[Evergreen-general] Create Invoice "Legacy" option in Evergreen 3.14.1

Beth Fogler beth.fogler at asburyseminary.edu
Thu Feb 6 16:04:40 EST 2025

Hello all.

I am trying to create an invoice in Evergreen 3.14.1. The invoice is for an
item not on a PO, which was an option in our last iteration of Evergreen.
The new create invoice option doesn't seem to want to let me do what is

However, and this is my question - I see that there is another option that
I am familiar with, listed under the Acquisitions drop-down menu as:

Acquisitions > Create Invoice (Legacy)

I'm not sure what it means to have this legacy option. Can I use it and it
will feed the data into the current, updated Evergreen 3.14.1?

Thanks for any clarification!

Beth Fogler
Acquisitions Librarian
LITS Library, Information, and Technology Services
Asbury Theological Seminary
204 N Lexington AVE
Wilmore KY 40390
<beth.fogler at asburyseminary.edu>beth.fogler at asburyseminary.edu
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