[open-ils-commits] [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch rel_2_11 updated. 7dddee8e2fc781f7f7860a990b5364cc5f50dffe

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Tue Jun 20 09:54:27 EDT 2017

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The branch, rel_2_11 has been updated
       via  7dddee8e2fc781f7f7860a990b5364cc5f50dffe (commit)
      from  3c81ca661e615982562695b08c021645cb9ac204 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
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- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 7dddee8e2fc781f7f7860a990b5364cc5f50dffe
Author: Dan Wells <dbw2 at calvin.edu>
Date:   Mon Apr 24 14:29:04 2017 -0400

    LP#1686194 Account for adjustments when generating fines
    Fine generation stops at a predetermined 'max fines' amount, but this
    does not account for possible adjustments which lower the effective
    fine amount.  This situation is common in cases where lost items are
    returned, and the library wants to generate additional overdues upon
    that event.
    With this commit, fine generation will pull in any adjustments applied
    to overdue fines, and use those to offset the current total fine when
    checking for max fines.
    Also includes test for this condition.
    Signed-off-by: Dan Wells <dbw2 at calvin.edu>
    Signed-off-by: Jeff Davis <jdavis at sitka.bclibraries.ca>
    Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc at equinoxinitiative.org>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Circ/CircCommon.pm b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Circ/CircCommon.pm
index 9da9dd8..1675712 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Circ/CircCommon.pm
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Circ/CircCommon.pm
@@ -527,13 +527,16 @@ sub generate_fines {
                 { xact => $c->id,
                   btype => 1,
                   billing_ts => { '>' => $c->$due_date_method } },
-                { order_by => {mb => 'billing_ts DESC'}}
+                { order_by => {mb => 'billing_ts DESC'},
+                  flesh => 1,
+                  flesh_fields => {mb => ['adjustments']} }
             my $f_idx = 0;
             my $fine = $fines[$f_idx] if (@fines);
             my $current_fine_total = 0;
             $current_fine_total += int($_->amount * 100) for (grep { $_ and !$U->is_true($_->voided) } @fines);
+            $current_fine_total -= int($_->amount * 100) for (map { @{$_->adjustments} } @fines);
             my $last_fine;
             if ($fine) {
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/09-lp1198465_neg_balances.t b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/09-lp1198465_neg_balances.t
index 0190f28..33b4023 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/09-lp1198465_neg_balances.t
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/09-lp1198465_neg_balances.t
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-use Test::More tests => 129;
+use Test::More tests => 132;
 diag("Test features of Conditional Negative Balances code.");
@@ -836,81 +836,54 @@ is(
-## 11. Manually voiding lost book fee does not result in negative balances
-#### Setup use case variables
-#$xact_id = 5;
-#$item_id = 6;
-#$item_barcode = 'CONC4000040';
-## Setup Org Unit Settings
+# Restore then generate new overdues on xact with adjustments
+### Setup use case variables
+$xact_id = 5;
+$item_id = 6;
+$item_barcode = 'CONC4000041';
+# Setup Org Unit Settings
 #     'bill.prohibit_negative_balance_default' => 1
-#$summary = fetch_billable_xact_summary($xact_id);
-#ok( $summary, 'CASE 11: Found the transaction summary');
-#    $summary->balance_owed,
-#    '50.00',
-#    'Starting balance owed is 50.00 for lost item'
-#### confirm the copy is lost
-#$item_req = $storage_ses->request('open-ils.storage.direct.asset.copy.retrieve', $item_id);
-#if (my $item_resp = $item_req->recv) {
-#    if (my $item = $item_resp->content) {
-#        is(
-#            $item->status,
-#            3,
-#            'Item with id = ' . $item_id . ' has status of LOST'
-#        );
-#    }
-#### partially pay the bill
-#$payment_blob = {
-#    userid => $patron_id,
-#    note => '09-lp1198465_neg_balances.t',
-#    payment_type => 'cash_payment',
-#    patron_credit => '0.00',
-#    payments => [ [ $xact_id, '10.00' ] ]
-#$pay_resp = pay_bills($payment_blob);
-#    scalar( @{ $pay_resp->{payments} } ),
-#    1,
-#    'Payment response included one payment id'
-#$summary = fetch_billable_xact_summary($xact_id);
-#    $summary->balance_owed,
-#    '40.00',
-#    'Remaining balance of 40.00 after payment'
-#### TODO: manually void "the rest" of the bill (i.e. prevent neg bal)
-#### XXX: HARDCODING billing id for now; should look up the LOST bill for this xact?
-#my @billing_ids = (6);
-#my $void_resp = void_bills(\@billing_ids);
-#    $void_resp,
-#    '1',
-#    'Voiding was successful'
-#### verify ending state
-#$summary = fetch_billable_xact_summary($xact_id);
-#    $summary->balance_owed,
-#    '0.00',
