[open-ils-commits] [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch master updated. f17a075efcd721a7a76568b9caf5b1f875e0b26b

Evergreen Git git at git.evergreen-ils.org
Fri Dec 1 16:05:39 EST 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "Evergreen ILS".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  f17a075efcd721a7a76568b9caf5b1f875e0b26b (commit)
      from  2c186b7939f2ee0b522a69e429475f7802f44984 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit f17a075efcd721a7a76568b9caf5b1f875e0b26b
Author: Dan Wells <dbw2 at calvin.edu>
Date:   Fri Dec 1 16:05:02 2017 -0500

    Forward-port 2.12.8 upgrade script
    Signed-off-by: Dan Wells <dbw2 at calvin.edu>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.12.7-2.12.8-upgrade-db.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.12.7-2.12.8-upgrade-db.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d47e74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.12.7-2.12.8-upgrade-db.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+--Upgrade Script for 2.12.7 to 2.12.8
+\set eg_version '''2.12.8'''
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('2.12.8', :eg_version);
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1079', :eg_version); -- rhamby/cesardv/gmcharlt
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.merge_record_assets( target_record BIGINT, source_record BIGINT ) RETURNS INT AS $func$
+    moved_objects INT := 0;
+    source_cn     asset.call_number%ROWTYPE;
+    target_cn     asset.call_number%ROWTYPE;
+    metarec       metabib.metarecord%ROWTYPE;
+    hold          action.hold_request%ROWTYPE;
+    ser_rec       serial.record_entry%ROWTYPE;
+    ser_sub       serial.subscription%ROWTYPE;
+    acq_lineitem  acq.lineitem%ROWTYPE;
+    acq_request   acq.user_request%ROWTYPE;
+    booking       booking.resource_type%ROWTYPE;
+    source_part   biblio.monograph_part%ROWTYPE;
+    target_part   biblio.monograph_part%ROWTYPE;
+    multi_home    biblio.peer_bib_copy_map%ROWTYPE;
+    uri_count     INT := 0;
+    counter       INT := 0;
+    uri_datafield TEXT;
+    uri_text      TEXT := '';
+    -- move any 856 entries on records that have at least one MARC-mapped URI entry
+    SELECT  INTO uri_count COUNT(*)
+      FROM  asset.uri_call_number_map m
+            JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (m.call_number = cn.id)
+      WHERE cn.record = source_record;
+    IF uri_count > 0 THEN
+        -- This returns more nodes than you might expect:
+        -- 7 instead of 1 for an 856 with $u $y $9
+        SELECT  COUNT(*) INTO counter
+          FROM  oils_xpath_table(
+                    'id',
+                    'marc',
+                    'biblio.record_entry',
+                    '//*[@tag="856"]',
+                    'id=' || source_record
+                ) as t(i int,c text);
+        FOR i IN 1 .. counter LOOP
+            SELECT  '<datafield xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim"' || 
+			' tag="856"' ||
+			' ind1="' || FIRST(ind1) || '"'  ||
+			' ind2="' || FIRST(ind2) || '">' ||
+                        STRING_AGG(
+                            '<subfield code="' || subfield || '">' ||
+                            regexp_replace(
+                                regexp_replace(
+                                    regexp_replace(data,'&','&','g'),
+                                    '>', '>', 'g'
+                                ),
+                                '<', '<', 'g'
+                            ) || '</subfield>', ''
+                        ) || '</datafield>' INTO uri_datafield
+              FROM  oils_xpath_table(
+                        'id',
+                        'marc',
+                        'biblio.record_entry',
+                        '//*[@tag="856"][position()=' || i || ']/@ind1|' ||
+                        '//*[@tag="856"][position()=' || i || ']/@ind2|' ||
