[Evergreen-general] Upcoming development projects from NOBLE

Lussier, Kathy klussier at noblenet.org
Tue Dec 3 09:38:56 EST 2024

Hi all,

NOBLE is sponsoring a couple of development projects for the Angular staff
catalog. We are sharing our development requirements to get community
feedback before we move forward with coding.

1. Adding support for hold groups in the Angular staff catalog
<https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1918183>. I just want to verify
that nobody else is working on this before moving forward.

2. Adding the ability to easily customize which fields display on the
search results page and "Staff view" tab. This project will also add the
ability to truncate some fields to a specific character length, to limit
the number of subject, author, title and genre fields that display, and to
provide a toggle to expand and contract these fields.

The ability to truncate fields with a "Read More" link is something NOBLE
libraries frequently used in the template toolkit catalog. We include the
520 summary notes field in our search results,  but the display becomes
unwieldy if we don't have a method for limiting the number of characters.

Here are the requirements for the display/truncate project
here is a document with some sample displays
showing how this development would work.

If you have any questions, concerns or other feedback on these projects,
let me know.

Thank you!
Kathy Lussier
Executive Director
NOBLE: North of Boston Library Exchange
Danvers, MA
978-777-8844 x201
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