[open-ils-commits] [GIT] Evergreen ILS branch rel_3_4 updated. 8bc8f4b8631a9663f71728dad56992cc32406b1c

Evergreen Git git at git.evergreen-ils.org
Wed Oct 2 11:38:59 EDT 2019

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "Evergreen ILS".

The branch, rel_3_4 has been updated
       via  8bc8f4b8631a9663f71728dad56992cc32406b1c (commit)
       via  b19bc2e8dd45336f09f434cc1259c88e72151e42 (commit)
       via  4f4cc9f210530ff669a04941092cd167d4ed0f4f (commit)
      from  fcedac0ca4404ca6a6207979b4a1854a99984385 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 8bc8f4b8631a9663f71728dad56992cc32406b1c
Author: Galen Charlton <gmc at equinoxinitiative.org>
Date:   Wed Oct 2 11:38:42 2019 -0400

    LP#1846357: adjust 3.3.3-3.4.0 schema update
    Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc at equinoxinitiative.org>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.3.3-3.4.0-upgrade-db.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.3.3-3.4.0-upgrade-db.sql
index b1054a8947..013352ee9d 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.3.3-3.4.0-upgrade-db.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.3.3-3.4.0-upgrade-db.sql
@@ -756,6 +756,7 @@ END;
 SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1187', :eg_version);
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1192', :eg_version);
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.age_circ_on_delete () RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
@@ -794,11 +795,21 @@ BEGIN
         auto_renewal, auto_renewal_remaining
         FROM action.all_circulation WHERE id = OLD.id;
+    -- Migrate billings and payments to aged tables
+    INSERT INTO money.aged_billing
+        SELECT * FROM money.billing WHERE xact = OLD.id;
+    INSERT INTO money.aged_payment 
+        SELECT * FROM money.payment_view WHERE xact = OLD.id;
+    DELETE FROM money.payment WHERE xact = OLD.id;
+    DELETE FROM money.billing WHERE xact = OLD.id;
 $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
 SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1188', :eg_version);
 UPDATE action.circulation SET auto_renewal = FALSE WHERE auto_renewal IS NULL;

commit b19bc2e8dd45336f09f434cc1259c88e72151e42
Author: Galen Charlton <gmc at equinoxinitiative.org>
Date:   Wed Oct 2 11:35:41 2019 -0400

    stage what will become the final 3.3.3-3.4.0 schema update
    Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc at equinoxinitiative.org>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.3.3-3.4-rc-upgrade-db.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.3.3-3.4.0-upgrade-db.sql
similarity index 99%
rename from Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.3.3-3.4-rc-upgrade-db.sql
rename to Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.3.3-3.4.0-upgrade-db.sql
index 308cf35602..b1054a8947 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.3.3-3.4-rc-upgrade-db.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.3.3-3.4.0-upgrade-db.sql
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
---Upgrade Script for 3.3.3 to 3.4-rc
-\set eg_version '''3.4-rc'''
+--Upgrade Script for 3.3.3 to 3.4.0
+\set eg_version '''3.4.0'''
 INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('3.4-beta2', :eg_version);

commit 4f4cc9f210530ff669a04941092cd167d4ed0f4f
Author: Galen Charlton <gmc at equinoxinitiative.org>
Date:   Tue Oct 1 19:50:55 2019 -0400

    updated 3.3.3-3.4-rc schema update
    Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc at equinoxinitiative.org>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.3.3-3.4-rc-upgrade-db.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.3.3-3.4-rc-upgrade-db.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..308cf35602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.3.3-3.4-rc-upgrade-db.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,869 @@
+--Upgrade Script for 3.3.3 to 3.4-rc
+\set eg_version '''3.4-rc'''
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('3.4-beta2', :eg_version);
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1168', :eg_version); -- csharp/khuckins/gmcharlt
+UPDATE permission.perm_list 
+    SET description = oils_i18n_gettext(
+        '608',
+        'Allows a user to apply values to workstation settings',
+        'ppl', 'description')
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1169', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO config.workstation_setting_type (name, grp, datatype, label)
+    'eg.catalog.search_templates', 'gui', 'object',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'eg.catalog.search_templates',