+                        '//*[@tag="856"][position()=' || i || ']/*/@code|' ||
+                        '//*[@tag="856"][position()=' || i || ']/*[@code]',
+                        'id=' || source_record
+                    ) as t(id int,ind1 text, ind2 text,subfield text,data text);
+            -- As most of the results will be NULL, protect against NULLifying
+            -- the valid content that we do generate
+            uri_text := uri_text || COALESCE(uri_datafield, '');
+        END LOOP;
+        IF uri_text <> '' THEN
+            UPDATE  biblio.record_entry
+              SET   marc = regexp_replace(marc,'(</[^>]*record>)', uri_text || E'\\1')
+              WHERE id = target_record;
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+	-- Find and move metarecords to the target record
+	SELECT	INTO metarec *
+	  FROM	metabib.metarecord
+	  WHERE	master_record = source_record;
+		UPDATE	metabib.metarecord
+		  SET	master_record = target_record,
+			mods = NULL
+		  WHERE	id = metarec.id;
+		moved_objects := moved_objects + 1;
+	-- Find call numbers attached to the source ...
+	FOR source_cn IN SELECT * FROM asset.call_number WHERE record = source_record LOOP
+		SELECT	INTO target_cn *
+		  FROM	asset.call_number
+		  WHERE	label = source_cn.label
+            AND prefix = source_cn.prefix
+            AND suffix = source_cn.suffix
+			AND owning_lib = source_cn.owning_lib
+			AND record = target_record
+			AND NOT deleted;
+		-- ... and if there's a conflicting one on the target ...
+			-- ... move the copies to that, and ...
+			UPDATE	asset.copy
+			  SET	call_number = target_cn.id
+			  WHERE	call_number = source_cn.id;
+			-- ... move V holds to the move-target call number
+			FOR hold IN SELECT * FROM action.hold_request WHERE target = source_cn.id AND hold_type = 'V' LOOP
+				UPDATE	action.hold_request
+				  SET	target = target_cn.id
+				  WHERE	id = hold.id;
+				moved_objects := moved_objects + 1;
+            UPDATE asset.call_number SET deleted = TRUE WHERE id = source_cn.id;
+		-- ... if not ...
+			-- ... just move the call number to the target record
+			UPDATE	asset.call_number
+			  SET	record = target_record
+			  WHERE	id = source_cn.id;
+		END IF;
+		moved_objects := moved_objects + 1;
+	-- Find T holds targeting the source record ...
+	FOR hold IN SELECT * FROM action.hold_request WHERE target = source_record AND hold_type = 'T' LOOP
+		-- ... and move them to the target record
+		UPDATE	action.hold_request
+		  SET	target = target_record
+		  WHERE	id = hold.id;
+		moved_objects := moved_objects + 1;
+	-- Find serial records targeting the source record ...
+	FOR ser_rec IN SELECT * FROM serial.record_entry WHERE record = source_record LOOP
+		-- ... and move them to the target record
+		UPDATE	serial.record_entry
+		  SET	record = target_record
+		  WHERE	id = ser_rec.id;
+		moved_objects := moved_objects + 1;
+	-- Find serial subscriptions targeting the source record ...
+	FOR ser_sub IN SELECT * FROM serial.subscription WHERE record_entry = source_record LOOP
+		-- ... and move them to the target record
+		UPDATE	serial.subscription
+		  SET	record_entry = target_record
+		  WHERE	id = ser_sub.id;
+		moved_objects := moved_objects + 1;
+	-- Find booking resource types targeting the source record ...
+	FOR booking IN SELECT * FROM booking.resource_type WHERE record = source_record LOOP
+		-- ... and move them to the target record
+		UPDATE	booking.resource_type
+		  SET	record = target_record
+		  WHERE	id = booking.id;
+		moved_objects := moved_objects + 1;
+	-- Find acq lineitems targeting the source record ...
+	FOR acq_lineitem IN SELECT * FROM acq.lineitem WHERE eg_bib_id = source_record LOOP
+		-- ... and move them to the target record
+		UPDATE	acq.lineitem
+		  SET	eg_bib_id = target_record
+		  WHERE	id = acq_lineitem.id;
+		moved_objects := moved_objects + 1;
