[Evergreen-dev] Debugging Relevancy sort and keyword search

Josh Stompro stomproj at gsuite.larl.org
Wed May 25 16:20:34 EDT 2022

Hello, does anyone know of a guide or have any tips on figuring out why a
relevancy ranked keyword search seems to be performing strangely?

I'm looking at the docs for the virtual index definitions

I went into the "All Searchable Fields" entry, and used the manage link to
see the virtual fields. And I see that I cranked up the weight for the
"Main Title" a few years ago.  But a keyword search for "Hotspot" is
showing titles with "Hotspot" in the 520 field before those that have it in
the title.

Even though the record with Hotspot in the title also has "Hotspot" in the
520 field.

If there is a way to see the search details on how the relevancy ranking is
calculated, maybe I can spot where I'm going wrong.

I'm wondering if I'm missing a step where I'm supposed to disable the non
virtual metabib fields for the keyword class as search fields, or something
like that?


[image: Company logo]
*Josh Stompro*
IT Director
stomproj at gsuite.larl.org | 218-233-3757 ext. 139 | 218-790-2110
*Lake Agassiz Regional Library *
118 5th ST S
Moorhead MN 56560
*Our mission is to enrich lives and strengthen communities.*
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