+        'Staff Catalog Search Templates',
+        'cwst', 'label'
+    )
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1170', :eg_version);
+CREATE TABLE config.hold_type (
+    id          SERIAL,
+    hold_type   TEXT UNIQUE,
+    description TEXT
+INSERT INTO config.hold_type (hold_type,description) VALUES
+    ('C','Copy Hold'),
+    ('V','Volume Hold'),
+    ('T','Title Hold'),
+    ('M','Metarecord Hold'),
+    ('R','Recall Hold'),
+    ('F','Force Hold'),
+    ('I','Issuance Hold'),
+    ('P','Part Hold')
+ALTER TABLE action.hold_request ADD CONSTRAINT hold_request_hold_type_fkey FOREIGN KEY (hold_type) REFERENCES config.hold_type(hold_type) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1172', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO config.workstation_setting_type (name, grp, datatype, label) 
+    'eg.grid.admin.local.config.hold_matrix_matchpoint', 'gui', 'object',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'eg.grid.admin.local.config.hold_matrix_matchpoint',
+        'Grid Config: admin.local.config.hold_matrix_matchpoint',
+        'cwst', 'label'
+    )
+), (
+    'eg.grid.admin.local.actor.address_alert', 'gui', 'object',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'eg.grid.admin.local.actor.address_alert',
+        'Grid Config: admin.local.actor.address_alert',
+        'cwst', 'label'
+    )
+), (
+    'eg.grid.admin.local.config.barcode_completion', 'gui', 'object',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'eg.grid.admin.local.config.barcode_completion',
+        'Grid Config: admin.local.config.barcode_completion',
+        'cwst', 'label'
+    )
+), (
+    'eg.grid.admin.local.actor.copy_alert_suppress', 'gui', 'object',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'eg.grid.admin.local.actor.copy_alert_suppress',
+        'Grid Config: admin.local.actor.copy_alert_suppress',
+        'cwst', 'label'
+    )
+), (
+    'eg.grid.admin.local.asset.copy_location', 'gui', 'object',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'eg.grid.admin.local.asset.copy_location',
+        'Grid Config: admin.local.asset.copy_location',
+        'cwst', 'label'
+    )
+), (
+    'eg.grid.admin.local.asset.copy_tag', 'gui', 'object',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'eg.grid.admin.local.asset.copy_tag',
+        'Grid Config: admin.local.asset.copy_tag',
+        'cwst', 'label'
+    )
+), (
+    'eg.grid.admin.local.permission.grp_penalty_threshold', 'gui', 'object',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'eg.grid.admin.local.permission.grp_penalty_threshold',
+        'Grid Config: admin.local.permission.grp_penalty_threshold',
+        'cwst', 'label'
+    )
+), (
+    'eg.grid.admin.local.config.non_cataloged_type', 'gui', 'object',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'eg.grid.admin.local.config.non_cataloged_type',
+        'Grid Config: admin.local.config.non_cataloged_type',
+        'cwst', 'label'
+    )
+-- eg.grid.admin.local.rating.badge already exists
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1173', :eg_version);
+CREATE TABLE config.print_template (
+    id           SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
+    name         TEXT NOT NULL, -- programatic name
+    label        TEXT NOT NULL, -- i18n
+    owner        INT NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id),
+    locale       TEXT REFERENCES config.i18n_locale(code) 
+    content_type TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'text/html',
+    template     TEXT NOT NULL,
+	CONSTRAINT   name_once_per_lib UNIQUE (owner, name),
+	CONSTRAINT   label_once_per_lib UNIQUE (owner, label)
+INSERT INTO config.print_template 
+    (id, name, locale, active, owner, label, template) 
+    1, 'patron_address', 'en-US', FALSE,
+    (SELECT id FROM actor.org_unit WHERE parent_ou IS NULL),
+    oils_i18n_gettext(1, 'Address Label', 'cpt', 'label'),
+    SET patron = template_data.patron;
+    SET addr = template_data.address;
+  <div>
+    [% patron.first_given_name %] 
+    [% patron.second_given_name %] 
+    [% patron.family_name %]
+  </div>
+  <div>[% addr.street1 %]</div>
+  [% IF addr.street2 %]<div>[% addr.street2 %]</div>[% END %]
+  <div>
+    [% addr.city %], [% addr.state %] [% addr.post_code %]
+  </div>
+INSERT INTO config.print_template 
+    (id, name, locale, active, owner, label, template) 
+    2, 'holds_for_bib', 'en-US', FALSE,
+    (SELECT id FROM actor.org_unit WHERE parent_ou IS NULL),
+    oils_i18n_gettext(2, 'Holds for Bib Record', 'cpt', 'label'),
+    USE date;
+    SET holds = template_data;
+    # template_data is an arry of wide_hold hashes.
