[open-ils-commits] [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch rel_3_0 updated. 88793ce760471eae4116722e8975b1b5a376dbc4

Evergreen Git git at git.evergreen-ils.org
Wed Aug 29 18:20:20 EDT 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "Evergreen ILS".

The branch, rel_3_0 has been updated
       via  88793ce760471eae4116722e8975b1b5a376dbc4 (commit)
      from  7fb93d4429e2226e998fe6676c7da7fa72d733d8 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 88793ce760471eae4116722e8975b1b5a376dbc4
Author: Dan Wells <dbw2 at calvin.edu>
Date:   Wed Aug 29 18:18:25 2018 -0400

    Forward-port 3.0.11 upgrade script
    Signed-off-by: Dan Wells <dbw2 at calvin.edu>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.0.10-3.0.11-upgrade-db.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.0.10-3.0.11-upgrade-db.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c63a2f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.0.10-3.0.11-upgrade-db.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+--Upgrade Script for 3.0.10 to 3.0.11
+\set eg_version '''3.0.11'''
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('3.0.11', :eg_version);
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1119', :eg_version);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.staff_ou_record_copy_count(org integer, rid bigint)
+ RETURNS TABLE(depth integer, org_unit integer, visible bigint, available bigint, unshadow bigint, transcendant integer)
+ LANGUAGE plpgsql
+AS $function$
+    ans RECORD;
+    trans INT;
+    SELECT 1 INTO trans FROM biblio.record_entry b JOIN config.bib_source src ON (b.source = src.id) WHERE src.transcendant AND b.id = rid;
+    FOR ans IN SELECT u.id, t.depth FROM actor.org_unit_ancestors(org) AS u JOIN actor.org_unit_type t ON (u.ou_type = t.id) LOOP
+        WITH available_statuses AS (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) AS ids FROM config.copy_status WHERE is_available),
+            cp AS(
+                SELECT  cp.id,
+                        (cp.status = ANY (available_statuses.ids))::INT as available,
+                        (cl.opac_visible AND cp.opac_visible)::INT as opac_visible
+                  FROM
+                        available_statuses,
+                        actor.org_unit_descendants(ans.id) d
+                        JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.circ_lib = d.id AND NOT cp.deleted)
+                        JOIN asset.copy_location cl ON (cp.location = cl.id AND NOT cl.deleted)
+                        JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cn.record = rid AND cn.id = cp.call_number AND NOT cn.deleted)
+            ),
+            peer AS (
+                SELECT  cp.id,
+                        (cp.status = ANY  (available_statuses.ids))::INT as available,
+                        (cl.opac_visible AND cp.opac_visible)::INT as opac_visible
+                FROM
+                        available_statuses,
+                        actor.org_unit_descendants(ans.id) d
+                        JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.circ_lib = d.id AND NOT cp.deleted)
+                        JOIN asset.copy_location cl ON (cp.location = cl.id AND NOT cl.deleted)
+                        JOIN biblio.peer_bib_copy_map bp ON (bp.peer_record = rid AND bp.target_copy = cp.id)
+            )
+        SELECT ans.depth, ans.id, count(id), sum(x.available::int), sum(x.opac_visible::int), trans
+        FROM ((select * from cp) union (select * from peer)) x
+        GROUP BY 1,2,6;
+            RETURN QUERY SELECT ans.depth, ans.id, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, trans;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+    RETURN;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.opac_ou_record_copy_count(org integer, rid bigint)
+ RETURNS TABLE(depth integer, org_unit integer, visible bigint, available bigint, unshadow bigint, transcendant integer)
+ LANGUAGE plpgsql
+AS $function$
+    ans RECORD;
+    trans INT;
+    SELECT 1 INTO trans FROM biblio.record_entry b JOIN config.bib_source src ON (b.source = src.id) WHERE src.transcendant AND b.id = rid;
+    FOR ans IN SELECT u.id, t.depth FROM actor.org_unit_ancestors(org) AS u JOIN actor.org_unit_type t ON (u.ou_type = t.id) LOOP
+        WITH org_list AS (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id)::BIGINT[] AS orgs FROM actor.org_unit_descendants(ans.id) x),
+             available_statuses AS (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) AS ids FROM config.copy_status WHERE is_available),
+             mask AS (SELECT c_attrs FROM asset.patron_default_visibility_mask() x)
+        SELECT  ans.depth,
+                ans.id,
+                COUNT( av.id ),
+                SUM( (cp.status = ANY (available_statuses.ids))::INT ),
+                COUNT( av.id ),
+                trans
+          FROM  mask,
+                available_statuses,
+                org_list,
+                asset.copy_vis_attr_cache av
+                JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = av.target_copy AND av.record = rid)
+                JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cp.call_number = cn.id AND not cn.deleted)
+          WHERE cp.circ_lib = ANY (org_list.orgs) AND av.vis_attr_vector @@ mask.c_attrs::query_int
+          GROUP BY 1,2,6;
+            RETURN QUERY SELECT ans.depth, ans.id, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, trans;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+    RETURN;


Summary of changes:
 .../3.0.10-3.0.11-upgrade-db.sql}                  |    5 +++++
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 copy Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/{upgrade/1119.schema.lp1775216_consistent_avail_counts.sql => version-upgrade/3.0.10-3.0.11-upgrade-db.sql} (96%)

Evergreen ILS

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