[open-ils-commits] [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch rel_3_1 updated. e99b5757c1786a74eb3acad6ea231fc38e9b556c

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Wed Jul 11 18:26:57 EDT 2018

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The branch, rel_3_1 has been updated
       via  e99b5757c1786a74eb3acad6ea231fc38e9b556c (commit)
      from  72d9c186dcae0beeacff5615002110550524d877 (commit)

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- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit e99b5757c1786a74eb3acad6ea231fc38e9b556c
Author: Jason Stephenson <jason at sigio.com>
Date:   Wed Jun 6 14:59:41 2018 -0400

    LP 1478712: Fix acq.fund_rollover_funds_by_org_tree DB function.
    When looking for new funds, we need to also use the org unit from the
    old fund because different org units may use the same fund code.  What
    happens without this check is the second library to rollover ends up
    assigning their rolled over debits to the first library that rolled
    over or propagated funds with the same code.
    Unfortunately, I do not know of a good way to test this branch with
    the concerto data.  I will elaborate how I tested with a copy of our
    production data in a test database below.
    What I did to test with our production data was first to repair the
    debits that had been moved to the wrong library's funds from the
    previous year.  I then ran the acq.rollover_funds_by_org_tree function
    for two libraries that share acq fund codes.  I verified that the fund
    debits for the second library did indeed get assigned to funds with
    the same code that were rolled over for the first library.  The debits
    ended up on the newly propagated funds of the library that went first.
    I reloaded the database, replaced the acq.rollover_funds_by_org_tree
    function with the implementation from this branch, and repeated the
    above steps.  The second library's debits rolled over to new funds
    owned by that library as was expected.
    This would be a good candidate for a pgtap test with additional data
    added to concerto if anyone is feeling ambitious.
    Signed-off-by: Jason Stephenson <jason at sigio.com>
    Signed-off-by: Jennifer Pringle <jennifer.pringle at bc.libraries.coop>
    Signed-off-by: Chris Sharp <csharp at georgialibraries.org>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/200.schema.acq.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/200.schema.acq.sql
index 60088d1..c820e74 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/200.schema.acq.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/200.schema.acq.sql
@@ -2154,7 +2154,7 @@ BEGIN
     	acq.fund AS oldf
     	LEFT JOIN acq.fund AS newf
-        	ON ( oldf.code = newf.code )
+        	ON ( oldf.code = newf.code AND oldf.org = newf.org )
  		    oldf.year = old_year
 		AND oldf.propagate
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.function.acq.rollover-by-org-tree.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.function.acq.rollover-by-org-tree.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9298e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.function.acq.rollover-by-org-tree.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+-- SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('XXXX', :eg_version); 
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION acq.rollover_funds_by_org_tree(
+	old_year INTEGER,
+	user_id INTEGER,
+	org_unit_id INTEGER,
+    encumb_only BOOL DEFAULT FALSE,
+    include_desc BOOL DEFAULT TRUE
+new_fund    INT;
+new_year    INT := old_year + 1;
+org_found   BOOL;
+perm_ous    BOOL;
+xfer_amount NUMERIC := 0;
+roll_fund   RECORD;
+deb         RECORD;
+detail      RECORD;
+roll_distrib_forms BOOL;
+	--
+	-- Sanity checks
+	--
+	IF old_year IS NULL THEN
+		RAISE EXCEPTION 'Input year argument is NULL';
+    ELSIF old_year NOT BETWEEN 2008 and 2200 THEN
+        RAISE EXCEPTION 'Input year is out of range';
+	--
+	IF user_id IS NULL THEN
+		RAISE EXCEPTION 'Input user id argument is NULL';
+	--
+	IF org_unit_id IS NULL THEN
+		RAISE EXCEPTION 'Org unit id argument is NULL';
+		--
+		-- Validate the org unit
+		--
+		INTO org_found
+		FROM actor.org_unit
+		WHERE id = org_unit_id;
+		--
+		IF org_found IS NULL THEN
+			RAISE EXCEPTION 'Org unit id % is invalid', org_unit_id;
+		ELSIF encumb_only THEN
+			SELECT INTO perm_ous value::BOOL FROM
