[open-ils-commits] [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch rel_3_0 updated. 2413862777a384bb0493d5c18b65182fb99a1b61
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commit 2413862777a384bb0493d5c18b65182fb99a1b61
Author: Angela Kilsdonk <akilsdonk at esilibrary.com>
Date: Thu Nov 9 15:30:45 2017 -0800
Docs: User Buckets
Documentation for user buckets.
Signed-off-by: Angela Kilsdonk <akilsdonk at equinoxinitiative.org>
Signed-off-by: Angela Kilsdonk <akilsdonk at esilibrary.com>
diff --git a/docs/circulation/circulation_patron_records_web_client.adoc b/docs/circulation/circulation_patron_records_web_client.adoc
index 8399b9d..935b392 100644
--- a/docs/circulation/circulation_patron_records_web_client.adoc
+++ b/docs/circulation/circulation_patron_records_web_client.adoc
@@ -468,3 +468,157 @@ image::media/staff-penalties-4_web_client.png[[Actions menu]
Click to select the message to be removed, then click _Actions_ -> _Remove Penalty/Message_. This menu can also be accessed by right-clicking in the message area.
+User Buckets
+User Buckets allow staff to batch delete and make batch modifications to user accounts in Evergreen. Batch modifications can be made to selected fields in the patron account:
+* Home Library
+* Profile Group
+* Network Access Level
+* Barred flag
+* Active flag
+* Juvenile flag
+* Privilege Expiration Date
+* Statistical Categories
+Batch modifications and deletions can be rolled back or reversed, with the exception of batch changes to statistical categories. Batch changes made in User Buckets will not activate any Action/Trigger event definitions that would normally be activated when editing an individual account.
+User accounts can be added to User Buckets by scanning individual user barcodes or by uploading a file of user barcodes directly in the User Bucket interface. They can also be added to a User Bucket from the Patron Search screen. Batch changes and batch edit sets are tied to the User Bucket itself, not to the login of the bucket owner.
+Create a User Bucket
+*To add users to a bucket via the Patron Search screen:*
+. Go to *Search->Search for Patrons*.
+. Enter your search and select the users you want to add to the user bucket by checking the box next to each user row. You can also hold down the CTRL or SHIFT on your keyboard and select multiple users.
+. Click *Add to Bucket* and select an existing bucket from the drop down menu or click *New Bucket* to create a new user bucket.
+.. If creating a new user bucket, a dialog box called _Create Bucket_ will appear where you can enter a bucket _Name_ and _Description_ and indicate if the bucket is _Staff Shareable?_. Click *Create Bucket*.
+. After adding users to a bucket, an update will appear at the bottom-right hand corner of the screen that says _"Successfully added # users to bucket [Name]"_.
+*To add users to a bucket by scanning user barcodes in the User Bucket interface:*
+. Go to *Circulation->User Buckets* and select the *Pending Users* tab at the top of the screen.
+. Click on *Buckets* and select an existing bucket from the drop down menu or click *New Bucket* to create a new user bucket.
+.. If creating a new user bucket, a dialog box called _Create Bucket_ will appear where you can enter a bucket _Name_ and _Description_ and indicate if the bucket is _Staff Shareable?_. Click *Create Bucket*.
+.. After selecting or creating a bucket, the Name, Description, number of items, and creation date of the bucket will appear above the _Scan Card_ field.
+. Scan in the barcodes of the users that you want to add to the selected bucket into the _Scan Card_ field. Each user account will be added to the Pending Users tab. Hit ENTER on your keyboard after manually typing in a barcode to add it to the list of Pending Users.
+. Select the user accounts that you want to add to the bucket by checking the box next to each user row or by using the CTRL or SHIFT key on your keyboard to select multiple users.
+. Go to *Actions->Add To Bucket* or right-click on a selected user account to view the _Actions_ menu and select *Add To Bucket*. The user accounts will move to the Bucket View tab and are now in the selected User Bucket.
+*To add users to a bucket by uploading a file of user barcodes:*
+. Go to *Circulation->User Buckets* and select the *Pending Users* tab at the top of the screen.
+. Click on *Buckets* and select an existing bucket from the drop down menu or click *New Bucket* to create a new user bucket.
+.. If creating a new user bucket, a dialog box called _Create Bucket_ will appear where you can enter a bucket _Name_ and _Description_ and indicate if the bucket is _Staff Shareable?_. Click *Create Bucket*.
+.. After selecting or creating a bucket, the Name, Description, number of items, and creation date of the bucket will appear above the Scan Card field.