+  <div>Holds for record: [% holds.0.title %]</div>
+  <hr/>
+  <style>#holds-for-bib-table td { padding: 5px; }</style>
+  <table id="holds-for-bib-table">
+    <thead>
+      <tr>
+        <th>Request Date</th>
+        <th>Patron Barcode</th>
+        <th>Patron Last</th>
+        <th>Patron Alias</th>
+        <th>Current Item</th>
+      </tr>
+    </thead>
+    <tbody>
+      [% FOR hold IN holds %]
+      <tr>
+        <td>[% 
+          date.format(helpers.format_date(
+            hold.request_time, staff_org_timezone), '%x %r', locale) 
+        %]</td>
+        <td>[% hold.ucard_barcode %]</td>
+        <td>[% hold.usr_family_name %]</td>
+        <td>[% hold.usr_alias %]</td>
+        <td>[% hold.cp_barcode %]</td>
+      </tr>
+      [% END %]
+    </tbody>
+  </table>
+  <hr/>
+  <div>
+    [% staff_org.shortname %] 
+    [% date.format(helpers.current_date(client_timezone), '%x %r', locale) %]
+  </div>
+  <div>Printed by [% staff.first_given_name %]</div>
+-- Allow for 1k stock templates
+SELECT SETVAL('config.print_template_id_seq'::TEXT, 1000);
+INSERT INTO permission.perm_list (id, code, description) 
+    oils_i18n_gettext(611, 'Modify print templates', 'ppl', 'description'));
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('1174', :eg_version);
+ALTER TABLE asset.copy_tag
+          ADD COLUMN url TEXT;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1175', :eg_version);
+CREATE TABLE config.carousel_type (
+    id                          SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
+    name                        TEXT NOT NULL,
+    automatic                   BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,
+    filter_by_age               BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,
+    filter_by_copy_owning_lib   BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,
+    filter_by_copy_location     BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE
+INSERT INTO config.carousel_type
+    (id, name,                               automatic, filter_by_age, filter_by_copy_owning_lib, filter_by_copy_location)
+    (1, 'Manual',                            FALSE,     FALSE,         FALSE,                     FALSE),
+    (2, 'Newly Catalogued Items',            TRUE,      TRUE,          TRUE,                      TRUE),
+    (3, 'Recently Returned Items',           TRUE,      TRUE,          TRUE,                      TRUE),
+    (4, 'Top Circulated Items',              TRUE,      TRUE,          TRUE,                      FALSE),
+    (5, 'Newest Items By Shelving Location', TRUE,      TRUE,          TRUE,                      FALSE)
+SELECT SETVAL('config.carousel_type_id_seq'::TEXT, 100);
+CREATE TABLE container.carousel (
+    id                      SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
+    type                    INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES config.carousel_type (id),
+    owner                   INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id),
+    name                    TEXT NOT NULL,
+    bucket                  INTEGER REFERENCES container.biblio_record_entry_bucket (id),
+    creator                 INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.usr (id),
+    editor                  INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.usr (id),
+    create_time             TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
+    edit_time               TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
+    age_filter              INTERVAL,
+    owning_lib_filter       INT[],
+    copy_location_filter    INT[],
+    last_refresh_time       TIMESTAMPTZ,
+    active                  BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,
+    max_items               INTEGER NOT NULL
+CREATE TABLE container.carousel_org_unit (
+    id              SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
+    carousel        INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES container.carousel (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+    override_name   TEXT,
+    org_unit        INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id),
+    seq             INTEGER NOT NULL
+INSERT INTO container.biblio_record_entry_bucket_type (code, label) VALUES ('carousel', 'Carousel');
+INSERT INTO permission.perm_list ( id, code, description ) VALUES
+ ( 612, 'ADMIN_CAROUSEL_TYPE', oils_i18n_gettext(611,
