[evergreen-outreach] Contributor of the Month

Andrea Buntz Neiman abneiman at equinoxinitiative.org
Fri Jan 18 17:05:49 EST 2019

For January, this is Chris Sharp.  Draft blog post is here

(Apologies for dropping this at 5pm the Friday before a holiday weekend,
but it is what it is)

Please send any feedback/corrections by Wednesday January 23 at noon EST.
I will plan to publish the blog post Wednesday afternoon.

Thank you,

Andrea Buntz Neiman
Project Manager for Software Development
Equinox Open Library Initiative
abneiman at equinoxinitiative.org
1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457) x5583
*www.equinoxinitiative.org <http://www.equinoxinitiative.org>*
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