+. In the Pending Users tab, click *Choose File* and select the file of barcodes to be uploaded.
+.. The file that is uploaded must be a .txt file that contains a single barcode per row.
+. The user accounts will automatically appear in the list of Pending Users.
+. Select the user accounts that you want to add to the bucket by checking the box next to each user row or by using the CTRL or SHIFT key on your keyboard to select multiple users.
+. Go to *Actions->Add To Bucket* or right-click on a selected user account to view the _Actions_ menu and select *Add To Bucket*. The user accounts will move to the Bucket View tab and are now in the selected User Bucket.
+Batch Edit All Users
+To batch edit all users in a user bucket:
+. Go to *Circulation->User Buckets* and select the *Bucket View* tab.
+. Click *Buckets* and select the bucket you want to modify from the list of existing buckets.
+.. After selecting a bucket, the Name, Description, number of items, and creation date of the bucket will appear at the top of the screen.
+. Verify the list of users in the bucket and click *Batch edit all users*. A dialog box called _Update all users_ will appear where you can select the batch modifications to be made to the user accounts.
+. Assign a _Name for edit set_. This name will allow staff to identify the batch edit for future verification or rollbacks.
+. Set the values that you want to modify. The following fields can be modified in batch:
+* Home Library
+* Profile Group
+* Network Access Level
+* Barred flag
+* Active flag
+* Juvenile flag
+* Privilege Expiration Date
+. Click *Apply Changes*. The modification(s) will be applied in batch.
+Batch Modify Statistical Categories
+To batch modify statistical categories for all users in a bucket:
+. Go to *Circulation->User Buckets* and select the *Bucket View* tab.
+. Click *Buckets* and select the bucket you want to modify from the list of existing buckets.
+.. After selecting a bucket, the Name, Description, number of items, and creation date of the bucket will appear at the top of the screen.
+. Verify the list of users in the bucket and click *Batch modify statistical categories*. A dialog box called _Update statistical categories_ will appear where you can select the batch modifications to be made to the user accounts. The existing patron statistical categories will be listed and staff can choose:
+.. To leave the stat cat value unchanged in the patron accounts.
+.. To select a new stat cat value for the patron accounts.
+.. Check the box next to Remove to delete the current stat cat value from the patron accounts.
+. Click *Apply Changes*. The stat cat modification(s) will be applied in batch.
+Batch Delete Users
+To batch delete users in a bucket:
+. Go to *Circulation->User Buckets* and select the *Bucket View* tab.
+. Click on *Buckets* and select the bucket you want to modify from the list of existing buckets.
+.. After selecting a bucket, the Name, Description, number of items, and creation date of the bucket will appear at the top of the screen.
+. Verify the list of users in the bucket and click *Delete all users*. A dialog box called _Delete all users_ will appear.
+. Assign a _Name for delete set_. This name will allow staff to identify the batch deletion for future verification or rollbacks.
+. Click *Apply Changes*. All users in the bucket will be marked as deleted.
+NOTE: Batch deleting patrons from a user bucket does not use the Purge User functionality, but instead marks the users as deleted.
+View Batch Changes
+. The batch changes that have been made to User Buckets can be viewed by going to *Circulation->User Buckets* and selecting the *Bucket View* tab.
+. Click *Buckets* to select an existing bucket.
+. Click *View batch changes*. A dialog box will appear that lists the _Name_, date _Completed_, and date _Rolled back_ of any batch changes made to the bucket. There is also an option to _Delete_ a batch change. This will remove this batch change from the list of actions that can be rolled back. It will not delete or reverse the batch change.
+. Click *OK* to close the dialog box.
+Roll Back Batch Changes
+. Batch Changes and Batch Deletions can be rolled back or reversed by going to *Circulation->User Buckets* and selecting the *Bucket View* tab.
+. Click *Buckets* to select an existing bucket.
+. Click *Roll back batch edit*. A dialog box will appear that contains a drop down menu that lists all batch edits that can be rolled back. Select the batch edit to roll back and click *Roll Back Changes*. The batch change will be reversed and the roll back is recorded under _View batch changes_.
+NOTE: Batch statistical category changes cannot be rolled back.
+Sharing Buckets
+If a User Bucket has been made Staff Shareable, it can be retrieved via bucket ID by another staff account. The ID for each bucket can be found at the end of the URL for the bucket. For example, in the screenshot below, the bucket ID is 32.
