[Evergreen-general] The Evergreen Project Board: Call for Nominations

Jeanette Lundgren jlundgren at cwmars.org
Mon Feb 3 15:19:52 EST 2025

 <https://forms.gle/f7shkbDzxZEqspAq7>The Evergreen Project Board
nomination process is underway!

We need to *fill five (5) open positions*, three are for three-year terms
and two are for a one-year term that will complete the term of seats being
vacated early.

Any individual who has contributed to the Evergreen open-source ILS
community or is employed by an institution that uses the Evergreen ILS is
eligible to be nominated as a candidate for an Evergreen Project Board
seat. The deadline for nominations is 11:59pm EST on Monday, February 24,

You may nominate another person or nominate yourself by filling out the
form at
. Self-nominations *are encouraged*.

Information about the Board and what it does for the community can be found
on the governance page: https://evergreen-ils.org/governance/

Please feel free to contact me or any other member of the Board if you have
any questions about serving on the board or about the nomination process.

Thank you,
Jeanette (on behalf of the Evergreen Project Board)


Jeanette Lundgren (she/her/hers)
Executive Director, C/W MARS, Inc.


[image: icon] jlundgren at cwmars.org | [image: icon]www.cwmars.org

[image: icon] 508-755-3323 x 120
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