[open-ils-commits] [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch rel_3_1 updated. d927f87f742224ccbc4d737f8db3277a200ba6f0

Evergreen Git git at git.evergreen-ils.org
Thu Jul 12 09:31:17 EDT 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "Evergreen ILS".

The branch, rel_3_1 has been updated
       via  d927f87f742224ccbc4d737f8db3277a200ba6f0 (commit)
      from  30a39e25c28da965540bc91d8259f069d22ca95e (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit d927f87f742224ccbc4d737f8db3277a200ba6f0
Author: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Jul 12 09:31:12 2018 -0400

    Re-adding upgrade script
    Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/1113.function.acq.rollover-by-org-tree.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/1113.function.acq.rollover-by-org-tree.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3914c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/1113.function.acq.rollover-by-org-tree.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1113', :eg_version); 
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION acq.rollover_funds_by_org_tree(
+    old_year INTEGER,
+    user_id INTEGER,
+    org_unit_id INTEGER,
+    encumb_only BOOL DEFAULT FALSE,
+    include_desc BOOL DEFAULT TRUE
+new_fund    INT;
+new_year    INT := old_year + 1;
+org_found   BOOL;
+perm_ous    BOOL;
+xfer_amount NUMERIC := 0;
+roll_fund   RECORD;
+deb         RECORD;
+detail      RECORD;
+roll_distrib_forms BOOL;
+    --
+    -- Sanity checks
+    --
+    IF old_year IS NULL THEN
+        RAISE EXCEPTION 'Input year argument is NULL';
+    ELSIF old_year NOT BETWEEN 2008 and 2200 THEN
+        RAISE EXCEPTION 'Input year is out of range';
+    END IF;
+    --
+    IF user_id IS NULL THEN
+        RAISE EXCEPTION 'Input user id argument is NULL';
+    END IF;
+    --
+    IF org_unit_id IS NULL THEN
+        RAISE EXCEPTION 'Org unit id argument is NULL';
+    ELSE
+        --
+        -- Validate the org unit
+        --
+        SELECT TRUE
+        INTO org_found
+        FROM actor.org_unit
+        WHERE id = org_unit_id;
+        --
+        IF org_found IS NULL THEN
+            RAISE EXCEPTION 'Org unit id % is invalid', org_unit_id;
+        ELSIF encumb_only THEN
+            SELECT INTO perm_ous value::BOOL FROM
+            actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting(
+                'acq.fund.allow_rollover_without_money', org_unit_id
+            );
+            IF NOT FOUND OR NOT perm_ous THEN
+                RAISE EXCEPTION 'Encumbrance-only rollover not permitted at org %', org_unit_id;
+            END IF;
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+    --
+    -- Loop over the propagable funds to identify the details
+    -- from the old fund plus the id of the new one, if it exists.
+    --
+    FOR roll_fund in
+        oldf.id AS old_fund,
+        oldf.org,
+        oldf.name,
+        oldf.currency_type,
+        oldf.code,
+        oldf.rollover,
+        newf.id AS new_fund_id
+    FROM
+        acq.fund AS oldf
+        LEFT JOIN acq.fund AS newf
+            ON ( oldf.code = newf.code AND oldf.org = newf.org )
+    WHERE
+            oldf.year = old_year
+        AND oldf.propagate
+        AND newf.year = new_year
+        AND ( ( include_desc AND oldf.org IN ( SELECT id FROM actor.org_unit_descendants( org_unit_id ) ) )
+                OR (NOT include_desc AND oldf.org = org_unit_id ) )
+    LOOP
+        --RAISE NOTICE 'Processing fund %', roll_fund.old_fund;
+        --
+        IF roll_fund.new_fund_id IS NULL THEN
+            --
+            -- The old fund hasn't been propagated yet.  Propagate it now.
+            --
+            INSERT INTO acq.fund (
+                org,
+                name,
+                year,
+                currency_type,
+                code,
+                rollover,
+                propagate,
+                balance_warning_percent,
+                balance_stop_percent
+            ) VALUES (
+                roll_fund.org,
+                roll_fund.name,
+                new_year,
+                roll_fund.currency_type,
+                roll_fund.code,
+                true,
+                true,
+                roll_fund.balance_warning_percent,
+                roll_fund.balance_stop_percent
+            )
+            RETURNING id INTO new_fund;
+                PERFORM acq.copy_fund_tags(roll_fund.id,new_fund);
+        ELSE
+            new_fund = roll_fund.new_fund_id;
+        END IF;
+        --
+        -- Determine the amount to transfer
+        --
+        SELECT amount
+        INTO xfer_amount
+        FROM acq.fund_spent_balance
+        WHERE fund = roll_fund.old_fund;
+        --
+        IF xfer_amount <> 0 THEN
+            IF NOT encumb_only AND roll_fund.rollover THEN
+                --
+                -- Transfer balance from old fund to new
+                --
+                --RAISE NOTICE 'Transferring % from fund % to %', xfer_amount, roll_fund.old_fund, new_fund;
+                --
+                PERFORM acq.transfer_fund(
+                    roll_fund.old_fund,
+                    xfer_amount,
+                    new_fund,
+                    xfer_amount,
+                    user_id,
+                    'Rollover'
+                );
+            ELSE
+                --
+                -- Transfer balance from old fund to the void
+                --
+                -- RAISE NOTICE 'Transferring % from fund % to the void', xfer_amount, roll_fund.old_fund;
+                --
+                PERFORM acq.transfer_fund(
+                    roll_fund.old_fund,
+                    xfer_amount,
+                    NULL,
+                    NULL,
+                    user_id,
+                    'Rollover into the void'
+                );
+            END IF;
+        END IF;
+        --
+        IF roll_fund.rollover THEN
+            --
+            -- Move any lineitems from the old fund to the new one
+            -- where the associated debit is an encumbrance.
+            --
+            -- Any other tables tying expenditure details to funds should
+            -- receive similar treatment.  At this writing there are none.
+            --
+            UPDATE acq.lineitem_detail
+            SET fund = new_fund
+            WHERE
+                fund = roll_fund.old_fund -- this condition may be redundant
+                AND fund_debit in
+                (
+                    SELECT id
+                    FROM acq.fund_debit
+                    WHERE
+                        fund = roll_fund.old_fund
+                        AND encumbrance
+                );
+            --
+            -- Move encumbrance debits from the old fund to the new fund
+            --
+            UPDATE acq.fund_debit
+            SET fund = new_fund
+            wHERE
+                fund = roll_fund.old_fund
+                AND encumbrance;
+        END IF;
+        -- Rollover distribution formulae funds
+        SELECT INTO roll_distrib_forms value::BOOL FROM
+            actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting(
+                'acq.fund.rollover_distrib_forms', org_unit_id
+            );
+        IF roll_distrib_forms THEN
+            UPDATE acq.distribution_formula_entry 
+                SET fund = roll_fund.new_fund_id
+                WHERE fund = roll_fund.old_fund;
+        END IF;
+        --
+        -- Mark old fund as inactive, now that we've closed it
+        --
+        UPDATE acq.fund
+        SET active = FALSE
+        WHERE id = roll_fund.old_fund;
+    END LOOP;
+$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


Summary of changes:
 .../1113.function.acq.rollover-by-org-tree.sql     |  212 ++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 212 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/1113.function.acq.rollover-by-org-tree.sql

Evergreen ILS

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