[Evergreen-documentation] Can I get a doc review?

Blake Henderson blake at mobiusconsortium.org
Fri May 7 12:34:17 EDT 2021


Lynn and I are working on our presentation for the Evergreen conference 
and it dawned on us that we need better documentation on how to 
contribute documentation. We realize that there are some resources out 
there but all of those that we reviewed were decidedly hard to follow. 
And probably cause more people to turn away than to continue through :). 
Jane created a great video!
https://youtu.be/XiVjO_S0Y-s <https://youtu.be/XiVjO_S0Y-s>

That was helpful. I created an LP bug:


and subsequent branch:


I've staged the results of that branch on our "latest" documentation page:


(which has revived a need for a dev docs page where we can stage things 
like this away from the production documentation, to be continued..)

We discussed it briefly in our DIG meeting yesterday: 

I was hoping we could get a little feedback on that document before we 
merge to master?

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