+    'Allow a user to manage carousel types', 'ppl', 'description')),
+ ( 613, 'ADMIN_CAROUSEL', oils_i18n_gettext(612,
+    'Allow a user to manage carousels', 'ppl', 'description')),
+ ( 614, 'REFRESH_CAROUSEL', oils_i18n_gettext(613,
+    'Allow a user to refresh carousels', 'ppl', 'description'))
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1176', :eg_version);
+ALTER TABLE booking.reservation
+    ADD COLUMN note TEXT;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1177', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO config.workstation_setting_type (name, grp, datatype, label)
+    'eg.grid.booking.manage', 'gui', 'object',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'booking.manage',
+        'Grid Config: Booking Manage Reservations',
+        'cwst', 'label')
+), (
+    'eg.grid.booking.pickup.ready', 'gui', 'object',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'booking.pickup.ready',
+        'Grid Config: Booking Ready to pick up grid',
+        'cwst', 'label')
+), (
+    'eg.grid.booking.pickup.picked_up', 'gui', 'object',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'booking.pickup.picked_up',
+        'Grid Config: Booking Already Picked Up grid',
+        'cwst', 'label')
+), (
+    'eg.grid.booking.return.patron.picked_up', 'gui', 'object',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'booking.return.patron.picked_up',
+        'Grid Config: Booking Return Patron tab Already Picked Up grid',
+        'cwst', 'label')
+), (
+    'eg.grid.booking.return.patron.returned', 'gui', 'object',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'booking.return.patron.returned',
+        'Grid Config: Booking Return Patron tab Returned Today grid',
+        'cwst', 'label')
+), (
+    'eg.grid.booking.return.resource.picked_up', 'gui', 'object',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'booking.return.resourcce.picked_up',
+        'Grid Config: Booking Return Resource tab Already Picked Up grid',
+        'cwst', 'label')
+), (
+    'eg.grid.booking.return.resource.returned', 'gui', 'object',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'booking.return.resource.returned',
+        'Grid Config: Booking Return Resource tab Returned Today grid',
+        'cwst', 'label')
+), (
+    'eg.booking.manage.selected_org_family', 'gui', 'object',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'booking.manage.selected_org_family',
+        'Sticky setting for pickup ou family in Manage Reservations screen',
+        'cwst', 'label')
+), (
+    'eg.booking.return.tab', 'gui', 'string',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'booking.return.tab',
+        'Sticky setting for tab in Booking Return',
+        'cwst', 'label')
+), (
+    'eg.booking.create.granularity', 'gui', 'integer',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'booking.create.granularity',
+        'Sticky setting for granularity combobox in Booking Create',
+        'cwst', 'label')
+), (
+    'eg.booking.create.multiday', 'gui', 'bool',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'booking.create.multiday',
+        'Default to creating multiday booking reservations',
+        'cwst', 'label')
+), (
+    'eg.booking.pickup.ready.only_show_captured', 'gui', 'bool',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'booking.pickup.ready.only_show_captured',
+        'Include only resources that have been captured in the Ready grid in the Pickup screen',
+        'cwst', 'label')
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1178', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (active, owner, name, hook, validator, reactor, delay, group_field, max_delay, template) 
+    VALUES (false, 1, 'Fine Limit Exceeded', 'penalty.PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES', 'NOOP_True', 'SendEmail', '00:05:00', 'usr', '1 day', 
+[%- USE date -%]
+[%- user = target.usr -%]
+To: [%- params.recipient_email || user.email %]
+From: [%- params.sender_email || default_sender %]
+Date: [%- date.format(date.now, '%a, %d %b %Y %T -0000', gmt => 1) %]
+Subject: Fine Limit Exceeded
+Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
+Dear [% user.first_given_name %] [% user.family_name %],
+Our records indicate your account has exceeded the fine limit allowed for the use of your library account.
+Please visit the library to pay your fines and restore full access to your account.
