[Evergreen-general] Printing Barcodes for Library Cards in Evergreen

Jess Serrenti jserrenti at albright.org
Tue Apr 25 11:43:05 EDT 2023

Hello Everyone,

Has anyone had success in scripting a receipt template so that a patron's library card number will print as a scannable barcode? My library used to be able to do this for patrons who forgot to bring their physical card and needed to use a computer. However, the receipt only prints the full number anymore For privacy reasons, we don't want to keep printing the card numbers.

I currently use the Patron Address print template and format it to say the following below. The line highlighted in yellow is where we'd tell the code to print the barcode, but it unfortunately does not work anymore. I did try following this tutorial from the Evergreen Wikipage (https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=scratchpad:barcode_font&s[]=barcode<https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=scratchpad:barcode_font&s%5b%5d=barcode>), but had the same problem.

Template for printing a patron address. Fields include:

* first_given_name
* second_given_name
* family_name
* address.street1
* address.street2
* address.city
* address.state
* address.post_code

<center>Lackawanna County Library System<br>
<b>Temporary Slip</b><br></center>

Library Card Number:  {{patron.card.barcode}}
<br>Barcode: <div style= "font-family: 'Code-Codabar'; font-size: 50px" >B{{patron.card.barcode}}D</div>
New:_______ Temporary: _______<br>
New users can use the library computers and are allowed 1 item until they receive cards in the mail.
<div>Today's Date:   {{today | date:'M/d/yyyy'}}</div>

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Jessica Serrenti
Head of IT & Digital Services
Scranton Public Library
Lackawanna County Library System
500 Vine Street
Scranton, PA 18509
Phone: (570) 795-4332
Cell: (570) 871-0187
jserrenti at albright.org<mailto:jserrenti at albright.org>

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