[Evergreen-documentation] Database schema page

Blake Graham-Henderson blake at mobiusconsortium.org
Thu Apr 25 10:45:11 EDT 2024


I wasn't going to worry about the super old versions. Though, we could. 
And yes, we'd need to setup a version of postgres that more closely 
matches the version of Evergreen for it's time. Maybe it's reasonable to 
only worry about the versions of Evergreen that are available in our 
documentation site (it goes back to 3.6 which is when we implemented the 
Antora generator).

The nice thing is, we'd only need to do it once (hopefully). Whereas the 
newer versions of Evergreen would need to be refreshed each time the 
schema changes. Probably with each point release just to keep it frosty. 
Once a release is no longer supported, we can stop generating the HTML 
for it.

The disk usage is more considerable that I thought. The community 
documentation server has a 50GB disk. We'd need to ask for a dedicated 
schemaspy disk to be added to the VM. I'll ask around for that.

I think a dedicated index page would be needed to link everyone to the 
different versions of the schema. And that could live in a special 
folder on the web server.

I'm in the dev hackfest zoom meeting:


Conducting Magic
Will consume any data format

On 4/25/2024 7:47 AM, Josh Stompro wrote:
> Sounds good, let's talk today about it.
> When I ran schemaspy on a copy of our 3.11 production system, it 
> generated 600MB of data.  I'll try it on a freshly configured DB to 
> see if it is any smaller.
> git branch -a --list *origin/tags/rel_* |wc
> gives me 388 releases in git, but we probably just want the latest for 
> each version... any maybe just do 2.0 and greater, which is 26 
> releases, 15GB of data.
> I wonder if we will run into issues with Postgresql versions?  I know 
> older EG releases won't install on PG14+ in some cases.  So we may 
> need to map PG versions to EG releases and keep that up to date?  
> Maybe we can parse that out of the Readme, looking for "minimum 
> supported" and "PostgreSQL \d+" near each other.
> Josh
> On Wed, Apr 24, 2024, 5:00 PM Blake Graham-Henderson 
> <blake at mobiusconsortium.org> wrote:
>     Josh,
>     I'm glad you saw this thread and brought it back up! I do see a
>     way forward using schemaspy. If you want to pick this up, I think
>     we'd appreciate some code that can automate the generation of the
>     HTML. Using a postgres server paired with the Evergreen git repo.
>     The missing link is the code to bring the git branch to a specific
>     version, install the Evergreen database onto the postgres server,
>     then execute the signalspy code. And the output of that would then
>     need to be injected into a page somewhere. The last piece of
>     getting a pointer to the entry html page will require permissions
>     on the docs server. We can put our heads together and I'm sure we
>     can get it worked out!
>     Maybe at the hackfest tomorrow!?
>     -Blake-
>     Conducting Magic
>     Will consume any data format
>     MOBIUS
>     On 4/24/2024 4:43 PM, Josh Stompro wrote:
>>     Hello Blake, I'm curious if you want help with this?  I've been
>>     missing the old autodoc based database schema and was just going
>>     to volunteer to try and help get that going again, but saw this
>>     email about a new version.
>>     I was also looking at https://dbdocs.io/ which has nice output,
>>     but I think that is a cloud provider that hosts the output which
>>     may not be what we are looking for.
>>     It would also be nice to have links in the Database Schema Map
>>     section of olddocs.evergreen-ils.org
>>     <http://olddocs.evergreen-ils.org> updated with a 3.10 link to
>>     Michele's work at
>>     https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=newdevs:db:schemas:3.10_schma
>>     , but I think I'm just used to going there to find it... I need
>>     to retrain to go to the old docs section...
>>     https://docs.evergreen-ils.org/docs/latest/appendix/previous_docs.html
>>     I tried out schemaspy and it seems pretty nice. It displays
>>     comments, and the relationship diagrams are fun.
>>     image.png
>>     On Mon, Jan 1, 2024 at 2:12 PM Blake Henderson via
>>     Evergreen-documentation
>>     <evergreen-documentation at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:
>>         All,
>>         I was thinking about baking in an autogenerated PG browsable
>>         schema using Schemaspy.
>>         https://schemaspy.org/samples/epivirusurf/
>>         I saw it a few years ago and I tucked that in the back of my
>>         mind to setup a way to have our documentation server contain
>>         a section for all versions of Evergreen's Database schema.
>>         With a bit of elbow grease, we could loop through each git
>>         branch and generate Evergreen schema pages going back to 2.0.
>>         Plus have a nightly build of current main, like we do for our
>>         Antora docs.
>>         Which occurred to me after we adopted Antora - seeing that we
>>         lost a couple of our features: database details, downloadable
>>         PDF version of the docs.
>>         Of course, I haven't done anything! But I did create that
>>         Perl script
>>         <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=blob;f=Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/make_concerto_from_evergreen_db.pl;h=e7d6159fcddc8541fa6676e0e87ef9e715bfff27;hb=refs/heads/main>
