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Good day to you,<br>
Right here I provide all information you requested, plus, some supplementary info:<br>
<div dir="ltr">
<div>Evergreen 3.8.0 is now available for download from</div>
<div><a href="https://evergreen-ils.org/egdownloads/">https://evergreen-ils.org/egdownloads/</a></div>
<div> This is a major release with various new features and enhancements, including:</div>
* Angular rewrites of several staff interfaces:<br>
Acquisitions administration<br>
Holdings maintenance and item attributes editor<br>
Patron triggered events log<br>
Item triggered events log<br>
* A new option to make headings browsing case-insensitive<br>
* A new interface for editing notes that are attached to bibliographic records<br>
* Improvements to the staff interface for browsing bib records that are attached to a heading<br>
* Patron notes, messages, alert messages, and standing penalties have been folded into a consolidated notes interface.<br>
* New settings to control how the item price and acquisition cost are used to determine the item?s value for replacement<br>
* Improvements to the dialogs used to override events in the checkout, items out, and renew items interfaces<br>
* The patron photo URL can now be edited from the patron registration interface<br>
* New settings for hold stalling based on the pickup library<br>
* New settings for tuning the default pickup location that is applied when a hold request is placed by a staff member<br>
* Stripe credit payments in the public catalog now use a newer API recommended by Stripe<br>
* Cover images are now displayed in the My Account items checked out, check out history, holds, and holds history pages<br>
* New reporting views, including item statistics andDewey call number blocks and ranges<br>
Evergreen admins installing or upgrading to 3.8.0 should be be aware of the following:<br>
* The minimum version of PostgreSQL required to run Evergreen 3.6 is PostgreSQL 9.6.<br>
* The minimum version of OpenSRF is 3.2.<br>
* Debian Bullseye is now supported, while Debian Jessie is no longer supported<br>
<div>* The upgrade includes a step to regenerate search suggestions. If you had tested the 3.8 beta release, please note that this is a new step in the upgrade from 3.7.1.<br>
<div>* If you are experimenting with the case-insensitive browse feature, reingests will be required for any index that you change.</div>
Full release notes are available at<br>
<a href="https://evergreen-ils.org/documentation/release/RELEASE_NOTES_3_8.html">https://evergreen-ils.org/documentation/release/RELEASE_NOTES_3_8.html</a><br>
Sent on behalf of the 3.8 release team:<br>
Jason Boyer<br>
Galen Charlton<br>
Jason Etheridge<br>
Michele Morgan<br>
Galen Charlton<br>
Implementation and IT Manager<br>
Equinox Open Library Initiative<br>
<a href="https://www.equinoxOLI.org">https://www.equinoxOLI.org</a><br>
phone: 877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)<br>
direct: 770-709-5581</div>