-#    'Patron has a balance of 0.00 (negative balance prohibited)'
+$settings = {
+    'circ.restore_overdue_on_lost_return' => 1,
+    'circ.lost.generate_overdue_on_checkin' => 1
+    'open-ils.actor',
+    'open-ils.actor.org_unit.settings.update',
+    $script->authtoken,
+    $org_id,
+    $settings
+$summary = fetch_billable_xact_summary($xact_id);
+    $summary->balance_owed,
+    '50.00',
+    'Starting balance owed is 50.00 for lost item'
+$checkin_resp = $script->do_checkin_override({
+    barcode => $item_barcode
+    $checkin_resp->{ilsevent},
+    0,
+    'Checkin returned a SUCCESS event'
+### verify ending state
+$summary = fetch_billable_xact_summary($xact_id);
+    $summary->balance_owed,
+    '3.00',
+    'Patron has a balance of 3.00 (newly generated fines, up to maxfines)'
diff --git a/Open-ILS/tests/datasets/sql/neg_bal_custom_transactions.sql b/Open-ILS/tests/datasets/sql/neg_bal_custom_transactions.sql
index c6a2083..6df7fd0 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/tests/datasets/sql/neg_bal_custom_transactions.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/tests/datasets/sql/neg_bal_custom_transactions.sql
@@ -140,7 +140,14 @@ INSERT INTO money.billing (id, xact, billing_ts, voided, voider, void_time, amou
     (DEFAULT, 16, '2014-05-26 23:59:59-04', false, NULL, NULL, 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
     (DEFAULT, 16, '2014-05-27 23:59:59-04', false, NULL, NULL, 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
     (DEFAULT, 16, '2014-05-28 23:59:59-04', false, NULL, NULL, 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
-    -- XACT 10 must be last, because we use CURRVAL() to put their IDs in the account adjustments
+    -- XACTS 5 and 10 must be last, because we use CURRVAL() to put their IDs in the account adjustments
+    (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-22 23:59:59-04', false, NULL, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
+    (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-23 23:59:59-04', false, NULL, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
+    (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-24 23:59:59-04', false, NULL, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
+    (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-25 23:59:59-04', false, NULL, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
+    (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-26 23:59:59-04', false, NULL, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
+    (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-27 23:59:59-04', false, NULL, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
+    (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-28 23:59:59-04', false, NULL, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
     (DEFAULT, 10, (DATE(NOW() - '9 days'::interval) || ' 23:59:59')::TIMESTAMP, false, NULL, NULL, 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
     (DEFAULT, 10, (DATE(NOW() - '8 days'::interval) || ' 23:59:59')::TIMESTAMP, false, NULL, NULL, 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
     (DEFAULT, 10, (DATE(NOW() - '7 days'::interval) || ' 23:59:59')::TIMESTAMP, false, NULL, NULL, 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
@@ -152,6 +159,13 @@ INSERT INTO money.billing (id, xact, billing_ts, voided, voider, void_time, amou
 INSERT INTO money.account_adjustment (id, xact, payment_ts, voided, amount, note, amount_collected, accepting_usr, billing) VALUES
+    (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', false, 0.10, '', 0.10, 1, CURRVAL('money.billing_id_seq') - 14),
+    (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', false, 0.10, '', 0.10, 1, CURRVAL('money.billing_id_seq') - 13),
+    (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', false, 0.10, '', 0.10, 1, CURRVAL('money.billing_id_seq') - 12),
+    (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', false, 0.10, '', 0.10, 1, CURRVAL('money.billing_id_seq') - 11),
+    (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', false, 0.10, '', 0.10, 1, CURRVAL('money.billing_id_seq') - 10),
+    (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', false, 0.10, '', 0.10, 1, CURRVAL('money.billing_id_seq') - 9),
+    (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', false, 0.10, '', 0.10, 1, CURRVAL('money.billing_id_seq') - 8),
     (DEFAULT, 10, NOW() - '3 days'::interval, false, 0.10, '', 0.10, 1, CURRVAL('money.billing_id_seq') - 7),
     (DEFAULT, 10, NOW() - '3 days'::interval, false, 0.10, '', 0.10, 1, CURRVAL('money.billing_id_seq') - 6),
     (DEFAULT, 10, NOW() - '3 days'::interval, false, 0.10, '', 0.10, 1, CURRVAL('money.billing_id_seq') - 5),


Summary of changes:
 .../lib/OpenILS/Application/Circ/CircCommon.pm     |    5 +-
 .../perlmods/live_t/09-lp1198465_neg_balances.t    |  121 ++++++++------------
 .../datasets/sql/neg_bal_custom_transactions.sql   |   16 +++-
 3 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)

Evergreen ILS

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