[Evergreen-governance-l] FW: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Details of fiscal sponsorship agreement for Evergreen & Conservancy

Amy Terlaga terlaga at biblio.org
Mon Dec 13 15:57:14 EST 2010

Wait, I'm sorry, but what is supposed to be the date of this month's 

Lastly, A couple of folks have let me know that they will be away next week and unable to attend our regularly scheduled phone conference. Can I get a virtual show of hands for who will/will not be available? If we change the meeting, do we need to move it up to this week or wait until January?

For some reason I had tomorrow down ... (which I was going to miss)


Amy Terlaga
Assistant Director, User Services
32 Crest Road
Middlebury, CT  06762
(203)577-4070 x101

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On 12/13/2010 3:49 PM, McKinney, Elizabeth wrote:
> Lastly, A couple of folks have let me know that they will be away next week and unable to attend our regularly scheduled phone conference. Can I get a virtual show of hands for who will/will not be available? If we change the meeting, do we need to move it up to this week or wait until January?

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