+	-- Find acq user purchase requests targeting the source record ...
+	FOR acq_request IN SELECT * FROM acq.user_request WHERE eg_bib = source_record LOOP
+		-- ... and move them to the target record
+		UPDATE	acq.user_request
+		  SET	eg_bib = target_record
+		  WHERE	id = acq_request.id;
+		moved_objects := moved_objects + 1;
+	-- Find parts attached to the source ...
+	FOR source_part IN SELECT * FROM biblio.monograph_part WHERE record = source_record LOOP
+		SELECT	INTO target_part *
+		  FROM	biblio.monograph_part
+		  WHERE	label = source_part.label
+			AND record = target_record;
+		-- ... and if there's a conflicting one on the target ...
+			-- ... move the copy-part maps to that, and ...
+			UPDATE	asset.copy_part_map
+			  SET	part = target_part.id
+			  WHERE	part = source_part.id;
+			-- ... move P holds to the move-target part
+			FOR hold IN SELECT * FROM action.hold_request WHERE target = source_part.id AND hold_type = 'P' LOOP
+				UPDATE	action.hold_request
+				  SET	target = target_part.id
+				  WHERE	id = hold.id;
+				moved_objects := moved_objects + 1;
+		-- ... if not ...
+			-- ... just move the part to the target record
+			UPDATE	biblio.monograph_part
+			  SET	record = target_record
+			  WHERE	id = source_part.id;
+		END IF;
+		moved_objects := moved_objects + 1;
+	-- Find multi_home items attached to the source ...
+	FOR multi_home IN SELECT * FROM biblio.peer_bib_copy_map WHERE peer_record = source_record LOOP
+		-- ... and move them to the target record
+		UPDATE	biblio.peer_bib_copy_map
+		  SET	peer_record = target_record
+		  WHERE	id = multi_home.id;
+		moved_objects := moved_objects + 1;
+	-- And delete mappings where the item's home bib was merged with the peer bib
+	DELETE FROM biblio.peer_bib_copy_map WHERE peer_record = (
+		SELECT (SELECT record FROM asset.call_number WHERE id = call_number)
+		FROM asset.copy WHERE id = target_copy
+	);
+    -- Finally, "delete" the source record
+    DELETE FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE id = source_record;
+	-- That's all, folks!
+	RETURN moved_objects;
+$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+-- Evergreen DB patch XXXX.schema.qualify_unaccent_refs.sql
+-- LP#1671150 Fix unaccent() function call in evergreen.unaccent_and_squash()
+-- check whether patch can be applied
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1083', :eg_version);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.unaccent_and_squash ( IN arg text) RETURNS text
+        BEGIN
+        RETURN evergreen.lowercase(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', regexp_replace(arg, '[\s[:punct:]]','','g')));
+        END;
+-- Drop indexes if present, so that we can re-create them
+DROP INDEX IF EXISTS actor.actor_usr_first_given_name_unaccent_idx;
+DROP INDEX IF EXISTS actor.actor_usr_second_given_name_unaccent_idx;
+DROP INDEX IF EXISTS actor.actor_usr_family_name_unaccent_idx; 
+DROP INDEX IF EXISTS actor.actor_usr_usrname_unaccent_idx; 
+-- Create (or re-create) indexes -- they may be missing if pg_restore failed to create
+-- them due to the previously unqualified call to unaccent()
+CREATE INDEX actor_usr_first_given_name_unaccent_idx ON actor.usr (evergreen.unaccent_and_squash(first_given_name));
+CREATE INDEX actor_usr_second_given_name_unaccent_idx ON actor.usr (evergreen.unaccent_and_squash(second_given_name));
+CREATE INDEX actor_usr_family_name_unaccent_idx ON actor.usr (evergreen.unaccent_and_squash(family_name));
+CREATE INDEX actor_usr_usrname_unaccent_idx ON actor.usr (evergreen.unaccent_and_squash(usrname));


Summary of changes:
 .../2.12.7-2.12.8-upgrade-db.sql}                  |   32 ++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 copy Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/{upgrade/1079.schema.fix_asset_merge.sql => version-upgrade/2.12.7-2.12.8-upgrade-db.sql} (84%)

Evergreen ILS

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