+[% END %]
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment (event_def, path) VALUES
+    (currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'), 'usr'),
+    (currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'), 'usr.card');
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1179', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type 
+    (grp, name, datatype, label, description)
+    'opac',
+    'opac.show_owning_lib_column', 'bool',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'opac.show_owning_lib_column',
+        'Show Owning Lib in Items Out',
+        'coust',
+        'label'
+    ),
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'opac.show_owning_lib_column',
+'If enabled, the Owning Lib will be shown in the Items Out display.' ||
+' This may assist in requesting additional renewals',
+        'coust',
+        'description'
+    )
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1180', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO permission.perm_list ( id, code, description ) VALUES
+ ( 615, 'ADMIN_REMOTEAUTH', oils_i18n_gettext( 615,
+    'Administer remote patron authentication', 'ppl', 'description' ));
+CREATE TABLE config.remoteauth_profile (
+    description TEXT,
+    restrict_to_org BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,
+    allow_inactive BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,
+    allow_expired BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,
+    block_list TEXT,
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION actor.permit_remoteauth (profile_name TEXT, userid BIGINT) RETURNS TEXT AS $func$
+    usr               actor.usr%ROWTYPE;
+    profile           config.remoteauth_profile%ROWTYPE;
+    perm              TEXT;
+    context_org_list  INT[];
+    home_prox         INT;
+    block             TEXT;
+    penalty_count     INT;
+    SELECT INTO usr * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = userid AND NOT deleted;
+    IF usr IS NULL THEN
+        RETURN 'not_found';
+    END IF;
+    IF usr.barred IS TRUE THEN
+        RETURN 'blocked';
+    END IF;
+    SELECT INTO profile * FROM config.remoteauth_profile WHERE name = profile_name;
+    SELECT INTO context_org_list ARRAY_AGG(id) FROM actor.org_unit_full_path( profile.context_org );
+    -- user's home library must be within the context org
+    IF profile.restrict_to_org IS TRUE AND usr.home_ou NOT IN (SELECT * FROM UNNEST(context_org_list)) THEN
+        RETURN 'not_found';
+    END IF;
+    SELECT INTO perm code FROM permission.perm_list WHERE id = profile.perm;
+    IF permission.usr_has_perm(usr.id, perm, profile.context_org) IS FALSE THEN
+        RETURN 'not_found';
+    END IF;
+    IF usr.expire_date < NOW() AND profile.allow_expired IS FALSE THEN
+        RETURN 'expired';
+    END IF;
+    IF usr.active IS FALSE AND profile.allow_inactive IS FALSE THEN
+        RETURN 'blocked';
+    END IF;
+    -- Proximity of user's home_ou to context_org to see if penalties should be ignored.
+    SELECT INTO home_prox prox FROM actor.org_unit_proximity WHERE from_org = usr.home_ou AND to_org = profile.context_org;
+    -- Loop through the block list to see if the user has any matching penalties.
+    IF profile.block_list IS NOT NULL THEN
+        FOR block IN SELECT UNNEST(STRING_TO_ARRAY(profile.block_list, '|')) LOOP
+            SELECT INTO penalty_count COUNT(DISTINCT csp.*)
+                FROM  actor.usr_standing_penalty usp
+                        JOIN config.standing_penalty csp ON (csp.id = usp.standing_penalty)
+                WHERE usp.usr = usr.id
+                        AND usp.org_unit IN ( SELECT * FROM UNNEST(context_org_list) )
+                        AND ( usp.stop_date IS NULL or usp.stop_date > NOW() )
+                        AND ( csp.ignore_proximity IS NULL OR csp.ignore_proximity < home_prox )
+                        AND csp.block_list ~ block;
+            IF penalty_count > 0 THEN
+                -- User has penalties that match this block, so auth is not permitted.
+                -- Don't bother testing the rest of the block list.
+                RETURN 'blocked';
+            END IF;
+        END LOOP;
+    END IF;
+    -- User has passed all tests.
+    RETURN 'success';
+$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1181', :eg_version);
+\qecho Migrating aged billing and payment data.  This might take a while.
+CREATE TABLE money.aged_payment (LIKE money.payment INCLUDING INDEXES);
+ALTER TABLE money.aged_payment ADD COLUMN payment_type TEXT NOT NULL;
+CREATE TABLE money.aged_billing (LIKE money.billing INCLUDING INDEXES);
+INSERT INTO money.aged_payment 
+    SELECT  mp.* FROM money.payment_view mp
+    JOIN action.aged_circulation circ ON (circ.id = mp.xact);
+INSERT INTO money.aged_billing
+    SELECT mb.* FROM money.billing mb
+    JOIN action.aged_circulation circ ON (circ.id = mb.xact);
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW money.all_payments AS
+    SELECT * FROM money.payment_view 
+    SELECT * FROM money.aged_payment;
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW money.all_billings AS
+    SELECT * FROM money.billing
+    SELECT * FROM money.aged_billing;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.age_circ_on_delete () RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
+found char := 'N';
+    -- If there are any renewals for this circulation, don't archive or delete
+    -- it yet.   We'll do so later, when we archive and delete the renewals.
