[open-ils-commits] [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch rel_2_10 updated. 8fce88a1e29fb87753f721ed3d3e6e271cd893b0

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Wed Aug 24 08:20:06 EDT 2016

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       via  8fce88a1e29fb87753f721ed3d3e6e271cd893b0 (commit)
       via  4c308d5cc8c2748bf276940d4e3d4b9bc11c4422 (commit)
       via  22cf9bb24ef8a81660998617c1126891c14a2c84 (commit)
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- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 8fce88a1e29fb87753f721ed3d3e6e271cd893b0
Author: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Aug 24 08:11:11 2016 -0400

    LP#1306666: Rename test file
    Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/17-lp1306666-abort-transit-copy-status.t b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/19-lp1306666-abort-transit-copy-status.t
similarity index 100%
rename from Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/17-lp1306666-abort-transit-copy-status.t
rename to Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/19-lp1306666-abort-transit-copy-status.t

commit 4c308d5cc8c2748bf276940d4e3d4b9bc11c4422
Author: Jason Stephenson <jstephenson at mvlcstaff.org>
Date:   Mon Mar 28 15:34:32 2016 -0400

    LP 1306666: Add Perl tests for new behavior.
    These tests check that the copy status is correct after aborting
    transits dependent upon the status of the copy.  More tests could be
    added to cover more situations, but these tests cover the basics.
    Signed-off-by: Jason Stephenson <jstephenson at mvlcstaff.org>
    Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/17-lp1306666-abort-transit-copy-status.t b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/17-lp1306666-abort-transit-copy-status.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdf47d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/17-lp1306666-abort-transit-copy-status.t
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+use strict; use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 26;
+use OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils;
+use OpenILS::Const qw(:const);
+diag("Test LP 1306666 abort transit copy status fix.");
+my $script = OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils->new();
+my $apputils = 'OpenILS::Application::AppUtils';
+use constant {
+    BR1_WORKSTATION => 'BR1-test-lp1306666-abort-transit-copyt-status.t',
+    BR1_ID => 4,
+    BR3_WORKSTATION => 'BR3-test-lp1306666-abort-transit-copyt-status.t',
+    BR3_ID => 6,
+    PBARCODE => '99999378730',
+    CBARCODE => 'CONC4000036'
+# Because this may run multiple times, without a DB reload, we search
+# for the workstation before registering it.  Takes an authtoken, the
+# id of the workstation lib, and the name of the workstation.
+sub find_workstation {
+    my ($authtoken, $lib, $workstation) = @_;
+    my $r = $apputils->simplereq(
+        'open-ils.actor',
+        'open-ils.actor.workstation.list',
+        $authtoken,
+        $lib
+    );
+    if ($r->{$lib}) {
+        return scalar(grep {$_->name() eq $workstation} @{$r->{$lib}});
+    }
+    return 0;
+# Store authtokens
+my @authtoken = ();
+# Login as staff at BR1
+$authtoken[0] = $script->authenticate({
+    username => 'br1vcampbell',
+    password => 'vincentc1234',
+    type => 'staff'
+# Register workstation at BR1.
+unless (find_workstation($authtoken[0], BR1_ID, BR1_WORKSTATION)) {
+    $script->register_workstation(BR1_WORKSTATION, BR1_ID);
+# Logout of BR1.
+# Login as staff at BR1 using workstation.
+$authtoken[0] = $script->authenticate({
+    username => 'br1vcampbell',
+    password => 'vincentc1234',
+    type => 'staff',
+    workstation => BR1_WORKSTATION
+# Login as staff at BR3
+$authtoken[1] = $script->authenticate({
+    username => 'br3sforbes',
+    password => 'samuelf1234',
+    type => 'staff'
+# Register workstation at BR3.
+unless (find_workstation($authtoken[1], BR3_ID, BR3_WORKSTATION)) {
+    $script->register_workstation(BR3_WORKSTATION, BR3_ID);
+# Logout of BR3.
+# Login as staff at BR3 using workstation.
+$authtoken[1] = $script->authenticate({
+    username => 'br3sforbes',
+    password => 'samuelf1234',
+    type => 'staff',
+    workstation => BR3_WORKSTATION
+# Retrieve copy at BR1
+my $copy = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.search',
+    'open-ils.search.asset.copy.find_by_barcode',
+# Check that copy exists.
+isa_ok(ref($copy), 'Fieldmapper::asset::copy', 'Got copy') or BAIL_OUT('Need copy');
+# Retrieve patron at BR3
+my $patron = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.actor',
+    'open-ils.actor.user.fleshed.retrieve_by_barcode',
+    $authtoken[1],
+# Check that patron exists.
+isa_ok(ref($patron), 'Fieldmapper::actor::user', 'Got patron') or BAIL_OUT('Need patron');
