[Evergreen-dev] Struggling with title sorting

Ken Cox kenstir at gmail.com
Sat Jan 28 22:07:03 EST 2023

I am struggling to sort lists by title in the mobile app.  Can somebody
point me to the code where it happens, or explain how it's supposed to

I found code in misc_utils.tt2
and read up on MARC 245 ind2 non-filing characters, hooray!  I implemented
the logic and it doesn't match the OPAC, boo!

*Is this the right code in misc_utils.tt2

 275         # If the title has a "non-filing chaaracters"
 276         # (to logically remove leading "The " for example)
 277         # chop the title. Otherwise, chop until the first alphanumeric.
 278         # BTW: Template Toolkit folds 1-element arrays to scalars!
 279         title_node = xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="245"]');
 281         args.nonfiling_characters = title_node.findvalue('@ind2');
 283         IF (args.nonfiling_characters > 0);
 284              args.sort_title =
 285         ELSE;
 286              args.sort_title =
 287         END;

*small example*

My public list
the OPAC sorted by Title looks like this:

   1. "E" is for evidence
   2. L'événement = Happening
   3. "G" is for gumshoe

That looks right.  Logging from the app show why this sort is wrong:

item 4692942 has 2 non-filing chars: "L' événement = : Happening" -> "
item 3152814 has 0 non-filing chars: ""E" is for evidence" -> "E" IS FOR
item 3176781 has 0 non-filing chars: ""G" is for gumshoe" -> "G" IS FOR

The first item has a space after L' in the mvr record
and so skipping 2 chars sorts on the space.  Maybe this is an encoding
issue in the OSRF gateway?

Thanks for listening!
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