[Evergreen-general] Student Success Interest Group: Email, Survey, Conference

Thomsen, Elizabeth et at noblenet.org
Mon May 17 12:13:42 EDT 2021

If you work for school or academic library, or for a consortium that
includes school or academic libraries, you're welcome to participate in the
Evergreen Student Success Interest Group!

You can join our email list here: Eg-student-success

We have a group page that includes a list of Current Priorities and
Additional Areas of Interest: Evergreen Student Success Interest Group
This information was compiled quite a while ago, and needs updating, more
information and new ideas.    I've set up a survey here to help us collect
some ideas:  Evergreen Student Success Survey

Feel free to enter any ideas related to Evergreen and student success --
they don't necessarily need to be software enhancements.  There are spaces
for five ideas, and if you need more, you can fill this out more than

And we hope you'll join us for the Evergreen Student Success Interest Group
meeting at the Evergreen Conference
week!   We're meeting Wednesday, May 26, 12 pm, Track 1.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Elizabeth B. Thomsen
Member Services Manager
NOBLE: North of Boston Library Exchange
Danvers, Mass.
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