+# Place copy hold for patron pickup at BR3.
+my $hold = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.circ',
+    'open-ils.circ.holds.test_and_create.batch',
+    $authtoken[1],
+    {
+        hold_type => 'C',
+        patronid => $patron->id(),
+        pickup_lib => BR3_ID
+    },
+    [$copy->id()]
+if (ref($hold->{result})) {
+    my $event = (ref($hold->{result}) eq 'ARRAY') ? $hold->{result}->[0] : $hold->{result};
+    if ($event->{textcode} eq 'HOLD_EXISTS') {
+        my $target = $hold->{target};
+        $hold = $apputils->simplereq(
+            'open-ils.pcrud',
+            'open-ils.pcrud.search.ahr',
+            $authtoken[1],
+            {target => $target, usr => $patron->id(), fulfillment_time => undef, cancel_time => undef}
+        );
+    } else {
+        BAIL_OUT('Cannot place hold');
+    }
+} else {
+    $hold = $apputils->simplereq(
+        'open-ils.pcrud',
+        'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.ahr',
+        $authtoken[1],
+        $hold->{result}
+    );
+# Check that hold exists.
+isa_ok(ref($hold), 'Fieldmapper::action::hold_request', 'Got hold') or BAIL_OUT('Need hold');
+# Check copy in at BR1
+my $checkin = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.circ',
+    'open-ils.circ.checkin',
+    $authtoken[0],
+    {barcode => CBARCODE}
+subtest 'Got ROUTE_ITEM event 1' => sub {
+    plan tests => 3;
+    is(ref($checkin), 'HASH', 'Got event');
+    is($checkin->{textcode}, 'ROUTE_ITEM', 'Route item event');
+    is($checkin->{org}, BR3_ID, 'ROUTE_ITEM event destination');
+# Check copy transit.
+my $transit = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.pcrud',
+    'open-ils.pcrud.search.ahtc',
+    $authtoken[0],
+    {target_copy => $copy->id(), hold => $hold->id(), dest_recv_time => undef}
+subtest 'Got hold transit 1' => sub {
+    plan tests => 4;
+    isa_ok(ref($transit), 'Fieldmapper::action::hold_transit_copy', 'Got hold transit copy');
+    is($transit->dest(), BR3_ID, 'Transit destination');
+    is($transit->source(), BR1_ID, 'Transit source');
+    is($transit->copy_status(), OILS_COPY_STATUS_ON_HOLDS_SHELF, 'Transit copy status');
+# Check copy status.
+$copy = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.pcrud',
+    'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.acp',
+    $authtoken[0],
+    $copy->id()
+is($copy->status(), OILS_COPY_STATUS_IN_TRANSIT, 'Copy in transit');
+# Abort the transit.
+my $abort = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.circ',
+    'open-ils.circ.transit.abort',
+    $authtoken[0],
+    {transitid => $transit->id()}
+is($abort, 1, 'Transit aborted');
+# Check copy status.
+$copy = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.pcrud',
+    'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.acp',
+    $authtoken[0],
+    $copy->id()
+is($copy->status(), OILS_COPY_STATUS_RESHELVING, 'Copy reshelving');
+# Check copy in at BR1
+$checkin = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.circ',
+    'open-ils.circ.checkin',
+    $authtoken[0],
+    {barcode => CBARCODE}
+subtest 'Got ROUTE_ITEM event 2' => sub {
+    plan tests => 3;
+    is(ref($checkin), 'HASH', 'Got event');
+    is($checkin->{textcode}, 'ROUTE_ITEM', 'Route item event');
+    is($checkin->{org}, BR3_ID, 'ROUTE_ITEM event destination');
+# Check copy transit.
+$transit = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.pcrud',
+    'open-ils.pcrud.search.ahtc',
+    $authtoken[0],
+    {target_copy => $copy->id(), hold => $hold->id(), dest_recv_time => undef}
+subtest 'Got hold transit 2' => sub {
+    plan tests => 4;
+    isa_ok(ref($transit), 'Fieldmapper::action::hold_transit_copy', 'Got hold transit copy');
+    is($transit->dest(), BR3_ID, 'Transit destination');
+    is($transit->source(), BR1_ID, 'Transit source');
+    is($transit->copy_status(), OILS_COPY_STATUS_ON_HOLDS_SHELF, 'Transit copy status');
+# Check copy status.
+$copy = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.pcrud',
+    'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.acp',
+    $authtoken[0],
+    $copy->id()
+is($copy->status(), OILS_COPY_STATUS_IN_TRANSIT, 'Copy in transit 2');
+# Check copy in at BR3.
+$checkin = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.circ',
+    'open-ils.circ.checkin',
+    $authtoken[1],
+    {barcode => CBARCODE}
+subtest 'Checkin at destination' => sub{
+    plan tests => 3;
+    is(ref($checkin), 'HASH', 'Got event');
+    is($checkin->{textcode}, 'SUCCESS', 'Event was successful');
+    is($checkin->{ishold}, 1, 'Check In filled hold');
+# Check hold is on shelf.
+$hold = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.pcrud',
+    'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.ahr',
+    $authtoken[1],
+    $hold->id()
