[open-ils-commits] [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch master updated. 1eaf0e3167dacf4758792a68a5b5b94ba5789c06

Evergreen Git git at git.evergreen-ils.org
Thu Aug 22 17:27:14 EDT 2019

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "Evergreen ILS".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  1eaf0e3167dacf4758792a68a5b5b94ba5789c06 (commit)
       via  fabf404e49317ddc95224d607cb98ed4b900f613 (commit)
       via  3d5b1d0818fc6fd7774d0eddb3ba8200adab9880 (commit)
      from  9bf8d677fdaa97a785726d824529f36a4bba6bf7 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 1eaf0e3167dacf4758792a68a5b5b94ba5789c06
Author: Dan Wells <dbw2 at calvin.edu>
Date:   Thu Aug 22 17:25:59 2019 -0400

    Forward-port 3.3.3 upgrade script
    Signed-off-by: Dan Wells <dbw2 at calvin.edu>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.3.2-3.3.3-upgrade-db.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.3.2-3.3.3-upgrade-db.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c93be83010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.3.2-3.3.3-upgrade-db.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+--Upgrade Script for 3.3.2 to 3.3.3
+\set eg_version '''3.3.3'''
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('3.3.3', :eg_version);
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1171', :eg_version);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION biblio.extract_located_uris( bib_id BIGINT, marcxml TEXT, editor_id INT ) RETURNS VOID AS $func$
+    uris            TEXT[];
+    uri_xml         TEXT;
+    uri_label       TEXT;
+    uri_href        TEXT;
+    uri_use         TEXT;
+    uri_owner_list  TEXT[];
+    uri_owner       TEXT;
+    uri_owner_id    INT;
+    uri_id          INT;
+    uri_cn_id       INT;
+    uri_map_id      INT;
+    -- Clear any URI mappings and call numbers for this bib.
+    -- This leads to acn / auricnm inflation, but also enables
+    -- old acn/auricnm's to go away and for bibs to be deleted.
+    FOR uri_cn_id IN SELECT id FROM asset.call_number WHERE record = bib_id AND label = '##URI##' AND NOT deleted LOOP
+        DELETE FROM asset.uri_call_number_map WHERE call_number = uri_cn_id;
+        DELETE FROM asset.call_number WHERE id = uri_cn_id;
+    END LOOP;
+    uris := oils_xpath('//*[@tag="856" and (@ind1="4" or @ind1="1") and (@ind2="0" or @ind2="1")]',marcxml);
+    IF ARRAY_UPPER(uris,1) > 0 THEN
+        FOR i IN 1 .. ARRAY_UPPER(uris, 1) LOOP
+            -- First we pull info out of the 856
+            uri_xml     := uris[i];
+            uri_href    := (oils_xpath('//*[@code="u"]/text()',uri_xml))[1];
+            uri_label   := (oils_xpath('//*[@code="y"]/text()|//*[@code="3"]/text()',uri_xml))[1];
+            uri_use     := (oils_xpath('//*[@code="z"]/text()|//*[@code="2"]/text()|//*[@code="n"]/text()',uri_xml))[1];
+            IF uri_label IS NULL THEN
+                uri_label := uri_href;
+            END IF;
+            CONTINUE WHEN uri_href IS NULL;
+            -- Get the distinct list of libraries wanting to use 
+            SELECT  ARRAY_AGG(
+                        DISTINCT REGEXP_REPLACE(
+                            x,
+                            $re$^.*?\((\w+)\).*$$re$,
+                            E'\\1'