>>         to make it easier to create blank installations of the
>>         Evergreen database on a PG server, which would be useful for
>>         this automation.
>>         -Blake-
>>         Conducting Magic
>>         Can consume data in any format
>>         MOBIUS
>>         On 12/28/2023 2:06 PM, Terran McCanna via
>>         Evergreen-documentation wrote:
>>>         Thanik you!!
>>>         Terran McCanna, PINES Program Manager
>>>         ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>         Georgia Public Library Service | University System of Georgia
>>>         2872 Woodcock Blvd, Suite 250 l Atlanta, GA 30341
>>>         (404) 235-7138| tmccanna at georgialibraries.org
>>>         http://help.georgialibraries.org | help at georgialibraries.org
>>>         <https://www.facebook.com/georgialibraries><https://www.twitter.com/georgialibs><https://www.instagram.com/georgialibraries/><https://www.twitter.com/georgialibs>
>>>         Join our email list <http://georgialibraries.org>for stories
>>>         of Georgia libraries making an impact in our communities.
>>>         On Thu, Dec 28, 2023 at 2:54 PM Andrea Buntz Neiman via
>>>         Evergreen-documentation
>>>         <evergreen-documentation at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:
>>>             I updated the 3.2 link on the newdevs page, and I'll put
>>>             links in for the 3.2 and 3.10 schemas on the
>>>             previous docs
>>>             <https://docs.evergreen-ils.org/docs/latest/appendix/previous_docs.html>
>>>             page.
>>>             (and thank you, Michele, for the updated schema!)
>>>             On Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 9:25 AM Tiffany Little via
>>>             Evergreen-documentation
>>>             <evergreen-documentation at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:
>>>                 That's perfect, thank you Michele!!
>>>                 Tiffany Little, PINES Bibliographic Projects Manager
>>>                 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>                 Georgia Public Library Service
>>>                 2872 Woodcock Blvd, Suite 250 | Atlanta, GA 30341
>>>                 (404) 235-7161 | tlittle at georgialibraries.org
>>>                 Join our email list
>>>                 <http://georgialibraries.org/>for stories of Georgia
>>>                 libraries making an impact in our communities.
>>>                 On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 8:59 AM Morgan, Michele
>>>                 <mmorgan at noblenet.org> wrote:
>>>                     Hi Tiffany,
>>>                     There's a database schema section on the New
>>>                     Devs page with a link to those schemas:
>>>                     https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=newdevs:db:schemas
>>>                     There's also a 3.10 schema there which was part
>>>                     of my tuit challenge from the conference. 🍪🙂
>>>                     Hope this helps!
>>>                     Michele
>>>                     --
>>>                     Michele M. Morgan, Systems Support Specialist
>>>                     North of Boston Library Exchange, Danvers
>>>                     Massachusetts
>>>                     mmorgan at noblenet.org <mailto:mmorgan at noblenet.org>
>>>                     On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 8:48 AM Tiffany Little
>>>                     via Evergreen-documentation
>>>                     <evergreen-documentation at list.evergreen-ils.org>
>>>                     wrote:
>>>                         Good morning,
>>>                         Since the docs got moved last month(?), I'm
>>>                         not able to find the old database schema
>>>                         pages that we had. (Although they were
>>>                         admittedly outdated, like 3.2 or something.)
>>>                         I actually did use those--can someone point
>>>                         me to where they're at now?
>>>                         Thanks!
>>>                         Tiffany
>>>                         Tiffany Little, PINES Bibliographic Projects
>>>                         Manager
>>>                         ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>                         Georgia Public Library Service
>>>                         2872 Woodcock Blvd, Suite 250 | Atlanta, GA
>>>                         30341
>>>                         (404) 235-7161 | tlittle at georgialibraries.org
>>>                         Join our email list
>>>                         <http://georgialibraries.org/>for stories of
>>>                         Georgia libraries making an impact in our
>>>                         communities.
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>>>                 Evergreen-documentation at list.evergreen-ils.org
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>>>             -- 
>>>             Andrea Buntz Neiman, MLS
>>>             Project Manager for Software Development | Product
>>>             Specialist
>>>             Equinox Open Library Initiative
>>>             abneiman at equinoxOLI.org <mailto:abneiman at equinoxoli.org>
>>>             1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
>>>             Direct: 770-709-5583
>>>             _https://www.equinoxOLI.org/ <https://www.equinoxOLI.org/>_
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