+ok(defined($hold->shelf_time()), 'Hold has shelf time');
+# Check copy status.
+$copy = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.pcrud',
+    'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.acp',
+    $authtoken[1],
+    $copy->id()
+is($copy->status(), OILS_COPY_STATUS_ON_HOLDS_SHELF, 'Copy on holds shelf');
+# Check copy out to patron at BR3.
+my $checkout = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.circ',
+    'open-ils.circ.checkout.full',
+    $authtoken[1],
+    {copy_id => $copy->id(), patron_id => $patron->id()}
+subtest 'Checkout to patron' => sub {
+    plan tests => 2;
+    is(ref($checkout), 'HASH', 'Got checkout event');
+    is($checkout->{textcode}, 'SUCCESS', 'Checkout succeeded');
+# Check the hold is fulfilled.
+$hold = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.pcrud',
+    'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.ahr',
+    $authtoken[1],
+    $hold->id()
+ok(defined($hold->fulfillment_time()), 'Hold was fulfilled');
+# Check copy status.
+$copy = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.pcrud',
+    'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.acp',
+    $authtoken[1],
+    $copy->id()
+is($copy->status(), OILS_COPY_STATUS_CHECKED_OUT, 'Copy is checked out');
+# Make a transit from BR3 to BR1 for the copy.
+# We make the transit with pcrud, because
+# open-ils.circ.copy_transit.create changes the copy status.
+my $new_transit = Fieldmapper::action::transit_copy->new();
+my $pcrud_ses = $script->session('open-ils.pcrud');
+my $xact = $pcrud_ses->request(
+    'open-ils.pcrud.transaction.begin',
+    $authtoken[1]
+$transit = $pcrud_ses->request(
+    'open-ils.pcrud.create.atc',
+    $authtoken[1],
+    $new_transit
+    'open-ils.pcrud.transaction.commit',
+    $authtoken[1]
+isa_ok(ref($transit), 'Fieldmapper::action::transit_copy', 'Transit created');
+# Check the transit.
+$transit = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.pcrud',
+    'open-ils.pcrud.search.atc',
+    $authtoken[1],
+    {target_copy => $copy->id(), source => BR3_ID, dest => BR1_ID, dest_recv_time => undef}
+subtest 'Got transit 1' => sub {
+    plan tests => 4;
+    isa_ok(ref($transit), 'Fieldmapper::action::transit_copy', 'Got transit copy');
+    is($transit->dest(), BR1_ID, 'Transit destination');
+    is($transit->source(), BR3_ID, 'Transit source');
+    is($transit->copy_status(), OILS_COPY_STATUS_RESHELVING, 'Transit copy status');
+# Abort the transit.
+$abort = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.circ',
+    'open-ils.circ.transit.abort',
+    $authtoken[1],
+    {transitid => $transit->id()}
+is($abort, 1, 'Transit 1 aborted');
+# Check copy status.
+$copy = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.pcrud',
+    'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.acp',
+    $authtoken[1],
+    $copy->id()
+is($copy->status(), OILS_COPY_STATUS_CHECKED_OUT, 'Copy is checked out after transit abort');
+# Check copy in at BR3.
+$checkin = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.circ',
+    'open-ils.circ.checkin',
+    $authtoken[1],
+    {barcode => CBARCODE}
+subtest 'Check in after circulation' => sub{
+    plan tests => 3;
+    is(ref($checkin), 'HASH', 'Got event');
+    is($checkin->{textcode}, 'ROUTE_ITEM', 'Route item event');
+    is($checkin->{org}, BR1_ID, 'ROUTE_ITEM event destination');
+# Check for transit.
+$transit = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.pcrud',
+    'open-ils.pcrud.search.atc',
+    $authtoken[1],
+    {target_copy => $copy->id(), source => BR3_ID, dest => BR1_ID, dest_recv_time => undef}
+subtest 'Got transit after check in' => sub {
+    plan tests => 4;
+    isa_ok(ref($transit), 'Fieldmapper::action::transit_copy', 'Got transit copy');
+    is($transit->dest(), BR1_ID, 'Transit destination');
+    is($transit->source(), BR3_ID, 'Transit source');
+    is($transit->copy_status(), OILS_COPY_STATUS_RESHELVING, 'Transit copy status');
+# Check copy status.
+$copy = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.pcrud',
+    'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.acp',
+    $authtoken[1],
+    $copy->id()
+is($copy->status(), OILS_COPY_STATUS_IN_TRANSIT, 'Copy in transit after check in');
+# Abort the transit.
+$abort = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.circ',
+    'open-ils.circ.transit.abort',
+    $authtoken[0],
+    {transitid => $transit->id()}
+is($abort, 1, 'Transit aborted');
+# Check copy status.
+$copy = $apputils->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.pcrud',
+    'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.acp',
+    $authtoken[0],
+    $copy->id()
+is($copy->status(), OILS_COPY_STATUS_RESHELVING, 'Copy is reshelving after return transit abort');
+# Logout at BR1.
+# Logout at BR3.

