logic as above.
+ALTER TABLE auditor.actor_usr_history
+ ALTER dob TYPE DATE USING (dob + '3 hours'::INTERVAL)::DATE;
+-- this recreates auditor.actor_usr_lifecycle
+PERFORM auditor.update_auditors();
CREATE VIEW reporter.demographic AS
SELECT u.id, u.dob,
@@ -160,4 +142,153 @@ UNION ALL
aged_hold_request.current_shelf_lib, aged_hold_request.behind_desk
FROM action.aged_hold_request;
+IF has_current_circ THEN
+RAISE NOTICE 'Recreating optional view reporter.classic_current_circ';
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW reporter.classic_current_circ AS
+SELECT cl.shortname AS circ_lib,
+ cl.id AS circ_lib_id,
+ circ.xact_start AS xact_start,
+ circ_type.type AS circ_type,
+ cp.id AS copy_id,
+ cp.circ_modifier,
+ ol.shortname AS owning_lib_name,
+ lm.value AS language,
+ lfm.value AS lit_form,
+ ifm.value AS item_form,
+ itm.value AS item_type,
+ sl.name AS shelving_location,
+ p.id AS patron_id,
+ g.name AS profile_group,
+ dem.general_division AS demographic_general_division,
+ circ.id AS id,
+ cn.id AS call_number,
+ cn.label AS call_number_label,
+ call_number_dewey(cn.label) AS dewey,
+ WHEN call_number_dewey(cn.label) ~ E'^[0-9.]+$'
+ btrim(
+ to_char(
+ 10 * floor((call_number_dewey(cn.label)::float) / 10), '000'
+ )
+ )
+ END AS dewey_block_tens,
+ WHEN call_number_dewey(cn.label) ~ E'^[0-9.]+$'
+ btrim(
+ to_char(
+ 100 * floor((call_number_dewey(cn.label)::float) / 100), '000'
+ )
+ )
+ END AS dewey_block_hundreds,
+ WHEN call_number_dewey(cn.label) ~ E'^[0-9.]+$'
+ btrim(
+ to_char(
+ 10 * floor((call_number_dewey(cn.label)::float) / 10), '000'
+ )
+ )
+ || '-' ||
+ btrim(
+ to_char(
+ 10 * floor((call_number_dewey(cn.label)::float) / 10) + 9, '000'
+ )
+ )
+ END AS dewey_range_tens,
+ WHEN call_number_dewey(cn.label) ~ E'^[0-9.]+$'
+ btrim(
+ to_char(
+ 100 * floor((call_number_dewey(cn.label)::float) / 100), '000'
+ )
+ )
+ || '-' ||
+ btrim(
+ to_char(
+ 100 * floor((call_number_dewey(cn.label)::float) / 100) + 99, '000'
+ )
+ )
+ END AS dewey_range_hundreds,
+ hl.id AS patron_home_lib,
+ hl.shortname AS patron_home_lib_shortname,
+ paddr.county AS patron_county,
+ paddr.city AS patron_city,
+ paddr.post_code AS patron_zip,
+ sc1.stat_cat_entry AS stat_cat_1,
+ sc2.stat_cat_entry AS stat_cat_2,
+ sce1.value AS stat_cat_1_value,
+ sce2.value AS stat_cat_2_value
+ FROM action.circulation circ
+ JOIN reporter.circ_type circ_type ON (circ.id = circ_type.id)
+ JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = circ.target_copy)
+ JOIN asset.copy_location sl ON (cp.location = sl.id)
+ JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cp.call_number = cn.id)
+ JOIN actor.org_unit ol ON (cn.owning_lib = ol.id)
+ JOIN metabib.rec_descriptor rd ON (rd.record = cn.record)
+ JOIN actor.org_unit cl ON (circ.circ_lib = cl.id)
+ JOIN actor.usr p ON (p.id = circ.usr)
+ JOIN actor.org_unit hl ON (p.home_ou = hl.id)
+ JOIN permission.grp_tree g ON (p.profile = g.id)
+ JOIN reporter.demographic dem ON (dem.id = p.id)
+ JOIN actor.usr_address paddr ON (paddr.id = p.billing_address)
+ LEFT JOIN config.language_map lm ON (rd.item_lang = lm.code)
+ LEFT JOIN config.lit_form_map lfm ON (rd.lit_form = lfm.code)
+ LEFT JOIN config.item_form_map ifm ON (rd.item_form = ifm.code)
+ LEFT JOIN config.item_type_map itm ON (rd.item_type = itm.code)
+ LEFT JOIN asset.stat_cat_entry_copy_map sc1 ON (sc1.owning_copy = cp.id AND sc1.stat_cat = 1)
+ LEFT JOIN asset.stat_cat_entry sce1 ON (sce1.id = sc1.stat_cat_entry)
+ LEFT JOIN asset.stat_cat_entry_copy_map sc2 ON (sc2.owning_copy = cp.id AND sc2.stat_cat = 2)
+ LEFT JOIN asset.stat_cat_entry sce2 ON (sce2.id = sc2.stat_cat_entry);
+IF has_billing_summary THEN
+RAISE NOTICE 'Recreating optional view reporter.classic_current_billing_summary';
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW reporter.classic_current_billing_summary AS
+SELECT x.id AS id,
+ x.usr AS usr,
+ bl.shortname AS billing_location_shortname,
+ bl.name AS billing_location_name,
+ x.billing_location AS billing_location,
+ c.barcode AS barcode,
+ u.home_ou AS usr_home_ou,
+ ul.shortname AS usr_home_ou_shortname,
+ ul.name AS usr_home_ou_name,
+ x.xact_start AS xact_start,
+ x.xact_finish AS xact_finish,
+ x.xact_type AS xact_type,
+ x.total_paid AS total_paid,
+ x.total_owed AS total_owed,
+ x.balance_owed AS balance_owed,
+ x.last_payment_ts AS last_payment_ts,
+ x.last_payment_note AS last_payment_note,
+ x.last_payment_type AS last_payment_type,
+ x.last_billing_ts AS last_billing_ts,
+ x.last_billing_note AS last_billing_note,
+ x.last_billing_type AS last_billing_type,
+ paddr.county AS patron_county,
+ paddr.city AS patron_city,
+ paddr.post_code AS patron_zip,
+ g.name AS profile_group,
+ dem.general_division AS demographic_general_division
+ FROM money.open_billable_xact_summary x
+ JOIN actor.org_unit bl ON (x.billing_location = bl.id)
+ JOIN actor.usr u ON (u.id = x.usr)
+ JOIN actor.org_unit ul ON (u.home_ou = ul.id)
+ JOIN actor.card c ON (u.card = c.id)
+ JOIN permission.grp_tree g ON (u.profile = g.id)
+ JOIN reporter.demographic dem ON (dem.id = u.id)
+ JOIN actor.usr_address paddr ON (paddr.id = u.billing_address);
+END $$;
Summary of changes:
.../src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0945.schema.dob-as-date.sql | 221 ++++++++++++++++----
1 files changed, 176 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
Evergreen ILS
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