[evergreen-outreach] Looking for volunteers to help with acknowledgement program

Kathy Lussier klussier at masslnc.org
Wed Sep 5 16:30:53 EDT 2018

Hi all!

During the past couple of Outreach Committee meetings, we have talked about
a program to regularly acknowledge Evergreen people who have contributed to
the community in different ways. Andrea Buntz Neiman has taken the lead on
this project and is working on creating the process for receiving
nominations and selecting the people who will be acknowledged.

We are looking for a couple of volunteers who could help out with this
project. You don't have to be an Outreach Committee member to volunteer.
This would be a great opportunity for those who are looking for ways to
contribute to the Evergreen project.

If anyone is interested in helping out, feel free to send an email to
Andrea at abneiman at equinoxinitiative.org.


Kathy Lussier
Project Coordinator
Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
(508) 343-0128klussier at masslnc.org
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