[open-ils-commits] [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch master updated. 4db8e49cf355eb03f353041bc3679dab935bd9f4

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Thu Apr 21 23:43:26 EDT 2016

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       via  4db8e49cf355eb03f353041bc3679dab935bd9f4 (commit)
      from  0227dfd002b8538eeb71c47ebb229e4d954152f3 (commit)

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- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 4db8e49cf355eb03f353041bc3679dab935bd9f4
Author: Jason Stephenson <jason at sigio.com>
Date:   Thu Apr 21 23:29:42 2016 -0400

    LP#1573372: Opt-in test broken because it uses bail-out.
    Use skip instead!
    Signed-off-by: Jason Stephenson <jason at sigio.com>
    Signed-off-by: Ben Shum <ben at evergreener.net>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/15-lp1533329-opt-in.t b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/15-lp1533329-opt-in.t
index 31b69ab..53337c6 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/15-lp1533329-opt-in.t
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/15-lp1533329-opt-in.t
@@ -53,122 +53,121 @@ sub opt_in_check {
     return $resp;
-unless(opt_in_enabled()) {
-    BAIL_OUT('cannot test opt-in unless enabled in opensrf.xml');
+SKIP: {
+    skip 'cannot test opt-in unless enabled in opensrf.xml', 12 unless(opt_in_enabled());
+    #----------------------------------------------------------------
+    # 1. Login, register workstation, get authtoken.
+    #----------------------------------------------------------------
+    $script->authenticate({
+        username => 'admin',
+        password => 'demo123',
+        type => 'staff'});
+    ok(
+        $script->authtoken,
+        'Have an authtoken'
+    );
+    my $ws = $script->register_workstation(WORKSTATION_NAME,WORKSTATION_LIB);
+    ok(
+        ! ref $ws,
+        'Registered a new workstation'
+    );
+    $script->logout();
+    $script->authenticate({
+        username => 'admin',
+        password => 'demo123',
+        type => 'staff',
+        workstation => WORKSTATION_NAME});
+    ok(
+        $script->authtoken,
+        'Have an authtoken associated with the workstation'
+    );
+    #----------------------------------------------------------------
+    # 2. Set org.patron_opt_boundary for SYS2, so that BR1 is outside
+    # the boundary.
+    #----------------------------------------------------------------
+    $e->xact_begin;
+    my $boundary = new_org_setting(PATRON_SYS, 'org.patron_opt_boundary', SYS_DEPTH);
+    my $boundary_stat = $e->create_actor_org_unit_setting($boundary);
+    ok($boundary_stat, 'Opt boundary setting created successfully');
+    $e->xact_commit;
+    #----------------------------------------------------------------
+    # 3. Check opt-in for test patron.  It should return 0.
+    #----------------------------------------------------------------
+    my $patron = $U->fetch_user_by_barcode(PATRON_BARCODE);
+    is(
+        opt_in_check($script->authtoken, $patron->id),
+        '0',
+        'Opt-in check for non-opted-in patron correctly returned 0'
+    );
-# 1. Login, register workstation, get authtoken.
-    username => 'admin',
-    password => 'demo123',
-    type => 'staff'});
-    $script->authtoken,
-    'Have an authtoken'
-my $ws = $script->register_workstation(WORKSTATION_NAME,WORKSTATION_LIB);
-    ! ref $ws,
-    'Registered a new workstation'
-    username => 'admin',
-    password => 'demo123',
-    type => 'staff',
-    workstation => WORKSTATION_NAME});
-    $script->authtoken,
-    'Have an authtoken associated with the workstation'
-# 2. Set org.patron_opt_boundary for SYS2, so that BR1 is outside
-# the boundary.
-my $boundary = new_org_setting(PATRON_SYS, 'org.patron_opt_boundary', SYS_DEPTH);
-my $boundary_stat = $e->create_actor_org_unit_setting($boundary);
-ok($boundary_stat, 'Opt boundary setting created successfully');
-# 3. Check opt-in for test patron.  It should return 0.
-my $patron = $U->fetch_user_by_barcode(PATRON_BARCODE);
-    opt_in_check($script->authtoken, $patron->id),
-    '0',
-    'Opt-in check for non-opted-in patron correctly returned 0'
-# 4. Set org.restrict_opt_to_depth at SYS2, so that BR1 is
-# outside SYS2's section of the tree at the specified depth (thus
-# preventing opt-in).
-my $restrict = new_org_setting(PATRON_SYS, 'org.restrict_opt_to_depth', SYS_DEPTH);
-my $restrict_stat = $e->create_actor_org_unit_setting($restrict);
-ok($restrict_stat, 'Opt restrict depth setting created successfully');