+                        )
+                    ) INTO uri_owner_list
+              FROM  UNNEST(
+                        oils_xpath(
+                            '//*[@code="9"]/text()|//*[@code="w"]/text()|//*[@code="n"]/text()',
+                            uri_xml
+                        )
+                    )x;
+            IF ARRAY_UPPER(uri_owner_list,1) > 0 THEN
+                -- look for a matching uri
+                IF uri_use IS NULL THEN
+                    SELECT id INTO uri_id
+                        FROM asset.uri
+                        WHERE label = uri_label AND href = uri_href AND use_restriction IS NULL AND active
+                        ORDER BY id LIMIT 1;
+                    IF NOT FOUND THEN -- create one
+                        INSERT INTO asset.uri (label, href, use_restriction) VALUES (uri_label, uri_href, uri_use);
+                        SELECT id INTO uri_id
+                            FROM asset.uri
+                            WHERE label = uri_label AND href = uri_href AND use_restriction IS NULL AND active;
+                    END IF;
+                ELSE
+                    SELECT id INTO uri_id
+                        FROM asset.uri
+                        WHERE label = uri_label AND href = uri_href AND use_restriction = uri_use AND active
+                        ORDER BY id LIMIT 1;
+                    IF NOT FOUND THEN -- create one
+                        INSERT INTO asset.uri (label, href, use_restriction) VALUES (uri_label, uri_href, uri_use);
+                        SELECT id INTO uri_id
+                            FROM asset.uri
+                            WHERE label = uri_label AND href = uri_href AND use_restriction = uri_use AND active;
+                    END IF;
+                END IF;
+                FOR j IN 1 .. ARRAY_UPPER(uri_owner_list, 1) LOOP
+                    uri_owner := uri_owner_list[j];
+                    SELECT id INTO uri_owner_id FROM actor.org_unit WHERE shortname = BTRIM(REPLACE(uri_owner,chr(160),''));
+                    CONTINUE WHEN NOT FOUND;
+                    -- we need a call number to link through
+                    SELECT id INTO uri_cn_id FROM asset.call_number WHERE owning_lib = uri_owner_id AND record = bib_id AND label = '##URI##' AND NOT deleted;
+                    IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                        INSERT INTO asset.call_number (owning_lib, record, create_date, edit_date, creator, editor, label)
+                            VALUES (uri_owner_id, bib_id, 'now', 'now', editor_id, editor_id, '##URI##');
+                        SELECT id INTO uri_cn_id FROM asset.call_number WHERE owning_lib = uri_owner_id AND record = bib_id AND label = '##URI##' AND NOT deleted;
+                    END IF;
+                    -- now, link them if they're not already
+                    SELECT id INTO uri_map_id FROM asset.uri_call_number_map WHERE call_number = uri_cn_id AND uri = uri_id;
+                    IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                        INSERT INTO asset.uri_call_number_map (call_number, uri) VALUES (uri_cn_id, uri_id);
+                    END IF;
+                END LOOP;
+            END IF;
+        END LOOP;
+    END IF;
+    RETURN;