+    SELECT 'Y' INTO found
+    FROM action.circulation
+    WHERE parent_circ = OLD.id
+    LIMIT 1;
+    IF found = 'Y' THEN
+        RETURN NULL;  -- don't delete
+    -- Archive a copy of the old row to action.aged_circulation
+    INSERT INTO action.aged_circulation
+        (id,usr_post_code, usr_home_ou, usr_profile, usr_birth_year, copy_call_number, copy_location,
+        copy_owning_lib, copy_circ_lib, copy_bib_record, xact_start, xact_finish, target_copy,
+        circ_lib, circ_staff, checkin_staff, checkin_lib, renewal_remaining, grace_period, due_date,
+        stop_fines_time, checkin_time, create_time, duration, fine_interval, recurring_fine,
+        max_fine, phone_renewal, desk_renewal, opac_renewal, duration_rule, recurring_fine_rule,
+        max_fine_rule, stop_fines, workstation, checkin_workstation, checkin_scan_time, parent_circ)
+      SELECT
+        id,usr_post_code, usr_home_ou, usr_profile, usr_birth_year, copy_call_number, copy_location,
+        copy_owning_lib, copy_circ_lib, copy_bib_record, xact_start, xact_finish, target_copy,
+        circ_lib, circ_staff, checkin_staff, checkin_lib, renewal_remaining, grace_period, due_date,
+        stop_fines_time, checkin_time, create_time, duration, fine_interval, recurring_fine,
+        max_fine, phone_renewal, desk_renewal, opac_renewal, duration_rule, recurring_fine_rule,
+        max_fine_rule, stop_fines, workstation, checkin_workstation, checkin_scan_time, parent_circ
+        FROM action.all_circulation WHERE id = OLD.id;
+    -- Migrate billings and payments to aged tables
+    INSERT INTO money.aged_billing
+        SELECT * FROM money.billing WHERE xact = OLD.id;
+    INSERT INTO money.aged_payment 
+        SELECT * FROM money.payment_view WHERE xact = OLD.id;
+    DELETE FROM money.payment WHERE xact = OLD.id;
+    DELETE FROM money.billing WHERE xact = OLD.id;
+$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
+-- NOTE you could COMMIT here then start a new TRANSACTION if desired.
+\qecho Deleting aged payments and billings from active payment/billing
+\qecho tables.  This may take a while...
+ALTER TABLE money.payment DISABLE TRIGGER mat_summary_del_tgr;
+ALTER TABLE money.cash_payment DISABLE TRIGGER mat_summary_del_tgr;
+ALTER TABLE money.check_payment DISABLE TRIGGER mat_summary_del_tgr;
+ALTER TABLE money.credit_card_payment DISABLE TRIGGER mat_summary_del_tgr;
+ALTER TABLE money.forgive_payment DISABLE TRIGGER mat_summary_del_tgr;
+ALTER TABLE money.credit_payment DISABLE TRIGGER mat_summary_del_tgr;
+ALTER TABLE money.goods_payment DISABLE TRIGGER mat_summary_del_tgr;
+DELETE FROM money.payment WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM money.aged_payment);
+ALTER TABLE money.payment ENABLE TRIGGER mat_summary_del_tgr;
+ALTER TABLE money.cash_payment ENABLE TRIGGER mat_summary_del_tgr;
+ALTER TABLE money.check_payment ENABLE TRIGGER mat_summary_del_tgr;
+ALTER TABLE money.credit_card_payment ENABLE TRIGGER mat_summary_del_tgr;
+ALTER TABLE money.forgive_payment ENABLE TRIGGER mat_summary_del_tgr;
+ALTER TABLE money.credit_payment ENABLE TRIGGER mat_summary_del_tgr;
+ALTER TABLE money.goods_payment ENABLE TRIGGER mat_summary_del_tgr;
+-- TODO: This approach assumes most of the money.billing rows have been
+-- copied to money.aged_billing.  If that is not the case, which would
+-- happen if circ anonymization is not enabled, it will be faster to
+-- perform a simple delete instead of a truncate/rebuild.
+-- Copy all money.billing rows that are not represented in money.aged_billing
+    SELECT mb.* FROM money.billing mb
+    LEFT JOIN money.aged_billing mab USING (id)
+    WHERE mab.id IS NULL;
+-- temporarily remove the foreign key constraint to money.billing on
+-- account adjusment.  Needed for money.billing truncate.
+ALTER TABLE money.account_adjustment 
+    DROP CONSTRAINT account_adjustment_billing_fkey;
+TRUNCATE money.billing;
+INSERT INTO money.billing SELECT * FROM tmp_money_billing;
+ALTER TABLE money.account_adjustment 
+    ADD CONSTRAINT account_adjustment_billing_fkey 
+    FOREIGN KEY (billing) REFERENCES money.billing (id);
+-- Good to run after truncating -- OK to run after COMMIT.
