[Evergreen-general] Integration developer wanted

Robert Klaus rklaus at unique-mgmt.com
Wed Jan 8 10:17:07 EST 2025

Hello -

Unique Management Services provides a range of different communication services to libraries across the US and Canada.  We are currently seeking a contract developer to assist in the creation of some scripts that would allow some of our services to be better integrated with the Evergreen ILS. These initial projects are relatively small in scope, though likely there will be future projects.  The work would likely necessitate some understanding of both system administration in addition to Evergreen core technology.  If you are interested in learning more about these projects, please email me (rob at unique-mgmt.com<mailto:rob at unique-mgmt.com>) and I can provide you with some details.

Thank you!

Unique Management Services
rob at unique-mgmt.com<mailto:rob at unique-mgmt.com>

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