+			actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting(
+				'acq.fund.allow_rollover_without_money', org_unit_id
+			);
+				RAISE EXCEPTION 'Encumbrance-only rollover not permitted at org %', org_unit_id;
+			END IF;
+		END IF;
+	--
+	-- Loop over the propagable funds to identify the details
+	-- from the old fund plus the id of the new one, if it exists.
+	--
+	FOR roll_fund in
+	    oldf.id AS old_fund,
+	    oldf.org,
+	    oldf.name,
+	    oldf.currency_type,
+	    oldf.code,
+		oldf.rollover,
+	    newf.id AS new_fund_id
+    	acq.fund AS oldf
+    	LEFT JOIN acq.fund AS newf
+        	ON ( oldf.code = newf.code AND oldf.org = newf.org )
+ 		    oldf.year = old_year
+		AND oldf.propagate
+        AND newf.year = new_year
+		AND ( ( include_desc AND oldf.org IN ( SELECT id FROM actor.org_unit_descendants( org_unit_id ) ) )
+                OR (NOT include_desc AND oldf.org = org_unit_id ) )
+		--RAISE NOTICE 'Processing fund %', roll_fund.old_fund;
+		--
+		IF roll_fund.new_fund_id IS NULL THEN
+			--
+			-- The old fund hasn't been propagated yet.  Propagate it now.
+			--
+			INSERT INTO acq.fund (
+				org,
+				name,
+				year,
+				currency_type,
+				code,
+				rollover,
+				propagate,
+				balance_warning_percent,
+				balance_stop_percent
+			) VALUES (
+				roll_fund.org,
+				roll_fund.name,
+				new_year,
+				roll_fund.currency_type,
+				roll_fund.code,
+				true,
+				true,
+				roll_fund.balance_warning_percent,
+				roll_fund.balance_stop_percent
+			)
+			RETURNING id INTO new_fund;
+		        PERFORM acq.copy_fund_tags(roll_fund.id,new_fund);
+			new_fund = roll_fund.new_fund_id;
+		END IF;
+		--
+		-- Determine the amount to transfer
+		--
+		SELECT amount
+		INTO xfer_amount
+		FROM acq.fund_spent_balance
+		WHERE fund = roll_fund.old_fund;
+		--
+		IF xfer_amount <> 0 THEN
+			IF NOT encumb_only AND roll_fund.rollover THEN
+				--
+				-- Transfer balance from old fund to new
+				--
+				--RAISE NOTICE 'Transferring % from fund % to %', xfer_amount, roll_fund.old_fund, new_fund;
+				--
+				PERFORM acq.transfer_fund(
+					roll_fund.old_fund,
+					xfer_amount,
+					new_fund,
+					xfer_amount,
+					user_id,
+					'Rollover'
+				);
+			ELSE
+				--
+				-- Transfer balance from old fund to the void
+				--
+				-- RAISE NOTICE 'Transferring % from fund % to the void', xfer_amount, roll_fund.old_fund;
+				--
+				PERFORM acq.transfer_fund(
+					roll_fund.old_fund,
+					xfer_amount,
+					NULL,
+					NULL,
+					user_id,
+					'Rollover into the void'
+				);
+			END IF;
+		END IF;
+		--
+		IF roll_fund.rollover THEN
+			--
+			-- Move any lineitems from the old fund to the new one
+			-- where the associated debit is an encumbrance.
+			--
+			-- Any other tables tying expenditure details to funds should
+			-- receive similar treatment.  At this writing there are none.
+			--
+			UPDATE acq.lineitem_detail
+			SET fund = new_fund
+    			fund = roll_fund.old_fund -- this condition may be redundant
+    			AND fund_debit in
+    			(
+        			SELECT id
+        			FROM acq.fund_debit
+        			WHERE
+            			fund = roll_fund.old_fund
+            			AND encumbrance
+    			);
+			--
+			-- Move encumbrance debits from the old fund to the new fund
+			--
+			UPDATE acq.fund_debit
+			SET fund = new_fund
+			wHERE
+				fund = roll_fund.old_fund
+				AND encumbrance;
+		END IF;
+		-- Rollover distribution formulae funds
+		SELECT INTO roll_distrib_forms value::BOOL FROM
+			actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting(
+				'acq.fund.rollover_distrib_forms', org_unit_id
+			);
+		IF roll_distrib_forms THEN
+			UPDATE acq.distribution_formula_entry 
+				SET fund = roll_fund.new_fund_id
+				WHERE fund = roll_fund.old_fund;
+		END IF;
+		--
+		-- Mark old fund as inactive, now that we've closed it
+		--
+		UPDATE acq.fund
+		SET active = FALSE
+		WHERE id = roll_fund.old_fund;
+$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


Summary of changes:
 Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/200.schema.acq.sql             |    2 +-
 ... => XXXX.function.acq.rollover-by-org-tree.sql} |   15 +++++----------
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
 copy Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/{0780.schema.acq.distribution_formula.expansion.sql => XXXX.function.acq.rollover-by-org-tree.sql} (93%)

Evergreen ILS

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