-# 5. Check opt-in for test patron.  It should return 2.
-    opt_in_check($script->authtoken, $patron->id),
-    '2',
-    'Opt-in check for patron at restricted opt-in library correctly returned 2'
-# 6. Remove the org.restrict_opt_to_depth setting for SYS2.
-my $delete_restrict_stat = $e->delete_actor_org_unit_setting($restrict);
-ok($delete_restrict_stat, 'Opt restrict depth setting deleted successfully');
-# 7. Create opt-in for test patron.
-my $opt_id = $U->simplereq(
-    'open-ils.actor',
-    'open-ils.actor.user.org_unit_opt_in.create',
-    $script->authtoken, $patron->id, WORKSTATION_LIB);
-ok($opt_id, 'Patron successfully opted in');
-# 8. Check opt-in for test patron.  It should return 1.
-    opt_in_check($script->authtoken, $patron->id),
-    '1',
-    'Opt-in check for opted-in patron correctly returned 1'
-# 9. Delete opt-in.
-my $opt = $U->simplereq(
-    'open-ils.cstore',
-    'open-ils.cstore.direct.actor.usr_org_unit_opt_in.retrieve',
-    $opt_id
-my $delete_opt_stat = $e->delete_actor_usr_org_unit_opt_in($opt);
-ok($delete_opt_stat, 'Opt-in deleted successfully');
-# 10. Remove opt boundary setting.
-my $delete_setting_stat = $e->delete_actor_org_unit_setting($boundary);
-ok($delete_setting_stat, 'Opt boundary setting deleted successfully');
+    #----------------------------------------------------------------
+    # 4. Set org.restrict_opt_to_depth at SYS2, so that BR1 is
+    # outside SYS2's section of the tree at the specified depth (thus
+    # preventing opt-in).
+    #----------------------------------------------------------------
+    $e->xact_begin;
+    my $restrict = new_org_setting(PATRON_SYS, 'org.restrict_opt_to_depth', SYS_DEPTH);
+    my $restrict_stat = $e->create_actor_org_unit_setting($restrict);
+    ok($restrict_stat, 'Opt restrict depth setting created successfully');
+    $e->xact_commit;
+    #----------------------------------------------------------------
+    # 5. Check opt-in for test patron.  It should return 2.
+    #----------------------------------------------------------------
+    is(
+        opt_in_check($script->authtoken, $patron->id),
+        '2',
+        'Opt-in check for patron at restricted opt-in library correctly returned 2'
+    );
+    #----------------------------------------------------------------
+    # 6. Remove the org.restrict_opt_to_depth setting for SYS2.
+    #----------------------------------------------------------------
+    $e->xact_begin;
+    my $delete_restrict_stat = $e->delete_actor_org_unit_setting($restrict);
+    ok($delete_restrict_stat, 'Opt restrict depth setting deleted successfully');
+    $e->xact_commit;
+    #----------------------------------------------------------------
+    # 7. Create opt-in for test patron.
+    #----------------------------------------------------------------
+    my $opt_id = $U->simplereq(
+        'open-ils.actor',
+        'open-ils.actor.user.org_unit_opt_in.create',
+        $script->authtoken, $patron->id, WORKSTATION_LIB);
+    ok($opt_id, 'Patron successfully opted in');
+    #----------------------------------------------------------------
+    # 8. Check opt-in for test patron.  It should return 1.
+    #----------------------------------------------------------------
+    is(
+        opt_in_check($script->authtoken, $patron->id),
+        '1',
+        'Opt-in check for opted-in patron correctly returned 1'
+    );
+    #----------------------------------------------------------------
+    # 9. Delete opt-in.
+    #----------------------------------------------------------------
+    my $opt = $U->simplereq(
+        'open-ils.cstore',
+        'open-ils.cstore.direct.actor.usr_org_unit_opt_in.retrieve',
+        $opt_id
+    );
+    $e->xact_begin;
+    my $delete_opt_stat = $e->delete_actor_usr_org_unit_opt_in($opt);
+    ok($delete_opt_stat, 'Opt-in deleted successfully');
+    $e->xact_commit;
+    #----------------------------------------------------------------
+    # 10. Remove opt boundary setting.
+    #----------------------------------------------------------------
+    $e->xact_begin;
+    my $delete_setting_stat = $e->delete_actor_org_unit_setting($boundary);
+    ok($delete_setting_stat, 'Opt boundary setting deleted successfully');
+    $e->xact_commit;


Summary of changes:
 Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/15-lp1533329-opt-in.t |  231 ++++++++++----------
 1 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 116 deletions(-)

Evergreen ILS

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