[Evergreen-general] spine label line breaks

Inge Kokidko ikokidko at pcpls.org
Tue Sep 5 15:59:49 EDT 2023

Hello, we have some major collection projects that are dependent on what we
can or can’t do with our spine labels. The Evergreen Indiana state
consortium has been unable to help us, and we got in trouble last time we
tried to contract Equinox for help, so I really hope someone here can point
us in the right direction.

We are unsure how to modify spine label templates to accomplish the
following (or if it is even possible):

   1. create line breaks on “forward slash” (instead of “space”) to
   accommodate BISAC call numbers
   2. limit the total length of any of those lines to 28 characters.

For example, if the call number field is populated with:

> TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Drafting & Mechanical Drawing

We want it to print like this:

> Drafting & Mechanical Drawin

Please note the final "g" is cut off from "drawing" because it was the 29th

This is our current template:

> {{
>     [
>          get_cn_and_location_prefix(copy)
>         ,copy['call_number.label']
>     ]
>     |
> cn_wrap:settings['webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_width']:settings['webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_height']:copy['call_number.label_class']
> }}
> </pre>

I'm not a developer, but I'm willing to try and learn or dabble but I don’t
even know where to start. What is the code that is used? Is there an online
dictionary or syntax help that I can explore? I didn't see anything in the
Evergreen documentation that was helpful.

We are also willing to consider using the “pocket label” *as *the “spine
label”, as a last-ditch effort, if the code for that is more accommodating
to what we are trying to do. The downside is that we can’t modify the spine
labels on the fly.

The outcome of this is a major bottleneck for a spine label retrofit we
would like to start work on. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Schedule a meeting with me! <https://calendar.app.google/KPqX4WkCKrH2LTak8>

Inge Kokidko (She/Her)
Associate Director of Support Services
Porter County Public Library System
103 Jefferson St.
Valparaiso, IN 46383
219-462-0524 x35111
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