[Evergreen-general] Authorities Working Group -- Poll for Meeting Times

Jennifer Weston jennifer.weston at equinoxoli.org
Thu Jan 16 07:00:00 EST 2025

Please see the links to two polls below for the Authorities Working Group.

Even if you have not attended a meeting but are interested in doing so in
the future, we would like your input!  Please respond by the end of the day
on Tuesday, Jan 21.

*Poll #1:  For January meeting date*

*Poll #2: For regular monthly meeting date/time*

Please let me know if you have trouble accessing the polls or if you have
any questions at all about the Authorities Working Group.

Best regards,
on behalf of the AWG


Jennifer Weston, MLIS

Product and Education Manager | Assistant Operations Manager

Equinox Open Library Initiative

*jennifer.weston at equinoxOLI.org <jennifer.weston at equinoxOLI.org>*

1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)

direct: 770-709-5574

*www.equinoxOLI.org <http://www.equinoxOLI.org>*
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