commit fabf404e49317ddc95224d607cb98ed4b900f613
Author: Dan Wells <dbw2 at calvin.edu>
Date:   Thu Aug 22 17:25:39 2019 -0400

    Forward-port 3.2.8 upgrade script
    Signed-off-by: Dan Wells <dbw2 at calvin.edu>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.2.7-3.2.8-upgrade-db.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.2.7-3.2.8-upgrade-db.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cfcbffad2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.2.7-3.2.8-upgrade-db.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+--Upgrade Script for 3.2.7 to 3.2.8
+\set eg_version '''3.2.8'''
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('3.2.8', :eg_version);
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1171', :eg_version);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION biblio.extract_located_uris( bib_id BIGINT, marcxml TEXT, editor_id INT ) RETURNS VOID AS $func$
+    uris            TEXT[];
+    uri_xml         TEXT;
+    uri_label       TEXT;
+    uri_href        TEXT;
+    uri_use         TEXT;
+    uri_owner_list  TEXT[];
+    uri_owner       TEXT;
+    uri_owner_id    INT;
+    uri_id          INT;
+    uri_cn_id       INT;
+    uri_map_id      INT;
+    -- Clear any URI mappings and call numbers for this bib.
+    -- This leads to acn / auricnm inflation, but also enables
+    -- old acn/auricnm's to go away and for bibs to be deleted.
+    FOR uri_cn_id IN SELECT id FROM asset.call_number WHERE record = bib_id AND label = '##URI##' AND NOT deleted LOOP
+        DELETE FROM asset.uri_call_number_map WHERE call_number = uri_cn_id;
+        DELETE FROM asset.call_number WHERE id = uri_cn_id;
+    END LOOP;
+    uris := oils_xpath('//*[@tag="856" and (@ind1="4" or @ind1="1") and (@ind2="0" or @ind2="1")]',marcxml);
+    IF ARRAY_UPPER(uris,1) > 0 THEN
+        FOR i IN 1 .. ARRAY_UPPER(uris, 1) LOOP
+            -- First we pull info out of the 856
+            uri_xml     := uris[i];
+            uri_href    := (oils_xpath('//*[@code="u"]/text()',uri_xml))[1];
+            uri_label   := (oils_xpath('//*[@code="y"]/text()|//*[@code="3"]/text()',uri_xml))[1];
+            uri_use     := (oils_xpath('//*[@code="z"]/text()|//*[@code="2"]/text()|//*[@code="n"]/text()',uri_xml))[1];
+            IF uri_label IS NULL THEN
+                uri_label := uri_href;
+            END IF;
+            CONTINUE WHEN uri_href IS NULL;
+            -- Get the distinct list of libraries wanting to use 
+            SELECT  ARRAY_AGG(
+                        DISTINCT REGEXP_REPLACE(
+                            x,
+                            $re$^.*?\((\w+)\).*$$re$,
+                            E'\\1'
+                        )
+                    ) INTO uri_owner_list
+              FROM  UNNEST(
+                        oils_xpath(
+                            '//*[@code="9"]/text()|//*[@code="w"]/text()|//*[@code="n"]/text()',
+                            uri_xml
+                        )
+                    )x;
+            IF ARRAY_UPPER(uri_owner_list,1) > 0 THEN
+                -- look for a matching uri
+                IF uri_use IS NULL THEN
+                    SELECT id INTO uri_id
+                        FROM asset.uri
+                        WHERE label = uri_label AND href = uri_href AND use_restriction IS NULL AND active
+                        ORDER BY id LIMIT 1;
+                    IF NOT FOUND THEN -- create one
+                        INSERT INTO asset.uri (label, href, use_restriction) VALUES (uri_label, uri_href, uri_use);
+                        SELECT id INTO uri_id
+                            FROM asset.uri
+                            WHERE label = uri_label AND href = uri_href AND use_restriction IS NULL AND active;
+                    END IF;
+                ELSE
+                    SELECT id INTO uri_id
+                        FROM asset.uri
+                        WHERE label = uri_label AND href = uri_href AND use_restriction = uri_use AND active
+                        ORDER BY id LIMIT 1;
+                    IF NOT FOUND THEN -- create one
+                        INSERT INTO asset.uri (label, href, use_restriction) VALUES (uri_label, uri_href, uri_use);
+                        SELECT id INTO uri_id
+                            FROM asset.uri
+                            WHERE label = uri_label AND href = uri_href AND use_restriction = uri_use AND active;
+                    END IF;
+                END IF;
+                FOR j IN 1 .. ARRAY_UPPER(uri_owner_list, 1) LOOP
+                    uri_owner := uri_owner_list[j];
+                    SELECT id INTO uri_owner_id FROM actor.org_unit WHERE shortname = BTRIM(REPLACE(uri_owner,chr(160),''));
+                    CONTINUE WHEN NOT FOUND;
+                    -- we need a call number to link through
+                    SELECT id INTO uri_cn_id FROM asset.call_number WHERE owning_lib = uri_owner_id AND record = bib_id AND label = '##URI##' AND NOT deleted;
+                    IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                        INSERT INTO asset.call_number (owning_lib, record, create_date, edit_date, creator, editor, label)
+                            VALUES (uri_owner_id, bib_id, 'now', 'now', editor_id, editor_id, '##URI##');
+                        SELECT id INTO uri_cn_id FROM asset.call_number WHERE owning_lib = uri_owner_id AND record = bib_id AND label = '##URI##' AND NOT deleted;
+                    END IF;
+                    -- now, link them if they're not already
+                    SELECT id INTO uri_map_id FROM asset.uri_call_number_map WHERE call_number = uri_cn_id AND uri = uri_id;
+                    IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                        INSERT INTO asset.uri_call_number_map (call_number, uri) VALUES (uri_cn_id, uri_id);
+                    END IF;
+                END LOOP;
+            END IF;
+        END LOOP;
+    END IF;
+    RETURN;