+ANALYZE money.billing;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1182', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO permission.perm_list ( id, code, description ) VALUES
+ ( 616, 'IMPORT_USE_ORG_UNIT_COPIES', oils_i18n_gettext( 616,
+    'Allows users to import records based on the number of org unit copies attached to a record', 'ppl', 'description' )),
+ ( 617, 'IMPORT_ON_ORDER_CAT_COPY', oils_i18n_gettext( 617,
+    'Allows users to import copies based on the on-order items attached to a record', 'ppl', 'description' ));
+-- function update in 1182 further updated in 1186
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1183', :eg_version);
+INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
+( name, grp, label, description, datatype, fm_class ) VALUES
+( 'ui.patron.edit.au.ident_value.require', 'gui',
+    oils_i18n_gettext('ui.patron.edit.au.ident_value.require',
+        'require ident_value field on patron registration',
+        'coust', 'label'),
+    oils_i18n_gettext('ui.patron.edit.au.ident_value.require',
+        'The ident_value field will be required on the patron registration screen.',
+        'coust', 'description'),
+    'bool', null);
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1184', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO permission.perm_list(id, code, description)
+    VALUES (618, 'CREATE_PRECAT', 'Allows user to create a pre-catalogued copy');
+-- Add this new permission to any group with Staff login perm.
+-- Manually remove if needed
+INSERT INTO permission.grp_perm_map(perm, grp, depth) SELECT 618, map.grp, 0 FROM permission.grp_perm_map AS map WHERE map.perm = 2;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1185', :eg_version); -- csharp / gmcharlt / jboyer
+ALTER FUNCTION permission.grp_descendants( INT ) STABLE;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1186', :eg_version);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vandelay.auto_overlay_org_unit_copies ( import_id BIGINT, merge_profile_id INT, lwm_ratio_value_p NUMERIC ) RETURNS BOOL AS $$
+    eg_id           BIGINT;
+    match_count     INT;
+    rec             vandelay.bib_match%ROWTYPE;
+    v_owning_lib    INT;
+    scope_org       INT;
+    scope_orgs      INT[];
+    copy_count      INT := 0;
+    max_copy_count  INT := 0;
+    PERFORM * FROM vandelay.queued_bib_record WHERE import_time IS NOT NULL AND id = import_id;
+        -- RAISE NOTICE 'already imported, cannot auto-overlay'
+        RETURN FALSE;
+    END IF;
+    -- Gather all the owning libs for our import items.
+    -- These are our initial scope_orgs.
+    SELECT ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT owning_lib) INTO scope_orgs
+        FROM vandelay.import_item
+        WHERE record = import_id;
+    WHILE CARDINALITY(scope_orgs) > 0 LOOP
+        FOR scope_org IN SELECT * FROM UNNEST(scope_orgs) LOOP
+            -- For each match, get a count of all copies at descendants of our scope org.
+            FOR rec IN SELECT * FROM vandelay.bib_match AS vbm
+                WHERE queued_record = import_id
+                ORDER BY vbm.eg_record DESC
+            LOOP
+                SELECT COUNT(acp.id) INTO copy_count
+                    FROM asset.copy AS acp
+                    INNER JOIN asset.call_number AS acn
+                        ON acp.call_number = acn.id
+                    WHERE acn.owning_lib IN (SELECT id FROM
+                        actor.org_unit_descendants(scope_org))
+                    AND acn.record = rec.eg_record
+                    AND acp.deleted = FALSE;
+                IF copy_count > max_copy_count THEN
+                    max_copy_count := copy_count;
+                    eg_id := rec.eg_record;
+                END IF;
+            END LOOP;
+        END LOOP;
+        -- If no matching bibs had holdings, gather our next set of orgs to check, and iterate.
+        IF max_copy_count = 0 THEN 
+            SELECT ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT parent_ou) INTO scope_orgs
+                FROM actor.org_unit
+                WHERE id IN (SELECT * FROM UNNEST(scope_orgs))
+                AND parent_ou IS NOT NULL;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+    IF eg_id IS NULL THEN
+        -- Could not determine best match via copy count
+        -- fall back to default best match
+        IF (SELECT * FROM vandelay.auto_overlay_bib_record_with_best( import_id, merge_profile_id, lwm_ratio_value_p )) THEN
+            RETURN TRUE;
+        ELSE
+            RETURN FALSE;
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+    RETURN vandelay.overlay_bib_record( import_id, eg_id, merge_profile_id );
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1187', :eg_version);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.age_circ_on_delete () RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
+found char := 'N';
+    -- If there are any renewals for this circulation, don't archive or delete
+    -- it yet.   We'll do so later, when we archive and delete the renewals.