+A shared bucket can be retrieved by going to *Circulation->User Buckets* and selecting the *Bucket View* tab. Next, click *Buckets* and select *Shared Bucket*. A dialog box called _Load Shared Bucket by Bucket ID_ will appear. Enter the ID of the bucket you wish to retrieve and click *Load Bucket*. The shared bucket will load in the Bucket View tab.
+All permissions must be granted at the organizational unit that the workstation is registered to or higher and are checked against the users' Home Library at when a batch modification or deletion is executed.
+Permissions for Batch Edits:
+* To batch edit a user bucket, staff accounts must have the VIEW_USER, UPDATE_USER, and CONTAINER_BATCH_UPDATE permissions for all users in the bucket.
+* To make a batch changes to Profile Group, staff accounts must have the appropriate group application permissions for the profile groups.
+* To make batch changes to the Home Library, staff accounts must have the UPDATE_USER permission at both the old and new Home Library.
+* To make batch changes to the Barred Flag, staff accounts must have the appropriate BAR_PATRON or UNBAR_PATRON permission.
+Permissions for Batch Deletion:
+* To batch delete users in a user bucket, staff accounts must have the UPDATE_USER and DELETE_USER permissions for all users in the bucket.
diff --git a/docs/media/userbucket1.PNG b/docs/media/userbucket1.PNG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39bb4a2
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/media/userbucket1.PNG differ
diff --git a/docs/media/userbucket10.png b/docs/media/userbucket10.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da96d10
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/media/userbucket10.png differ
diff --git a/docs/media/userbucket11.PNG b/docs/media/userbucket11.PNG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b212093
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/media/userbucket11.PNG differ
diff --git a/docs/media/userbucket12.PNG b/docs/media/userbucket12.PNG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33b3a07
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/media/userbucket12.PNG differ
diff --git a/docs/media/userbucket2.PNG b/docs/media/userbucket2.PNG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54d5dc7
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/media/userbucket2.PNG differ
diff --git a/docs/media/userbucket3.PNG b/docs/media/userbucket3.PNG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..033cc39
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/media/userbucket3.PNG differ
diff --git a/docs/media/userbucket4.PNG b/docs/media/userbucket4.PNG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd0a893
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/media/userbucket4.PNG differ
diff --git a/docs/media/userbucket5.PNG b/docs/media/userbucket5.PNG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5010e13
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/media/userbucket5.PNG differ
diff --git a/docs/media/userbucket6.png b/docs/media/userbucket6.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fec59b
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/media/userbucket6.png differ
diff --git a/docs/media/userbucket7.PNG b/docs/media/userbucket7.PNG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8770491
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/media/userbucket7.PNG differ
diff --git a/docs/media/userbucket8.PNG b/docs/media/userbucket8.PNG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2e7bc7
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/media/userbucket8.PNG differ
diff --git a/docs/media/userbucket9.PNG b/docs/media/userbucket9.PNG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32d0d34
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/media/userbucket9.PNG differ
Summary of changes:
.../circulation_patron_records_web_client.adoc | 154 ++++++++++++++++++++
docs/media/userbucket1.PNG | Bin 0 -> 56403 bytes
docs/media/userbucket10.png | Bin 0 -> 16980 bytes
docs/media/userbucket11.PNG | Bin 0 -> 49028 bytes
docs/media/userbucket12.PNG | Bin 0 -> 16349 bytes
docs/media/userbucket2.PNG | Bin 0 -> 21062 bytes
docs/media/userbucket3.PNG | Bin 0 -> 40167 bytes
docs/media/userbucket4.PNG | Bin 0 -> 28270 bytes
docs/media/userbucket5.PNG | Bin 0 -> 12657 bytes
docs/media/userbucket6.png | Bin 0 -> 19786 bytes
docs/media/userbucket7.PNG | Bin 0 -> 13400 bytes
docs/media/userbucket8.PNG | Bin 0 -> 13913 bytes
docs/media/userbucket9.PNG | Bin 0 -> 14062 bytes
13 files changed, 154 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 docs/media/userbucket1.PNG
create mode 100644 docs/media/userbucket10.png
create mode 100644 docs/media/userbucket11.PNG
create mode 100644 docs/media/userbucket12.PNG
create mode 100644 docs/media/userbucket2.PNG
create mode 100644 docs/media/userbucket3.PNG
create mode 100644 docs/media/userbucket4.PNG
create mode 100644 docs/media/userbucket5.PNG
create mode 100644 docs/media/userbucket6.png
create mode 100644 docs/media/userbucket7.PNG
create mode 100644 docs/media/userbucket8.PNG
create mode 100644 docs/media/userbucket9.PNG
Evergreen ILS
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