commit 3d5b1d0818fc6fd7774d0eddb3ba8200adab9880
Author: Dan Wells <dbw2 at calvin.edu>
Date:   Thu Aug 22 17:25:12 2019 -0400

    Forward-port 3.1.14 upgrade script
    Signed-off-by: Dan Wells <dbw2 at calvin.edu>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.1.13-3.1.14-upgrade-db.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.1.13-3.1.14-upgrade-db.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..024b52572f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.1.13-3.1.14-upgrade-db.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+--Upgrade Script for 3.1.13 to 3.1.14
+\set eg_version '''3.1.14'''
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('3.1.14', :eg_version);
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1171', :eg_version);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION biblio.extract_located_uris( bib_id BIGINT, marcxml TEXT, editor_id INT ) RETURNS VOID AS $func$
+    uris            TEXT[];
+    uri_xml         TEXT;
+    uri_label       TEXT;
+    uri_href        TEXT;
+    uri_use         TEXT;
+    uri_owner_list  TEXT[];
+    uri_owner       TEXT;
+    uri_owner_id    INT;
+    uri_id          INT;
+    uri_cn_id       INT;
+    uri_map_id      INT;
+    -- Clear any URI mappings and call numbers for this bib.
+    -- This leads to acn / auricnm inflation, but also enables
+    -- old acn/auricnm's to go away and for bibs to be deleted.
+    FOR uri_cn_id IN SELECT id FROM asset.call_number WHERE record = bib_id AND label = '##URI##' AND NOT deleted LOOP
+        DELETE FROM asset.uri_call_number_map WHERE call_number = uri_cn_id;
+        DELETE FROM asset.call_number WHERE id = uri_cn_id;
+    END LOOP;
+    uris := oils_xpath('//*[@tag="856" and (@ind1="4" or @ind1="1") and (@ind2="0" or @ind2="1")]',marcxml);
+    IF ARRAY_UPPER(uris,1) > 0 THEN
+        FOR i IN 1 .. ARRAY_UPPER(uris, 1) LOOP
+            -- First we pull info out of the 856
+            uri_xml     := uris[i];
+            uri_href    := (oils_xpath('//*[@code="u"]/text()',uri_xml))[1];
+            uri_label   := (oils_xpath('//*[@code="y"]/text()|//*[@code="3"]/text()',uri_xml))[1];
+            uri_use     := (oils_xpath('//*[@code="z"]/text()|//*[@code="2"]/text()|//*[@code="n"]/text()',uri_xml))[1];
+            IF uri_label IS NULL THEN
+                uri_label := uri_href;
+            END IF;
+            CONTINUE WHEN uri_href IS NULL;
+            -- Get the distinct list of libraries wanting to use 
+            SELECT  ARRAY_AGG(
+                        DISTINCT REGEXP_REPLACE(
+                            x,
+                            $re$^.*?\((\w+)\).*$$re$,
+                            E'\\1'
+                        )
+                    ) INTO uri_owner_list
+              FROM  UNNEST(
+                        oils_xpath(
+                            '//*[@code="9"]/text()|//*[@code="w"]/text()|//*[@code="n"]/text()',
+                            uri_xml
+                        )
+                    )x;
+            IF ARRAY_UPPER(uri_owner_list,1) > 0 THEN
+                -- look for a matching uri
+                IF uri_use IS NULL THEN
+                    SELECT id INTO uri_id
+                        FROM asset.uri
+                        WHERE label = uri_label AND href = uri_href AND use_restriction IS NULL AND active
+                        ORDER BY id LIMIT 1;
+                    IF NOT FOUND THEN -- create one