commit 22cf9bb24ef8a81660998617c1126891c14a2c84
Author: Jason Stephenson <jstephenson at mvlcstaff.org>
Date:   Fri Mar 18 16:38:33 2016 -0400

    LP 1306666: Abort Transit Only Change Copy Status if In Transit
    When aborting a transit, the copy status is presently changed, either
    to the status stored in action.transit_copy or to Reshelving if the
    transit was for a hold.  This causes problems with "hanging" transits
    where something was not handled properly before.  We've had cases
    where a transit sticks around on a copy that is later checked out, and
    while that copy is checked out, the transit is aborted, thus setting
    the copy status to Reshelving when it should be Checked Out.
    The code change in this branch only changes the copy's status if it is
    In Transit.  A copy in any other status has its status left untouched.
    Signed-off-by: Jason Stephenson <jstephenson at mvlcstaff.org>
    Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Circ/Transit.pm b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Circ/Transit.pm
index bd687c4..d518586 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Circ/Transit.pm
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Circ/Transit.pm
@@ -239,20 +239,24 @@ sub __abort_transit {
         return $e->die_event unless $e->allowed('ABORT_REMOTE_TRANSIT', $e->requestor->ws_ou);
-    # recover the copy status
-    $copy->status( $transit->copy_status );
-    $copy->editor( $e->requestor->id );
-    $copy->edit_date('now');
     my $holdtransit = $e->retrieve_action_hold_transit_copy($transit->id);
-    if( $holdtransit ) {
-        $logger->info("setting copy to reshelving on hold transit abort");
-        $copy->status( OILS_COPY_STATUS_RESHELVING );
+    return $e->die_event unless $e->delete_action_transit_copy($transit);
+    # Only change the copy status if the copy status is "In Transit."
+    if ($copy->status == OILS_COPY_STATUS_IN_TRANSIT) {
+        # recover the copy status
+        $copy->status( $transit->copy_status );
+        $copy->editor( $e->requestor->id );
+        $copy->edit_date('now');
+        if ( $holdtransit ) {
+            $logger->info("setting copy to reshelving on hold transit abort");
+            $copy->status( OILS_COPY_STATUS_RESHELVING );
+        }
+        return $e->die_event unless $e->update_asset_copy($copy);
-    return $e->die_event unless $e->delete_action_transit_copy($transit);
-    return $e->die_event unless $e->update_asset_copy($copy);
     $e->commit unless $no_commit;


Summary of changes:
 .../lib/OpenILS/Application/Circ/Transit.pm        |   24 +-
 .../19-lp1306666-abort-transit-copy-status.t       |  423 ++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 437 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/19-lp1306666-abort-transit-copy-status.t

Evergreen ILS

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