+    SELECT 'Y' INTO found
+    FROM action.circulation
+    WHERE parent_circ = OLD.id
+    LIMIT 1;
+    IF found = 'Y' THEN
+        RETURN NULL;  -- don't delete
+    -- Archive a copy of the old row to action.aged_circulation
+    INSERT INTO action.aged_circulation
+        (id,usr_post_code, usr_home_ou, usr_profile, usr_birth_year, copy_call_number, copy_location,
+        copy_owning_lib, copy_circ_lib, copy_bib_record, xact_start, xact_finish, target_copy,
+        circ_lib, circ_staff, checkin_staff, checkin_lib, renewal_remaining, grace_period, due_date,
+        stop_fines_time, checkin_time, create_time, duration, fine_interval, recurring_fine,
+        max_fine, phone_renewal, desk_renewal, opac_renewal, duration_rule, recurring_fine_rule,
+        max_fine_rule, stop_fines, workstation, checkin_workstation, checkin_scan_time, parent_circ,
+        auto_renewal, auto_renewal_remaining)
+      SELECT
+        id,usr_post_code, usr_home_ou, usr_profile, usr_birth_year, copy_call_number, copy_location,
+        copy_owning_lib, copy_circ_lib, copy_bib_record, xact_start, xact_finish, target_copy,
+        circ_lib, circ_staff, checkin_staff, checkin_lib, renewal_remaining, grace_period, due_date,
+        stop_fines_time, checkin_time, create_time, duration, fine_interval, recurring_fine,
+        max_fine, phone_renewal, desk_renewal, opac_renewal, duration_rule, recurring_fine_rule,
+        max_fine_rule, stop_fines, workstation, checkin_workstation, checkin_scan_time, parent_circ,
+        auto_renewal, auto_renewal_remaining
+        FROM action.all_circulation WHERE id = OLD.id;
+$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1188', :eg_version);
+UPDATE action.circulation SET auto_renewal = FALSE WHERE auto_renewal IS NULL;
+UPDATE action.aged_circulation SET auto_renewal = FALSE WHERE auto_renewal IS NULL;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1189', :eg_version);
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW action.open_circulation AS
+	  FROM	action.circulation
+	  WHERE	checkin_time IS NULL
+	  ORDER BY due_date;
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW action.billable_circulations AS
+	  FROM	action.circulation
+	  WHERE	xact_finish IS NULL;
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW reporter.overdue_circs AS
+  FROM  "action".circulation
+  WHERE checkin_time is null
+        AND (stop_fines NOT IN ('LOST','CLAIMSRETURNED') OR stop_fines IS NULL)
+        AND due_date < now();
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW reporter.circ_type AS
+	CASE WHEN opac_renewal OR phone_renewal OR desk_renewal OR auto_renewal
+	END AS "type"
+  FROM	action.circulation;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1190', :eg_version);
+UPDATE action.circulation SET desk_renewal = FALSE WHERE auto_renewal IS TRUE;
+UPDATE action.aged_circulation SET desk_renewal = FALSE WHERE auto_renewal IS TRUE;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1191', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO permission.perm_list ( id, code, description ) SELECT DISTINCT
+  619,
+  oils_i18n_gettext(619,
+    'Allow a user to edit their own account in the staff client', 'ppl', 'description'
+  )
+  FROM permission.perm_list
+  WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM permission.perm_list WHERE code = 'EDIT_SELF_IN_CLIENT');
+-- The following two changes from 1188 cannot occur in a transaction with the
+-- above updates because we will get an error about not being able to
+-- alter a table with pending transactions.  They also need to occur
+-- after the above updates or the SET NOT NULL change will fail.
+ALTER TABLE action.circulation ALTER COLUMN auto_renewal SET DEFAULT FALSE;
+ALTER TABLE action.circulation ALTER COLUMN auto_renewal SET NOT NULL;
+ALTER TABLE action.aged_circulation ALTER COLUMN auto_renewal SET DEFAULT FALSE;
+ALTER TABLE action.aged_circulation ALTER COLUMN auto_renewal SET NOT NULL;
+-- Update auditor tables to catch changes to source tables.
+--   Can be removed/skipped if there were no schema changes.
+SELECT auditor.update_auditors();


Summary of changes:
 .../Pg/version-upgrade/3.3.3-3.4.0-upgrade-db.sql  | 880 +++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 880 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.3.3-3.4.0-upgrade-db.sql

Evergreen ILS

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