+                        INSERT INTO asset.uri (label, href, use_restriction) VALUES (uri_label, uri_href, uri_use);
+                        SELECT id INTO uri_id
+                            FROM asset.uri
+                            WHERE label = uri_label AND href = uri_href AND use_restriction IS NULL AND active;
+                    END IF;
+                ELSE
+                    SELECT id INTO uri_id
+                        FROM asset.uri
+                        WHERE label = uri_label AND href = uri_href AND use_restriction = uri_use AND active
+                        ORDER BY id LIMIT 1;
+                    IF NOT FOUND THEN -- create one
+                        INSERT INTO asset.uri (label, href, use_restriction) VALUES (uri_label, uri_href, uri_use);
+                        SELECT id INTO uri_id
+                            FROM asset.uri
+                            WHERE label = uri_label AND href = uri_href AND use_restriction = uri_use AND active;
+                    END IF;
+                END IF;
+                FOR j IN 1 .. ARRAY_UPPER(uri_owner_list, 1) LOOP
+                    uri_owner := uri_owner_list[j];
+                    SELECT id INTO uri_owner_id FROM actor.org_unit WHERE shortname = BTRIM(REPLACE(uri_owner,chr(160),''));
+                    CONTINUE WHEN NOT FOUND;
+                    -- we need a call number to link through
+                    SELECT id INTO uri_cn_id FROM asset.call_number WHERE owning_lib = uri_owner_id AND record = bib_id AND label = '##URI##' AND NOT deleted;
+                    IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                        INSERT INTO asset.call_number (owning_lib, record, create_date, edit_date, creator, editor, label)
+                            VALUES (uri_owner_id, bib_id, 'now', 'now', editor_id, editor_id, '##URI##');
+                        SELECT id INTO uri_cn_id FROM asset.call_number WHERE owning_lib = uri_owner_id AND record = bib_id AND label = '##URI##' AND NOT deleted;
+                    END IF;
+                    -- now, link them if they're not already
+                    SELECT id INTO uri_map_id FROM asset.uri_call_number_map WHERE call_number = uri_cn_id AND uri = uri_id;
+                    IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                        INSERT INTO asset.uri_call_number_map (call_number, uri) VALUES (uri_cn_id, uri_id);
+                    END IF;
+                END LOOP;
+            END IF;
+        END LOOP;
+    END IF;
+    RETURN;


Summary of changes:
 .../3.1.13-3.1.14-upgrade-db.sql}                                      | 3 +++
 .../3.2.7-3.2.8-upgrade-db.sql}                                        | 3 +++
 .../3.3.2-3.3.3-upgrade-db.sql}                                        | 3 +++
 3 files changed, 9 insertions(+)
 copy Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/{upgrade/1171.schema.trim_spaces_during_856_9_parsing.sql => version-upgrade/3.1.13-3.1.14-upgrade-db.sql} (97%)
 copy Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/{upgrade/1171.schema.trim_spaces_during_856_9_parsing.sql => version-upgrade/3.2.7-3.2.8-upgrade-db.sql} (97%)
 copy Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/{upgrade/1171.schema.trim_spaces_during_856_9_parsing.sql => version-upgrade/3.3.2-3.3.3-upgrade-db.sql} (97%)

Evergreen ILS

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